Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2201 You'll be dead in the next second


The red-bearded old man landed on his head and made a heavy muffled sound, but his body was already mutilated, obviously he couldn't die any longer.

"Elder Hong, what are you doing..." The smile on Young Master Jiu's face had not retreated, but his eyes were full of astonishment.

"The third one!"

"Third brother!"

The other two old men were also startled and rushed towards them in a hurry, but unfortunately it was of no use.

"This old man is really annoying, even if he dies, he will get in the way."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Meng jumped out of the passage and landed easily.

Liu Yunman smiled happily and asked, "Aunt, are you alright?"

"What can I do, but this old man is really too bad, and he is going to trick me when he is dying."

Liu Meng glared at the red-bearded old man with some dissatisfaction, "Fortunately, there are four little ghosts to help, otherwise it would not be so easy to escape this time."

"Four little devils?"

Xue Qiluo was stunned for a while.


Liu Meng nodded and spread out his palms with a smile, only to see the four little ghosts immediately jumped down from their palms and jumped to Xue Qiluo with wailing.

"your Highness!"

"Three princesses!"

"Woooooo, we almost died."

"Are we still alive?"

Xue Qiluo put the four little devils in her palms, and said with some humor: "Of course you are still alive, aren't you still alive and kicking."

"Hey, these four little devils belong to me, you can't rob them!"

Liu Mengmeng felt that these four little ghosts were too close to Xue Qiluo, and could not help but loudly declare their sovereignty.

"Hehe, thank you Fairy Liu for saving the four of them."

Xue Qiluo didn't mind Liu Meng's attitude, but said with a smile: "However, if you really want to take them away, you need to ask their own opinions."

No. 1 kid immediately said: "I'm not leaving, that's a witch, so scary."

The second kid shook his head firmly: "I won't leave the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave if I kill me."

No. 3 kid said worriedly: "Three princesses, you and the king can't abandon us."

Kid No. 4 has some doubts: "If she doesn't leave, will she kill us?"

After saying this, the four little ghosts were stunned for a while, and when they remembered Liu Meng's terrifying strength, they all had a bitter look on their faces, and they felt like they were about to cry again.

"Hmph, they can't help but agree. If I say I want to take it away, I have to take it away."

Liu Meng is not someone who can easily compromise. He has the same virtue as Xia Xia, and the things that he believes can't be brought back by nine cows.

Xue Qiluo was a little helpless, so she had to look at Liu Yunman for help.

"Aunt, don't talk about this, it's more important to deal with the enemy in front of you."

Liu Yunman did not persuade Liu Meng, but reminded her: "If there is nothing we can do, we will not be able to explain to Sister Yue and the others when we return to the Immortal Island, and it will not be easy for you to bring anything back."

"That's true, then kill these idiots first."

For Yue Qingya and Ji Qingying, Liu Meng was still quite convinced and respectful, mainly because she couldn't beat them, and she couldn't even see any hope of shortening the gap.

"Dare to kill my third brother, none of you can escape today, all of you have to die!"

The old man with the broken eyebrows saw that the red-bearded elder was dead, and the hatred and anger in his heart suddenly ignited.

No need for the old man to be equally grief-stricken, gritted his teeth and said, "Originally, the three of us just wanted to retrieve what was in the sect, and then left quietly, with no intention of hurting anyone.

But if you deceive people too much, don't blame us for being ruthless! "

"Stop pretending, you Wanhuo Sect have secretly burned, killed, looted, and committed countless evils during this period of time. I really think no one knows, right?"

When Liu Yunman heard this, he couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "If you really succeed, you will not kill people and keep your mouth shut, I really don't believe it, I'm just afraid that this cave of ten thousand ghosts will really become a thousand ghosts and cry. "

Liu Yunman's words really touched their hearts. They originally wanted to kill the one-horned ghost king's family immediately after taking the things in the bottom of the hunter's well, and burn the ten thousand ghost cave by the way, so as not to be leaked. information.

However, even if they were told, they would not admit it.

"Three cousins, you don't really think that I will harm you and your uncle."

Jiu Gongzi's face was full of sincerity, and he said to Xue Qiluo, "My mother is your father's only younger sister. We are as close as a family. How could I harm you."

Xue Qiluo is not a child, so naturally she didn't believe that she was persuaded by some words, she just said coldly: "As long as you draw a clear line with these two people now, I will still treat you as my cousin, what I did during this period of time. Things, I can also treat as never happened.

However, if you are obsessed, don't blame me for killing my relatives righteously. "

"Cousin, you were bewitched by these two women."

Ninth Young Master said with a bit of heartache: "The three elders just want to get back what originally belonged to them. They really have no other ideas. Why do you have to fight each other?"

"What virtue is the Wanhuo Sect, don't you know?"

Xue Qiluo sneered, and directly broke through: "Nine cousins, you must have killed a lot of people along the way, you just entered the Wangui Cave that day, I smelled a strong murderous aura, and you are still pretending to be stupid with me. .

My father is confused, I am not confused. "

"Son, don't talk nonsense, we have no way to go back!"

The old man with broken eyebrows made a decisive decision and did not want to waste any more time. "I originally wanted to collect the Wangui Cave after the fact, but now it seems that it is more straightforward to kill them all!"

Ninth Young Master also stared at the ominous light in the wrong way. He didn't bother to cover up any more, and said coldly: "Cousin, this is what you forced me to do, Wanyuan Chuanhuozhong, come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw dozens of people in black robes rushing out from behind the Heavenly Ghost Stone Statue, and surrounded Liu Meng and the other three and four little ghosts.

"When did you arrange the manpower?"

Xue Qiluo was shocked, she didn't realize when there were so many outsiders hidden in Wangui Cave.

"It's not the manpower that was arranged, but was directly selected from your Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave."

Ninth Young Master said proudly: "My holy sect enlightens everyone. They all joined the sect voluntarily and decided to follow me to rekindle the holy fire and revive the sect."

"A group of people eating inside and out."

Xue Qiluo was furious: "What's wrong with my father and I to you, you actually went with the remnants of the demon sect."

"Miss Xue, don't be angry."

Liu Yunman persuaded softly: "It's good to know who they are now, so as not to be stabbed by them in the future."

Liu Meng got a little impatient, and pouted, "What are you talking about, why don't you just kill them."

"Arrange the formation, the fire will start a prairie fire, and burn them to death for this young master!"

Ninth Young Master shouted at the black-robed men.

The people in black robes immediately spread out according to specific positions, and even the two old men chose a rather strange position, and these people surrounded Jiu Gongzi in the middle.

"What kind of trick is this going to play?"

Liu Meng was a little more interested, and his eyes gradually lit up.

Liu Yunman felt something was wrong, and said to Xue Qiluo, "Be careful.

If you can't stand it for a while, you can hide behind me. "

"Thank you."

Xue Qiluo didn't care at all, she knew what she was, and since she couldn't help, at least she didn't make a fuss, so as not to hurt others and herself.

"Burning the holy beacon, fire!"

Ninth Young Master stood in the formation, raised his hand and patted his waist, only to see a blood-red long sword flew out of his storage bag and landed in his palm, shaking with "woohoo" from time to time. Screaming, making the eardrum hurt.

When the black-robed men heard the order, they squeezed their handprints, chanted words in their mouths, and then raised the swords in their hands, constantly carving strange marks on the ground.

These traces were interwoven into pieces, and finally converged on the soles of the two old men.

The two old men also shouted angrily, burning flames all over their bodies, like burning men, and then together they blasted their power into the body of the nine young masters in front.


Ninth Young Master shouted angrily, his eyebrows were lit with flames, and his eyes were full of raging flames. The whole person instantly soared several meters, his robes and sleeves were burned out, his beard and hair were flying, and the whole person was like a killing god bathed in fire.

"The ghost fire envoy descends, and you can't die quickly!"

Ninth Young Master's voice was as violent as thunder, causing the entire Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave to tremble three times.

Liu Meng was a little disappointed, and said dissatisfiedly: "I thought you had some great tricks, but the result is that a ghost is possessed, what's the use, it's not enough for me to play."

"Hmph, you dare to speak madly, this envoy will burn you to ashes today, and your soul will be destroyed!"

Ninth Young Master was furious, he swung the long sword in his hand, wrapped in raging fire, and struck Liu Meng with a thunderous blow.

This sword, which looks cumbersome, is actually extremely fast, and carries a strong coercion that makes people shudder.

For example, the four little ghosts just glanced at the flame image of the ghost fire, and they were already trembling with fright, and they dared not move.

However, Liu Meng obviously wouldn't be frightened by this phony trick, so he directly clenched his fists and went up to him.

"Hey, Fairy Liu, be careful, that sword is not an ordinary thing, you must not fight recklessly."

Xue Qiluo was startled when she saw Liu Meng being so reckless, and quickly reminded.

Liu Yunman smiled and said to Xue Qiluo, "Don't worry, she will never suffer in a fight. If she really can't fight, she won't fight. She will only call someone more powerful to help her."

This so-called more powerful person naturally refers to Xia Xia. When he was on Earth, Liu Meng was like this. If he had fun, he would play by himself.


The fists and swords collided in the air, and the strength of the two sides met first, making a deafening roar.

The invisible air waves and the turbulent flames all exploded in all directions at this moment, splashing everywhere.

Xue Qiluo was afraid that these flames would burn the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, so she secretly asked the four little ghosts to take advantage of the soil to inform the Ghost King to come and help.

"It's interesting, but it's not enough."

Liu Meng punched out this punch, and he almost tested the opponent's strength, so he said: "Come on, use your most powerful tricks, or you will die in the next second."

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