Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2338 One sword cut you, the king eight

In the abyss, there was a huge monster lying on his back, almost bigger than the entire royal city, and it could even be said that the king city was originally grown on his back.

The appearance is also very strange, like a stitched monster, an eagle head, a turtle body, a snake tail... It has the feeling of a strange beast recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing" on the earth.

However, this monster was extremely ugly, with pus-filled sores on its head, back, and tail.

"This is a kind of alien beast called the tortoise. It appeared on the Xianyun Continent about 10,000 years ago, and then became extinct." Jiang Qingyue frowned, and said without worry: "The snake and the tortoise have intercourse. Spirit beasts, but they should have been transformed, they are fierce and fierce, if they are not eliminated as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles."

Chu Yao looked at the monster and felt a little hairy in her heart: "This thing looks a little disgusting."

"It doesn't matter if he is a king or what kind of tortoise is too ugly." Wang Xiaoya also looked disgusted, "destroyed the beautiful image of the turtle in my heart, how cute the jenny turtle is, how domineering Xuanwu is, even An Tuen is better than He looks a hundred times better."

The huge monster roared at the three women floating in the air, and when it opened its mouth, it was a pillar of fire.

"This is poison fire."

Jiang Qingyue immediately dodged away.

"Isn't the tortoise supposed to spray water, why did it change to fire?" Wang Xiaoya also flashed not far away, and asked a little puzzled.

Chu Yao said dissatisfiedly: "Whatever he sprays, kill it first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tenggui suddenly spurted another huge jet of water, almost washing Chu Yao's face.

"Is it courting death!" Chu Yao was a little angry, she suddenly used her spiritual power, and slammed into Di Yuan.

This punch still has some effect.

The tortoise could not help but hissed miserably, but after all, the tortoise shell was able to bear the beating, and it slowed down in less than a second, and sprayed water and fire columns more and more maniacally.

These water and fire are all poisonous, and the vicinity of the king city is also filled with poisonous gas. If it spreads out, it is estimated that this capital city will be completely wiped out.

Wang Xiaoya shook her head: "Just you ugly thing, are you still playing with fire and water?"

"What time is it, you're still playing tricks!" Chu Yao glared at Wang Xiaoya angrily: "Give me a little seriousness, give me some strength, and kill this ugly king first."

Wang Xiaoya frowned: "Its size is too big, and the turtle shell is too hard. If you can't break the shell, it will be difficult to kill him."

After speaking, he looked back at Jiang Qing: "Seventh sister, this old man is spraying water and fire, is there any way to kill it as soon as possible?"

"Being able to control water and fire is the innate supernatural power of the tortoise." Jiang Qingyue's pretty face showed a dignified look: "About ten thousand years ago, the mount of the ancestor of the wild fire was a tortoise. It can spit water, fire, and even spit fire. It can attract thunder and electricity, and the turtle shell is extremely hard, unless there is a divine sword, it may be difficult to cut open."

There were endless doubts in her heart: "There were countless immortal cultivators who died at the hands of the tortoise, but the tortoise was killed long ago. Where did this one come from?"

"It is estimated that the ashes are revived."

Chu Yao didn't care how the turtle came here, and just wanted to make the turtle disappear as soon as possible: "Don't think too much, kill him first. The longer the delay, the more ordinary people will be hurt. "

Wang Xiaoya also said: "Mostly, it was the former banner owner who resurrected that ghost with an unorthodox method. However, if this is the case, then the one in front of me should not be as good as the one from ten thousand years ago, right?"

"Yes, let me give him a try first." Jiang Qingyue woke up immediately, suddenly picked up the long sword, and made a sword shadow splitting move, one life two, two two three... In a short time, hundreds of long swords were derived , of course not a real long sword, but a sword energy that seems to have an entity.

With a clear drink, she pointed her sword at the tortoise underground: "Go, Wanli Frost Moon Sword Formation!"

Hundreds of sword qi swirled in response to the sound, like frost falling from the sky, and quickly fell towards the roaring monster.

When the sword energy passed, the water column was instantly dumped by the cold air, and it was directly frozen into icicles.

However, the pillar of fire soon rushed up again, burning the sword qi to nothing.

In the end, the sword qi that fell on the back of the turtle was very little, and naturally there was no way to cause much damage.

"It still doesn't work." Jiang Qingyue lost a lot of spiritual energy, and said with some difficulty: "My sword energy is going all the way through the cold, and it can break the water column, but the fire column is a bit difficult."

"Then he won't be able to spit it out!" Wang Xiaoya got angry, stroked her sleeves, and rushed towards the turtle.

Jiang Qingyue was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "Little girl, don't go."

Unfortunately it's too late.


After Wang Xiaoya landed on the turtle shell, she immediately kicked hard on the turtle shell.

"Where is the little bitch, dare to play on the lonely back!" The turtle did not react much, just snorted coldly, and then the fire sores on the back burst open, and the poisonous fire was like pulp Flow to Wang Xiaoya.

"It's so disgusting!" Wang Xiaoya was so angry that she chopped it off again, but the effect was not obvious: it only shattered a few sores.

Chu Yao looked wrong and wanted to go down to help Wang Xiaoya, but was stopped by Jiang Qingyue: "It's useless if you go. This is not a problem of realm, but the shell of this tortoise, which is a treasure. Even this one The shell of it may be imitation, it is at least a divine artifact, it has a certain power of rules, and it is very difficult to break it with brute force."

At this time, Chu Yao had some doubts about the days with Xia Xia. If he was here, it would be a punch to break the turtle shell.

things are up.

Chu Yao thought for a while, and immediately came up with an idea: "I have an instant talisman on my body, and now I will send a message to Sister Ji and Sister Yue."

"This trivial matter, let's not disturb the head of Yue." Jiang Qingyue said hesitantly.

Chu Yao thinks about it too, if she asks Yue Qingya and Ji Qingying for help on this matter, doesn't it mean that she and Wang Xiaoya are too unfavorable.

But in the current situation, if you don't kill this tortoise in time, there will be a lot of trouble later.

"Face counts!" Chu Yao quickly came to a decision, "It's important to kill this bastard, and if you hesitate, the consequences will be serious."

After speaking, he no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the instant talisman, read the formula, waved his hand and burned it in the air.


Lanjing, the fairy island.

"Hey, there's a message from Chu Yao." When Yue Qingya sat quietly, her eyebrows lit up, she opened her eyes and said to Ji Qingying, "It seems that something has changed."

As he said that, he pointed his two fingers between his eyebrows, captured the light, and pointed it to Ji Qingying, who was sitting opposite.

"It turned out to be the turtle." Ji Qingying frowned slightly: "That's not something the three of them can handle, let them come back, I'll go there myself."

"No, you can't go." Yue Qingya shook her head slightly, "Let them solve it by themselves."

Ji Qingying looked at Yue Qingying in surprise: "Your expectations for them are a little too high. Although they are in the tribulation period, they have not been cultivating for a long time. The foundation for the use of magic and magical powers is really poor.

It was like an empty pool of water with only a finger-sized nozzle. It is true that others cannot hurt them, and it is also difficult for them to kill such a powerful enemy. "

"Because of this, we can't interfere." Yue Qingya had a faint smile on her face: "Since their lives are not in danger, this is the tempering they have to go through. The flowers in the greenhouse are no match for weeds. ."

Ji Qingying gave Yue Qingya a meaningful look, and said lightly, "Aren't you afraid that you are helping to grow?"

"I believe they can stand it." Yue Qingya said with a smile: "However, since asking for help and completely ignoring it, it is obviously a bit inhumane."

"What do you want to do?" Ji Qingying asked.

Yue Qingya seemed to have expected it, and said lightly: "Senior Sister Qingyue has a cold sword energy and can't control the poisonous fire of the tortoise, so just give them something that can stop the poisonous fire."

"What?" Ji Qingying was stunned for a moment, then remembered: "You mean the fire sword that Xiao Qiao and Hanshuang got?"

"Yes." Yue Qingya nodded.

Ji Qingying stared at Yue Qingya for a while: "You are really a qualified harem chief. If I were a man, I would fall in love with you a little bit."

"That's fine." Yue Qingya waved her hand: "I don't like your type."

"You have learned some nonsense from that bastard." Ji Qingying shook her head and said with a bit of heartache: "It was absolutely impossible for you to say such things before."

Yue Qingya didn't think there was anything wrong with this, and said with a smile, "That was before, and now is now."

"Okay." Ji Qingying suddenly flicked her fingers towards the void and shot a golden beam: "Just give them a divine sword and see if they can kill that big bastard!"


on the way.

Qiao Xiaoqiao and Gu Hanshuang were not in a hurry to hurry, and they took a young girl with a suave and chaste, and held a group of demons and demons, and slowly rushed to Lanjing.

"Huh?" Gu Hanshuang suddenly opened his eyes.

Qiao Xiaoqiao asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Hanshuang took off his new sword that was fused with the Fire Pulse Divine Sword from his back, took out an instant talisman from his arms, stuck it on the hilt, and said, "Go."

The long sword, suddenly, disappeared.

"That's your new divine sword, so you borrowed it so simply?" Qiao Xiaoqiao quickly received the message and asked Gu Hanshuang with a smile.

Gu Hanshuang said lightly, "It's just a sword, people are more important."


"It's useless. No matter how many punches and kicks you kick, you won't be able to break the sky-penetrating spiritual shell of Gu."

The turtle said very proudly: "It's you, who will die under the solitary poisonous fire, and no one can save you!"

"I don't believe it anymore!" Wang Xiaoya became angrier and more angry, "You broken shell, this girl must be broken today."

With that said, he raised his head and said to Jiang Qingyue: "Seventh sister, lend me your sword to use!"

Jiang Qingyue reminded: "My sword attribute is cold, I'm afraid I can't break this shell."

"If you can't break it, then you have to cut a few swords to vent your anger!" Wang Xiaoya scolded in anger.

Jiang Qingyue nodded, and when she was about to throw the sword in her hand to Wang Xiaoya, Chu Yao suddenly opened her eyes and said to Wang Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, don't you want to cut it, take the sword!"

In mid-air, a circle of light lit up, and then a blue-red long sword flew out from it.

Chu Yao raised her hand and controlled the long sword to swipe towards Wang Xiaoya.

"This sword..."

Wang Xiaoya took the long sword lightly, with a surprised look on her face, because it looked a bit like Gu Hanshuang's sword, but it was a little different.

"It's useless for any sword!" Zhegui suddenly opened his mouth wide, and decided that the billowing fire was smoldering in his mouth, obviously wanting to hold back his big move: "Even if the phantom fairy sword comes, it's useless."

Wang Xiaoya doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, she just wields a long sword,

Ordinarily chop off the turtle shell:

"This girl will slash you, the king, with one sword now!"

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