Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2216 Like to play thunder, right?

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"Sister Xin, what are the other two aromas?" Ning Jie asked.

Sun Xinxin sighed and said softly, "It's the smell of concocted human bones, the so-called bone-penetrating fragrance."

"Ah?" Ning Jie was shocked and thought she didn't understand: "Sister Xin, what did you say?"

"I used to be on Immortal Island, and when I was looking at the spice book, I saw a record." Sun Xinxin said in a low mood: "The book said that there was a small country in ancient times, and there was a special method of refining bones. The flesh and blood of living people are refined into their own bones. In this way, those bones will have a strange fragrance that will last thousands of years."

Ning Jie felt a chill all over her body. She didn't expect such terrifying things in the world. It was incredible.

"Yes, I remember." The white-robed female general also remembered a trivial matter at this time, "A few years ago, the princess and the little prince disappeared inexplicably, and it was rumored that they were taken away by the ghost mountain black demon. Now it seems"

Although the words were not finished, everyone knew what she meant, and instantly felt that this Shampoo King not only died, but also deserved to go to the eighteenth hell.

"It's just that his bone-penetrating fragrance is still a failure." Sun Xinxin shook her head and said to herself, "That kind of evil thing should never exist in this world."

Since the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect and King Chambord are both dead, there is no such thing as Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie here. The two of them simply passed on what happened here to the Immortal Island with a talisman.

Queen Ji also responded quickly, that is, let them return to Immortal Island as soon as possible. As for the Chambord Kingdom, now that the king is dead and there is no heir in the country, it was naturally incorporated into the territory of the Ji Dynasty and became a new state and county.

Sun Xinxin and Ning Jie get on the carriage and prepare to return to Lanjing.

The white-robed female general named Bai Yuxiang wanted to go back to the Sun and Moon Immortal Gate to have a look, so she went with the two of them.

Little fairyland, Penglai Fu Land.

Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian just jumped over the golden gate on the top of the snow-capped mountain, and they landed on a floating island in an instant.

Looking at the past, there are hundreds of such small islands suspended in the air. Every island is full of life, with lush flowers and trees and towering trees, and looks unusually environmentally friendly.

On the top of these suspended islands, stands a group of majestic and magnificent palaces with treasure elephants, and at the bottom is an endless blue sea.

In front, not far away, stood a huge archway, with four golden characters written on it: "Penglai Fudi".

"Little Immortal Realm turned out to be like this, it's very beautiful." Bai Xianxian raised her eyes and looked around. In terms of the scenery, there is indeed a feeling of beauty here, at least a hundred times better than Shuangyue Island.

"It's average." Xia Tian curled his lips, "Actually, Qingfeng Mountain is not much different."

Bai Xianxian was stunned: "Qingfeng Mountain?"

"I used to live in Qingfeng Mountain with my sister Shenxian and my wife." Xia Xia said to Bai Xianxian with a smile: "It's very beautiful and fun. I'll take you to play when I have time."

"Okay." Bai Xianxian nodded with interest, and after a while she couldn't help but ask, "Where are we going now? Do you know where Sister Ninth is?"

"I don't know." Xia Xia shook his head, but he didn't think it was difficult. "So I have to ask someone."

Bai Xianxian raised her eyes and looked into the distance, and pointed at her hand: "Then you can only pass through that gate, and there are people inside."

"If you want to ask someone, of course you want to find someone who is most likely to know." Xia Xia yawned lazily, focusing on the palace on the highest point of these islands, "Wife Xianxian, let's go."

Saying that, Xia Xia hugged Bai Xianxian's waist, jumped straight up, and flew towards the palace in mid-air.

When the two of them just passed the gatehouse, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded in the air: "Who is it that trespassed on my Penglaifu Land!"

At the same time, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, slashing straight at Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian, and then two tower-like giants appeared from behind the house number, glaring at Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian.

"What are you two doing?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically, slightly unhappy.

"Penglai Fudi Town Gate Left Heavenly General, Heavenly Swordsman too!" The giant general on the left, holding a long knife about the size of the gatehouse, said in a buzzing voice.

The giant general with a long iron whip on the other side shouted: "Penglaifudi town gate right heaven general, long mace general is also!"

"Why do these two people look like giant spirits?" Bai Xianxian looked at these two people, not feeling their majesty at all, but rather amused.

"Yes, we belong to the Giant Spirit Race." Tiandao Ke said proudly: "The Giant Spirit God is our ancestor."

Bai Xianxian was stunned for a moment: "Isn't the Giant Spirit God a character in Journey to the West, does it really exist?"

"Presumptuous!" The mace general lowered his head slightly, approached Bai Xianxian and Xia Xian, and shouted sharply, "My giant spirit clan is an ancient spirit clan, which existed when the sky and the earth split open, yet you take such clumsy Come judge me and wait, it really deserves a fight!"

"I don't care whether you are a giant spirit or a giant immortal." Xia Xia said with some displeasure: "Get out of the way, don't get in the way, I don't have time to waste time with you here."

The Heavenly Swordsman sneered, staring at Xia Xia with gloomy eyes: "The turbid people from the lower realms, not only dare to trespass on my Penglai blessed land, but also dare to speak rudely, it's really courting death!"

"I'll ask you one last time!" Chang Jiang was more rational, and rushed to Xia Tian and Bai Xianxian.

Said: "Quickly report the name, and why did you trespass into Penglai Fu Land, and what do you want to do!"

"Breaking? It shouldn't be counted." Bai Xianxian was not intimidated, and answered very calmly: "We just passed through the gate of Xiaoxianjie, and then we got here."

The Heavenly Swordsman frowned and said in a buzzing voice, "You came in from the gate of the Immortal Realm, oh, so you are the testers this time?"

"Wait, shouldn't there be twelve testers, why are there only two of you?" Changmae asked with a puzzled face.

Bai Xianxian is also a little strange. The so-called testers seem to have only nine people with her, so why are there three more places?

Heavenly Swordsman stared at Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian dissatisfiedly: "Even if you are a tester, you can't trespass into Penglai blessed land. You should go to the northernmost receiving island, where there are special receiving messengers who will take you to the test. place."

"That's right." The mace commander also ordered: "Turn back immediately, otherwise, it will be dealt with by Heaven."

"I'm not a tester, and I'm not interested in participating in any trials." Xia Xia yawned lazily and said casually, "I'm here to find someone, do you two know where the nine girls are?"

Heavenly Swordsman looked blank: "Looking for someone? Come to Penglaifu to find someone!"

"Who is the ninth girl?" Chang Mae asked with the same doubts.

"Nine girls are nine girls, she is my wife." Xia Xia said with a serious face: "She was brought to Xiaoxianjie by an idiot woman called Queen Yin, and I came here to save her."

"What Yin Queen, what nine girls, I have never heard of it!" The Heavenly Swordsman was still at a loss, and soon he was too lazy to think about it, he just said: "No matter what reason you have, in short, you must not trespass into Penglai Fu Land, otherwise Lower the thunder penalty!"

"Get out of here!" Chang Mae became impatient and shouted sharply.

"Since you don't know, then I won't talk nonsense with you." Xia Xian didn't want to pay attention to the two of them, and continued to fly towards the palace at the top with his arms around Bai Xianxian.

The Heavenly Swordsman was furious, and swung the long knife in his hand at Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian: "I told you to get out, didn't you hear me!"

This knife seems heavy and slow, but it is actually fast and violent, and the strong wind it brings is estimated to blow down a building.


Unfortunately, Xia Xia just stretched out his hand at will, and easily pinched the long knife between his fingers.

"I'm in a hurry, and I don't have time to talk to you for the time being." Xia Xia said with some displeasure: "If you stop me again, don't blame me for beating you."


The long mace was also angry, and he threw his mace towards Xia Xia, and suddenly the sound of whistling and breaking through the sky suddenly pierced one's eardrums.

"This is what you asked for, so don't blame me!" Xia Xia's temper was not very good, and he suddenly flashed, appeared in front of Chang Xie's eyes, squeezed his fist and punched it.

"Hahaha, what's the use of your little fist!" Changmae Jiang laughed suddenly, and said with great disdain: "Even if you get hit, it will only be bitten by a mosquito and poof!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Xia's fist, and then he opened his mouth and spurted out a door-sized tooth, and his tower-like body flew hundreds of meters away.

"How courageous, how dare you attack the Heavenly General of the town gate and kill Ben!" Seeing this, the Heavenly Swordsman's eyes were split, and he swung his long sword again. This time, he did not take Xia Xia lightly, With a real effort, the tip of the knife shone with the slightest thunder and crackled.

Before the knife arrived, the wind and thunder had already hit the face, and in an instant, it seemed as if the heavens and the earth were pressed down. This enormous coercion was terrifying.

Unfortunately, their opponent is Summer.

Summer will never be fooled by such fancy special effects, whether you are a real thunderbolt or a fake thunderbolt, it is useless to him.

Because, his speed can be faster than lightning! Many people think that the speed of lightning is the speed of light, but this is not true. Lightning is just a phenomenon of discharge. To put it bluntly, the speed of lightning is actually the speed of electron movement, which is far worse than the speed of light.

There are many movement techniques in summer now, such as being close to the horizon, shrinking the ground into an inch, and stalking. These are all movement techniques that can only be cultivated by immortals. Although they are not as fast as the speed of light, there is still no problem in surpassing lightning.

However, in the face of the thunderous knife from the Heavenly Swordsman, Xia Xian did not use his fist to meet him, but used the needle outside the needle that he realized.

As soon as Xia Xia raised his hand, a silver needle flashed between his fingers, and then he moved the aura of ice and fire, and lightly moved towards the long knife that was slashing.


In midair, with a soft sound, countless spiritual energies suddenly gathered about an inch in front of the silver needle like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

Including the traces of thunder that appeared on the sword of Heavenly Swordsman, it was also sucked away by the silver needles of Xia Xia, and it even got bigger and bigger.

"You like to play thunder, don't you, then let's play slowly!" Xia Xia smiled, and then the silver needle moved, and a cloud of spiritual energy gathered together, trapping the two giant goalkeepers.

The two giant goalkeepers immediately fell into the shroud of aura cloud, and they were scorched inside and out tenderly by the rolling thunder.

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