Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2167 Divine Sword

The next morning, after breakfast, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang were invited by Zhuang Ding of the villa to the lobby of the villa.

It is said to be the lobby, but it is actually a rather wide martial arts field, but it is covered by a ceiling, creating an illusion of being indoors.

The hospitality of Zhujian Villa is still well done.

Not only did they arrange seats for each swordsman on both sides of the lobby, they even took care of the identities of Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang, and prepared a separate compartment for them.

After the test of the three levels yesterday, the mighty 100,000 people left behind only a hundred or so people.

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help feeling a little strange. Although the first two levels were indeed difficult, they should not have eliminated 99.9% of the people. It seems that the real strict is the owner of the third level. Jian Jiu Ming.

After all the swordsmen were seated, Jian Jiuming slowly walked to the main seat of the martial arts field with a group of invited guests.

Qiao Xiaoqiao glanced at the group of people, and sure enough, she saw a familiar face among them. The one who was walking side by side with Zhuang Zhu Jian Jiu Ming and Zhou Mutie Qingfeng was the coachman Wu Jiu sent by her. I came to watch the Sword Club as my identity.

As usual, a kendo veteran from Qingjian Prefecture was invited to speak as a representative, and the content was nothing more than going back to the past and present, and sang the kendo.

"It turns out that the world of immortals also has such boring pre-meeting speeches."

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help but complain, "I'm the most annoying of this kind. It's really useless and a waste of time."

Gu Hanshuang asked with a smile, "Don't you hold meetings when you run the company?"

"Yes, but it's a quick decision. The speech must be concise and to prevent falsehood."

Qiao Xiaoqiao couldn't help sighing and said, "Time is money, how can you waste time on this kind of nonsense without any nutrition."

Gu Hanshuang believed that as a cultivator, she basically didn't need to attend any meetings, but one of the reasons why the catastrophe more than 100 years ago suffered so much damage was that some of the loose cultivators had to hold meetings to make decisions, which resulted in missing the counterattack. And the best time to save yourself.

"The one who spoke was Mujian Patriarch, one of the three elders of Qingjian Province. Can you show some respect! If there is another half-sentence, ask me if the sword in my hand will answer."

Someone on the side yelled and scolded Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang in dissatisfaction.

Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "The two of us are just talking in a low voice in private.

Even if you eavesdrop on other people's words, you are still shouting so loudly, who is disrespecting the old seniors? "

The man found that many people around him turned to look at him, and he couldn't help blushing, but he didn't say anything.

Fortunately, the old senior didn't notice this, just finished the set of words on his own, and then shouted: "Next, the swordsman of the Sword Casting Villa will say a few words."

After Jian Jiuming said a few words, Tie Qingfeng, the prefectural shepherd, naturally had to say a few words, and finally it was the turn of imperial envoy Wu Jiu.

Wu Jiu was only appointed by Qiao Xiaoqiao as this imperial envoy, so naturally he was too lazy to say nonsense: "I have nothing to say, let's start directly."

"Since the imperial envoy is so humble, then we won't waste time."

Jian Jiuming chuckled twice, then gave the butler Gao a look, indicating that it was time to start.

"Please Divine Sword!"

After being instructed by the owner of the village, the tall butler immediately started drinking loudly.

These three words were meant to raise the emotions of everyone present. Why did the hundreds of swordsmen come to participate in the Sword Trial Conference, not just to get this peerless sword.

Naturally, the other guests who attended the meeting also came to see the divine sword, so how could they not be excited.


After a few crisp sounds, I saw that the ground of the martial arts field slowly cracked to both sides, and the first thing exposed was a vigorous burst of clear fire, and a few swordsmen were inadvertently burned and screamed.

Then there is a furnace, and dozens of excellent sword embryos inserted into the outer edge of the furnace.

These sword embryos were naturally discarded in the process of forging the Divine Sword, but the quality was still higher than that of ordinary weapons. If they were taken back and modified, they would still be a good sword.

Most people know that they have no hope of winning the sword chief, and these sword embryos are one of the prizes they compete for.

In the furnace, the flames were billowing and boiling, and a surging fire instantly filled the entire martial arts arena.

Fortunately, the people present at the meeting are not shallow, and if ordinary people get caught in this anger, it is estimated that they will be directly burned into ashes.

"Is this the sword refining furnace?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao looked at the boiling fire and muttered to herself, "Sure enough, the fire is full, but it's not enough."

Gu Hanshuang knew Qiao Xiaoqiao's cares, and naturally understood what she meant.

Just before she could say anything, there was an exclamation from the side, and the volume and excitement were no less than the girls watching idol concerts on earth.

"Come out, come out!"

"Such anger, such brilliance, such..." "It's a divine sword, it really is a divine sword!"

"..." Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang turned their gazes to the sword refining furnace again, and they saw a sword hilt, which slowly rose from it, accompanied by bursts of high-spirited flames.

However, the divine sword stopped with only about three inches of its blade exposed.

"What's the matter, are you stuck?"

"Why don't you show all the divine swords?"

"We're going to see the Divine Sword!"


"..." Those swordsmen were suddenly unhappy, and they shouted at the main seat, and the crowd was angry.


Butler Gao swept his gaze away and shouted loudly, "Whoever dares to make a noise in the Sword Hall will be expelled immediately! All sects and clans to which they belong will never be allowed to participate in the Sword Club!"

In the lobby, there was an instant silence, and those dissatisfied swordsmen had to endure the vulgar words that they wanted to blurt out, but their expressions were still angry, and there was a faint stance that the storm was about to come.

"The Divine Sword has not yet been opened, so it is naturally inconvenient to show it all."

The village master Jian Jiuming saw that the situation was not good, so he opened his mouth and explained, "Today, we will choose eight kendo heroes, and when the swordsman is decided tomorrow, Jiankui will personally give the sword to the sword, and then everyone will naturally be able to see it. Divine Sword style."

Hearing what Jian Jiuming said, the swordsmen in the meeting felt a little relieved and their anger faded away.

At this time, Jian Jiuming raised his hand and summoned a transparent barrier to cover the sword refining furnace, which was used as an arena for comparing swords.

"Before the sword fair begins, let me tell you about the rules of today's sword fair."

Seeing that everyone was quiet, butler Gao stopped engraving, and said directly: "First, the sword will see life and death, and the contract has been sent to you. Those who are afraid of death may not sign it, and it will be regarded as withdrawing from the competition; second, the sword will see life and death. There will be no specific schedule. Anyone can come to the stage at any time. As long as they win more than three games, they can go to the side and wait. Of course, the loser can continue the game until they win three games; , the named person shall not refuse, but the loser of the named challenge will be eliminated directly.

Fourth, the competition will continue until eight swordsmen are selected.

Fifth, only swords can be used in the competition, but not limited to swords, sword tactics, or sword qi. "

Qiao Xiaoqiao is a little speechless about this competition system. It seems that there are no rules. In fact, there are many restrictions and many pitfalls. Since life and death can be seen, then during the competition, there will definitely be killing moves to reduce the number of competitors in the later stage. .

When Butler Gao was talking, Zhuang Ding really sent a life and death contract to every swordsman, and most people signed it without looking at it.

However, Qiao Xiaoqiao read it word by word seriously, she never dared to be sloppy when it comes to contracts.

Just when Qiao Xiaoqiao was still watching the contract, someone jumped onto the ring and shouted, "I'm sending He Yunfei under the White Crane Sword, and I'm here to see the great tricks of all of you!"

As soon as someone shouted, there would naturally be someone who answered, and there was more than one.

"I, Tiejianmen Zheng Yishan, come and meet you for a while!"

"I'll open your eyes to the Golden Rush of Swordsmanship, Laozi!"

"Next..." "..." At the beginning, the real masters were still watching from the seats, and most of the people who came on were just cannon fodder.

Sure enough, Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang watched a few rounds, and suddenly felt that this level of sword comparison was really boring.

However, the situation in the arena really met Qiao Xiaoqiao's expectations before the game. Almost all the swordsmen had no idea of ​​reaching the end. In order to clear their opponents as much as possible for themselves or their peers, they almost killed them when they came up. After all the moves, several swordsmen have already died in the ring.

More than two hours passed, and there were only 30 or so swordsmen left, half of them dead, half injured, and the other half pretending to be half dead, all of which were carried by a few black Zhuang Ding on stretchers. lift it down.

These thirty or so people should be the real masters of this sword meeting, and the next time is to see the true chapter.

Especially the four popular candidates who can win the sword leader, are attracting everyone's attention at this time, all waiting for them to take action.

At this moment, a figure suddenly floated on the ring, looked at everyone coldly, and said loudly: "Since you are so timid, let me accept your challenge."

This person is the son of the state shepherd, Tie Ziyang from Tiejianmen. At this time, he is full of high-spirited spirit and looks at the audience.

It's just that his prestige has annoyed the other three popular candidates, everyone is of the same level, why do you pretend to be this coercion.

The Prince of Huoyun Kingdom, Yun Qilie, said coldly, "Tie Ziyang, if you are not the son of the state shepherd, I'm afraid that you won't even be able to pass the three passes, and you will still be bragging here."

"Young Master Tiejian, you are too self-righteous."

Xiao Tingyu was quite dissatisfied, but he had no plans to take action.

"Beyond one's own strength, humiliate oneself!"

The person who spoke was a two-meter tall man, Ji Lingshen, who used an epee in the Qingtian Sword Field.

Tie Ziyang ignored their cynicism and raised his finger abruptly in one direction: "Before I kill you, my son has something that must be resolved first.

Yesterday, there were two people who insulted Kendo in front of this son. It was a great shame in my life.

Today, I am bound to kill them to straighten the way of kendo. "

Everyone looked over in the direction Tie Ziyang pointed, and saw Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang both, and couldn't help being astonished.

"Tie Ziyang, because you are still a man, you actually want to bully two weak women."

Xiao Tingyu couldn't help sneering, "It seems that you are not from my generation, you are just a coward who bullies the soft and fears the hard."

Tie Ziyang was too lazy to explain, just looked at Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang coldly, and shouted, "You women shouldn't be involved in the sword test conference, but you dare to insult the swordsmanship, it's just selfish. Find a way out.

However, this son is not unreasonable at all, as long as you apologize to me and repent to Kendo, this son can spare your life! "

Gu Hanshuang pointed toes, jumped to the ring, raised his hand and summoned the long sword from the sheath,

He said lightly: "Stop gossip, and let's do it."

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