Flower Master in the City

Chapter 1948 You can fly beautifully if you want

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com


The shadow man suddenly jumped and screamed on the bamboo raft, his voice was shrill and his movements were strange.

Ah Jiu couldn't help but said to Xia Xia, "I don't care if he is human or not, at least make him less painful."

"He shouldn't feel anything now." Xia Xia said casually: "Whether it's pain or happiness or any other emotion, it doesn't exist in him."

"It would be nonsense. If it wasn't painful, why did he scream so badly?" Ah Jiu felt that there was something wrong with Xia Xia's logic. "And when did you study philosophy?"

"Philosophy? What kind of game is that?" Xia Xia felt that there was something wrong with Ah Jiu's words: "Nine girls, people don't only cry because of pain, sometimes they cry when they are happy, and they also cry when they are excited. You should know that. At night..."

"Shut up, I don't know!" A Jiu glared at Xia Xia fiercely, this dead rogue really started talking without saying a word, "Come on, my acupuncture has no effect on him, you go Let him...be quiet."

Xia Xia still listened to Ah Jiu's words, and stabbed the monster who was barely a person at will.

The monster really quieted down, neither screaming nor jumping, but just slumped on the bamboo raft, looking at the pitch-black sky.

Gradually, the black shadow on his body disappeared, like a low tide, and slowly shrank back into his body, revealing his true colors, but there was still black mucus remaining on the surface of his body.

Ah Jiu looked at this man's face and said with some doubts, "Have we met this man somewhere?"

"Should have seen it, but it doesn't matter." Xia Xia is not blind, but has a very good memory, but he never pays too much attention to irrelevant people. "Then what is he now, human or some other creature? Alive or dead?" Ah Jiu didn't bother about who this person was, but was still a little concerned about his current state, "I've never seen this before. kind of... this kind of situation, he

What is the negative electrode pill that they are talking about, it is really scary to harm people like this. Xia Xia stepped forward to look at the man, and then replied: "The negative electrode pill, I seem to have heard it from the master before, it is indeed used by an evil sect to harm people. Generally speaking, it can carry the spirit of others, which is the so-called life.

Life force is for one's own use. But if there is no object of application, this kind of thing will backfire on itself, and then hang directly. "

"Then why didn't he die?" Ah Jiu asked with some doubts.

Xia Xia replied casually: "His life is big, there is no other explanation other than this."

"Your explanation is the same as if you didn't." Ah Jiu felt that Xia Xia was talking nonsense, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no other reason to make sense.

"You two, have you seen my junior brother?" At this time, a man in a white robe suddenly appeared in front of Xia Xia and Ah Jiu and asked softly.

Ah Jiu's heart froze, feeling that this person had an unfathomable aura, and subconsciously asked, "What does your junior brother look like?"

"Yes, it's a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a blue robe, with sharp eyebrows..." After speaking, the man in the white robe looked down at the bamboo raft, "Also riding on the bamboo raft, have you met?"

"Sure enough, it's that kid." A Jiu immediately thought of the youth in green robe who was kicked away by Xia Xia just now. It seems that the kid did not act alone, and the strength of the person in front of him is obviously much higher than that of the kid just now. This is a bit tricky. .

Based on the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing, Ah Jiu planned to perfunctory first, coax this person away and say, "I'm sorry, we didn't meet your teacher..."

"The idiot you mentioned has already been kicked away by me." Xia Xia lazily stretched his finger in one direction: "You look for it here, I guess you haven't found it yet, as for whether he is dead or not, it depends on his fate. Not much."

Ah Jiu turned her head and glared at Xia Xia fiercely, and said in a low voice, "Can you stop talking and make trouble?"

"Nine girls, what's the trouble with this." Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "It's a big deal to beat this idiot."

Ah Jiu is completely speechless, this is the logic of Xia Xia’s actions, although it sounds like it is right, in fact, it is completely arrogant. Who will be like a bear child with excess hormones in life, always thinking about who will fly who will fly who will fly. .

"What did you just say?" The white-robed man's eyes narrowed, and a huge breath spread out immediately, and Taishan seemed to cover Xia Xia and Ah Jiu in it. "Didn't you already hear it clearly, what kind of nonsense are you pretending to be here?" Xia Xia still looked casual, and said with a smile: "Your junior brother has already been kicked into an eunuch by me, if you are a little later If so, it is estimated that

He will also become dead. "The white-robed man naturally doesn't believe Xia Xia's words. In his opinion, Xia Xia is just an ordinary person, with an unremarkable appearance and no aura fluctuations in her body, but the woman beside him looks a bit like a cultivator, but it's just like that." A true immortal cultivator needs to breathe out spiritual energy every day, and his body will involuntarily show a unique temperament, which is the so-called immortal demeanor. Liang Beichen is the most outstanding disciple of the new generation in the sect. foundation,

He has a promising future, how could he be kicked by an ordinary person in the mundane world, and this kid in front of him is 100% bragging.

It's just that the white-robed man was a little unhappy when he heard Xia Xia's words. It was the first time he had encountered such an insane worldly person that he dared to speak to him in such a tone of voice.

After thinking about it again, it is precisely because the other party is an ordinary person in the secular world that he is so reckless and does not know the sky.

Thick, he is a bit naive to be a dignified immortal cultivator to be angry with mortals.

Ah Jiu also said at this time, "He didn't do it on purpose, it was your junior brother who provoked us first."

"I did it on purpose." Xia Xia said lazily: "A woman who dares to molest me will either become a eunuch or a dead person, there will be no exceptions."

The white-robed man looked at Xia Xia with cold eyes for a long time, and suddenly sneered and said to himself: "What do I care about with you secular people, Junior Brother Liang must be naughty again, where did he go to make a fool of himself."

After speaking, he jumped, turned into a long rainbow and fled into the distance, and disappeared without a trace in a short while.

"This man looks very powerful, he can actually fly." Ah Jiu said with envy, looking at the direction in which the white-robed man was heading away.

Xia Tian pouted and said disapprovingly, "It's no big deal, so can I."

"You can, but the way you fly is not at all aesthetic." Ah Jiu said with disgust.

"Fly and fly, why do you want beauty?" Xia Xia didn't understand, "As long as the speed is fast."

Ah Jiu felt that a straight man is a straight man, and did not understand the key point at all.

"Actually, you can fly beautifully if you want." Xia Xia thought about it, and then said: "There are several kinds of fancy-looking movements in the Xianxianmen, and the long-legged girl is also close to the world. If you like it, I can teach you."

Ah Jiu did have a heartbeat for a second or two, but soon lost interest: "Let's think about how to solve the current problem first, in this vast sea, when are we going to float on this broken bamboo raft?"

"Nine girls, you don't have to worry about this issue." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Someone will come to pick us up soon."

"Did you have plans?" Ah Jiu looked at Xia Xia in confusion, "This is not like your usual style."

Xia Tian shook his head: "I have no arrangements, but others have arrangements."

"Who?" A Jiu asked back, "You don't really think Ying Xiaoyue would care about you so much?"

"She doesn't care about me, she cares about herself." Xia Xia lay lazily on the bamboo raft. "Without me, they would definitely die miserably when they went to that Frost Moon Island."

"You haven't been to Shuangyue Island, how do you know that they will die on the island?" Ah Jiu felt that Xia Xia had something to say, and couldn't help but ask. "Nine girls, you are also a bit stupid." Xia Xia explained seriously, "Those people are stupid and weak, and they will die wherever they go, not to mention that the island is still the headquarters of your yin doctor, although I haven't seen it. After passing your shadow,

But if it's so easy to deal with, how could a woman make things so troublesome, and Yiyi's wife won't hide her face. "

Ah Jiu asked with a smile, "Do you find it troublesome?"

"It's too much trouble." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Actually, there is no need for Yiyi's wife to hide, just take me to that Frost Moon Island and just kill the queen." "World It can't be as simple as you said." Ah Jiu sighed deeply, "You can do whatever you want, that's because you haven't experienced anything, from the very beginning...you're invincible, and some people are Having lived in hell since she was a child, she has tried her best and exhausted all methods to climb to the world. Therefore, she cherishes this world very much, and is afraid of losing this peace. There is nothing wrong with being cautious, and there is nothing wrong with being careful, in order to be free Alive, she has too much on her shoulders

, You think it's troublesome, but I don't think it's troublesome enough, because one wrong step is irreversible. "Nine girls, the world is not as complicated as you think. Xia Tian stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Ah Jiu's slender waist, "Besides, now that you are my women, you don't need to worry about anything at all. If you have any trouble, just tell me

help you solve it. Yiyi's wife is too raw, she wants to solve anything by herself, and doesn't take me as her husband at all. "

"Whose problem is this?" Ah Jiu said angrily, "If you hadn't left a psychological shadow on Sister Yi before, how could she have been so alienated from you." At this moment, a steamer whistle sounded in the distance. .

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