Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2161 Sword is so inconvenient

Qiao Xiaoqiao's heart warmed, and a lazy and skinny figure automatically appeared in his mind. That person also loved her so much and did not allow her to suffer any grievances.

"Hey, I miss my husband so much because of you."

Qiao Xiaoqiao raised his head and said with some sense: "Unfortunately, that wood will definitely not be able to learn the eight needles against the sky in a while."

Gu Hanshuang, however, had a different opinion, and said lightly, "Husband's talent is unmatched, and he can definitely learn it."

"To learn is to learn to learn, and when to learn is the question."

Qiao Xiaoqiao understands Xia Xia's virtues too well, "He's lazy like that, if no one forces him to urge him, he's definitely a salted fish.

I don't know if Sister Ye and Sister Zhao have supervised him properly. "

Gu Hanshuang suggested: "If you are worried, you can apply to go back to Earth to have a look."

"Forget it, there are a lot of things here, so I won't cause trouble for Sister Yue and the others for the time being."

Qiao Xiaoqiao shook his head and rejected the suggestion, "Besides, if I go, my husband will be even less motivated."

Gu Hanshuang thought for a while, and couldn't help but chuckle: "That's true."

"Let's think about the next plan."

Qiao Xiaoqiao always pays attention to planning and winning, "I asked Wu Jiu to go out to inquire about the news, and he should report back in the evening.

However, before that, we can negotiate a few options. "

"I listen to you."

Gu Hanshuang is not good at things like strategy and planning. She also suffered losses in the summer in this area, and became a woman in the summer because of this, but now with the help of Qiao Xiaoqiao and the others, she doesn't need to worry about it at all.

"According to the information collected in advance by Sister Yue and Sister Ji, there are indeed traces of Wanhuo Sect in Qingjian Prefecture."

Qiao Xiaoqiao took out a jade slip from his bosom, pinched it, and a video leaked from the jade slip, "According to the previous records of the Wanhuo Sect, it is very likely that one of the four messengers has revived here. The fireman in the middle."

Although Gu Hanshuang had heard Qiao Xiaoqiao talk about this information before, he still listened very seriously at this time.

"This urgent fireman happened to be a swordsman ten thousand years ago. Although his cultivation base has not reached the period of tribulation, but with a strange swordsmanship, his strength should not be underestimated."

Qiao Xiaoqiao paused for a while, and then said: "He chose Qingjianzhou to resurrect this time, probably because of the upcoming fire sword that will be released in Jianjian Villa.

We have two purposes, one is to grab the sword ahead of him, and the other is to kill him to avoid future troubles. "

"These two things are not difficult."

Gu Hanshuang thought for a while, then said slowly, "It's difficult, we don't know where he is hiding, and what kind of identity he will appear."

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded, and then said, "Jianjian Villa, where there are countless organs and great powers, he will definitely not go up the mountain to steal.

Therefore, the only chance is the sword test meeting three days later.

It was a grand event held every sixty years in Qingjian Province, and the Fire Vein Excalibur was the prize for Jiankui this time, and he would definitely appear. "

Gu Hanshuang also guessed in his heart.

"The next thing is simple."

Qiao Xiaoqiao laughed and said to Gu Hanshuang: "Sister Shuang, you have used that sword on your back for many years, and it's time to change it."

Gu Hanshuang was stunned for a moment, not because he was nostalgic for the long sword on his back, but just remembered some past events when he was young.

"Sister Shuang is reluctant, does this long sword have a story?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked casually.

"There's no story at all."

Gu Hanshuang chuckled, "It's just that after so many years, I have some feelings."

"I didn't let you throw it away, you can store it in the Immortal Island.

If it doesn't work, it's no problem to bring two directly. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao explained with a smile: "Your current cultivation level really needs a sword to match, otherwise it will be a waste."

"It's me who took the picture."

Gu Hanshuang quickly calmed down and said lightly, "A sword is such an inconvenience."

Qiao Xiaoqiao saw that Gu Hanshuang had taken it off himself, and stopped talking about this topic, and then said: "The sword test conference was held in the Sword Casting Villa, and the village will be sealed for three days.

After three days, everyone went their separate ways, fearing that it would be more difficult to find a trace.

So we have to solve the problem within these three days. "

"Is there any way to identify them?"

Gu Hanshuang couldn't help asking.

Qiao Xiaoqiao shook his head hesitantly: "There seems to be no specific means, but Sister Yue once told me that the people of Wanhuo Sect will sacrifice one soul and one soul to the ancestors of wild fire, and they may be in anger. When it is at its peak, people will show the appearance of bones and skeletons."

"It's a solution, it's better than being completely clueless."

Gu Hanshuang murmured.

Qiao Xiaoqiao checked the information in the jade slip intermittently, not letting go of every word and every picture.

At this time, the voice of the maid, Qiu Xue, suddenly sounded outside the courtyard: "Two fairies, I'm Qiu Xue, the shopkeeper asked me to deliver something, may I come in?"

"come in."

Qiao Xiaoqiao reached out a little, then gathered the images into the jade slip, and put the jade slip in his pocket.

After a while, I saw the maid Qiu Xue walking slowly with a pile of papers.

came in.

"What are you holding?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked strangely.

The maid Qiu Xue put the post on the stone table in the courtyard, wiped her sweat, and then replied, "These are the sword posts given to the two fairies by the swordsman in the house."

"Sword post?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao frowned slightly. Before she came, she had learned about some of the humanities and customs of Qingjianzhou. Naturally, she had heard of sword posts, but this was the first time she saw it, so she took a copy and looked at it.


Qingjianzhou has rules that prohibit all swordsmen from fighting for no reason. "

The maid Qiu Xue explained in a slow voice, "As long as you want to fight swords, you must first put down the sword post, and the other party will accept the sword post before you can fight. Otherwise, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion will capture them."

"Four Seasons Sword Hall, Dragon Slaying Sword, Xiao."

Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced at the sword post that he casually opened, and couldn't help but read the look up on the post.

When the maid Qiu Xue heard the name, her eyes lit up, and she immediately said: "This is the Dragon Slayer Sword Master Xiao Tingyu Xiao, and he is also a popular candidate for the honoree at this sword test conference. I heard that his infinite swordsmanship has reached the first level. Forty-one."

Infinite swordsmanship is actually one of the most common swordsmanships in the Ji Dynasty. It's just that the ninety-sixth style has been practiced, and it is known as the infinite swordsmanship. Naturally, no one has reached its upper limit.

Among the younger generation of swordsmen, the one who has achieved the highest level seems to be the Iron Sword Master Shen Fei.

"I was shocked when I heard the swordsmanship of the two girls, I admired them from the bottom of my heart, and set up a special banquet. Tomorrow evening, I will wait for the two to look at the courtyard, begging and not pigeons, Xiao Tingyu nodded."

When Qiao Xiaoqiao saw this sword post, she couldn't help laughing, and then she was a little puzzled. Does Xianyun Continent also have the "pigeon" stalk?

However, she soon found a paragraph in her mind: "Qingjianzhou, the snow is flying in midsummer, and Shige will not be invited."

It means that in Qingjianzhou, it starts to snow heavily in the midsummer season, so even if the pigeons are in season, they will not come here.

After this extension, the word pigeon has the same effect as the stalk on the earth.

"There are more than 100 sword posts here, and there are still many people who have withdrawn their posts."

The maid Qiu Xue had a proud expression, "Although Qingjian Prefecture is a resort for swordsmen, female swordsmen are rare. Except for the sword concubine in red robes a hundred and twenty years ago, there are two fairies."

"Are there many people participating in the sword test conference this time?"

Gu Hanshuang asked suddenly.

The maid Qiu Xue replied without even thinking: "A lot, quite a lot, especially since Zhujian Villa will release a divine sword this year, naturally more people will come.

During this time, there have been more than 50,000 swordsmen from all over the world. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help but ask, "Can Zhujian Villa handle it for so many years?"

"That little maid is not clear, and I have never been there."

The maid Qiu Xue shook her head, "But if you think about it, there should be no problem. After all, this is the Sword Casting Villa, and it has been standing in Qingjian Prefecture for tens of thousands of years. I should have encountered all kinds of scenes."

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked sideways again, "How many people live in your inn?"

"I'm sorry, Jianshe has rules and must not reveal any information about the guests."

The maid Qiu Xue shook her head in embarrassment, "If I say so, then my life may be lost."

"It's okay, I'll just ask, it's okay if you don't say anything."

Qiao Xiaoqiao really just asked casually, and didn't want to embarrass the maid, "Then when can we have dinner, you can ask this."

"Ah, damn it, little maid, I forgot to say this."

The maid Qiu Xue came back to her senses, gave herself a big mouth, and said quickly: "The Jianshe has rules, all guests can eat at any time, just say hello.

It doesn't matter if you bring the meal in or you go out to eat. "

"If you don't want to go out, let someone send it over."

Qiao Xiaoqiao knew that he and Gu Hanshuang must be the focus. He didn't want to go out and show his face, and he was afraid of being stared at by people who wanted to, so he said, "Just make some light dishes."


The maid Qiu Xue quickly led the way and left.

Gu Hanshuang also read the sword posts at this time, and said lightly: "There is no useful information in it."

"Has Sister Shuang found an opponent who wants to fight swords?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked with a smile.

Gu Hanshuang shook his head and said with some regret: "The sword starts with the hand, and the handwriting is sometimes a sword move. The words on these posts are really ugly, the structure is alien, and they pretend to be elegant, and you can imagine how bad their swordsmanship is.

The only thing that's okay is that you have this person in your hands. "

"Then do you want to go to an appointment to find out about him?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked with a smile.

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