Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2162 There must be no hesitation

The dinner at Tianyi Jianshe was quite rich, with all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and Chi Xueqiong, the most characteristic spirit of Qingjian Prefecture, neatly filled a large round table.

This is not at all bland.

However, what Xiao Tingyu likes is this rich feeling, just like his character and his swordsmanship.

In the Four Seasons Sword Academy, in addition to Xiao Tingyu, the master, there are three of his friends, all of whom are swordsmen of course.

The enchantment of the courtyard shields the wind and snow, but retains the view of the snow scene, but also has the elegance of the wind and the moon.

"Brother Xiao, did you call us here to look at the table full of dishes?"

One of the middle-aged swordsmen with a red nose said with some dissatisfaction: "If you have something to say, just say it, and start eating when you're done. I'm already hungry."

"Red-nosed ghost, be quiet and shout again. Believe it or not, I cut your nose with a sword."

A young man in white with a jade fan next to him glared at the red-nosed swordsman in dissatisfaction, "And can you change your southern accent, otherwise you will shut up and it will be uncomfortable to listen to."


The red-nosed swordsman didn't refute, just laughed twice.

The remaining man was wearing a red robe, and even his eyebrows were faintly flaming, but his temper was the most calm of the three.

"There are two female swordsmen in the sword house today, do you know?"

Xiao Tingyu, with his hands on his back, paced a few times in the Xu courtyard, then turned to look at his three friends.


The red-nosed swordsman said hesitantly, "I heard that the sword test tablet was cut into three pieces with one sword, which is quite domineering."

Young Master Yu Fan chuckled and said disapprovingly, "It's just grandstanding. In the past 100 years, the major swordsmen have not accepted any female disciples with extraordinary talent. The origins of these two women are very suspicious."

"Can't it be a loose cultivator?"

The man in the red robe had a calm tone and looked up at Young Master Yu Fan.

"Loose repair?"

The disdainful expression on Jade Fan's face deepened, and he said with great contempt: "What is your cultivation, if you don't have a huge supply of medicinal elixir and spiritual energy, no matter how talented you are, it will be consumed as waste.

And the so-called loose cultivators are nothing more than poor aptitudes, and there are no sects who can appreciate them. "

These words are too hurtful, and if they spread out, it will definitely cause uproar controversy, because there are many loose swordsmen living in the sword house.

The red-robed man let out a low laugh, and said sarcastically, "I heard that the founder of your Jade Sword Sect was a loose cultivator, aren't you afraid of being expelled from the sect?"

"Chimei, what do you mean by that!"

Young Master Yu Fan put away the folding fan in his hand and looked at the man in red robe coldly.

The red-robed man didn't feel that he had said anything wrong, and said with a smile, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a few years, the flames on your brows haven't added much, but your temper has gotten a lot tougher."

Young Master Yu Fan sneered, and the tip of the fan pointed at the other party: "If you are not convinced by Yu, you can issue a sword post, and we will see the level of kendo."

The man in red robe said lightly, "I will accompany you at any time."

"Okay, the snow today is picturesque. If the two of you are too angry, it will be too unpleasant."

Xiao Tingyu chuckled twice at this time and said, "Although Yuqing's words are unpleasant, they are not unreasonable. Those two women are indeed suspicious."

"It's suspicious."

In the end, the red-nosed swordsman could not bear his addiction to alcohol, so he directly opened the bottle of Chi Xueqiong, poured himself a bowl, and said while drinking, "It's nothing more than two women, no matter how high your swordsmanship is, how many waves can be thrown. Come."

This time, Young Master Yu Fan agreed with Red Nose's words, and said with a smile, "That's right, it's just that there are fewer female swordsmen. It's just a strange thing for everyone to see, so you don't need to pay too much attention."

"You can't say that."

Xiao Tingyu waved his hand slightly and said solemnly: "How many calculations are defeated by these small details, anything beyond the plan must be taken seriously.

Because of the things in the plan, we all have countermeasures. It is precisely this seemingly unimportant person who is most likely to cause variables. "

The red-nosed swordsman poured another bowl of wine and squinted at Xiao Tingyu: "Then what Mr. Xiao means is to get rid of these two women in advance to prevent changes?"

"I didn't say that."

Xiao Tingyu shook his head with a smile, "Just reminding the three, don't take it lightly, otherwise it is very likely to fall short."

"Hmph, I don't believe that just two women can ruin our plan for many years."

Young Master Yu Fan was still full of disdain, "If it really wants their lives, there is no need for us to take action. It's enough for me to arrange a few people here."

"The sword-carrying woman's kendo cultivation is not low, and she can beat the pack with one sword. Which of the people under your hand is enough?"

The red-robed man refuted unceremoniously.

Young Master Yu Fan shouted angrily, "If it doesn't work, this Young Master will go out in person, and you will have nothing to say now."

"Don't quarrel either."

Xiao Tingyu smiled and poured a glass of wine for the two of them, and said lightly: "I have given the two women swords, and I will invite them to meet tomorrow evening.

If they dare to come, it is just to touch their bottom. "

"What if they don't come?"

The red-nosed swordsman asked casually.

Xiao Tingyu raised his eyebrows

Picking, the tone suddenly became cold: "Then kill it, the sword test conference is imminent, I will never allow any accident to happen, the fire sword of the Forging Sword Villa can only fall into our hands."

...On the other side, among the thousand flowers.

Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang were also having dinner. The dishes were light and there was no wine or tea.

The driver Wu Jiu also came back from outside inquiring about the news.

"The Sword Trial Conference, also known as the Listening Sword Conference, is the most prestigious kendo conference in Qingjian Prefecture. It is jointly held by Zhujian Villa and the City Lord's Mansion. It is held every 60 years."

After summarizing the news he had hit, Wu Jiu, the driver, slowly reported to the two hostess: "In this sword-testing conference, it happened that Zhujian Villa is going to produce a peerless sword, so from Xianyun There are far more immortal cultivators and swordsmen from all over the continent, and there are already more than 100,000 people."

"One hundred thousand people?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao was not too surprised, and said lightly, "It's similar to a large music festival on Earth."

The coachman Wu Jiu naturally didn't know what the music festival was, but he didn't ask too much, just continued: "Every time the sword test conference will choose a sword leader, and the prize is the peerless sword.

Of course, after winning the prize, Jian Kui must make a promise to accept a person from the Sword Casting Villa as a direct disciple. This is the rule of the Sword Club. "

"Jianjian Villa wants to survive in the rivers and lakes, and naturally needs to cling to the strong."

Qiao Xiaoqiao is also not surprised by this, "They can create a magical weapon, if there is no strong force as protection, it is estimated that it will be destroyed by others."

Gu Hanshuang asked at this time, "Are there any special characters in this sword test?"

The driver Wu Jiu thought for a while, then raised four fingers: "In this sword meeting, there are four outstanding characters, who are currently the most lively candidates to win the championship."

"tell me the story."

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked with a smile.

"The first one is the Prince of Fire Cloud Kingdom, whose name is Yun Qilie."

The driver Wu Jiu's tone was still unhurried, "Huoyun Kingdom has just been recaptured by our court, and he has not yet returned to his heart. He is always making troubles on the border between the two countries. This time, he is competing for the divine sword. I think it has some bad intentions."

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled lightly: "The unification of Xianyun Continent is related to the peace of all generations, and no one is allowed to deliberately destroy it.

If this person is sincere, it will be fine. If he really has objections, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. Then he will go to the country for the county and directly merge into the territory of the Ji Dynasty. "

Gu Hanshuang nodded. On top of such a major event, the killing must be cut off. There will never be any hesitation. Otherwise, when they deal with the Immortal Cultivation Alliance with all their strength, these people will definitely stab them in the back.

"The second is the son of the governor of Qingjian Prefecture, whose name is Tie Ziyang, nicknamed Young Master Tiejian, and is the true disciple of Tiejianmen."

The driver Wu Jiu went on to say: "The third is the first eldest disciple of Qingtian Sword Field, called Ji Lingshen, known as Young Master Lingjian, but he used a epee without a front. It is said to be made of ten thousand years of black iron. The fourth one is called Xiao Tingyu, known as Dragon Slaying Divine Sword, a disciple of Wulang Jianzong, and it seems that he also lives in this sword house."

"Hehe, this person has already come to the door."

Qiao Xiaoqiao took out the sword post, handed it to Wu Jiu, and instructed: "If you return this to the shopkeeper, just say we don't accept any sword post."


The coachman Wu Jiu took the sword post and nodded in agreement.

Qiao Xiaoqiao took out another letter and a red jade badge and handed it to Wu Jiu, and slowly confessed: "You will give this letter to the prefectural shepherd here later, and then you will be Sister Ji's. The special envoy stayed there, that is to say, he came to inspect the progress of Qingjian Prefecture's preparations for the September Nixian Conference.

In fact, I want you to stare at him. During the sword test session, if there is any change in him, you can cut it first and then play it. Do you understand? "

"My subordinate understands."

The driver Wu Jiu nodded.

"Okay, you go down."

Qiao Xiaoqiao waved his hand and said lightly, "I won't let you eat here, you can go to the City Lord's Mansion for a good meal."

The driver Wu Jiu took orders and retreated.

"Xiao Qiao, are you suspecting that there is something wrong with this state shepherd?"

Gu Hanshuang couldn't help asking.

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled lightly and said meaningfully: "The resurgence of the cult 10,000 years ago is not an accidental thing, there should have been clues long ago, but these places have never been reported.

So there is no problem with him, there are problems, it can no longer be used. "

Although Qiao Xiaoqiao has never ruled the country, she is a well-known girl president in Jianghai City, and has her own unique views on how to use people.

If a person like Qingjian Zhouzhou Mu is an inaction, if she is an executive in her company, she will also deal with it without hesitation, so as to avoid future troubles.

"Especially these are the extraordinary times."

Qiao Xiaoqiao added, "The real powerful enemy we face is the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. There is no chance for trial and error to come again, so we must not make mistakes in other matters."

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