Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2184 Weird script

"I'll do it all."

Young Master Jin didn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, and said directly: "I really asked Guan Tianxiao to produce the seeds of wonderful blood, and I also got the formula. If you have any more questions, I will definitely know everything and say everything. Exhausted."

Zhao Qingqing nodded and said with a smile: "Very good, I hope you can maintain this frank attitude in the future."

"Guaranteed to never lie."

Young Master Jin was really scared, "You can ask whatever you want."

"Where did you get the recipe for these seeds?"

Zhao Qingqing asked his subordinates to take out a bag of seed snacks and put them on the table, "Why do you want to mass-produce them?"

Young Master Jin glanced at the packages of snacks and replied, "Three months ago, someone sent me an express, which contained a script, a recipe, and a plan, which was how to make it. How can these seeds be promoted and sold?"

"Who sent it to you?"

Zhao Qingqing's beautiful eyes stared at Young Master Jin, trying to see some clues in his eyes, "Why did you follow that plan?"

Jin Dashao suddenly hesitated again, and his eyes flickered.

"Better not think about lying."

Zhao Qingqing then warned.

Jin Dashao remembered the pain he felt when Gu Datong possessed his body, and his whole body trembled, and he quickly defended: "No, no, no, I don't want to lie, I just don't know where to start."

Zhao Qingqing looked indifferent: "Tell me the truth."

Young Master Jin sighed, gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, someone grabbed a handle on me, if I don't follow the steps in the plan, the other party will make my handle public and ruin my reputation. ."

Zhao Qingqing's tone was still indifferent: "What's the handle?

Who are you talking about? "

"Yes, it is from the Dragon Temple."

At this time, Young Master Jin didn't even bother to struggle anymore, and just shook it all out: "Three months ago, I took a few young models to play in the mountains, and I accidentally played too much and caused a fatal accident.

I had someone bury the body in the mountain, and somehow it was discovered by the people of the Dragon Temple. "

"Dragon Temple?"

Zhao Qingqing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to turn such a big corner and actually go around this organization. Not long ago, he brought the Dragon Temple to him in the summer, but he didn't see the so-called black-clothed dragon god.


Young Master Jin's face turned pale, and he was obviously afraid of that Dragon God Temple, "I don't want to die, and I don't want to be ruined, plus what he wants me to do, it doesn't seem to be any loss to me, so I just did it. "

Zhao Qingqing asked suspiciously: "You don't know why the other party wants you to do this?"

"I don't know, and I don't dare to ask."

At this time, Young Master Jin revealed the essence of cowardice, "As long as he doesn't expose my affairs, why should I make trouble for myself."

"Are you that sure that the other party will keep his promise?"

Zhao Qingqing folded her arms and asked in a cold voice, "Aren't you afraid that the other party will go back on your word?"

Young Master Jin smiled bitterly: "Of course I'm afraid, but what can I do, the handle is in the hands of others, and the other party is the Dragon Temple."

This is also true. For her and the Tiandao group, this Dragon Temple is purely a copycat, and it is not a cause for concern.

But to ordinary people, the Dragon God Temple seems to be a terrorist organization comparable to the Tiandao Group.

Zhao Qingqing asked again, "What about those things?"

"It's all in the safe in my room."

Young Master Jin did not hesitate, and hurriedly reported the password of his safe.

"I'll confirm everything you say."

Zhao Qingqing said routinely: "If there is a sentence that proves to be false, then congratulations, you will get a life-or-death package."

Young Master Jin shook his head and waved his hands: "There is absolutely no lie."

Soon, the people from the Tiandao Group took the three things he said from the safe of Young Master Jin.

Zhao Qingqing wasn't interested in the script, so he put it aside first.

The formula or something was sent directly to the scientific research team.

For the rest of the plan, Zhao Qingqing turned a few pages and then lost interest. It was really naive, and there were so many doubts that she couldn't explain the remaining doubts in her heart.

For example, what exactly are the seeds of wonderful blood?

what's it for?

Why feed the kids first?

And why did the Dragon Temple make such a plan?

The most important point, Zhao Qingqing began to suspect that this so-called plan of the Dragon Temple was most likely aimed at Xia Xia and Tiandao Group.

It's just that Zhao Qingqing can't figure out the connection between them. After all, the circle is too big. If Zhao Jiu'er didn't happen to be poisoned, it would have nothing to do with them at all.

Thinking about it, Zhao Qingqing casually flipped through the script, and the name was "Twin Flowers in the Sky".

At first, she just casually looked at it, because this is the more popular Xiuxian love dog blood drama, and slowly she felt that something was wrong, and her eyebrows wrinkled.

After Zhao Qingqing saw a plot, his face changed greatly, and he shouted to Xia Tian: "Master, come here and look at this script!"

...Xianyun Continent, Immortal Island.

After Ji Qingying dealt with government affairs for a day, she specially came to the tea room to chat with Yue Qingya to relieve her fatigue.

"It seems like we haven't had tea together in a long time

. "

Holding the teacup, Ji Qingying leaned on the door frame, raised her eyes to look at the waterfall and the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said with emotion, "Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Naturally remember."

Yue Qingya sat upright in the tea room, brewing tea gracefully and slowly, "You were only twelve years old then."


Ji Qingying's beautiful eyes were full of memories, "At that time, the father and emperor were in their prime, except for the prince, all the children were sent to the outside world, either going to the fief or choosing a sect to practice.

As a princess, I naturally don’t have much land, so I can only enter the sect to practice. Fortunately, the father and the emperor still dote on me, so I didn’t send it too far, so I chose the Xianxianmen near Lanjing. "

Ji Qingying said, and suddenly looked back at Yue Qingying: "At that time, you were already the number one fairy in the Xianyun Sect, and you are also famous in the entire Xianyun Continent. I was envious at the time."

Yue Qingya always had a faint smile on her face, and when she heard Ji Qingying's words, she couldn't help but say: "Xiao Mei and I are actually dependent on each other, and there is nothing to envy, it's just for survival.

But you, the royal princess, got the attention of the master and the elders as soon as you entered the sect. At that time, we felt it was quite unfair. "

"Hehe, each has its own glory, and each has its own pain."

Ji Qingying didn't have the temperament of hurting the spring and the autumn, but just casually expressing emotion, "It's just that later, what happened to make you fall out with Ye Yumei.

She even left the sect and joined the Sun Moon Demon Sect. Oh no, it is now called Sun Moon Immortal Sect. "

"Actually nothing."

Yue Qingya didn't really want to bring up that past event, "We didn't fall out either, we just insisted that we couldn't convince each other.

Then again, time has passed and there is not much to say. "

"I'm afraid not necessarily."

Ji Qingying smiled lightly, "If you don't talk about this matter, I'm afraid it will always be a grain of sand in your heart.

While Ye Yumei is on Earth, why don't you tell me in detail. "

Yue Qingya smiled without answering.

Ji Qingying suddenly said at this time, "Is it related to Wen Tianjun?"

"You really want to know?"

Yue Qingya quietly looked directly into Ji Qingying's eyes.

Ji Qingying nodded: "Of course."

"OK then."

Yue Qingying said lightly: "However, I can't just tell you alone. When they return from their missions, I will tell you about the past in detail."

Ji Qingying didn't want to listen to gossip, nor did she want to force Yue Qingying, she just wanted to completely break the little barrier between Yue Qingya and Ye Yumei.

Some things seem to have changed over time, and even both parties have shaken hands and made peace, and even friendship is stronger than before, but if everyone avoids talking about it, it is easy to breed unnecessary indifference.

As the saying goes, it is said to be non-toxic.

Queen Ji did her best to create a perfect and harmonious harem for the summer.

"I don't know what happened to them, whether they encountered any trouble."

Yue Qingya said worriedly.

Ji Qingying came back to her senses and said with a smile, "Most of them are already in the Tribulation Transcendence period, and after several months of training, as long as they don't encounter the Tribulation Period monsters, how can there be any problems.

Furthermore, there have been no immortal cultivators or demons in the transitional robbery period in the Xianyun Continent for tens of thousands of years. "


Yue Qingya nodded, but she did not completely let go of her worries because of this, "However, things are unpredictable.

The land of Xianyun Continent is vast and the monsters are not clean. It is difficult to say whether there will be any big demon king. "

"It's okay."

Ji Qingying was not too worried, and said with relief: "They all have natal talismans in their hands. If there is any situation that cannot be solved, we can also immediately go over to help."

"I don't worry too much about others, just worry about Mengmeng and Yunman."

Yue Qingya said lightly: "Mengmeng's temperament is too detached, even more elusive than her husband, and once she gets into play, no one can hold her except her husband. Yunman is afraid that he will suffer a little."

"I think you worry a little too much."

Ji Qingying smiled and said: "Liu Meng's combat power has always been very strong, except for her husband and some of our old cultivators, she is the strongest, and her fighting talent is extremely high, which is rare in the entire Xianyun Continent. of.

Even if there is a once-in-a-thousand-year-old monster in Wangui Cave, it is probably not enough for Liu Meng to play alone. "

Yue Qingya imagined the scene and couldn't help but laugh.

...At this time, Liu Meng and Liu Yunman had just arrived at the border of Mofeng County in the southwest, and further ahead was the legendary Wangui Cave.

Wangui Grotto, formerly known as Wangui Mountains, but it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the Immortal Cultivation Alliance exiled a group of ghost cultivators who had violated the Heavenly Law. Gradually, the ghost way spread in the vicinity, and gradually it became a cave of thousands of ghosts.

Liu Meng looked at the mountains and jungles like ghosts in the distance, and said excitedly: "Wangui Cave, the name is quite powerful, but I don't know if there are ghosts, if there are no ghosts, I will demolish this broken place!"

As soon as the words fell, a strange scolding sounded in the air: "What a big tone! Dare to come to the cave of ten thousand ghosts and be a wild man, it's really impatient to live."

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