Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2202 You will be girls from now on

"Extremely arrogant!"

Ninth Young Master was obviously very angry, so he immediately took a deep breath, waved the long sword in his hand again, and chopped down at Liu Meng: "Death to Ben!"

Liu Meng glanced at the flames and coercion that were stronger than before, and shook his head a little disappointedly: "I want you to do something new, it's not for you to add a little more strength, if you rely on strength alone, you add ten times more. , a hundred times or even a thousand times, are useless.

Forget it, after all, you have only summoned a virtual image, and it is normal that you cannot exert one-thousandth of your strength. "

Under the fury of the ninth son, he used all the remaining spiritual energy in his body: "When death is imminent, if you dare to be disrespectful to this envoy, then you will die and never survive!"

Wherever the great sword came, the flames flowed like a rush, and almost the entire Ten Thousand Ghost Cave was shrouded in it, as if it would be burned into a Jedi at any time.

"Go away, you're not having fun anymore!"

Liu Meng is an ice and fire spirit body. Whether it is fire spirit energy or water spirit energy, it does not have any lethal power to her, on the contrary, it will encourage her momentum.

She originally wanted to play for a while, but unfortunately this person in front of her has no tricks to make her eyes light up. Since that's the case, why are you still doing it?

Liu Meng lightly cut through the heavy spiritual pressure, and easily pinched the long sword in his hand, so the terrifying flame instantly dissipated without a trace.

"how can that be!"

Ninth Young Master was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief: "This Young Master's sword has one-tenth of the power of the Ghost Fire Envoy, how can you stop it!"

Liu Meng said casually: "According to my husband, impossible things happen every day.

You think it is impossible, but you are too weak and have too little knowledge. "

The two old men were equally stunned, but they reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed behind Liu Meng to make a sneak attack.

Unfortunately, they forgot that Liu Yunman was still watching, how could they succeed.

"Want to sneak attack?

You picked the wrong person. "

Liu Yunman flashed over in an instant, rewarded the two old men with a knife, and knocked them unconscious.

On the other side, Liu Meng also punched Ninth Young Master in the heart, directly knocking him hundreds of meters away, knocking down hundreds of towering trees before it stopped.

Ninth Young Master took this heavy blow, and he passed out and returned to his normal shape.

As for those people in black robes, they wanted to run away because of the strangeness, but they just bumped into the one-horned ghost king who led the team to come to help, so they were captured in one net.

"It's boring, it's boring, this is useless?"

Liu Meng felt that he was just getting excited, and his opponent was gone. It was really boring. "Or let them go and let them find more powerful helpers."

Liu Yunman said amusingly, "Auntie, don't be ridiculous, we have to rush back to recover our lives."

"Hey, I've been tricked. This Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave is not fun at all. There is no one who can fight."

Liu Meng felt a little regretful, knowing that he would not change with others, maybe he could still compare swords with some powerful swordsmen.

Liu Yunman felt that it was okay for things to go smoothly, and the Nixian meeting planned by Queen Ji and Yue Qingya was about to be held. That was the top priority, and they had to deal with some trivial matters before that.

Soon, Ninth Young Master and the rest of the Ten Thousand Fire Sect were tied up, and Liu Yunman used the talisman to summon some nearby dynasty guards, preparing to escort these people to Lanjing.

At this time, Liu Meng was begging the one-horned ghost king for the four little ghosts: "Hey, ghost king, can you give it or not, if you don't give it, I will break the remaining horn of yours."

The one-horned ghost king was a little scared, but he said, "Your Highness Fairy Mengmeng, I was born with one horn, not one left."

"I don't care if you are born or the rest, in short, I will decide on those four little devils."

Liu Mengmei glared and said angrily, "Don't try to hide them."

Xue Qiluo persuaded from the side: "The four gatekeepers have signed the covenant of binding souls. They really can't leave the Wangui Cave. If they leave, they won't be able to live. It's useless for you to take them to Lanjing."


Liu Mengcai didn't believe this kind of bullshit, and said with a akimbo: "It's okay if I break this ghost covenant."

"That can't be broken."

Xue Qiluo said helplessly: "It was signed with the Netherworld and this land. This is the case with all the ghost clans in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. Even my father and I can't leave easily."

"Then I'll take some of the soil here to support them."

Liu Meng said.

Liu Yunman persuaded: "Auntie, don't be hard on others.

Anyway, you are just playing with it for a while. If you really bring it back, you will get tired of playing in three days at most, and you will not have to throw it aside by then. "

Liu Meng immediately shook his head and assured: "Impossible, I will take good care of them, treat them as pets, and keep them until they die."

"If you have to take them away, it's not impossible."

At this time, the one-horned ghost king sighed and said to Liu Meng: "In the cave of ten thousand ghosts, only the water in the Demon Hunting Well can sustain the cold ghost energy that the gatekeeper needs for a long time.

If you can get the water out there, get the janitor kid. "

Xue Qiluo was startled, and said subconsciously, "The water there is profound yin root water, and it is impossible to take it away."

"Is this your condition?"

Liu Meng didn't care about this, and said to the ghost king: "As long as I can take those water away, you will give me the four little ghosts."


The one-horned ghost king nodded. The water in the Demon Hunting Well is not ordinary water, but root-fixing water nourished by ten thousand years of mysterious cold air. As the name suggests, the roots have been fixed, and no one can take them away.

No matter what container you use, the water will disappear instantly after leaving the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave.

Liu Meng immediately flew everyone to the Demon Hunting Well, turned his head and said to the one-horned ghost king, "Don't regret it."

"I'm the ghost king, I won't regret it."

The one-horned ghost king said decisively: "Even if you can really take away the water here, I will not regret it, and I will keep my promise and give you the four gatekeepers."

"That's it."

Liu Meng didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took out a booklet from his arms and shouted at Karumajing: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and enter the book."

The water in the Demon Hunting Well immediately boiled upon hearing Liu Meng's words, and after a while, it turned into a waterspout, jumped up, and rushed towards Liu Meng.

"Be careful!"

Xue Qiluo was afraid that the well water would attack Liu Meng, so she couldn't help but remind her.

However, things were beyond their expectations. The well water did not attack Liu Meng. On the contrary, according to Liu Meng's words, they actually entered the booklet.

The booklet seemed to be the size of a palm, but in the end it completely absorbed the water from the Karma Well that was more than ten thousand feet deep.

"This, this..." The one-horned ghost king's eyes almost fell, and he couldn't believe the reality he saw.

Liu Yunman was also a little puzzled, and asked Liu Meng, "Aunt, where did this booklet in your hand come from?"

"It was taken from the bottom of the well, you wouldn't want to rob it, would you?"

Liu Meng put away the booklet nervously, "The old red-bearded old man led me to the bottom of the well, and then I found this booklet. The well water seemed to be afraid that I would take this booklet away. Toss me to death.

However, I still got it. "

"Could this booklet be some secrets that cousin Nine want to get?"

Xue Qiluo said with a bit of astonishment.

"Whether it is or not, it's mine now."

Liu Meng hugged her shirt tightly to prevent others from seeing it: "You must not play his mind."

Liu Yunman was a little helpless towards this aunt's child's temper: "No one robbed you."

"Ghost King, give me the little devil!"

Liu Meng rested a little in her heart, spread her hands at the one-horned ghost king, and said with a serious face, "I want to take them to Lanjing."

The one-horned ghost king had no choice. Who told him to speak out, he had to pause and call out the four gatekeepers.

After the four gatekeepers showed up, they immediately hugged the thigh of the one-horned ghost king with tears in their eyes, and cried and cried.

Kid No. 1 cried the most: "Your Majesty, I don't want to leave you!"

Kid No. 2 cried rhythmically: "Wow, wow...don't want us."

Kid No. 3 rubbed his eyes while crying: "If you drive us away, we won't be alive."

The fourth kid was a little puzzled while crying: "Where is Lanjing, I heard that people over there like to eat kid."

Having said that, the four little ghosts suddenly felt that the future was bleak. After looking at each other, they hugged each other and cried bitterly.

"Don't cry, since Her Royal Highness Fairy Mengmeng can take the water from the Hunting Demon Well, then your survival will not be a problem."

The one-horned ghost king said with a sigh of relief: "What's more, Lanjing is the imperial capital of the dynasty, where there are outstanding people and wonderful talents, you may be able to achieve something when you go there.

It's not like staying here, you can only be a kid all your life. "

Xue Qiluo also said: "Following Fairy Liu is actually your good fortune.

Seeing that there was really no turning point, the four little ghosts had to agree and jumped to Liu Meng's open hand together.

Liu Meng put the four little ghosts in the palm of his hand, and laughed loudly: "You are mine now, and I will be your master from now on. Remember to call me master, no, it's the master of Fairy Mengmeng."

"What a long title."

No. 1 kid complained.

"It's really a bit long, so you can call me master."

The No. 2 kid bargained, "Or just call it Master Dream."

Kid No. 3 is a little anxious: "It doesn't matter what you're called."

"If you don't call, will you hit us?"

The fourth kid asked worriedly.

Liu Meng glared at them: "I am the master, I have the final say."

The four little ghosts looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"By the way, are the four of them male or female?"

Liu Meng suddenly thought of a question.

Xue Qiluo was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Why ask this?"

"Men and women still have to figure it out."

Liu Meng said solemnly: "The place where I live is full of women, in case they are all lechers, although they are small, but if they are men, they must be castrated first."

The four little ghosts shivered suddenly.

"Haha, Fairy Liu, you really know how to joke."

Xue Qiluo chuckled a few times and explained: "The gatekeeper is actually an elves raised by nature. There is no gender distinction, just like flowers and trees."

"There is no distinction between men and women, so how can they

What to pee. "

Liu Meng asked curiously.

Xue Qiluo's face turned red. She didn't expect Liu Meng to ask such a shameful question so straightforwardly, so she could only whisper, "They only live on the cold air, and they won't have that need."

Liu Meng asked again, "Then will they have children?"

"Not born."

Xue Qiluo replied, "Only when they die, they are buried in the soil and nourished with spiritual energy for twenty years, and then new ones will regenerate."

Liu dreamed about it and said to the four little ghosts: "I've decided, you will be girls in the future."

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