Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2334 Of course I want your life

Immortal Cloud Continent, Swallowing Boat Country.

When Chu Yao and Wang Xiaoya came to this small country, they thought they had come to the wrong place.

When they set off from Lanjing, it was already autumn, and the city was full of dead trees and yellow leaves, and maple flowers all over the city.

It is clearly still in the spring here, and the grass is growing and the warbler is flying and thriving.

"It looks a bit like Jiangnan on Earth." Wang Xiaoya opened the curtains and looked at the distance. There were countless colorful boats moored on the calm river. The singing, laughter and chants that floated from the boats were indeed a little bit. The illusion of being in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Chu Yao, however, was not very interested in this petty bourgeoisie, and said with a pouted mouth: "It's so boring, Seventh Sister, when are we going to dock?"

Sitting across from the two of them is a rather intellectual and elegant woman in white with a faint smile on her face: "There is still half a day to go to the capital of the swallowing boat country, and then you can get off the boat."

This woman's name is Jiang Qingyue, she is a teacher from Xianxianmen, and she is Yue Qingya's senior sister. Of course, she has now been promoted to an elder and ranks seventh in the sect, so Chu Yao and Wang Xiaoya call her the seventh sister.

Chu Yao and Wang Xiaoya are young girls whose hearts are not gone, their sex is relatively free, and they are not stimulated. Once they are off the reins, it is difficult to get them back, so Yue Qingya chose Jiang Qingyue to restrain them, lest they play too much. Forget the mission.

"Seventh sister, is there any trace of the Wanhuo Sect?" Wang Xiaoya looked at it for a while, turned her head, and asked casually.

Jiang Qingyue frowned slightly, but her tone was still gentle, and she said lightly: "According to the information, the king here has not been to court for ten years, and an evil temple was built in the harem, which is dedicated to the evil god of Wanhuo Sect. Line Guard When the next investigation was carried out, he suddenly disappeared, and it was suspected that it had been exposed.

Chu Yao blinked and said in surprise: "Even the king has been fanned by them, this cult is too powerful."

"Don't use the word circle fan." Wang Xiaoya shook her head and said with emotion: "It can be said that I was fanned by my husband, which is normal. A waste king who joins a cult and becomes a fart fan can only It's a congenial smell."

Chu Yao glanced at Wang Xiaoya sideways: "I'm too lazy to argue with you about this, you say yes."

"Hey, it's strange that you actually give in." Wang Xiaoya looked at Chu Yao with some astonishment: "You won't be taken away, right? Which hero and hero borrowed your body to be reborn? Come, let me check carefully. Get your body."

"Go over there and find a fight!" Chu Yao revealed her nature instantly, pointed at Wang Xiaoya and said, "We are here to do business, not to play, you have to be more serious."

Wang Xiaoya nodded: "I'm very serious. If your husband comes over to sleep with you again, if you are taken away, wouldn't it be a loss. It's not right, it should be earned, um, it doesn't seem right..."

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Chu Yao pouted: "No wonder Su Beibei often wants to hit you!"

"That's why she is jealous of me." Wang Xiaoya said proudly: "Also, she never beat me once."

Chu Yao laughed and joked, "No way, I've seen you being chased and beaten by her a few times."

"That's just me showing weakness." Wang Xiaoya didn't feel ashamed at all, and defended: "I'll find my way back later."

Chu Yao sneered: "That's because if you are looking for a husband to cheat, shameless,

Double repair during the day. "

"It's like you haven't done it before." Wang Xiaoya glared at Chu Yao without showing weakness, "Besides, my own husband, if he wants to do double cultivation, he will do double cultivation. It's day and night, I'm happy."

Although Jiang Qingyue is older than them, she has practiced since childhood and is still a complete body. Listening to them discussing the matter of double cultivation so brazenly, she can't help but feel a little embarrassed, and she can only pretend that she has not heard anything.

"What's the use of being happy." Chu Yao said with some emotion: "My husband stayed on the earth, and with his temperament, he must have received a lot of harems, and Su Beibei will never escape."

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoya also felt itchy teeth: "Don't think about it, she will definitely seduce her husband. I have seen it before, she has ideas about her husband, but she bites her to death and refuses to admit it, she must have thrown herself into her arms now. ."

"We're not here, no one can really grab her." Chu Yao spread her hands helplessly, "I just hope that my husband can be more serious and learn the eight needles against the sky earlier, so that we don't have to separate the two sides."

Wang Xiaoya pinched her chin and thought for a while, then shook her head: "I think it's a little overhanging."

"Yes, it's a bit hanging." Chu Yao imagined the picture of Xia Xia's efforts to cultivate, and felt that it was too inconsistent and unrealistic: "Unless someone from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance really appeared in front of him and stimulated him, otherwise there would be difficult."

"Sister Ye and Sister Zhao have passed." Wang Xiaoya said casually, "They should guide her husband to learn the eighth needle earlier."

"I hope." Chu Yao said hopelessly: "However, we have to hurry up, improve ourselves as soon as possible, and make all preparations, otherwise when our husband comes over, we can't keep up, and we have to rely on him completely. That would be a bit of a drag."

Wang Xiaoya's IQ is very high, and although she likes to play, she also knows the priorities of things, so she is not short-sighted: "That's right, although it's cool to practice while playing with your husband, it's really not enough to improve by doing this alone. "

"After solving this Wanhuo Sect, we might as well go to Sister Yue to see if there are any exercises that are suitable for us to practice." Chu Yao made a suggestion, "We will supervise each other and make progress together."

"Okay." Wang Xiaoya stretched out her hand

, gave Chu Yao a high-five, which was considered to approve her suggestion.

At this time, there was a sudden noise on the river, and then I saw something in the distance, swept back and forth on the river at a very fast speed, and collapsed all the boats, and many people fell directly into the river. in the water.

"What is that?" Wang Xiaoya's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw that the thing seemed to be a piece of wood with a person standing on it.

Jiang Qingyue had never seen it before, but fortunately, she had read the information about the swallowing boat country before she came, and after thinking about it carefully, she said: "It seems to be the unique water speed boat here, built with the trunk of a floating moon tree. It can float on the water, and as long as it is injected with spiritual power, it can quickly swept across the water, sometimes even faster than a flying sword."

"So, this is another world version of drag racing?" Wang Xiaoya tilted her head and looked at Chu Yao: "Sister Chu, you met a friend. When you were in Jianghai City, you were the little sister of the drag racing."

"Shut up for me!" Chu Yao glared at Wang Xiaoya unhappily, although the other party was not wrong, she only met Xia Xia because of the car.

Not long after, several water-speed boats came swiftly in the distance, causing people to look up on the entire river.

The boat capsized, and the thrills were frequent.


At this time, a scream came from nearby.

Chu Yao looked up and found that when those people were driving a water-speed boat over a bridge, they deliberately broke the bridge in two. A little girl on the bridge couldn't escape and fell directly from the bridge.

"Who will save my daughter!"

There was an old lady beside the bridge, her eyes were splitting, and she burst into tears.

Chu Yao looked a little unhappy. She suddenly flashed her figure, and she arrived under the bridge in an instant. After catching the little girl, she twisted her body in mid-air and swept to the shore, and handed the frightened little girl back to her mother. .

The aunt thanked Chu Yao for thousands of times, kowtowed a few times, and then fled in a hurry.

"Who are you, don't you know that this is likely to kill people?" Chu Yao glared at these otherworldly "speeders" and asked sharply.

Those who were on the water and the boat stopped immediately when they heard this. One of the young boys in black tights scolded angrily: "What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of teaching this king?"

"This person is the third prince of the Tunzhou Country, named Jiang Wujiu. He has an unruly personality and is considered the number one dude of the Tunzhou Country." Jiang Qingyue also jumped out of the boat and landed on Chu Yao's side, softly speaking.

Chu Yao said coldly: "What about the prince, can the prince act recklessly and not treat the people as human beings?"

"You're right." Jiang Wu Jiu laughed, pointed at Chu Yao and said, "Are the people considered human? Of course not, they are just pigs and dogs kept in captivity by my Jiang family, this king is playing tricks on them. What's wrong, even killing them would be their lifetime honor."

"It's really full of bullshit, I think you're the same thing as a pig." Chu Yao used to race cars when she was on Earth, but she was just looking for speed. Try to find a place where no one else is, and there are also special racing venues. She didn't even think about things like this, not treating people like people, rushing around, and even taking pleasure in bumping into people, she never thought that she would encounter such a person in Xianyun Continent.

"You're not the one who swallowed the boat country, right?" Jiang Wu Jiu looked at Chu Yao coldly, "You're actually quite beautiful, how about being my princess?"

Wang Xiaoya sat on the broken bridge, swayed her feet, and said with a smile, "I'm pretty, too, why don't you let me be your princess?"

"Yo, today is the day when this king has his peach blossom luck?" Jiang Wu Jiu turned his head and glanced at Wang Xiaoya, she was really bright, she said with a wretched smile, "It's really unbelievable to meet two beauties as soon as I go out. It's a waste of time. Beauty wants to be a princess, it's not easy, this king promises you."

"Don't worry." Wang Xiaoya said with a smile: "My sister and I are so beautiful, how can you get it so easily, you must have conditions."

"Any conditions are open!" Jiang Wu Jiu showed an indifferent expression when he heard the conditions, "Whether it's gold, silver, jewelry, or a panacea, this king can satisfy you as much as you want."

Wang Xiaoya shook her head and said: "Those things are too vulgar, we don't like it, why don't we have a game, if you win, I will be your princess, if you lose, you have to give me something , and I have the final say in this matter.”

"It's easy to talk about." Jiang Wu Jiu agreed directly, but he still kept an eye on it and asked, "If this king loses, what do you want?"

Wang Xiaoya smiled and said, "Of course it will kill you."

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