Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2214 then only hard

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"Don't you think that if you kill a mere Ten Thousand Fire Sect messenger, you think you are qualified to compete with this king?"

King Chambord slowly sat up straight, staring at Ning Jie coldly, with a look of disdain on his face: "This is the king's territory, don't you think that Xianxianmen can save you?"

"That's why you have a big problem with your brain." Ning Jie smiled lightly, "Our reliance is not the Misty Immortal Sect. On the contrary, we are the reliance of the Misty Immortal Sect."

"Hey, I'm crazy." King Chambord suddenly laughed softly again, "But it doesn't matter, this king only cares about one thing, whether you can meet this king's conditions."

Ning Jie felt that this Shampoo King was already a little insane, and emphasized again: "We will not agree to any of your conditions, but will hold you accountable for harboring the remnants of the cult."

"It's the king who heard it wrong or you said it wrong." King Chambord's face changed again, "I'll give you one last chance, it's better to think about it before you speak, otherwise, the two of you will die."

Ning Jie answered without hesitation: "No need to think about it, I can tell you again now, don't dream. You are not qualified to make conditions with us."

King Chambord was silent for two or three seconds, and then clapped his hands: "Very good, since you agree, then send a message to Misty Immortal Sect right away."

"Sister Xin, has he lost his ears?" Ning Jie asked Sun Xinxin in a low voice.

Sun Xinxin thought about it for a while, and said somewhat uncertainly: "I don't know yet, but the influence of Ruinao Xiaokuoxiang on him is definitely getting worse."

"Your Majesty, they don't intend to cooperate." The white-robed female general said softly to King Chambord at this time.

"What?" King Chambord suddenly changed his color, pointed at Ning Jie and Sun Xinxin and said, "You guys are actually making fun of this king, so don't blame this king for being rude to you. Sacrificing incense leads, this king wants to use them to make divine incense! "

The twelve palace maids immediately took out strips of red gold forgings and tied the twelve palace incense burners together. Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie were surrounded by these burners. At the same time, the incense burner began to glow with red light, and strands of fragrance intertwined in the sky above the hall, forming a blood-red mist.

Looking at this scene, Ning Jie was thinking about how to get out. It wasn't that she was afraid of this so-called divine fragrance, she just wanted to see what the king was trying to do.

"Might as well tell you, from the beginning, this king did not intend to let you go." King Chambord looked arrogant and sneered: "To condense the fragrance of the gods, you must sacrifice one or two stunning beauties. Only with their muscles and bones can they achieve a good fragrance. There is indeed no shortage of beautiful women in my Chambord country, but there are indeed very few people who are as beautiful as the two, so they must not be wasted."

"You are really disgusting." Ning Jie frowned slightly and said coldly: "It seems that you are such a godly fragrance, and it is definitely not a good thing."

"How can the incense not be a good thing, it is a heavenly thing." King Chambord said intoxicated: "Although I have not seen it myself, my father did use the incense to repel the Ji Dynasty several times. The attack also scared the descendants of the Ji family to dare not step into our Chambord country.

"It's really sick." Ning Jie was too lazy to say anything more, "I'd better take you back to Lanjing and let Qingying take care of you."

"What kind of girl is Ji Qingying!" King Shampoo was instantly excited, "After making you into a divine incense, the first person this king wants to kill is that thief girl! Let her give me Shampoo for her thief father. Atonement for the country!"

Ning Jie felt that something was wrong. The aromas in the air were actually absorbing the vitality of her and Sun Xinxin, so she no longer hesitated.

"It's useless." The king of Chambord sneered, "I've already taken precautions against this move. This king has added a wind stabilizer to every spice, as well as anti-wind powder. Even if you are in the hall, you can't disturb the wind and call the rain. In the process of refining the incense, you should just wait to die."

"If that's the case, then we can only be hard!" Ning Jie said expressionlessly.

Sun Xinxin whispered to Ning Jie: "Xiaojie, you have to be careful about that female general, leave these palace maids to me to deal with."

"You know, be careful too." Ning Jie's body turned into an afterimage, and instantly rushed to King Shampoo's side.

Seeing this, the white-robed female general made her move, and she drew her sword and slashed at Ning Jie, trying to stop her from attacking King Chambord.

"It's you who waited!" Ning Jie laughed and changed her shape suddenly, facing the edge of the sword, and bullied her to the front of the white-robed female general.

The white-robed female general was startled, and hurriedly retracted her sword and cut it back. The sword flow turned and hit Ning Jie's back.

"The swordsmanship is good, but unfortunately I can do the exercises of the Sun Moon Immortal Sect. I may have more skills than you." Ning Jie smiled lightly. Sword energy, and then two black ribbons flew out of the sleeves, entangling the white-robed female general.

"This is the Black Jade Training in the Seven-Colored God Training?" The white-robed female general widened her eyes and shouted in astonishment, "How could you?"

"Do you know Ye Yumei?" Ning Jie said softly, "She taught me the body technique, and she also taught me this kind of training belt."

The white-robed female general was stunned for a moment and asked, "Senior Sister Ye Yumei Ye, isn't she already dead?"

"Who told you that you were dead?" Ning Jie asked strangely.


Of course." The white-robed female general was about to say a name, but suddenly changed the subject: "Anyway, there have long been rumors that Senior Sister Ye was killed by Yue Qingya. "

Ning Jie said lightly, "You can also believe such unreliable rumors."

"Believe, why don't you believe it." The white-robed general said resentfully, "Now that Yue Qingya has returned to the Misty Immortal Gate, she has also cleaned the Sun and Moon Immortal Gate from top to bottom. If Senior Sister Ye is not dead, then Why don't you show up and let the surnamed Yue act in the Sun Moon Immortal Gate?"

"It's really not clear for a while." Ning Jie shook her head. After all, this has to start from twelve years ago, and the grievances and grievances between the two of them on the earth and the experience of encountering summer have to be discussed. Speaking out, the story is a bit long, so I had to say: "In short, Sister Ye is not dead, and she is the one who rectified Sun Moon Immortal Sect, but she has gone to a place now and really can't show her face."

The white-robed female general said in a cold voice, "You are from the Misty Immortal Sect, why should I believe you!"

"It's up to you to believe it or not!" Ning Jie was too lazy to explain, "You should check this kind of thing yourself, instead of listening to those rumors. This ribbon was taught to me by Sister Ye herself, except for her, Sun Moon Immortal Sect. There shouldn't be many people in the Central Conference."

The white-robed female general was stunned for a while, and she couldn't help but be suspicious of Ning Jie's words. The Seven-Colored Divine Training is indeed the secret of the Sun Moon Immortal Sect, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. In the entire sect for thousands of years, there have been fewer than three people who have practiced it, among them Ye Yumei.

"Senior Sister Ye, is she really not dead?" The white-robed female general was still a little hesitant, "Then how could she be mixed up with you people from the Misty Immortal Sect?"

Ning Jie took back the black ribbon and said to the white-robed female general who had regained her freedom: "It's inconvenient to tell you the reason, but the Misty Immortal Sect and Sun Moon Immortal Sect have resolved their grievances and become an unbreakable alliance."

"Bai Yuxiang, what are you doing, hurry up and take these two women to me!" King Chambord saw that the white-robed general was chatting with Ning Jie, and he was furious: "Do you still want to regain your freedom? The soul is in my hands."

"What's going on?" Ning Jie looked at the white-robed female general in confusion.

The white-robed female general sighed and said slowly, "Twelve years ago, I came to Chambord to do a mission, but I fell in love with him, and he used a strange fragrance to hook my soul away, so I had to obey him. "

"That's easy to deal with, just kill him and get the soul back." Although Ning Jie is not a domineering personality, she is still a woman in summer, and at this time, summer's method is the most effective.

Before the white-robed female general said anything, Ning Jie dodged back to King Chambord's side, and two black ribbons wrapped around like a snake.

"Hmph, it's just right." King Chambord waved his sleeve robe abruptly, and sprinkled a stream of pink incense powder, "Try the incense that this king personally prepared!"

Seeing the opportunity early, Ning Jie saw through the movements of King Shampoo, and wrapped two black ribbons around his robe in advance, and with just a twist, the fragrance splashed back on his own face.

"Cough, cough, cough!" King Shampoo was slapped on the face by the powder, and he coughed, subconsciously saying to himself, "No, I have to take the antidote quickly!"

"Antidote, are you talking about this?" Ning Jie slowly retracted the black ribbon, and a slap-sized sapphire bottle appeared in her hand.

King Shampoo's face changed greatly, and he reached out to Ning Jie: "Hurry up, return the antidote to this king, this king can spare your life!"

"You think too much." Ning Jie gently threw the bottle to the white-robed female general, "This is for you."

The female general in the white robe took the bottle and looked at Ning Jie blankly: "You are sure to give it to me. I'm not afraid that after I have to understand the medicine, I still don't believe you."

"One yard is one yard." Ning Jie said lightly: "It's one thing whether you believe me or not, and I hate this kind of thing about using drugs to control others."

King Chambord glared at the white-robed female general, and said viciously: "Bai Yuxiang, give the antidote to this king, do you want to betray this king!"

"I've never been loyal to you, so how can I betray you?" The white-robed woman opened the bottle, drank the antidote directly, and threw it into the bottle.

"Alright, alright, do what's right with this king!" King Chambord's face turned hideous, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Then let's all die together, sacrifice the incense soul, refine the incense, and give them all to this king alive. Practicing to death!"

"Stop yelling, it's useless." Sun Xinxin smiled lightly and said softly, "Those palace maids won't listen to you anymore."

It was only at this time that King Chambord realized that all the girls in the twelve palaces had fainted, and their personnel was unknown.

"Two mistresses, are you all alright?"

At this time, a person rushed in from outside the palace. It was Ji Shishi, the driver, and said, "All the perfumers outside have been subdued by their subordinates."

King Chambord was in a cold sweat and felt that something was wrong.

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