Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2166 Who is the hurricane


The fat man's sword didn't touch Qiao Xiaoqiao at all, and was shot by Gu Hanshuang on the ground.

"Who are you, dare to take care of the family affairs of our Sword Casting Villa!"

The fat man looked at Gu Hanshuang in astonishment, and shouted shyly and angrily, "Someone, someone... uh!"

Gu Hanshuang's sword lay across his shoulder, and said lightly, "Shut up."

"You, what do you want to do!"

The fat man said in horror: "I am the third young master of the Sword Casting Villa. If you dare to touch a hair of me, you will all die."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "No one wants to touch your hair, just want you to be quiet and stop bothering this little girl."

"You, you..." The fat man looked between Qingwan girl and Qiao Xiaoqiao, and suddenly warned Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, "You don't know the situation at all, it's best not to interfere in this matter, otherwise you You will regret it for the rest of your life.”

"If you bully this little girl again, it will be true for the rest of your life."

Qiao Xiaoqiao threatened calmly.

The fat man felt the piercing coldness of the sword on his neck, and shuddered again, and repeated: "You guys don't know who she is or what's going on, it's best not to meddle in her own business, she's an unknown person. , it's a monster, it's an evil spirit, and you have nothing to do with her."

"Are you finished?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao said coldly, "Get out of here when you're done, or you'll end up in a bad way."

Gu Hanshuang retracted the long sword and put it back into the sheath.

"You wait, things won't be over like this, I'm not finished with you!"

The fat man said ruthless words, and ran away, and after feeling a safe distance, he did not forget to point at Qingwan girl from a distance: "Don't be proud of yourself, you bitch, there are still two days, You'd better not play tricks, and don't even try to escape! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

"Third brother, I..." The girl Qingwan opened her mouth to explain something, but the fat man turned around and ran away for fear that Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang would beat him again.

Qiao Xiaoqiao felt pity and love for this elegant girl, and could not help but comfort him: "You don't have to be afraid, with us here, no one dares to bully you."

"Thank you two sisters, but I'm really unknown, it's better not to have too much contact with me."

The young girl Qingwan still had a look of shock on her face. After expressing her thanks to Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, she left in a hurry.

Qiao Xiaoqiao watched the little girl leave, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"You want to help her?"

Gu Hanshuang asked casually.

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't nod directly, but said lightly, "We have to find out what happened to her first."

"You'd better not check, otherwise, hitting a wall is a trivial matter, and you may even lose your life."

The one who spoke was a young man with a resolute face, but his eyes were full of high spirits, followed by a few sword servants with long swords.

"How do you say that?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at this person, and instantly identified the person's identity from the information Wu Jiu gave her. It was the son of Qingjian Prefecture's shepherd, and he was also one of the most exciting members of this sword test competition. Tie Ziyang.

Tie Ziyang folded his arms, with a half-smile expression on his face: "Are you really not knowing or pretending not to know?"

"I really don't know."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said indifferently, "This is our first time in Qingjian Prefecture, and we don't know much about the people's anecdotes here."

"It's no wonder."

The vigilance in Tie Ziyang's eyes was slightly lessened, but he did not give Qiao Xiaoqiao any interest in popular science, but solemnly warned: "Then don't meddle in your own business, the fate of the women in Casting Sword Villa, It was destined to be with the sword from the moment of birth."

"With the sword?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help sneering, "It sounds nice, it's nothing more than sacrificing the life of an innocent woman to a dead thing."

Hearing this, Tie Ziyang could not help frowning, and said coldly, "The sword is not a dead thing. Since you came to participate in the sword test conference, you are so disrespectful to the sword that you are not worthy of being a swordsman at all."

"I never said I was a swordsman."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly.

Tie Ziyang glanced at Gu Hanshuang who was carrying the long sword again: "Isn't she too?"

"I'm a swordsman, but I never stick to the sword."

Gu Hanshuang's expression was even more indifferent, "Whether the divine sword, the immortal sword or any other sword, it is just a tool for carrying the Tao.

If the life of innocent people must be sacrificed in order to achieve the so-called divine sword, then it is not worthy of the divine sword, it is at most an evil weapon. "

"It's just bewitching the crowd!"

Tie Ziyang was furious, poked at Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, and scolded: "I heard that there are two very powerful female swordsmen this year, but this young master is quite relieved, and even wants to support you. After a while, I didn't expect you to insult kendo so much, and you really don't deserve to use a sword at all."

"Whether it's worthy or not, you say it doesn't matter."

Qiao Xiaoqiao knew that this Tie Gongzi should be a loyal fan of the so-called kendo, and was too lazy to say anything to him, "Swords are just tools.

The cultivation base is not enough, no matter how well the sword is practiced, it is just juggling! "

"To be presumptuous and dare to belittle the way of swordsmanship, my son will kill you now!"

Under his anger, Tie Ziyang raised his hand and summoned a great sword with brilliance like water.


"You move first, and I can kill you first."

Gu Hanshuang took a half step forward, staring blankly at Tie Ziyang, as long as he dared to mess around, he was guaranteed to kill him before he made a move.


Tie Ziyang's face was full of disdain, and he raised his sword and pointed at Gu Hanshuang: "That young master has to give it a try."

"Stop me all!"

At this time, a few figures flew in the distance, and it was seen that the attire should be the guards inside the villa.

Tie Ziyang glanced at the person who came, and subconsciously suppressed the murderous aura.

"Young Master Iron, what the hell is going on?"

The person who came was Gao Jianming, the chief butler of Cast Sword Villa, who was also a master of kendo. His cultivation base was around the fusion period, his spirit was restrained, his eyes were like lightning, and after scanning the situation around him, he took the lead in asking Tie Ziyang about the situation.

Tie Ziyang said in a cold voice, "These two women have insulted Kendo, and I just want to teach them a lesson."

"Miss Qiao, Miss Gu, what do you have to say?"

The tall butler looked at Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, and asked blankly.

Qiao Xiaoqiao's expression was still indifferent, she said with a light smile: "There's nothing to say, it's just that the understanding of kendo is different from this Tie Gongzi.

Things in the world are nothing more than seeking common ground while reserving differences, and this Young Master Tie would draw his sword to kill just because he had a different opinion. "

"What did you say!"

Tie Ziyang's anger surged up again in an instant, and his hand holding the sword tightened. If it wasn't for the tall butler, he would have already started.

"Master Tie, even if you are the son of the shepherd's family in Tiezhou, it's best not to mess around in the villa!"

The tall butler stared at Tie Ziyang coldly, and said with a warning, "You must know that Qingjian Prefecture is the place where the Sword Casting Villa existed first, and then a state."

Tie Ziyang could only snort coldly and stop talking.

"And the two of you. Although the visitor is a guest, since you are a guest, you should keep your duty as a guest."

The strategy pursued by the tall butler was to hit each one with a rake and then give a warning.

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't take the tall butler's words seriously, and just asked: "On the day of the sword test conference, do you really want to sacrifice a young girl to start the sword?"

"This is an internal matter of our villa, don't ask too much, and don't talk too much."

There was a look of surprise on the tall butler's face, but it just disappeared in a flash, and then said coldly: "What you have to do is to adjust your state, tomorrow will be the period of sword competition, don't lose your life because of poor swordsmanship. ."

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked: "Tomorrow's Bijian will see life and death?"

Butler Gao said in a cold voice, "I will sign a life-and-death contract, as for whether I see life or death, it all depends on your swordsmanship.

Miss Joe, do you have any questions? "

"there is none left."

Qiao Xiaoqiao replied with a smile.

The tall butler rushed to the people present and said, "Then go back to the room. After dusk, it is forbidden to walk in the village."

"This matter is not over, the two of you will wait for this young master."

Tie Ziyang glared at Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang from a distance, "Don't think that this son doesn't kill women, I'll let you all know the fate of insulting Kendo tomorrow."

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't fight tit for tat, but said, "The state shepherd is the parent and official of the people of a state. As the son of the state shepherd, don't you think it's shameful to be so contemptuous of human life?"

"The mere life is worth my son's attention?"

Tie Ziyang threw out such a sentence coldly, and then turned and left with a handful of sword servants.

Although everything can't be blinded by a single leaf, from the words and deeds of the state shepherd, you can still glimpse the governance strategy of the iron state shepherd. No wonder Queen Ji asked her to pay attention to the iron state shepherd before her departure. , it seems that there is indeed a big problem.

Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang also returned to the room.

"We have met three of the so-called four popular candidates for this sword test conference."

Qiao Xiaoqiao tapped the table with her slender fingers, and said to Gu Hanshuang, "Whether it's cultivation, kendo or measurement, it's not very good."

Gu Hanshuang nodded, and slowly stated his observations of the three: "Xiao Tingyu, the Dragon Slaying Divine Sword, is arrogant and vain, and his swordsmanship is like a castle in the air, flashy and unreal; the Prince of Fire Cloud Kingdom, Yun Qilie, His temperament is like fire, his kendo is more than strong but not flexible enough, and there is no room for improvement. As for the son of the state shepherd just now, he was too conceited, and the kendo should have walked in a treacherous and gloomy way, overflowing with murderous aura. "

"These three, who will be the urgent fireman we are looking for?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked casually.

Gu Hanshuang pondered for a while, but still shook his head: "I can't be sure yet, I can only make a judgment after seeing their swordsmanship tomorrow."

"It's too slow."

Qiao Xiaoqiao shook his head and murmured to himself, "Is there any way to make that hot-fire envoy take the initiative?"

"According to the previous inference, then only let the anger in Casting Sword Villa reach its peak."

Gu Hanshuang said in a slow voice, "In this way, the Fire Envoy will reveal the appearance of a skeleton.

But how to make the fire diffuse is the problem. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao also felt it was a little tricky. She had never practiced any fire spells, and Gu Hanshuang's swordsmanship was also a cold road, so she could only find a way from elsewhere.

"Wait, I have an idea."

Qiao Xiaoqiao's eyes suddenly lit up, she whispered a few words in Gu Hanshuang's ear, and asked, "Sister Shuang, can you do it?"

Gu Hanshuang thought about it for a while, and then said with certainty, "You can give it a try."

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