Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2185 You can call me a dream fairy

Liu Meng raised his eyes and looked around, and scolded unhappily with his hips on his shoulders: "Which idiot is talking, stand up for me!"

"Aren't you here to look for ghosts, I am a ghost, and I am a ghost that can eat people." The sharp voice said with a strange smile, "Little girl, this ghost still advises you to get out of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave as soon as possible, Otherwise, you won't be enough for me to eat."

"A man-eating ghost?" Liu Meng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly laughed: "It's true or not, you can eat one and show it to me."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a rustling noise not far away, and there were four shadows arguing under the clump.

"She asked us to eat people, do you want to eat it?" the ghost with a word carved on his forehead asked:

"Of course, if you want to eat them, just eat them." The ghost with the two characters inscribed nodded.

"But they are so beautiful, I really can't bear to eat them." The ghost with the three characters inscribed shook his head.

"Wait, it's true that we are ghosts, when did we become cannibals?" The ghost with the four characters was a little dazed, and tilted his head to ask the other three ghosts.

Before they could discuss the reason, Liu Meng discovered their hiding place and immediately teleported over, only to find that they were very small, so she couldn't help being a little surprised: "Wow, I found you, four... kid?"

These four shadows are indeed ghosts, but they are only the size of a human thumb. They have two transparent red horns on their heads, and they also hold forks of the same proportion in their hands.

Seeing Liu Meng suddenly appearing in front of them, the four little ghosts were so frightened that they almost lost their minds and ran away.

It's a pity, how could they escape Liu Meng's clutches.

"Hey, it's quite cute, and there are numbers on his forehead?" Liu Meng waved his hand and grabbed the four little ghosts in his hands: "Are you really ghosts?"

Kid No. 1 was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the other three ghosts: "She asked if we were ghosts, do you want to answer?"

"Of course we are ghosts, please let us go!" The second kid yelled at Liu Meng angrily.

Kid No. 3 shook his head and vehemently denied: "We are not ghosts, we are just elves in the mountains."

"What are you afraid of, we are ghosts, or the gatekeepers of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave." The fourth kid boldly admitted, but soon fell into a daze, "But there is no door here, so what the hell are we?"

"Hahaha, Yunman, come and see, these little ghosts are very interesting." Liu Meng grabbed the four little ghosts and shook Liu Yunman in the carriage.

Liu Yunman was accustomed to the aunt's escape, looked around cautiously, and said, "You better come back first, this is not a place to play."

"I didn't play." Liu Meng said solemnly: "Didn't you see that I caught four little ghosts, so you can ask them about the situation, you see how smart I am, I don't know if there is more fun in the woods. of."

"Stop playing, we have business to do." Liu Yunman pinched his brows with some headache, "If you don't obey, then I'll have to report to Sister Yue and Sister Ji when I go back."

"Okay." Liu Meng curled her lips, feeling unwilling, but she still had awe for Yue Qingya and Ji Qingying, yes, one was respectful and the other was fearful. Yue Qingya was the spring breeze and the rain, which moved her, so she felt respect and love in her heart; but Ji Qingying directly convinced her, which made her feel intimidated.

Liu Meng is still a child at heart, not only has the erratic escape of a child, but also has an obedient and sensible side of a child.

After returning to the carriage, Liu Meng quickly forgot the little bit of unhappiness in his heart just now, and opened his palm to Liu Yunman, showing the four little ghosts he had caught: "Yunman, look at this, The four little devils are so cute."

"They seem to be the special gatekeepers here in Wangui Cave." Before Liu Yunman came, he also got a manual about Wangui Cave. Naturally, he read it carefully and recognized it at a glance.

"Really?" Liu Meng threw the four little ghosts into Liu Yunman's palm, and said that he was going to turn over the illustrated book.

No. 1 kid couldn't help but said: "They seem to recognize us, do you want to admit it?"

The second kid is a little cautious: "I don't know if they are enemies or friends, let's adapt accordingly."

Kid No. 3 shook his head directly: "Your Majesty said that you must never reveal any information to strangers, and you can't say anything even if you kill him."

Kid No. 4 couldn't help worrying: "What if they really killed us?"

"Hahahaha, listen to them, they are so cute." Liu Meng threw the illustrated book at random when she heard them, and couldn't help laughing, "I'm going to bring them back to Immortal Island to grow up, it's really fun. already."

"You better get rid of this idea." Although Liu Yunman also thought that these four little ghosts were really interesting, he still reminded: "They are earth-born elves, and they will die immediately if they leave this land, you will never I want to watch them die."

"I don't care, in short, I just want to take them back to Immortal Island." Liu Meng frowned anxiously and said unhappily, "You must find a way, or I won't go back."

Liu Yunman said speechlessly: "We have just arrived here, and you are thinking about whether we can go back. If we encounter danger, it will be a problem whether we can survive or not."

"Could it be that the ghosts here are very powerful?" Liu Meng regained his energy in an instant, "That is to say, there is a fight, great, I have been holding back for a long time, and I have long wanted to have a good fight with people. ."

Liu Yunman had no choice for this violent aunt, so he had to ignore her first, but observed these four little devils.

Little Ghost No. 1 heard the conversation between Liu Meng and Liu Yunman, and couldn't help but be a little scared: "They seem to be looking for trouble, the king is in danger."

The second kid folded his arms and was a little nervous: "We must find a way to escape, and then tip off the king."

Kid No. 3 said disdainfully, "What are you panicking about? Your Majesty is invincible in the world. How could these two women be your Majesty's opponents?"

Kid No. 4 frowned and said worriedly, "But the king is very lustful, what if he is fascinated by these two women?"

When the other three little ghosts heard this, they were all discouraged.

"What are the names of the four of you?" Liu Yunman also thought these four little ghosts were very interesting, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

"Why, what are you asking about this?" Kid No. 1 shrank and said shiveringly, "Do you want to find out who we are, and then use a spell to kill us."

Little Ghost No. 2 tightened his eyebrows and asked, "Unless you sign up first, we won't say anything."

Kid No. 3 gritted his teeth and raised his fork: "What do you want to do, it's best not to mess around, we are very good."

Kid No. 4 looked at the three brothers puzzled: "Did they sign up, do we have to say everything?"

Liu Meng approached the four little ghosts and said with a smile: "My name is Liu Meng, you can call me the Great Fairy Mengmeng. Her name is Liu Yunman, and she has a bad temper. Let me...you can ignore her."

Liu Yunman was a little speechless. It wasn't because you were always messing around. If I didn't care about you, I might have gone crazy.

"Fairy?" The little devil was even more frightened, shrinking into a ball of hair: "The king often says that fairies eat little devils, so don't come here."

The second kid cautiously approached Liu Meng and sniffed: "It doesn't seem right, you have the aura of a human, you don't look like a fairy. But the aura in your body is very strong, and it doesn't look like a mortal, strange?"

Kid No. 3 became impatient: "It doesn't matter who they are, in short, the king said that no strangers should be allowed to approach."

Kid Four asked, "Then what are we going to do?"

The other three brats obviously had no choice but to look at the fourth brat and sighed in unison.

"You don't have to worry, we are not bad people." Liu Yunman smiled and explained seriously: "We are messengers from the Misty Immortal Gate, and we came here specially to congratulate the ghost king of Wanku."

Kid No. 1 couldn't help but feel happy: "You are here to congratulate the king, so you are not the enemy."

Kid No. 2 is a little unbelievable: "Don't be fooled, what if it's just what we say."

"There must be a problem." Kid No. 3 is still suspicious, "Your Majesty never said that he sent invitations to the Misty Immortal Sect."

Kid No. 4 couldn't help but said, "Can't you come to celebrate your birthday without sending an invitation?"

The other three little devils seemed to be reasonable when they heard it, and then they became confused again, and they were all downcast.

Liu Meng grinned and grabbed the third kid, and covered his mouth with a finger: "You guys are so cute, you all talk in different ways, if you mess up your order, won't you? have you spoken?"

"Let him go, let him go." The little devil lay on Liu Yunman's palm, panting heavily.

The second kid looked very nervous: "You let him go!"

The third kid who was caught by Liu Meng wanted to say something, but unfortunately he couldn't make a sound.

No. 4 kid blushed, opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time, looking quite uncomfortable.

Liu Meng thought it was very interesting, and laughed loudly: "You guys are really talking in order, it's so fun, then I'll try another one." Just do it, Liu Meng then blocked the mouths of the four little devils one by one. live, or blindfold them, and then let them talk. As a result, these little devils seem to be drunk, and they talk in three-and-a-half ways, and they don’t make the preamble. The situation that came out.

During this period, the four little ghosts also resisted, but unfortunately their spiritual energy was so weak that Liu Meng could torture them with just one finger.

"Hahaha, it's fun, it's fun, it's so interesting." Liu Meng laughed as she rolled around in the carriage, and she didn't even have the image of a fairy.

"Don't make trouble." Liu Yunman couldn't help but hit Liu Meng lightly, "If you keep playing, they will be killed by you."

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