Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2203 I can kill them all at will

Having collected four gatekeepers and defined them as them, Liu Meng was very satisfied, and felt that this trip to Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave finally had a little bit of fun and would not be fruitless.

What Liu Yunman was more concerned about was the booklet Liu Meng took out from the bottom of the Demon Hunting Well, and he asked for it directly and studied it carefully.

Xue Qiluo accompanied Liu Meng and Liu Yunman all the way because she wanted to visit Lanjing and comfort the four little ghosts on the way.

"Yunman, you've been looking at it for a long time, have you seen any flowers?"

On the return journey, Liu Meng asked Liu Yunman while teasing the four little devils.

Liu Yunman frowned slightly, and said suspiciously: "The words in this booklet are really unfamiliar, they are different from all the existing words on Xianyun Continent, and I can't find any regularity. ."

"Could it be the text from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance?"

Xue Qiluo thought for a while, then speculated: "After all, according to legend, this thing was brought over by the ancestor of wild fire from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance."

"It's possible."

Liu Yunman nodded, and then became a little puzzled: "Could it be that someone in the Ten Thousand Fire Cult can understand this kind of text?

Otherwise, what's the use of them even taking out this booklet? "

Xue Qiluo then speculated: "Even if they don't understand the text, they can use it.

Didn't Fairy Liu use this booklet to collect the water from Karma's Well before. "

"That's true."

Liu Yunman agreed with Xue Qiluo's inference, so he turned to look at Liu Meng, "Aunt, how did you drive this booklet?"

With a smile, Liu Meng was poking at the chubby little belly of No. 1 kid with her fingers, and she had a great time playing, but she didn't hear what Liu Yunman was saying at all.

"Stop playing, we are discussing things."

Liu Yunman raised his hand and pushed Liu Meng, "Anyway, listen to me."

"What's there to negotiate?"

Liu Meng returned to his senses and said dissatisfiedly, "Wait until the Immortal Island and leave it to Mu Han or Yaoyao to study it. They are experts in this area. Yunman, you are just a doctor."

Hearing Liu Meng say this, Liu Yunman sighed helplessly, and had to admit that she was right, she was just a doctor, and she was completely clueless in things like deciphering passwords.

"Where is that fairy island?"

Xue Qiluo asked tentatively, "Aren't you guys from Xianxianmen?"

Liu Yunman glanced at Xue Qiluo and said with a casual smile, "Yes, Immortal Island is a branch of Misty Immortal Gate, and we all belong to that branch."

Xue Qiluo smiled and didn't ask any further questions.

...the earth, the top of the snow-capped mountains, the golden floating museum.

After dawn, all the testers gathered in the lobby, discussing the murder that happened last night.

The body of the golden-robed man was also placed under the hall, his chest was pierced by a sword, leaving a huge wound, and his heart was also removed. It can be seen that the murderer was extremely cruel, and his methods were very clever, and his strength was definitely not weak. .

"The golden-robed man died in the middle of the night last night. After that, everyone went to the lobby. Only you and the woman were not there. You are not the murderer, who is the murderer!"

After a night of rest, Ling Qianshan, who had recovered his anger, once again pointed the finger at Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian.

Xia Xia still seemed to lack interest. Hearing Ling Qianshan's words, he just replied: "It seems that you idiot didn't get enough beatings yesterday."

"shut up!"

Ling Qianshan was stabbed at the pain point, and immediately jumped like thunder: "Don't think that you can show off your power here by taking advantage of it for a while. I just made a mistake last night, and I gave you a chance to take advantage of it."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "If you lose, you lose. You don't even have the courage to admit it. It really is a waste."

"I didn't lose! If I dare to insult Ling again, believe it or not, I will stab you to death with a sword!"

Ling Qianshan suddenly became furious when he saw that the eyes of others were looking at him wrong.

Xia Tian just spit out two words lazily: "Idiot."

Ling Qianshan's lungs were about to explode with anger, and he was about to hit Xia Xia with his fists. At this time, someone finally came forward to stop him.

"Young Master Ling, don't be impulsive."

Qin Baoyu raised his hand and held Ling Qianshan down, persuading him, "The most urgent task is to find the murderer, and don't be impatient."

The sword-carrying man Zhang Zhiqing said indifferently, "What murderer are you looking for?

is this necessary?

We are here to participate in the trial of the Little Immortal Realm, not to play a boring crime-solving game. "

"Young Master Zhang, something is wrong with what you said."

Qin Baoyu frowned slightly and said to Zhang Zhiqing, "Although the Jinpao man really has nothing to do with us, the murderer is between us after all. If we don't catch it early, who knows if he will shoot at others?"

"Or, he is the murderer."

Ling Qianshan's Yu Feng changed again, and suddenly pointed at Zhang Zhiqing: "You are the only one here who carries a sword on your back all day."

"It doesn't matter, as you think."

Zhang Zhiqing snorted coldly and said proudly, "If you think I'm a murderer, even if you shoot at me, this young master will let him know that my Zhang Family's Wulei swordsmanship is powerful."

Saying that, he stood up abruptly, turned around and walked out of the lobby, towards his room: "I don't have time to waste time with you here, you should find some murderer slowly."

"What are you pretending to be! Self-righteous bastard!"

Yan Zimo of Chenzhou Zombie Sect showed disgust in his eyes and cursed in a low voice.

At this time, a foreign friend, Zhan Musi, also stood up, shook his head and said, "Last night, I was ranked to fight pesticides all night, and now I have a little energy, I have to go back to my room to catch up.

If you catch the murderer, remember to tell your buddies and hide. "

"Hmph, I have nothing to say to you."

Ling Qianshan couldn't bear it anymore, he always felt that Xia Xia was looking at him with contempt, and left the table.

After a while, there were only five people left in the lobby.

"Okay, who else is leaving?"

Qin Baoyu asked indifferently.

Yan Zimo wanted to leave, but he knew very well that among these people, he was the weakest. If he went back to his room, what if he was targeted by the murderer, he might as well stay here and save his life.

"Those who stay should be people who really want to catch the murderer."

Qin Baoyu tried to mobilize the remaining people and said slowly.

"Don't take me with you."

Xia Xia said: "I'm not interested in what the murderer is not the murderer. It's the slender wife who wants to find the murderer, so I stay here."

Bai Xianxian's pretty face was slightly red, and she was still not used to calling her wife in public in Xia Xia. After all, she was still an unmanned girl.

"It doesn't matter. If you have any clues or ideas, please tell me."

Qin Baoyu's temperament tends to be gentle, and it is unlikely that he will arouse others' disgust if he is the leader.

"Last night, a strange figure appeared in my room."

Bai Xianxian said at this time, "Sister Xiao and Brother Tian have seen it, but after chasing it out, they are gone."

Xiao Yanyan said in agreement, "Yes, that guy has murderous intentions towards me, and almost got his way."

"Is this true?"

Qin Baoyu then asked: "Then have you seen him?"

Bai Xianxian shook her head: "No, he is very fast, and he is hidden in the shadow, so he can't tell his appearance at all."

"However, it is definitely a master swordsman."

Xiao Yanyan said affirmatively: "When he was behind me, I felt a murderous aura that only a sword can emit."

"With a sword?"

Qin Baoyu hesitated, "You also suspect Zhang Zhiqing?"

"I didn't say that."

Xiao Yanyan shook her head and said with a smile, "A person like Zhang Zhiqing who puts his sword on the bright side is unlikely to be the murderer.

And whether other people will use swords, we can't be sure. "

At this time, Qin Baoyu suddenly looked at Yan Zimo who had not spoken.

"I have nothing to say."

Yan Zi said in a cold voice, "My Zombie Sect is physique, and I never use a sword."

"Certainly not him."

Xiao Yanyan said lightly: "After practicing Zombie Boxing, the body will be very stiff and straight. This can't be hidden at all, but that person's movement is quite elegant and agile."

"After asking us so much, what can you tell yourself?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at Qin Baoyu suspiciously: "How can you prove that you are not the murderer?"

Qin Baoyu didn't get angry when she heard this, but laughed instead: "Miss Xiao's suspicion is normal, and I don't want to make unnecessary excuses. What is the truth? This needs everyone to investigate."

"It's all bullshit."

Xiao Yanyan rolled his eyes at him, feeling very boring, "Forget it, I won't play with you anymore, I didn't sleep much last night, I'm going to take a beauty sleep."

"If that's the case, then everyone should leave."

Qin Baoyu smiled bitterly, feeling that none of these testers were really easy to get along with, "However, it's best to be vigilant. If you find something wrong, call for help immediately."

Having said that, Yan Zimo couldn't stay any longer, but when he turned to leave, he subconsciously glanced at Xia Xia, as if he wanted to say something, and finally left without saying a word.

"Wait, Young Master Xia."

After Qin Baoyu waited for the others to leave, he suddenly stopped Xia Tian: "You are called Xia Xia, right?

I think I heard Miss Xiao call you that. "

"Yes, my name is Summer."

Xia Xia replied lazily: "Summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter are the best days in the world.

What do you want me to say? "

Qin Baoyu looked at Xia Xia with a solemn expression, and said slowly, "Yesterday, I found a note on the side of the man in the golden robe, and on it was written the list of the testers.

I quietly put the list away and didn't let anyone see it. "

Xia Tian curled his lips: "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, but focus on it."

"Your name doesn't seem to be in the list of testers."

Qin Baoyu observed Xia Xia's reaction, "Who are you, and what is your purpose for infiltrating the testers?

Are you the murderer who killed the golden-robed man? "

Xia Xia said casually: "I never said what kind of tester I am, I have long said that I went to the Little Immortal Realm to save my wife.

As for you idiots, I can kill them all at will.

Only those who are not strong enough will engage in so many monster moths. "


Baoyu was speechless for a moment, licked her lips, and said nothing more.


At this time, a shrill scream suddenly sounded.

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