Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2191 To maintain strength, you must fight every day

"This is your old nest, it doesn't look very good."

Liu Meng was very dissatisfied with the ghost king hall in the depths of the cave, "There is not even a single shiny thing, it's as dark as coal, it's boring."

Seeing that Liu Meng seemed angry, the one-horned ghost king was startled, and quickly explained: "Well, we are all ghosts, and we can't see things that shine, so..." "Fart!"

Liu Meng didn't want to eat this set, and directly dismantled the one-horned ghost king, "Why are these four little ghosts outside all the time, and they haven't lost their souls?

You just went out and blasted us with thunder, why didn't you lose your spirits?

Do you think we are stupid, or do you think your excuses are clever? "

The one-horned ghost king shrank in fright, and said with a weeping voice, "Ah...that, there is a reason.

Her Royal Highness, Fairy Mengmeng, listen to my cunning...Bah, explain. "

"I don't listen!"

Liu Meng snorted softly and stared at the one-horned ghost king with dissatisfaction: "Also, you are not a ghost king, why are you so weak, I only beat you for a few minutes, and you actually knelt down and begged for mercy, are you impersonating? of?"

The one-horned ghost king was speechless and insisted: "I am really the ghost king here, I'm just a fake."

"Really, where to change it?"

Liu Mengshun asked.

"Change at Karma Well."

The one-horned ghost king replied subconsciously, but as soon as the words came out, his face changed, and he cried, "I am really a ghost king, really, what to change!"

Liu Meng's eyes lit up, and he became interested: "Kumajing, what is that place?"

"Auntie, don't be fooled, he obviously said this place name on purpose to lure you."

Liu Yunman instantly sensed the intention of the one-horned ghost king and reminded him.

Liu Meng turned her head and glanced at Liu Yunman, and said solemnly, "Yunman, don't call me aunt outside in the future, but call me sister, otherwise it sounds like I'm very old."

"up to you."

Liu Yunman sighed deeply, but still did not forget to emphasize: "You better remember our mission, don't keep thinking about playing."


Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, and asked in a dazed way, "Aren't we just here to play, what tasks do we have?"

Liu Yunman was completely speechless, and it took a while to say: "If you do this, then I will directly issue a talisman to Sister Yue and the others, and ask them to come and take you back."

"Don't, Yunman, Manman, I managed to come out, but I don't want to go back so early."

Liu Meng was pinched at the dead end, so he had to plead with Liu Yunman: "I'm going crazy on Immortal Island, of course I'm not saying Immortal Island is bad, but my husband is not there, there are really people who can play with me. Too little and it doesn't make any sense.

If I just go back like this, I will definitely be mad, you won't be so disloyal, and even hurt your own aunt. "

Liu Yunman thought it was extremely absurd, and now he remembered that he was an aunt.

"You want to play, I understand this, and it won't interfere too much.

But the tasks given by Sister Yue and the others must not be ignored. "

Liu Yunman also knew that her aunt had a childish temperament, so she could only go along with her. If she really banned this and didn't allow that, it would probably stimulate her and make her go directly into a state of rebelliousness, which would be even more difficult to control at that time.

"I didn't say no, we just arrived at Wangui Cave."

Liu Mengmeng Liu Yunman did not restrict her from playing, so he grinned, "Okay, let's start the task now."

The one-horned ghost king was full of question marks. He couldn't understand what the two women were talking about. He could only look at the four gatekeepers and asked in a low voice, "What is the origin of these two women?"

Kid No. 1 was stunned for a while, then pointed at himself: "Is the king talking to me?"

No. 2 kid kicked No. 1 kid and scolded: "It's not who you are, don't hurry back to the king's words."

Kid No. 3 said with some fear: "It's not necessarily asking the first brother, it may be asking the second brother you."

No. 4 kid got impatient: "No matter what number the king asks, we don't know anything."

"Forget it, you bastards, it's a disaster for you to go to the door."

The one-horned ghost king had a helpless expression on his face, but in fact he was heartbroken and regretful.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Liu Meng asked dissatisfiedly, "Do you want to take the opportunity to escape, or discuss some conspiracy to harm us?"

"No, absolutely not."

The swelling on the face of the one-horned ghost king hasn't subsided yet, how can he have the courage, he hurriedly explained: "Just ask the younger ones about the origins of the two fairies."

Liu Meng followed closely and asked, "Do you want to know our origins?"

"Ah, no, not at all."

The one-horned ghost king was very rhythmic and immediately shook his head.

"Thinking, just thinking, dare to pretend to be garlic in front of me."

Liu Meng clenched his fists, "It seems that you are still dishonest and need to be repaired."

The one-horned ghost king cried directly: "Your Highness, Fairy Mengmeng, I really didn't pretend, I have always been honest, don't hit me again, you will really die if you hit me again."

"Auntie, you better restrain yourself."

Liu Yunman couldn't help but persuaded: "You start your hands, you never know how to pull back, how can they resist?"

"Yes, yes, Fairy Liu said yes."

The one-horned ghost king was still in shock and nodded again and again.

Liu Meng was very upset, pointed at the one-horned ghost king and said, "You are a ghost king anyway, how can you be so weak and so cowardly?"

"There's nothing this king can do."

The one-horned ghost king cried and said: "The two fairies are really too strong, and no one dares to come here for thousands of years. If we have no opponents, our skills will naturally decline."

"So, to maintain strength, you must fight every day."

Liu Meng made a solemn conclusion.

Liu Yunman instantly felt that this was simply summer possession.

"Speaking of which, the two fairies suddenly came to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave. Is there something wrong?"

The one-horned ghost king didn't want to be frightened any longer, and took the initiative to ask the purpose of their trip.

Liu Meng raised her eyebrows: "Why, are you trying to drive us away?"

"I don't dare, I just don't want to delay the important affairs of the two fairies."

The one-horned ghost king shrank his neck and said timidly.


Liu Meng pouted and said nothing.

"Okay, I'll just say it straight."

Liu Yunman saw that the one-horned ghost king was so cooperative, so he didn't bother to beat around the bush, "We came from the Misty Immortal Gate and came to you just to investigate one thing. I hope you can cooperate well."

"Cooperation, absolutely cooperation, as long as we know, there will never be any concealment."

The one-horned ghost king nodded frantically without hesitation. His only thought now was to send the two witches away as soon as possible, "What do the two fairies want to investigate?"

"very good."

Liu Yunman laughed, and then said, "Do you know the Wanyuan Spark Sect?"

The one-horned ghost king suddenly shrank his pupils and hesitated for a moment.

Liu Meng noticed this and stared at him with a smile: "Are you going to lie?"

"Ah, no, absolutely not."

The one-horned ghost king was so frightened that he almost lost his mind, "The Ten Thousand Fire Sect, the demon sect that existed more than 10,000 years ago, of course I've heard of it, but we have nothing to do with that demon sect."

"I didn't say that."

Liu Yunman said lightly: "We received a tip that there have been traces of Wanhuo Cultists in Wangui Cave recently. Do you know this?"

"do not know."

The one-horned ghost king immediately shook his head in denial, "I have never seen any Ten Thousand Fire Cultists here, impossible, absolutely impossible."

Liu Meng smiled and asked back, "Then you mean that there was an error in our report?"

"Ah—" Before the one-horned ghost king could react, he was punched by Liu Meng on the top of his head, and the pain almost broke his head.

"I said, it's better not to lie, otherwise you will feel better."

Liu Meng snorted and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't try to hide it, we can see that we dare to play tricks, believe it or not, I will arrest you all and take them back to the Immortal Island to play slowly."

"But this king really doesn't know."

The one-horned ghost king cried bitterly and felt extremely wronged in his heart: "This king is only three thousand years old now, and he doesn't know much about the Wanhuo Cult. How can he tell who is a Wanhuo Cultist?"

"Don't be afraid, if you really don't know, we won't embarrass you."

Liu Yunman smiled and comforted a few words, and then said: "However, since we have a newspaper in our hands, it means that there are indeed traces of Wanhuo Sect here, so think back carefully, in the recent period of time Wangui Have there been any unusual phenomena near the cave?"

"unusual phenomenon?"

The one-horned ghost king couldn't help but fell into contemplation, but the more he thought about it, the tighter his brows became, and he didn't think of anything unusual for a long time.

"You all give me some thought."

Liu Mengchong said to the four kneeling gatekeepers, "If you can't figure it out, you all don't want to eat, and you have to practice boxing with me."

The four gatekeepers were startled, and hurriedly made a frowning and thoughtful look.

"Don't think about it, Wangui Cave has indeed appeared in Wanhuo Cultists."

At this time, a rather clear voice rang from the side.

, Then, a pretty-looking girl in a black dress walked out slowly.

"Who are you?"

Liu Meng jumped up to the girl in the black dress, and even sniffed, "Is it a human or a ghost."

"I am the third daughter of the Unicorn Ghost King, my name is Xue Qiluo."

The girl in the black dress replied lightly.

Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the one-horned ghost king: "You look so ugly and dark, so your surname is Xue?

It's unscientific that my daughter is still so beautiful. "

"I can't help the surnames handed down from ancient times."

The one-horned ghost king said helplessly: "As for the beauty of the daughter, that is because her mother is beautiful."

Liu Yunman's focus was naturally different from Liu Meng, so he asked, "Are you sure what you said just now?"


Xue Qiluo nodded.

The one-horned ghost king was a little panicked: "Qiluo, don't talk nonsense, where do we come from Wanhuo Cultists?"

"Father, have you forgotten that cousin nine came to defect to us half a month ago?"

Xue Qiluo said seriously.

"Nine cousins?"

The one-horned ghost king was stunned for a moment, then his face changed greatly: "You mean that

The kid joined the Wanhuo Sect? "

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