Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2192 My fist is the evidence

Karma Well is actually a lake, but it is narrow and round in shape and bottomless, so it is called a well.

Legend has it that the first ancestor of the Ji family once hunted and killed a big devil here, so it has the name of hunting devils.

At this time, three thin old men in red robes stood by the lake, maintaining a position similar to an equilateral triangle. Everyone bowed slightly, with a mark on their hands, knelt on one knee, and did not blink. Blink at the calm lake.

"The time is up, why hasn't the ninth son come out yet!"

One of the old man with clean face and beard said worriedly, "Will something happen?"

The red-bearded old man on the right side replied in a deep voice: "No, Yin Zai, if the fire in his heart is not extinguished, nothing will happen."

"However, it's approaching the limit."

The old man with broken eyebrows on the right hand side of the red-bearded old man replied: "If there is another half a column of incense time, even if Jiu Gongzi can hold on, we will not be able to hold on."

While speaking, a series of bubbles suddenly appeared on the lake.

After a while, the bubbles became more and more and bigger.


A figure burst out of the lake like a dragon, and after flying several dozen meters into the air, it swayed away the water waves from its body and fell back to the ground, but it was a handsome young man.

"Nine sons!"

The three old men immediately took their handprints and called out respectfully.

The young man didn't respond. He just used his spiritual energy to evaporate and evaporated all the water on his body. Then he took out a set of clean new clothes from the storage bag placed by the lake and put it on.

At this time, he turned his eyes to the three old men and said lightly, "Get up."

The three old men looked at each other, stood up slowly, and remained silent for a few seconds. The needless old man couldn't help but ask, "Ninth Young Master, do you know if you have reached the bottom of the Hunting Demon Well?"


The young gentleman shook his head rather unhappily, "This well is bottomless, below a hundred zhang is like an ice cave, and below a thousand zhang, it is like a hell of fire, when you dive to nine thousand nine hundred zhang, it is already the limit. Dive down, I am afraid that my primordial spirit will be annihilated."

When the three old men heard this, they couldn't help showing disappointment.

"It's only a hundred feet away."

The red-bearded old man sighed with regret.

The old man with broken eyebrows was a little suspicious. After a while, he said, "Since it's only a hundred feet away, can the ninth son see a little bit of the bottom?"

"can not see."

The young master said impatiently: "When you go down to a thousand feet, the spiritual eye is basically useless. When you reach five thousand feet, even the consciousness can't get out of the shell."

"How is that good?"

The red-bearded old man frowned, "If you don't take out the thing at the bottom of the well, how can you bring the Master to life?"

The old man with broken eyebrows shook his head and said, "It can only be said that the opportunity has not come."

"How could it not come."

There is no need for the old man to be a little dissatisfied, and shouted angrily: "Now the sacred fire is all over the continent of Xianyun, the two guardians on the left and right have appeared, and the two of the four great messengers have emerged. "

"I don't care what kind of holy religion you are or not. Anyway, this young master will not go down again."

The young man said with a displeased expression: "I'm going to you, or you can find someone else."

"Ninth Young Master, your words are a little out of place."

Without needing the old man's eyes sank, he said in a cold voice, "Don't forget, we made you, and we pushed you to the Primordial Spirit Stage. As a condition, you must be the descendant of the Fallen Fire Envoy."


The old man with Broken Eyebrows suddenly became stern, "If you want to go back on your words, we will take back everything you got at any time, including your life!"

The young master had obviously reached the limit of his patience with these three old men, so he simply threw his hands and spread his hands: "Okay, take your cultivation back, and order you to take it back as well.

Anyway, you don't think of me as a son, you just treat me as a tool. In order to get the things from the bottom of the well, you don't consider my son's feelings at all. "

"Okay, don't complain, everyone will put out the fire."

The red-bearded old man persuaded softly, "Ninth Young Master, don't be so depressed.

As long as you take out the things at the bottom of the well, and after resurrecting the Fallen Fire Envoy, you will naturally be able to regain your freedom, and we will not pester you any more. "

"Thank God for not crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

The young son naturally wouldn't believe such empty words, but his life was in the hands of others, so he had to succumb.

The red-bearded old man said sincerely: "Don't worry, we made a poisonous oath to our ancestors. If we violate the oath, we will be punished."

There is no need for the old man to add: "When we entered the sect, we have already devoted our hearts and souls to the sacred fire of our ancestors, so we will never break our oath."

"You are a descended boy. Even if the Fire Envoy is resurrected, you will gain Yu Ze and become the candidate for the next messenger I teach."

The old man with the broken eyebrows persuaded him not without temptation: "At that time, you will really become the ninth son, and we old people will still look up to you."

"hope so."

The young man was not so persuasive, but his rebellious emotions were not so strong. "Forget it today, wait for me to rest for a few days and try again."

There is no need for the old man to say with some anxiety: "Let's do it as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

The old man with broken eyebrows obviously felt that it was not appropriate to delay: "Yes, if the people at the Misty Immortal Sect are aware of it, then all previous efforts will be wasted."

"There are three Chi Qiongguo here, which can restore your spiritual power and lost blood."

The red-bearded old man took out a red transparent fruit from his arms and handed it to the young master, "We don't have much time, we must hurry up, we can't afford to delay it."

At this time, a short-footed skeleton ran from a distance, rushed forward and said, "Report.

The ghost king brought the third princess and two strange women towards this side. "

"What is he doing here?"

The old man with broken eyebrows was puzzled and said to himself in confusion.

There is no need for some ominous guesses from the old man: "Isn't it because you want to take back the Demon Hunting Well?"

"The Demon Hunting Well is originally something of our Wanhuo Sect, and this Wangui Cave was lent to the Horned Ghost Clan by my teaching 10,000 years ago."

The red-bearded old man opened his eyes angrily, staring at the one-horned ghost king and the others who came from a distance.

"Don't be arguing, he's up to me to deal with."

The young man was the first to calm down, and said lightly, "He is my uncle anyway. As long as the matter is not exposed, he will not do anything to me."

Just as he was talking, the one-horned ghost king, the three princesses, Liu Meng, Liu Yunman and others had already walked to the Karma Well.

"Uncle, third cousin, why do you come here when you are free?"

The young gentleman tidied up his clothes a little, and greeted him with a smile, "Let a few kiddies know in advance, so I can prepare some good wine and food to wait."

The one-horned ghost king still maintained the dignity of the ghost king in front of this young son, and said with a pinch of tone: "Well, there is no need for wine and food. I came to find you because there are some things that I need to confirm with you."

"Don't know what's going on?"

The young gentleman glanced at Liu Meng and Liu Yunman, "I don't know who these two fairies are?"

Liu Meng was too lazy to talk nonsense and didn't like to beat around the bush, so he asked straight to the point, "Are you the one who plays with fire or water?"

"It's Wanyuan Spark Cult, referred to as Wan Huo Cult."

Liu Yunman reminded in a low voice.

"who cares."

Liu Meng waved his hand indifferently and pointed at the young son in front of him, "You'd better not lie. I have learned from my husband that I can see through truth and lies at a glance."

"Truth and lies should be heard, right? What does it have to do with watching?"

The young gentleman smiled lightly and said calmly, "What's more, before questioning, shouldn't the two fairies show their identities to show courtesy?"

"Just answer whatever you are asked, don't think about changing the subject."

Liu Meng was a little unhappy. Apart from Xia Xia and the group of sisters, she was the most annoying for others to correct her various grammar mistakes.

Instead, Liu Yunman answered the young master's question: "We came from Xianxianmen, and we have a talisman issued by Queen Ji. We came to Wangui Cave to investigate the traces of Wanhuo cult."

Sure enough, it's from the Misty Immortal Gate. I thought it came so quickly! The young master and the three old men looked at each other, and each could see the fear and suspicion in the other's heart.

"The two fairies are afraid that they have come to the wrong place. We have nothing to do with Wanhuo Sect."

With a kind smile on the young man's face, he said humbly, "Of course, if there is a clue, we will definitely report back in time."

Liu Meng shook his head: "No, you are lying."

"Oh, how do you see it?"

The young man was startled, but his face did not reveal the slightest, and he was still quite indifferent.

Liu Meng said impatiently: "What's not so obvious, when I look at you, I know that you are definitely not good people, and you must have done nothing good."

At this time, the red-bearded old man couldn't help but said: "Although we are ghosts, we are not evil demons. Even if the two fairies are from the Xianxianmen, they can't slander us for no reason."

"If there is any slander, try it and you will know."

Liu Meng smiled, squeezed his fist and hit the red-bearded old man.

There was almost no sign of this punch, and the red-bearded old man broke out in a cold sweat in an instant. It was still too late to retreat again and again. He was hit by the fist wind, flew dozens of steps backwards, and fell to the side of the Demon Hunting Well! The other two old men were furious. Qi Qi stopped Liu Meng and shouted, "How unreasonable, there is no evidence, and they actually beat people. Are the people of Xianxianmen so rude and rude?"

"Evidence, what evidence, my fist is the evidence."

Liu Meng is here to fight, and other things are not in her mind at all. Seeing these two dare to stop her, her interest is suddenly higher.

After a while, the three old men couldn't resist.

"Uncle, what do you mean?"

The young man couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and asked the one-horned ghost king: "If you have any opinions on me, just say it, why let outsiders do something to the three elders of our clan?"

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