Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2168 Let's go together

Chapter 2168 Let's go together

"very good."

Tie Ziyang looked at Gu Hanshuang coldly, with a bit of sternness in his eyes: "Today, this young master will let you open your eyes and know what the real swordsmanship is!"

"Swordsmanship, each has its own practice, and there is no truth or falsehood." Gu Hanshuang replied calmly, with a slow voice.

Tie Ziyang's anger instantly soared, and he raised his sword and pointed at it: "Up to now, you still dare to say such insulting words to Kendo, it's really self-defeating!"

"Are you finished?" Gu Hanshuang's pretty face didn't have the slightest expression, and the cold eyes didn't fluctuate at all.

"Since you insist on courting death, then this young master will fulfill you, don't say I didn't give you a chance!" Tie Ziyang suddenly felt that he had been greatly humiliated, raised his sword and shook out hundreds of sword flowers, covering Gu Hanshuang in the in.

This swordsmanship is really beautiful, and the sword flower grows from nothing in an instant, and it is incredibly fast.

Xiao Tingyu and the other three couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this, and Tie Ziyang was using the relatively basic infinite swordsmanship. Seeing that he used it so well, it was estimated that he had at least practiced more than thirty-eight forms.

Qiao Xiaoqiao has enough confidence in Gu Hanshuang, not because she thinks Gu Hanshuang's swordsmanship is far superior to these people, but because her cultivation has crushed these people. When the cultivation base far exceeds the realm of others, the sword is really just a tool.

An immortal cultivator in the transcendence period, even if he only uses a branch, can instantly kill a group of kendo masters in the distraction period. This is determined by strength, not by personal will.

In fact, the situation in the ring also confirmed Qiao Xiaoqiao's thoughts.

Gu Hanshuang's swordsmanship doesn't have so many bells and whistles. In the face of the sword flower, she just slashed the sword forward in a normal way.

This sword is simple and direct, without any false tricks, but it contains the coercion that overflows involuntarily from the immortal cultivator during the tribulation period.

As a result, countless sword flowers were crushed in an instant, collapsed into light spots all over the sky, and splashed everywhere.

Tie Ziyang was also horrified by this sword and sweated, unable to move, his hands trembled so much that he couldn't hold the sword, and fell to the ground with a "dang clang".

All the people present thought they would see a close match, but Gu Hanshuang actually defeated Tie Ziyang with just one sword.

Tie Ziyang only felt cold all over his body. As a swordsman, he couldn't even hold a sword, especially when he was defeated by a woman in front of everyone's eyes. This kind of shame and humiliation made him unable to stay for half a second, and he left the lobby without knowing where to go.

Zhou Mutie's expression in the stands sank, as if he wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Brother Tie, I think Ling Lang just made a mistake, and it's not that he is not as strong as that woman." Jian Jiuming smiled at the right time and said, "Tomorrow, let him participate in the competition as usual."

"No, the dog's skills are not as good as people's, there is nothing to say." Tie Qingfeng resumed his smile and said very generously: "This woman is really hidden, I am afraid that the position of the sword leader will follow the red-robed sword before the two Jiazi. After the concubine, she will be taken away by the woman again."

These words made Jian Jiu Ming's expression change. These words actually touched Jian Jiu Ming's sore spot. He is a very traditional swordsman, and he has always been opposed to female swordsmen. One hundred and twenty years ago At that time, as the son of the village owner, he actually participated in the sword test conference, but he was defeated by the red-robed sword concubine, and he was deeply ashamed. Now suddenly mentioned by Tie Qingfeng, his gaze towards Gu Hanshuang and Qiao Xiaoqiao also changed.

After Gu Hanshuang watched Tie Ziyang leave, Mei Mu glanced at the audience and said lightly, "The next one, who is coming?"

The swordsmen in the seat couldn't help looking at each other, but no one answered for a while.

"No one dares to come?" Gu Hanshuang asked again, and then said, "In order not to waste time, why don't you guys come on together."

"The girl's sword is so arrogant!" It was the two-meter-tall giant who spoke. When he spoke, he was buzzing with anger, and his eardrums hurt when he stood up. A clear sense of oppression.

Suddenly, Ji Lingshen lifted the heavy sword that weighed several thousand kilograms and jumped onto the ring, the entire lobby seemed to be shaken three times.

Ji Lingshen is tall and burly, standing next to the petite and slender Gu Hanshuang, like a tiger and a rabbit, the contrast between strengths and weaknesses is not too obvious.

Xiao Tingyu said to Qiao Xiaoqiao with sympathy: "I'm afraid your friend is in trouble, there is a saying that one force can defeat ten times, Ji Lingshen is originally an epee, plus natural power, no matter how high the swordsmanship is. Can't stand his two swords, let her admit defeat."

Qiao Xiaoqiao smiled indifferently and said disapprovingly: "Actually, I think you should go together, it really saves time, so as not to have to wait until tomorrow to decide the result."

Xiao Tingyu shook his head, these two women were really more mad than the other.

The Jade Fan Master next to him sneered and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Women are so short-sighted and self-righteous."

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't bother to argue anything. Yesterday, she had already discussed the countermeasures with Gu Hanshuang, and she made up her mind to make a quick decision today. These people are destined to be losers.

"As long as you can take Lao Tzu's two swords, you will win." Ji Lingshen looked at Gu Hanshuang with disdain and said buzzingly.

Gu Hanshuang was not a sharp-edged person, but at this time he was implementing the plan he discussed with Qiao Xiaoqiao last night, so he retorted: "Unfortunately, you can't stop my sword."

"It's really crazy, then let you know what an epee without a front is.

Ability to overcome mountains and rivers. Ji Lingshen didn't talk nonsense, raised the Qianjin heavy sword, and with just one swing, he slashed down Gu Hanshuang's head with the momentum of Taishan pressing the top.

The way of the heavy sword is not blunt or not, and it is also not fancy. A sword is a sword, but the coercion it brings is really like a tsunami and landslide. Even if there are swordsmen outside the ring, there are several swordsmen who can't hold it up. Pressure, direct mouth-blowing.

Many people couldn't bear to see the tragic image of a delicate beauty being crushed into flesh by a heavy sword, and they closed their eyes one after another.


After a loud noise of weapons intersecting, there was a surging and rapid aura fluctuation that quickly dispersed to the surrounding.

However, on the ring, Gu Hanshuang was not crushed into meat patties as others had expected, but was unscathed. Her sword gently touched the blade of Ji Lingshen's heavy sword, and even if Ji Lingshen used all his strength, he could not press down any further half an inch.

Ji Lingshen's face was flushed with anxiety, but he couldn't hold back his hands directly. In that case, his face would be the same as Tie Ziyang before, and he would not be able to hang up at all.

"The epee can indeed subdue people with its strength, but if it can't be subdued, it will be backlashed." Gu Hanshuang's beautiful eyes glanced at Ji Lingshen lightly, and said casually, "You rely too much on your own so-called innate divine power, I didn't take the time to practice hard in swordsmanship, that's why I was caught so easily."

Gu Hanshuang spoke from the bottom of his heart, and seriously pointed out the shortcomings of Ji Lingshen's swordsmanship, but it was a pity that Ji Lingshen didn't listen at all.

"Too much deceiving!" Ji Lingshen took advantage of his anger to withdraw his sword move, followed by another fierce strike. This time, both his strength and murderous intent were more than ten times stronger than before. 's trick.

Unfortunately, still useless.

"Since I didn't listen to the advice, I'm sorry." Gu Hanshuang wouldn't be used to this kind of person, and suddenly a cold light lit up at the bottom of the sword, and the frosty air instantly froze the heavy sword, and then " Crack!" With a sound, the epee shattered into ice slag on the ground.

"This, this... this is impossible!" Ji Lingshen couldn't accept the reality in front of him at all, so he could not help but kneel on the ground.

Gu Hanshuang kicked Ji Lingshen off the ring with one kick, and glanced at the swordsmen proudly: "I said, you all come together, I don't want to waste time."

Just now, when Gu Hanshuang said this, everyone just pretended to be forcible. Now that the swordsmen heard this again, their hearts froze, and they all felt an unprecedented pressure.

"Don't talk too much, I'll teach you how high... ah!" A famous swordsman couldn't stand Gu Hanshuang's contempt and ridicule, so he jumped onto the ring with his sword, but he was beaten down by Gu Hanshuang with his scabbard before he could draw out his sword.

"How unreasonable, how can the sword club let a woman stand out, I'll come!" Another person did not believe in evil and went on stage, but unfortunately he couldn't hold on for a round, and he also fell off the ring.

"Three Swords of Dongshan, I will meet you for a while!" Not long after, the three swordsmen entered the arena together, and within three seconds they passed out directly in the arena.


No matter how many challenges Gu Hanshuang faced, he always took it lightly, and then defeated his opponent with just one strike.

The whole process is an understatement, like an adult playing with a child.

Soon, there were less than ten people left on the sidelines, and their expressions were very stiff. They did not expect this kind of scene today. They were caught off guard and didn't know how to deal with it.

Jian Jiuming looked blankly at Gu Hanshuang in the ring, but his mood was extremely complicated. On the one hand, he really didn't want to see such a situation where women overwhelmed the pack, and on the other hand, he was extremely appreciative of Gu Hanshuang's swordsmanship. a matching host.

"Jianzhuangzhu, what this woman did seems to be inconsistent with the rules of the sword club." Someone couldn't help but complained to Jian Jiuming: "She did this to ruin the reputation of the sword test club."

Jian Jiuming said lightly: "If you think it's wrong, you can beat her in the end, and you don't need to say the rest of the nonsense."

After saying this, many people's strange thoughts were immediately extinguished. It seems that they can only defeat this woman in the ring.

"This woman's swordsmanship is weird, and she is disrespectful to the way of swordsmanship. Everyone should stop holding any rules." Yun Qilie stood up at this time and said to the remaining ten people: "If she really gets Jiankui, then we These boys lose all their face!"

Hearing this, the ten people were still a little hesitant. After all, the other party was a woman, and it would be shameful to fight them.

"Although it's not in line with the morality of the rivers and lakes, there is no other way." Xiao Tingyu agreed with Yun Qilie at this time, frowning tightly and said: "If we don't defeat her, we will really become the number of Qingjianzhou. The laughing stock of 100,000 swordsmen!"

With Xiao Tingyu's words, the rest of the people finally put down their superficial restraint and responded one after another.

It's just that they haven't thought of another possibility. If ten people have joined forces and haven't won, it's not as simple as losing face.

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