Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1947 He is no longer human

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The youth in the green robe looked startled, he lowered his head to see where the bleeding was, but instead pulled the wound, and the blood flowed more and more.

He drew his sword and slashed at the woman just now. Although he didn't mean to kill her, he still had the idea of ​​teaching him a lesson.

However, this result made him completely unacceptable, even beyond the scope of his understanding, and he did not recover for a long time.

Although he claims that his swordsmanship is not the best in the world, he is also one of the fastest swordsmen in the world, and he will never be able to block his sword with more than a slap.

His sword just used only three successes. It's not that he underestimated Ah Jiu, but he felt that the three successes were enough, and no one could stop him.

In fact, the sword light flashed, and the person who finally hit the sword was himself.

This made him unacceptable.

The youth in the green robe didn't even see clearly how Jianguang turned and how it hit his neck.

If it weren't for the fact that the master gave him a protective aura when he left the world, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

"This is... blood?"

The youth in the green robe stretched out his hand and touched his neck, and when he looked again, his palm was full of blood, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "You two are definitely dead today."

Ah Jiu felt that the person in front of him was a little weird, turned her head and asked Xia Tian softly, "What's the matter with this person?"

"I'm a cultivator, but my cultivation is not high, and I don't even have a golden core."

Xia Tian yawned lazily, "But he has a protective layer of spiritual energy on the outside of his body, which should be blessed by a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul."

When the youth in the green robe heard Xia Xia's words, he couldn't help grinning: "It seems that you are also immortal cultivators. I don't know which sect and which Dongtian you two are from?"

"We have no family, no faction, and nothing..." Xia Xia replied lazily, "I'm not the same as you, don't think about getting too close."

"It turned out to be loose cultivation. Master once taught me that loose cultivation is not easy and needs to be treated kindly."

The youth in the green robe said sarcastically: "Well, what happened today is a misunderstanding.

This young master can take this woman as a concubine and pass on her superior double cultivation secret technique. .

As for you, as a make-up hall, I can recommend you to join us in Wanlongdongtian, and step into the small fairyland from now on, so as not to waste time and wasted time in this world where spiritual energy is thin. "

"Wanlong Cave Heaven?

Little fairyland?

What the hell is this? "

Ah Jiu listened to these two very unfamiliar words with a puzzled look on her face: "Is this guy okay with his brain?"

Xia Xia smiled: "There must be a problem, because he may not have a brain at all."

"Don't give your face shameless!"

The youth in the green robe changed his face, and said coldly: "It's just a mere cultivator, I really think you guys are so powerful, and in front of Wanlong Dongtian, you're nothing but ants.

If it wasn't for this young master being bored, he would have killed you all at will, why would he be talking nonsense with you here.

If it is too late, if this young master is not happy, you will all die here. "

"It just so happens that we are too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Ah Jiu glared at the young robed youth unhappily, "It doesn't matter who you are and where you came from, it's still too late to go back now, otherwise, the only person who died here will be you."

"Sure enough, I don't know how high the sky is, and I really feel like a cultivator after a little surgery?"

The youth in the green robe snorted coldly, raised his hands left and right, and suddenly the vast ocean rolled up thousands of feet of huge waves, rushing over from all directions.

"Is this the so-called magic power?"

Ah Jiu was really taken aback when she saw this. It was the first time she had seen this kind of method.

She knew about the existence of immortal cultivators for a long time, and even with the help of Xia Xia, she directly achieved the perfect cultivation of the foundation-building stage, but she has not felt much. The corresponding magic power is equivalent to having the treasure mountain but not having the key to open the mountain gate.

As for the summer, when the previous cultivation base was at its highest, it reached the transcendence period, and the spiritual energy in the body formed a circle of its own, which could be described as a steady stream.

But he didn't have much interest in the so-called magic powers.

Seeing this situation in the summer, he didn't have much reaction: "Many of this kind of tricks are just too good to be true."

"It shouldn't be an illusion."

Ah Jiu asked worriedly.

Xia Tian shook his head: "No, but don't worry.

Nine girls, with your current strength, this kind of scene actually can't help you. "

"Really, why don't I feel anything at all."

Ah Jiu didn't have the self-consciousness of being an immortal cultivator, but felt that she couldn't hold this scene at all, "You can use it as soon as you can, I don't want to be drowned by sea water."

"Actually, there is a simple way."

Xia Xia yawned lazily, and pointed at the young robed youth, "No matter what magical powers are, someone is driving them. As long as this person is killed, all problems will be solved naturally."

Ah Jiu thought this was good, and she jumped up and ran towards the young robed boy.

"Do you still want to compete with me in martial arts?"

The youth in the green robe grinned, then returned the sword to its sheath and placed it

A starting gesture: "Then let you see the horror of Wanlongdongtian!"

Ah Jiu's skills were good in the past, but her strength was not enough. Now, after Xia Xia's cleansing, her fists and feet are not what they used to be.

However, the young robed youth in front of him was like an unpredictable prophet, always able to evade Ah Jiu's attacks at critical moments.

"The speed and power are impressive."

The youth in the green robe seemed to be interested, playing a little happily, and commented a word or two casually: "Unfortunately, your fists and feet are unorganized, it seems that you do not have a sect inheritance.

This young master asks you one last time, are you willing to be my concubine? "

"I'll be your mother!"

Ah Jiu cursed back in anger.

The youth in the green robe was completely impatient, and couldn't help but spit: "Damn, if you don't know what's good or bad, then you go to death."

"You're just going to die."

As soon as Ah Jiu finished speaking, she suddenly felt her body tighten, as if she couldn't move.

At this time, the monstrous waves had already arrived in front of them, turned into dozens of huge water dragons, and slammed down.


The water splashed violently, and after a few seconds, the sea returned to calm, and Xia Xia and Ah Jiu, as well as the mattress and the mysterious man who had been harmed by the cathode pill, disappeared.

"Ha, I'm happy, it's finally a little cool."

Seeing the scene in front of him, the young man in green robe clapped his hands and laughed until his waist bent, "Dare to challenge Liang Beichen with me, I don't know whether to live or die, but it's a pity that that woman is indeed a rare quality in the world."

"You really don't know how to live or die."

At this time, a lazy voice sounded in the air.

Hearing this voice, the youth in the green robe immediately turned pale. He turned his head to look, only to find that Xia Xia and Ah Jiu appeared on his bamboo raft at some point, and even the man who was attacked by the negative ball was also there.

"How could you, how could you escape my four-symptom water dragon technique!"

The youth in green robe pointed at Xia Xia and asked in astonishment, "There should be no flaws in my spell. How did you escape?"

"It doesn't need any flaws at all."

Xia Xia said lazily: "No matter what spells or formations are used, it is impossible for those who use them to put themselves in danger, so wherever you are, there will be no danger at all.

This truth is not very simple, only an idiot would not know. "

A Jiuqiao blushed slightly, this dead hooligan clearly mocked her too.

"You are definitely not as simple as a loose cultivator."

At this time, the youth in the green robe finally looked at Xia Xia squarely, "Tell me, what school or faction did you learn from or from Dongtian?"

Xia Xia really thought about it carefully, and then said: "Speaking of which, I don't have a sect, but a few of my wives do have a sect.

The immortal elder sister and the queen's wife are from the Xianmen, and the long-legged sister is from the sun and the moon. "

"The Misty Immortal Gate?

Sun Moon Immortal Gate? "

The youth in the green robe frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "There are no two schools in the second school, three schools, four schools, five caves and six blessings. You are clearly playing with me?"

Xia Xia glared at the man, and said angrily, "I'm talking about Xianyun Continent, what kind of small fairyland, I've never heard of it, and I'm still talking nonsense, Huaiying, you idiot."

"Since the two don't want to be frank with each other, then forget it."

The youth in green robe stood with his arms folded, and said coldly, "I still have something to do. I don't have time to mess around with you here. I'll let you go this time. Let's go."

Ah Jiu laughed in anger and couldn't help but said: "You say child, do you have a bad memory or a bad brain? You were going to beat us and kill us just now, and now you say let us go, you really take us Is it a muddy Bodhisattva who is easy to bully?"

"Why, don't you dare to take action against me?"

The youth in the green robe snorted coldly, "I'm a disciple of Wanlong Dongtian. Even if you dare to be disrespectful to me, you, including your family, will be doomed."

Bang! "What's not to dare."

Xia Xia yawned lazily, then lightly raised his foot and kicked the youth in the green robe.

The youth in the green robe was full of contempt in his heart: "The speed is so slow, and I still want to kick the young master of Nakamoto.

Before the word "Tan" was finished, the youth in the green robe rose into the air like a football that had been violently volleyed, and disappeared without a trace in less than half a second.

Ah Jiu looked at the pitch-black sky and sea level, and suddenly felt a little tired in her heart. When she lowered her eyebrows, she saw the person who had been smeared with cathode pellets, and she couldn't help but ask, "How to deal with this person?"

"Ninth girl, you don't care what he does, just throw it into the sea."

Summer said casually.

"Nonsense, he's not dead yet."

Ah Jiu is also a doctor. Of course, she knew that the person's heartbeat and breathing were weak, but they had not stopped. She couldn't turn a blind eye. "If you can save him, save him. No matter what, it's a life."

Xia Xia replied at this time: "Nine girl, he doesn't need to save him, but saving him will harm him instead."

"What's the meaning?"

Ah Jiu didn't understand.

"Because he's not human anymore."

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