Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2339 not a good bird

Wang Xiaoya has learned swordsmanship, but she is not good at it.

It's not that the talent is not enough, it's just that the talent is too much, so I don't bother to learn.

When she was going to use it now, Wang Xiaoya couldn't remember any sword moves.

Although the turtle didn't feel that Wang Xiaoya's sword could pose any threat to him, the anger in his heart could not be restrained, and the roar broke out again.

The rolling water column and the fire column sprayed wildly again.

However, the water column was quickly suppressed by Jiang Qingyue's sword energy.

"Shut your mouth, shut it up for me!"

Chu Yao was so happy to see that she vomited, and she didn't get angry at all, she directly squeezed her fist, used all the spiritual energy that could be used for luck, and slammed heavily on the Tianling cover of the tortoise.


With one punch, Teng Teng immediately felt dizzy and dizzy. Although the cortex on his head was also very thick, it couldn't compare to a Lingbao-level turtle shell.

"it is good!"

Wang Xiaoya caught the tortoise's momentary loss of mind, and the long sword slashed directly at the hardest part of the tortoise's shell, "I see how hard you can be!"

This sword, the fusion sword of fire pulse.

Even if Wang Xiaoya's swordsmanship is not good, she is enough to cut out the shocking power just by relying on the spiritual power of the tribulation period.


The tortoise let out a shrill scream: "No, it's impossible, how could the lonely spirit treasure be smashed by you... poof!"

Before the words were finished, a mouthful of blood poured out.

Immediately, the entire body was cut in half.

The fire in his body was instantly absorbed by the Fire Pulse Divine Sword.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled." The tortoise is still roaring: "Just a little bit, the orphan is about to become an immortal tortoise! ​​You have ruined the great cause of the orphan, and you will be buried with the orphan!"

"You want to be beautiful!" Wang Xiaoya didn't want to let it go, she immediately chased after the victory, and went down a few more swords against the big bastard, and directly cut off eight pieces.

At this time, from the broken body of the tortoise, four light spots suddenly lit up, and they fled in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

"Want to escape? Let's not." Wang Xiaoya had sharp eyes, slashed with a sword, and slashed one of the lights to the ground. Looking down, she found that it was a demon pill.

Jiang Qingyue grabbed one of the other three light spots, and Chu Yao grabbed the other two directly.

"This is the primordial spirit of the king of the swallowing boat country?"

Jiang Qingyue looked down at the thing in her palm, and found that it was a thumb-sized luminous little man, which looked a bit like a kind old man, exactly the same as the portrait of the king of the Tunzhou Kingdom in the data.

"Then what are these two in my hands?" Chu Yao also spread out her hands, and found that she couldn't understand the things in her palms. "It doesn't look like a human, nor a monster."

"Let me take a look." Jiang Qingyue took a closer look and said hesitantly: "If I expected it right, it should be the remnant of the snake and the tortoise. The people of the Wanhuo Sect used this to try to create another million The vicious beast from years ago came out."

Chu Yao frowned: "Then destroy them, and there will be no future troubles."

"Wait. Keep it for now, take it back to Lanjing, and let the head of the moon and Her Majesty study it." After all, Jiang Qingyue was more mature and prudent, and stopped Chu Yao: "I have a few talisman boxes here, just to hold them. "

Chu Yao nodded: "It's also considered waste."

"Then... what to do with the corpse of this king?" Wang Xiao

Ya also handed the demon pill to Jiang Qingyue, and pointed to the mess in the earth.

Jiang Qingyue thought for a while and said, "This can only be done after I enter the iron cavalry. The fragments of the turtle shell can be brought back and refined into high-quality armor. The rest is useless, just burn it."

"There is another question." Chu Yao looked at the people outside Wangcheng worriedly. The movement here was too loud, and it had caused panic among many people.

Wang Xiaoya didn't think it was a problem, she said with a smile, "Chu Yao, haven't you seen Harry Potter? At this time, just cast some forgetting spell."

"That's true." Chu Yao also came back to her senses. They are immortal cultivators. Although they haven't learned any magical powers that penetrate the sky, they can still forget simple spells.

So, Chu Yao, Wang Xiaoya, and Jiang Qingyue basically applied forgetting spells to all the people in the capital to make them forget what they saw today.

Two or three hours later, the black armored cavalry from Ji Chao's border also entered the city and quickly took over the entire capital, cleaning the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect.

Many people of Tunzhou Country were stunned to find that the country was gone before they stayed overnight, and it became a county of Ji Dynasty.

However, Ji Chao has always been kind to the people, and the policies are good.

As for the civil and military officials of the swallowing boat country, it is even more difficult to ask for. The Jiang family has been doing evil for decades, and it has long been miserable.

Especially nearly ten years ago, the king didn't go to court, and the princes were all unbearable dudes.

Just in Tunzhou Country, in a festive atmosphere, we set off to return to Lanjing.



Southern Xinjiang, Guyuan Building.

The medical circles of the North and the South gathered together in order to select a genius doctor who could truly overcome the heroes.

It's just that at the beginning of the meeting, it went astray, and because of a trivial matter, it directly turned into a north-south dispute.

soon due to

The temptation of the old man Yao Wanxin soon turned into a crusade against Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin.

"Mr. Yao, what do you mean by that?" Yi Xiaoyin has never liked to argue with others, but if others are bullied in front of them, there won't be the slightest bit of cowardice, "We shouldn't have any grudges before, right? , where is the old account?"

Yao Wanxin chuckled lightly, her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of gleam: "You two don't need to be too excited, it's just an old account. As long as you cooperate well, this old man will not let you worry about your life."

This sentence sounds very harsh, and it is obviously the opposite of the truth. The implication is that if the two of you don't cooperate obediently, you will definitely have a life-threatening situation.

"Old man, it's not easy for you to live for so long, don't look for beatings, let alone death." Xia Xia glanced lazily at Yao Wanxin, "If you want to do tricks, do it yourself, don't involve my wife Yiyi and me. "

"Sure enough, it's as arrogant as the rumors say." Yao Wanxin shook his head in disappointment: "Let's be honest, if you don't tell the story, you may still think that the old man has wronged you."

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but sneer, "I'm all ears."

Yao Wanxin also looked confident and asked in a slow voice, "You two, one is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Divine Doctor Group, and the other is the behind-the-scenes boss of the Yiren Pavilion Lian Suo Hospital. However, at the same time, you, Yi Xiaoyin, are also Yin doctor. The current owner of the door, Xia Xia is the personal biography of the ghost doctor Zhang Mingtuo

Disciple, this old man is right. "

"Yes." Yi Xiaoyin felt that this was nothing to admit.

Xia Tian was disdain to talk nonsense with this old man: "Just tell me what you want to do."

"No hurry." Seeing that the two of them did not deny it, Yao Wanxin showed a smug smile on his face: "Since you are the head of the yin doctor sect, shouldn't you be responsible for the dirty things that the yin doctor sect did back then? Responsibility?"

Yi Xiaoyin was not surprised at all. She expected that sooner or later someone would come to her to talk about this matter, so she said: "It seems that Yao Lao has been in retreat for a long time, and he can't keep up with the rhythm of society. You said those things. When it happened, I was not the head of the Yin Doctor Sect. And after the incident, I paid excessive compensation, and the patients who were harmed by the Yin Doctor Sect also took Xia Xia to heal."

"After making compensation and being cured, can these things be cleared up?" Yao Wanxin snorted coldly and pointed at Yi Xiaoyin: "All of you yin doctors should apologize by death!"

Xia Xia couldn't help staring at Yao Wanxin: "Old man, it seems that you are really impatient."

"If I remember correctly, the reason why Mr. Yao lived in seclusion 40 years ago was because he killed people." Yi Xiaoyin held Xia Xia down and counterattacked calmly: "At that time, your medicine hall The so-called magic medicine sold has killed hundreds of people. Although things have been suppressed later, you also retired. If you want to settle old accounts, ask Yao Lao, did your family apologize for their sins?"

"You, this is arguing!" Yao Wanxin didn't expect Yi Xiaoyin to know about this, "That's slander, that's fake news."

When he was talking, he caught a glimpse of Xia Xia smiling, and immediately scolded: "And you, what are you laughing at, your master Zhang Mingtuo, how many people were killed back then, even my nephew died at his hands, and now he is hiding , as an apprentice, you should pay for his life!"

"I just want to laugh, and I want to laugh so loudly that everyone can hear it." Xia Xia replied with a smile: "My master is in Zhongnan Mountain, and if you have the ability, you can find him. Besides, although my master is My medical skills are not as strong as mine, but I never kill innocent people, and those who die at his hands are definitely deserved!"

"You are presumptuous!" Yao Wan was so angry that he almost had a brain hemorrhage on the spot.

"Fart!" Someone on the side was also furious: "Zhang Mingtuo killed my uncle! What a good man my uncle..."

Xia Xia smiled: "What a good scum, right?"

"My dad and Zhang Mingtuo don't know each other, they're just ordinary village doctors who treat illnesses and save people all their lives." Someone jumped out and shouted at Xia Tian, ​​"Does he deserve to die too?"

Xia Xia replied lazily, "You don't know your dad, either."

"This kid is crazy!"

"It's just...simply!"

"Since it's Zhang Mingtuo's apprentice, don't let him go."

"Zhang Mingtuo also committed a lot of murders in the southern border, just killed his apprentice to avenge!"


Now all of a sudden, the group is angry, and it has directly turned into a meeting to denounce Zhang Mingtuo, and Xia Xia, as Zhang Mingtuo's apprentice, was also surrounded by hundreds of people and scolded.

"Everyone, don't be impatient!"

At this time, Zheng Xiangshan finally spoke. Although the voice was not loud, it rang in everyone's ears: "I'll be fair."

"You better stop talking." Xia Xia interrupted Zheng Xiangshan with a displeased expression: "Generally, those who start with this sentence are not good birds. This is what my Bingbing wife said."

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