Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2215 Fragrance and scent

Although people have been resolved, but the aroma has been generated but cannot be dissipated in an instant.

Sun Xinxin looked up at the wisps of fragrance floating in the air, with a worried look on her face: "These fragrances are very harmful. If they are allowed to drift away, they will probably hurt ordinary people."

Ning Jie also felt that it was inappropriate to leave like this, so she said to the king of Chambord, "Hurry up and let people take away all these aromas."

King Shampoo was intoxicated by his own incense, and the whole person had fallen into despair. Hearing Ning Jie's words, he couldn't help but shouted: "It's okay if you want this king to take it back, you give me the antidote first."

"The antidote is gone."

The white-robed female general said lightly, "But we can give you a treat!"

"Hmph, then don't say anything."

King Chambord's face suddenly turned cold, and he said as if he had given up on himself: "Then let these poisonous incense float around. Whether it is exotic flowers and plants, or ordinary people, let's bury this king together."

Sun Xinxin really couldn't understand the mentality of such a person, so she couldn't help reminding: "This is the country of Chambord, and it is your subjects who are endangered by poisonous incense!"

"so what!"

King Chambord didn't have the slightest thought of guilt, but instead he was excited: "This king is going to die, and they care about their lives. Besides, being buried with this king is also a blessing that they have cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Ning Jie shook his head: "It's unreasonable!"

"Then what?"

Sun Xinxin frowned slightly, she really didn't know how to respond.

"Just to see if you can blow them away with the wind."

Ning Jie raised her head and stared at the thick fragrance mist in the air, muttering to herself.

"That won't work."

The white-robed female general shook her head and reminded them, "Whether it's a semi-finished incense, or the incense mist that is soaring into the sky, it can't be blown away by ordinary wind, on the contrary, it will speed up their spread."

Sun Xinxin couldn't bear it: "Could it be that they can only be allowed to poison ordinary people?"

"Hahaha, there is no way, there is absolutely nothing you can do."

The king of shampoo laughed wickedly, "If the incense is successful, this king can still use a spell to control one or two, but now it is only a half-finished product, and it is mixed with the incense mist of the soaring incense array, even if you invite the gods. , also to no avail.

Let's all die together, and we will all be buried with this king! "

"shut up!"

Ning Jie was a little annoyed, and kicked King Shampoo unconscious.

"It's not impossible, but there is a price to pay."

The white-robed female general thought for a moment, and then said hesitantly, "You can only use a bunch of incense flags to guide the incense mist to no-man's land, and then let them wreak havoc, and it will dissipate in about three days."

This is easy to say, but it is still extremely cruel.

Although the common people can be preserved, some other creatures must also be sacrificed.

Moreover, the Chambord Kingdom and the Ji Dynasty were at the junction. The so-called no-man’s land was located within the Ji Dynasty, and the poisonous incense was hurriedly led there. If something went wrong, it would be too late to regret it.

Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie subconsciously disagreed with this idea.

The white-robed female general sighed inwardly, and then said: "There is one last way, but the hope of success is very slim."

"any solution?"

Ning Jie couldn't help but ask.

"Most of the aromas in this mist are semi-finished products and have not yet formed a whole."

The white-robed female general said slowly while thinking: "If you can distinguish them one by one, and then separate them out with the method of distinguishing scents and qi, you should be able to solve them too.

However, we have no way of knowing which spices those perfumers used, and how much.

And even if you know which spices are used, it's hard to tell if they're mixed together now, so hope is very vague.

What's more, the perfumers may not cooperate with us. "

"If there is really no way, we can only lead them to a no-man's land."

Ning Jie also felt that this method was a little unrealistic, not to mention that the twelve palace maids each used twelve different kinds of spices, and the ten thousand incense array outside the palace was not very easy to deal with.

"No, this method is fine."

Sun Xinxin's eyes suddenly became firm, and she said with certainty: "I have opened a flower shop before, and I have a natural sensitivity to the aroma of various plants. As long as I smell it once, I can definitely tell the difference."

"Yeah, I almost forgot your natural ability, Sister Xin."

Ning Jie patted her head and immediately became happy: "It's not too late, let's act now.

Shirou, you go and look in the pockets of those perfumers, and try to find the spice formula in the Wanxiang array. "

Then he said to the white-robed female general, "Your name is Bai Yuxiang, right? Then I'll call you Sister Xiang. You teach Sister Xin how to distinguish fragrance and I'll collect samples of all the spices."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The white-robed female general's face was full of unbelievable expressions, "Although there may not be 10,000 scents in the Myriad Fragrance Array, there are at least thousands of them, not to mention that there are all kinds of complex and high-quality spices in the fragrance. It is really not a simple thing to distinguish these aromas.”

"You can rest assured on this point. Sister Xin has never been a big talker. Since she said she can, she must be able to."

Ning Jie was very optimistic and said with a smile: "Besides, how do you know if you don't try your best?

no? "

"What if it's useless?"

The white-robed female general was still a little hesitant.

"Then do it even more!"

Ning Jie said firmly: "Being able to prove that this method is useless as soon as possible is actually buying time for an effective method.

Someone once told me that it is useless to hesitate, just do it. "

"All right."

The white-robed female general was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "There is a treasure house of incense sticks behind the palace. The king must have used the spices from there. There are samples of all flowers and plants in the country."

"Thank you."

Ning Jie thanked the female general in the white robe, and then walked away.

At this time, Sun Xinxin said softly to the white-robed female general, "Sister Xiang, please teach me the method of distinguishing fragrance and gas, okay?"

"it is good."

The white-robed female general did not hesitate this time, and nodded directly.

The method of distinguishing fragrance and qi is actually not complicated, it is so simple that there are only twelve formulas.

However, just memorizing the formula is obviously useless, but it is necessary to thoroughly understand the formula, and then generate unique insights, so as to spy on the supreme mystery of distinguishing fragrance and gas.

Sun Xinxin has a calm nature, she is not interested in fighting and killing, and her talent is limited, so when she was on Immortal Island, she really didn't master many boxing exercises, but in her spare time, she read a lot of books on flowers and plants. , is not unfamiliar with the fragrance.

She likes flowers and plants very much, and is really obsessed with various aromas, and has a rich cultural background, so she quickly has her own understanding of the twelve formulas.

At this time, Ji Shiyi walked over with a stack of papers and said to Sun Xinxin, "Mother Xin, I found some papers from those perfumers. After checking, I feel that the recipes on these papers are very likely. There are the spices with which they set up the incense array."

"Let me see."

Sun Xinxin took over the stack of papers, just glanced up and down, and memorized them all. It was thanks to the golden needle washing performed on them that summer, which raised their memory to the limit of human beings, so she looked at them. Don't forget, it's already a basic skill.

The white-robed female general also looked at it and said, "The spices on this are indeed the commonly used recipes for Wanxiang Formation, but it seems that there are at least a thousand kinds."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a sample of each, I will never forget it after smelling it once."

Sun Xinxin is not worried about this, she has already started to capture the fragrance mist in the air, trying to smell the fragrance contained in it.

After a while, Ning Jie walked in with a group of palace maids, each carrying two wooden drawers.

"I brought all the spices in the Tibetan incense store."

Ning Jie asked the maids to put the wooden drawer on the ground, and said to Sun Xinxin, "Sister Xin, it's time to start."

"it is good."

Sun Xinxin didn't hesitate, and immediately opened the first wooden drawer. She found ten different petal powders in it. She picked them up one by one, put them under her nose and sniffed, and immediately said: "There are Muyanhua, Danxin Begonia, Jinbo. Moju, Tinalan leaves, Fire Horseshoe, Water Sleeve Incense Root..." After reading her name, Sun Xinxin immediately followed the method of distinguishing fragrances, raised her hand and lightly tapped the fragrance mist in the air, only to see a strong fragrance In the fog, a few strands of aroma were immediately analyzed, and soon dissipated.

"Crescent grass, page-turner, mirror magic hand..." Another side of the aroma was separated from the thick fragrance mist.

Sun Xinxin was greatly encouraged, so she became more and more energetic, and her movements became faster and faster! "Golden lotus, laughing Buddha's feet, dragon scale fruit leaves, nine-sentence ginseng, sky red grass..." Gradually, the fragrance mist in the air became lighter and lighter, and in the end only two or three scattered strands remained. The ground is floating in the air, and there is no danger anymore, but Sun Xinxin's obsession has come up, she must figure out what the last two or three kinds of aromas are.

"Sister Xin, why not?"

Seeing that Sun Xinxin was sweating on her forehead, Ning Jie couldn't help but persuade, "As long as a gust of wind is summoned, it will be blown away immediately."

Sun Xinxin shook her head and rejected Ning Jie's persuasion: "No, I must figure it all out, I can't do things halfway."

After speaking, he asked Ning Jie again, "Are all the flowers, herbs and spices in the Tibetan incense store here?

"Yes, it's all here."

Ning Jie nodded.

Sun Xinxin frowned slightly, and she was a little puzzled: "That's weird, how come there are still two kinds of aromas that don't have corresponding samples?"

"Don't waste your energy, you can't tell the last two aromas apart."

King Chambord didn't know when he woke up. Although his whole personality was extremely decayed, he still wasn't dead. He even mocked Sun Xinxin with a breath: "You guys are resting for the rest of your life to know what it is! Hahahaha."

"You laugh at the fart!"

Ning Jie glared at him a little unhappily, "Just lie there and wait until you die. What nonsense are you talking about? We have already destroyed your divine incense and the ten thousand incense array, so why are you proud!"

"If it is broken, it will be broken. Anyway, this king is going to die, so who cares about what they do."

King Chambord smiled weakly, "However, if I can leave you with even a little bit of unhappiness, this king will be much happier even if he dies."

"Ah, I know what the remaining two scents are!"

Sun Xinxin suddenly woke up, but her expression was slightly down: "How could you do such a thing!"

"Hey, you can really tell the difference, it's a rare genius in the fragrance world!"

The King of Chambord said with pity: "If you can be owned by the king, why can't the incense be prepared, and why should the king shy away from such a place.

This Immortal Cloud Continent is supposed to belong to this king. Their surname is Ji, He De He Neng... This king is so unwilling! puff! "

As soon as he finished speaking, King Chambord spat out blood, tilted his head, and died.

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