Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2333 I want to clear the old account with you

, the master of protecting flowers in the city! This man's voice was so loud that it naturally caused the people around him to look away.

Even Hu Muyu, who was speaking upright on the stage, was interrupted by this movement.

Liang Miaozhu finally recovered and stared angrily at the long-haired man: "We were chatting just now, but we kept our voices low and didn't disturb anyone. The four of us together are not as loud as you alone. You should think about it!"

"You dare to bite back! You're a bitch!" The long-haired man became more and more furious, "The big guys on the stage are all talking, and everyone respects them, but you are slandering them below. Saying that the doctors here are all idiots, and saying that their medical skills are not as good as yours! This is simply an insult to all the doctors present, and I must apologize!"

"Which ear did you hear us say that other doctors are not as good as us?" Liang Miaozhu looked puzzled.

"Don't admit it?" The long-haired man pointed at Xia Tian: "That's what he said, saying that everyone is an idiot, and that the Hu family owner on the stage is also an idiot, and he even said that he will live forever. Pao Niu, such words can be said, shameless!"

Liang Miaozhu sneered and said to the other party, "We don't speak very loudly. You have heard this. Your quality is really high, and you are really shameful!"

"Don't come here, just say you haven't said anything like that." The long-haired man looked at Liang Miaozhu coldly, "Why, dare to say it and don't recognize it?"

"That's right, looking at an honest little girl, so irresponsible?"

"Insulting all doctors, that is, there is no medical ethics, there is nothing to say."

"Expel them from the venue, no, even expel them from the North and South medical circles."

"It's a shame to your family and the medical profession!"

"This girl looks at the face and should not be from our northern medical field."

"Bah, there are such unqualified doctors in the south."

"Who are you scolding, there is no such person in the medical field in the south, it must be from the north of you."


Seeing this noise spread more and more squarely, the scolding became more and more unbearable.

After all, Liang Miaozhu is a little girl, and she has never experienced any big scene. She was intimidated by this kind of angry scene, and she almost didn't cry.

"Hey, say something!" Liang Miaozhu had no choice but to look at Xia Xia and said to him, "They've all scolded so badly, you don't care at all?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "I have something to say, I said it earlier, these people are idiots. They originally wanted to find an opportunity to make trouble and explain to them that it was a waste of saliva."

"Miaozhu, you are still too young, and you have to temper your mind." Hu Huayu also saw the intentions of these people. Now that the representatives of the medical field in the north and the south are here, it is indeed a good time for people with intentions to do things. , but these people picked the wrong object.

Liang Miaozhu said to Hu Huayu unconvinced: "Brother Yu, you said it lightly, try to deal with this situation."

"As Xia Xia said, you don't need to pay attention to this kind of thing." Hu Huayu smiled lightly, "As long as you ignore them, it's self-evident who the clown is!"

"Who are you calling a clown!" The long-haired man was furious, and he took two steps forward and pointed at Hu Huayu and scolded him: "Boy, what do you belong to, which hospital, which sect, dare you? Don't dare to sign up!"

Hu Huayu crossed Erlang's legs and smiled indifferently: "Are you sure you want me to report to the family inheritance?"

"Why, you still want to scare me with your family door?" The long-haired man has now gained the momentum of many people around him, and has become more and more arrogant: "If you dare to be disrespectful to the Hu family head, you are disrespectful to the Hu family, and you are also disrespectful to the entire South Disrespectful to the medical profession in Xinjiang! You must apologize, or this matter will never end."

As soon as the voice fell, three or five people stood up immediately, following his words.

"Yes, it's not over!"

"How dare you be disrespectful to the Hu family in the southern border, I really don't know whether to live or die."

"There are big men in the medical world from both the north and the south, how dare you be so mad!"

These people obviously wanted to tie the Hu family to their camp, and then force Xia Xia, Hu Huayu and the others to submit.

Even if they don't give in, this incident has already had a certain impact, and their purpose of doing things has been achieved.

Hu Huayu nodded and said with a smile: "Well, you are right, very right. Then I will apologize to the Hu family on stage now, but you have to ask him if he dares to accept my apology."

"Hmph, how dare you say such a big thing." The long-haired man sneered: "You really think you are some big man, the real big man is on the stage!"

Xia Xia said lazily: "Those idiots on the stage are not big figures, they can only be regarded as barely capable."

"Everyone listen!" The long-haired man raised his hand excitedly in order to attract more people's attention: "This is what he said himself, I didn't slander them. Hu family master, you also heard, they didn't I didn't pay attention to everyone present."

"Don't worry about the little things, everyone. The conference is about to start." Although Hu Muyu became the head of the family, it has only just passed one night. Of course, he didn't dare to conflict with Hu family lineage like Hu Huayu, and he didn't want to be in public. I had a conflict with Xia Xia, so I fought a haha, and wanted to turn this matter over as soon as possible.

It's just that these people just charged money to make trouble, how could it be possible to let this matter settle down so easily.

"No! You can't just let them go so easily!"

Sure enough, the long-haired man raised his arms

He drank: "Although this is a trivial matter, it is a very strong insult to the medical community in the north and south. Everyone heard what he said just now, Patriarch Hu, I really don't understand why you are so partial to these people."

"This is not favoritism, it's just that there is no need to delay the process of the conference because of these things." Hu Muyu also felt that these people seemed a little weird, so he reminded: "Today is a rare medical exchange conference between the North and South medical circles, everyone should still focus on On stage, focus on the exchange of medical techniques, and”

"I don't agree with the words of the Hu family!"

The long-haired man interrupted Hu Muyu's speech and said aloud: "Because of this, we have to break down this matter more clearly. Colleagues from the medical field in the north have traveled thousands of miles to the southern border. A few little people have been insulted, and no one has done justice, so why do we believe that this conference is fair?"

"that is!"

"It must be made clear, it's not fair, then break up and have a shitty meeting."

"Apologize to these people, expel them from the medical profession, and get them out of here!"


After all, Hu Muyu had just become the head of the family, so he was a little ill-prepared for this unexpected situation, so he could only look at Zheng Xiangshan, Yao Wanxin and others who were looking for help.

"Ah, I remembered, I know them!"

At this time, there was a loud shout from the crowd: "These people seem to be from the Hu family, one of them seems to be the deputy head of the Hu family a few days ago, what is the name of Hu Huayu, and the other three also saw the Hu family. Pass."

"Okay, I said why the Hu Family Master didn't deal with them, so there is still such a relationship!" The long-haired man immediately made an expression of sudden realization: "It turns out to be a family."

"The Hu family has such an attitude towards colleagues in the northern and southern medical circles?"

"It's so chilling. It's a shame that I used to regard the Hu family as the conscience of the medical world."

"The Hu family is holding this kind of meeting, it is estimated that they are not at ease, everyone, let's go!"

"Yes, don't be fooled by the Hu family. I've heard about the previous conferences, but they all died."

"Not only did people die, I heard that those doctors died, and then hospitals and sects disappeared for no apparent reason."

"It's terrible, I'm leaving now, leaving the southern border!"

All of a sudden, there was an uproar in the venue, and under the provocation of a few, there were signs of exiting the venue.

Hu Muyu on stage wanted to cry but had no tears. This was his first public appearance since he became the head of the family. How could he be like this? This Hu Huayu was clearly deliberately embarrassing him.

"Okay! Sit down, don't let people see the jokes of our northern medical community." At this time, Yao Wanxin suddenly spoke up. Although his voice was not high, it seemed like he was talking in everyone's ears. It was unusual. clear.

With just this sentence, most of the doctors who were clamoring to leave the venue quieted down, and those who were still shouting were naturally very eye-catching.

Those people shouted a few words, and when they found that no one followed the trend, they had to quiet down.

"There are no people in the medical world in southern Xinjiang who don't care about the overall situation." Zheng Xiangshan took a step slowly and said slowly: "Just because of this trivial matter, I just left the stage in a commotion. Whoever says this again, come, stand in front of me and say it."

No answer.

The long-haired man said somewhat unconvinced, "Then, let's just forget about how many of them have insulted colleagues in the medical field from the north and the south?"

"No one said it, if you still trust the old man, let me handle it." After all, Yao Wanxin was the oldest and most prestigious old doctor present, and many northern doctors present had suffered from him. The grace, naturally listen to his words.

As for the doctors in the south, no one objected, because Zheng Xiangshan tacitly agreed that Yao Lao would come forward to solve the matter.

"This offspring, you should be Hu Xiaomei's grandson." Yao Wanxin looked down at Hu Huayu and said with a smile: "I and your grandmother Hu Xiaocui are also old acquaintances. Since you are from the Hu family, naturally you will not insult Nan. The thoughts of the medical community in Xinjiang will certainly not slander the medical community in the north.”

"Of course not." Hu Huayu replied respectfully: "Yao Lao, has always been an idol in my heart, and my master, Wan Guiren, Mr. Wan, often praises you."

"Oh, it's still Wan Xiaogui's apprentice," Yao Wanxin chuckled lightly, "Did you join the ghost doctor's door? Oh, you belong to the Hu family, so you shouldn't join other sects, he's just your teacher. "

"Yes. However, I still regard him as my only teacher." Hu Huayu pointed to Liang Miaozhu again: "This is my cousin, Liang Miaozhu, who also learned some basic medical skills under my master."

"Okay." Yao Wanxin took Hu Huayu out in an instant, then looked at Yi Xiaoyin and Xia Xia, "The two of you are also very friendly, if I remember correctly, one of you is the current head of the Yin Medicine Clan. Yi Xiaoyin, the other is the genius doctor summer of the genius doctor group, right?"

Xia Xia replied lazily: "Yes, I am Xia Xia, this is my Yiyi wife. Old man, what advice do you have?"

"I don't dare to give advice." Yao Wanxin jumped slightly and fell in front of Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin, "It's just some old accounts, I want to clear up with the two of you, do you have any time?"

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