Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2217 You can't live

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When an accident happened to the two goalkeepers, the door plate suddenly radiated a red light that shot straight into the sky, and at the same time made a harsh sound. Immediately afterwards, the entire Penglaifu Land was like a beast that had been awakened, from the lowest island all the way to the highest palace responded quickly.

Bai Xianxian said unexpectedly: "How can this be like an air defense alarm?"

Xia Xian had a puzzled look on his face, looked at Bai Xianxian and said, "Xianxian wife, didn't you grow up on Frost Moon Island, how did you know about the air defense alarm?"

"Although Frost Moon Island is overseas, it is not a deserted island." Bai Xianxian explained with a smile, "We still understand some basic things, and occasionally we will go to the island to play for a while, but there are network."

"Oh." Xia Xia recalled what happened to that Sentinel Island and couldn't help but nodded.

"Brother Tian, ​​what are we going to do next?" Bai Xianxian looked at the floating island in front of them. Countless people seemed to be pouring out from the ground, each holding a weapon and waiting for them both.

Xia Xia didn't care about the situation in front of him at all, and said casually: "Wife Xianxian, don't pay attention to these idiots, let's continue to find someone to ask the whereabouts of the nine girls."

Since Xia Xia said so, Bai Xianxian can only try to ignore those people.

So the two continued to fly to the highest point.

It's just that they chose to ignore each other, but the other party couldn't let the two of them rush to the top palace.

"The two of you, stop quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" On the way, a rather dignified middle-aged man in white robe shouted angrily at Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian.

Xia Xia ignored him at all, and still flew towards the palace with Bai Xianxian.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear?" The white-robed man couldn't help but be furious, holding a long sword and rising into the sky, blocking Xia Xia and Bai Xianxian.

Xia Tian said unhappily: "Good dogs don't stand in the way, hurry up and get out of the way, or I'll beat you up."

"Presumptuous!" The white-robed man's eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "This is Penglai Fu Land, not a place where you can mess around!"

"I'm not messing around." Xia Tian curled his lips, "I just want to find someone to ask something. If you know, you can actually ask. Do you know where Jiutou is?"

"Nine girls?" The white-robed man frowned tightly, but did not answer, but looked at Xia Tian up and down: "Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to ask this question!"

"Who am I, you have no right to know." Xia Tian curled his lips, "You just need to answer my question honestly."

The white-robed man snorted coldly and pointed at Xia Tian with disdain on his face: "This seat is the Sixth Elder Bai Xianjun of Penglai Blessed Land. Don't say that you trespassed in Penglai, and injured two goalkeepers. If you don't give an explanation, you can't leave alive. !"

"Do you know where the nine girls are?" Xia Xia said impatiently: "If you know, say it, if you don't know, get out of the way, and I'll beat you up if you talk nonsense."

"I think the two of you must be evil and evil, and you want to be detrimental to Penglai!" The white-robed male raised his eyebrows and grabbed it in the air. He saw bursts of brilliance flowing, and a long white sword appeared in the sky. In his palm: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude."

Then, he shouted at the group of Penglai people below: "Penglai disciples obey the order, form an array, and meet the enemy!"

The Penglai disciples on various islands lined up in response, and countless long swords were aimed at Xia Xian and Bai Xianxian in midair.

"It's really troublesome." Xia Xia couldn't help sighing, "I always don't listen to you when I talk to you, and I have to be beaten to understand people's words, right?"

"I'll say it one last time, you'd better capture it with your hands!" The man in white robe shook the long sword that was shining like water in his palm, and said coldly, "If you dare to resist, then don't blame me for killing you on the spot!"

Bai Xianxian said at this time: "Brother Tian, ​​let me come."

"No." Xia Xia smiled, "Wife Xianxian, just watch from the side, I can kill this idiot easily."

"I don't know what it is!" The man in white robe sneered in his heart when he heard this, raised his sword and rushed towards Xia Tian.

The brilliance on the sword floated and undulates like waves, but the tip of the sword was as straight as electricity, without any obstruction.

Xia Xia stood there and didn't move, letting the tip of the sword touch his chest, and then easily stabbed a pair of them.

"Oh, that's all." The white-robed man shook his head slightly disappointedly, and sighed, "With this little skill, he dares to break into my Penglaifu land, it's just courting death!"

Xia Xia replied lazily: "It's quite the same thing, but your ability is not very good!"

"Huh?" The white-robed man was horrified when he saw it, and was surprised to find that Xia Tian appeared behind him at some point, and the person he stabbed clearly turned into a cloud of air, "How is this possible!"

"What's impossible." Xia Xia curled his lips carelessly, a silver light lit up between his fingers, and then fell into the neck of the white-robed man, "Now you can answer my question honestly."

The man in the white robe was about to draw his sword and stab back, but his body stood up uncontrollably and replied respectfully, "Okay."

As soon as he answered, the white-robed man woke up in an instant, and was immediately embarrassed: "What have you done to this seat!"

"It's nothing, I just gave you a needle." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, just say it, do you know?

Do you know where the nine girls are? "

"Who do you think you are to speak to me in such a tone." The man in the white robe felt offended and replied with a sneer, "How could I tell me that I don't know any nine girls, but our King Penglai has one The ninth princess, I don't know if you are asking her."

"Nine princesses?" Xia Xia frowned, as if at the top of the snow-capped mountains, that "Yan Zimo" also mentioned the ninth princesses, and couldn't help but say to himself, "Could it be that the real identity of the nine girls is the princess? "

When Bai Xianxian heard Xia Xia's words, she immediately said, "It's hard to say. When Sister Ninth was brought to Frost Moon Island, she was very young. Except Queen Yin, it is estimated that no one knows what Sister Ninth's original identity is."

"Where is that Ninth Princess?" Xia Xia didn't bother to think about this and that, whether it was the same person or not, as long as they saw each other, they would know.

The white-robed man snorted and shook his head, and categorically refused: "I will never tell you that she is in the Biyou Palace on the top. Today is the engagement day of the Ninth Princess."

"Nine girl is my wife, how can I get engaged to someone else again!" Xia Xia was instantly upset, and the white-robed man was blown away with a punch, and he grabbed Bai Xianxian and rushed directly to the top palace. , the speed is more than ten times faster than before.

At the same time, an engagement ceremony is indeed being held in the Biyou Palace.

In the hall, the guests were full, and there was a lot of noise and excitement, just waiting for the two newcomers to enter.

In a side room on one side, there was a beautiful young woman in a fancy dress and a veil on her face, sitting in front of the mirror, letting the two maids dress herself up.

"Ninth Princess, are you sure you want to get engaged to that person?" One of the little girls said hesitantly.

The beautiful woman said lightly, "I'm not sure what to do, can I be the master?"

"But, don't you have someone you like?" The little girl was still in the ignorant stage, and she still believed that love is supreme, "Why don't you run away from marriage, it's better to take me with you, so that we are master and servant. The two can also go to the outside world to see."

"Hehe, you're too naive." The beautiful woman shook her head, "Even if I can escape from Penglai, I can't escape from Xiaoxianjie. Besides, it's me who is engaged, what are you worried about?"

The little girl said unwillingly: "I just don't want to see the nine princesses unhappy. How happy you were when you first came back."

The beautiful woman also sighed: "Indeed, if I knew I would spend the rest of my life in the outside world, why bother to come back."

"Ninth Princess, won't that man come to save you?" The little girl said a little unhappily while helping the Nine Princesses check the instrument: "Doesn't he love you at all, to be engaged to another man because of you? ?"

"That's not it." When the beautiful woman thought of someone's face, she finally had a little smile in her eyes: "If he knew how to come, he would definitely come. However, reality is not a story, it can't always be like this. Just in time. I have been procrastinating for a while, and my father's patience has reached the limit."

"Is there no way?" The little girl flattened her mouth, as if she was about to cry.

"What are you doing so excited, I didn't cry." The nine princesses looked at the little girl with a smile, and reached out to wipe her tears. When she was going to say something, the door was suddenly pushed open. .

I saw a man in Chinese clothes with a face full of flesh, rushed in with a few servants incomparably rude, and shouted: "Xiao Jiujiu, your husband, I'm here to see you."

"This is the boudoir of the ninth princess, how can you break in without authorization!" The little girl was angry, and stepped forward to push the man away: "And you can't see the princess until the engagement ceremony is completed, you go out."


The man in Chinese clothes raised his hand and slapped him, scolding: "Go away, what are you, you dare to stand in my way."

"What are you doing!" The ninth princess stepped forward to help the little girl, and glared at the man in Chinese clothing: "The surnamed Yue, get out of here for me!"

"Haha, what kind of innocence!" The man in Huafu showed a disdainful look on his face, "You really think you are a pure and clean princess. Damn, bitch, I don't know how many men have been raped in the lower realm. This son married You, that is the blessing you have cultivated in your eight lifetimes."

Jiu Gongfang glared at each other and said unceremoniously: "Say it one last time, get out of here! Or I'll kill you!"

"One school, two courtyards, three schools, four schools, five holes, heaven and six blessings, your Penglai blessing land is the last, but this young master is the third head of Jiushan Jianmen." The man in Chinese clothes showed no sign of going out, fat. Pointing at the nine princesses: "You'd better be obedient, otherwise, you won't want to live in the fairyland!"

"You can't live if you dare to hit the ninth girl's idea." At this time, a lazy voice suddenly rang in the room, and the tone was full of displeasure.

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