Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2343 Gu God Granny


This woman can't tell her age, what she can tell is that she is very beautiful and beautiful.

It's just this kind of beauty, but it doesn't arouse any desire, because the eyebrows and eyes are full of a distant breath, like a living and gorgeous corpse, without the breath of being a human being.

The most important thing is that this woman has a strong sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression is not the release of any energy, but the inherent pride, just like the creator-like superiority of life and death when facing ants.

She stepped out of the shadows step by step, and with each step, more than a dozen doctors present automatically eliminated the abnormality on her body, and one by one regained her movement and sanity.

It's just that after those people woke up, they couldn't help looking at her, and some even knelt down.

Looking at this woman, Xia Xia frowned rarely, revealing an extremely restless displeasure in her bones.

"She... can't be underestimated." Yi Xiaoyin felt the suffocation in her heart, it was the rejection coming out of her soul, "It's coming for you, be careful."

"Wife Yiyi, you step back." Xia Xia didn't say much, just gave Yi Xiaoyin a ray of ice and fire, and then the huge sense of oppression disappeared.

Liang Miaozhu also felt a little panicked, but the reaction was not so strong.

"Grandma Gu, why did she come out?"

Seeing this woman, Hu Huayu was so frightened that his feet almost softened. If it wasn't for Liang Miaozhu's support, he would have fallen directly to the ground.

"Is she the mother-in-law Gu God?"

Yi Xiaoyin frowned, her beautiful eyes showing a trace of unease: "The sense of oppression is too strong, I can't feel any kind of cultivation, but it's not like a human at all."

"Gone the image." Xia Xia said in a casual tone, "She's not human!"

Yi Xiaoyin asked, "What is that?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it." Xia Xia shook his head, "Or, there is no such creature on earth."

Yi Xiaoyin asked in amazement, "From Xianyun Continent?"

"It doesn't look like it either." Xia Tian still shook his head and pouted: "Wife Yiyi, don't care where she came from, it has nothing to do with us. As long as she doesn't come to provoke us, she can do whatever she likes."

"Hopefully, she's not malicious." Yi Xiaoyin was still a little horrified when she thought about the feeling just now.

Xia Xia replied lazily: "If there is malicious intent, just kill it."

"I'm afraid, it's difficult." For the first time, Yi Xiaoyin didn't have much confidence in Xia Xia.

Because the woman in front of me is so strange and unpredictable, just a few steps away, every time I walk, I feel like a god has come to the world. Those doctors have obviously recovered, but they all knelt down involuntarily. .

There was even a miraculous moment when the dead came back to life. Piru Zheng Xiangshan, who had opened his eyes at this moment, also knelt down in front of the woman.

In the end, only Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin were left standing. The others were either kneeling or slumped to the ground, unable to move at all.

"You are summer."

Granny Gu finally came to Xia Xia, and looked at him with a pair of emotionless eyes: "I heard your name a long time ago, and I always wanted to see you, but I couldn't leave the southern border, so I missed the opportunity to meet again and again. Today, I got my wish."

"You are my second wife?" Xia Xia glanced at the woman: "Where is my second teacher, why didn't I show up with you?"

"You can call me Gu God, or you can call me Granny Gu Yue." Granny Gu said lightly, "As for Aaron, he is in Yue Fangyuan and looks at an uneasy person for me."

"Oh." Xia Tian nodded: "Then what do you want to do when you see me, Second Mistress?"

Granny Gu didn't correct Xia Xia's name any more, and she didn't bother to beat around the bush, and said directly, "I'll see a doctor from you."

"You're not sick." Xia Tian glanced at her and replied immediately.

"It's not for me to see a doctor." Granny Gu said lightly, "The patient is in Yue Fangyuan, you can come with me now."

Yi Xiaoyin said: "Since you have long wanted to find Xia Xia for treatment, why are you holding a medical conference?"

"What I'm looking for is the best doctor in the world." Granny Gu explained casually: "The purpose of holding the medical conference is to select such people, but unfortunately, many people were selected before, and many people are already in Yue Fangyuan, it's a pity It doesn't cure the patient. I hope you can do it in the summer."

Xia Xia replied lazily: "There is no disease in the world that I can't cure, but why should I cure it for you?"

"Naturally, your benefits are indispensable." Granny Gu replied earnestly.

Xia Tian looked like he was not interested: "What benefits, general things, I'm not interested."

"I have a few scraps of the "Anti-Innocent Classic", are you interested?" Granny Gu had a smile on her face, but there was not much smile in her eyes.

"Defying the Heavenly Scripture?" Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, and asked casually, "What is that?"

Yi Xiaoyin pulled Xia Tian a bit and reminded softly: "The Anti-Tian Zhen Jing is the "Book of the Night", and the few scraps of pages we have found now have the eight-needle qi practice method. If we collect more details, There are many broken pages, maybe it can crack the secret of the eight needles against the sky."

"I remember." Xia Xia nodded, this thing was really useful to him, so he reached out to the mother-in-law Gu: "Okay, you can give me the broken pages."

"Follow me to Yue Fangyuan to have a look first, cure the disease, and then I will give it to you.

you. "The mother-in-law Gu said with an expressionless face.

Xia Xia didn't think that the other party would lie to him, so he agreed without saying a word: "Let's go then."

"Don't you think about it anymore?" Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia in amazement: "She said there is, but it may not really be there, in case it's a trap..."

Xia Xia asked back with a smile: "Wife Yiyi, do you think I will be afraid of any traps?"

"It's one thing to be afraid or not." Yi Xiaoyin was quite speechless: "But there's no need to step into a trap knowing that it's a trap."

"No." Xia Xia said seriously: "She is my second wife, she will definitely not harm me, traps or something, even more impossible."

Yi Xiaoyin looked at Xia Xia in amazement: "Do you really think she is the second wife?"

"I already have the facts with my second master, why can't it be." Xia Tian felt that he didn't need to think too much about this matter, and said to Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, if you think something is wrong, you can wait for me here. I Go get some treatment and be back soon."

Yi Xiaoyin didn't think about it, and answered directly: "No, I have to go and see with you."

"Wife Yiyi, you don't have to be too nervous." Xia Xia pointed at Granny Gu: "This old woman really has no ill intentions."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense in Xia Xia." Hu Huayu was so shocked that his soul was about to fly, Xia Xia's courage was too fat, and he dared to call Gu God mother-in-law and old woman face to face, this should not be broken into pieces.

Strangely, the mother-in-law Gu was always expressionless and did not respond to Xia Tian's words.

"You want to take her?" Granny Gu glanced at Yi Xiaoyin: "Yue Fangyuan is not a safe place, I can't avoid some dangers, are you sure you want to take her there?"

Xia Xia said casually: "With me here, there will be no danger, not to mention that my wife Yiyi is also very powerful, more powerful than the sum of these idiots multiplied by 10,000 times."

"Let's go then." Granny Gu didn't say anything more, she turned around and led the way.

"Wait a minute!" Zheng Xiangshan on the stage suddenly stopped Granny Gu and asked sharply, "Master Gu, you promised me before that only the top three in the conference can enter Yue Fangyuan. If the result hasn't come out yet, you bring Xia Xia in directly, wouldn't you go back on your word and have no faith!"

Granny Gu glanced at Zheng Xiangshan lightly, only to see that the other party felt a burst of angina, and the whole person immediately collapsed to the ground.

"Gu God, do you still remember this old man?" Yao Wanxin also came out to join in the fun at this time, "We met a hundred years ago, when you were still... poof!"

Before the words were finished, Yao Wanxin also stretched out her hand to cover her heart, and then spit out her heart and fell to the ground with a bang, dying directly.

"I used to think that you were too ruthless, and often advised you to stay." Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but complain: "I know now that you are really a reasonable person."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "What does it mean, I am a reasonable person, but those idiots can't understand the truth, and they just want to die."

"Gu God, even if you use martial arts to oppress me, I won't accept this kind of treatment!" Zheng Xiangshan gritted his teeth and protested at Gu God's mother-in-law: "How many years have I been preparing for this conference? There is hard work as well as credit, but you have abandoned me like a shoe?"

"The competition is done like this, and there is still the face to say this. Well, I will give you a place based on your hard work."

Granny Gu laughed and said coldly, "Apart from Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin, you are the guild leader, and if you include the head of the Hu family, who has any opinion?"

"Summer, I'm afraid that I'm not qualified enough?" Zheng Xiangshan was still a little uneasy, "If the competition does not result, he may not be able to win."

"President Zheng, that's what's wrong with you, you were crushed by Xia Xia alone, and you have no resistance at all." Hu Muyu suddenly stood up at this time and spoke for Xia Xia: "Now I'm too embarrassed to say that the competition has no results, Xia Xia really wants to Seriously, you don't even have a 1/10,000 chance of winning, and you are still farting here, I am ashamed for you!"

"It's useless for you to flatter me." Xia Xia glanced at Hu Muyu, "If you don't want to die, get out of the way. I'm too lazy to pay attention to your trash now."

"Yes, yes, I'm a waste." Hu Muyu immediately nodded very wisely: "I don't deserve to be the head of the Hu family, or a genius doctor like you in the summer is qualified, who else is you!"

Xia Xia said lazily: "Then you can just die."


Before she finished speaking, the goddess Gu raised her hand, and Hu Muyu vomited blood and died.

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