Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2344 Don't move

"This year's magic doctor is summer, who has any opinion?"

The mother-in-law Gu continuously shot, very neat and tidy, showing no pity for human life at all, everyone else was shocked, and no one dared to say anything more.

Xia Xia didn't appreciate it, and said lazily: "I am a genius doctor, and the opinions of these idiots are irrelevant."

"That's good." Granny Gu nodded.

Immediately looked at Hu Huayu: "Are you from the Hu family?"

"Yes, I'm Hu Xiaocui's grandson." Hu Huayu replied in awe.

"Okay, then you represent the Hu family." Granny Gu didn't bother to discuss, and said slowly, "Follow me to Yue Fangyuan."

Hu Huayu did not dare to object: "Yes."

"Then, what about me, can I go?" Liang Miaozhu looked at Granny Gu with some fear.

Granny Gu glanced at Liang Miaozhu: "Who are you?"

"Grandma Hui Gu, my name is Liang Miaozhu." Liang Miaozhu wanted to pretend to be very courageous, but his tone was timid.

"Are you a Gu doctor?" Granny Gu gave Liang Miaozhu a glance, "Then come along."

Liang Miaozhu couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Thank you, Mother-in-law Gu."

Granny Gu waved her hand, only to see a fragmented video in mid-air, the figures of a few of them in the summer.

Immediately, these people disappeared together with the afterimage.


Immortal Cloud Continent, Changmeng State.

Ye Mengying brought Zhao Yaoyao and hundreds of big inner shadow guards to the oldest city on Xianyun Continent.

This is the capital of the previous dynasty, and after the war, most of the city was burned down.

After thousands of years of development, it has regained its vitality and is still an ancient city with a long charm.

"Sister Mengying, this city should be similar to our Chang'an." Zhao Yaoyao sat on the carriage, not pulling the curtains, looking at the different and daunting towers outside.

Ye Mengying nodded and explained slowly: "I heard that this city is the first city on the Xianyun Continent. There are countless treasures buried in the ground, as well as ancient tombs of different dynasties."

"Treasures, ancient tombs, it doesn't make any sense." Zhao Yaoyao yawned and said with some lack of interest, "I still like to surf the Internet, but unfortunately there is no Internet here, not even electricity, so annoying."

Ye Mengying said with some humor: "Your sister has long wanted you to quit your internet addiction, so it's a good time to come to Xianyun Continent."

"The Internet is so fun, why should I quit." Zhao Yaoyao didn't understand, "Others addicted to the Internet will endanger their health, lose money, and possibly destroy their families... But these harms are ineffective for me, with my husband around, I can't do anything wrong, and I can't spend money or anything, so why can't I indulge in the Internet?"

Ye Mengying said with a smile: "Some things can be done indefinitely, not because they are not dangerous."

Zhao Yaoyao curled her lips: "Then if these things are fun to do and have infinite benefits to me, can I keep doing them?"

"No." Ye Mengying shook her head: "Desire is something that needs to be restrained. People should be the masters of desires, not slaves."

"That's really good." Zhao Yaoyao curled her lips, "When you do business with your husband in the future, you must remember to be restrained, not too much... Ah, why are you hitting me?"

Ye Mengying's pretty face blushed,

Withdrew his hand and glared at Zhao Yaoyao, "What are you talking about."

"I'm not talking nonsense." Zhao Yaoyao rolled her eyes, "I don't want to hear it either, who made you scream so loudly, and Sister Mengmeng added a protective note to you, so the whole Immortal Island can hear it. ."

"Liu Meng! It's true!" Ye Mengying was trembling with anger, she wanted to fly back to Lanjing and beat Liu Meng, but thinking about it, she might not be able to beat her, so she could only endure it temporarily.

Zhao Yaoyao suddenly reclined on Ye Mengying's lap, rubbing her hands up and down: "Oh, it's really comfortable, no wonder my husband always likes to rest on your legs, hey, my legs are a bit short, he doesn't like to rest on my legs. "

"You!" Ye Mengying rolled her eyes, but she didn't bother to beat her any more: "It's important to do business, don't keep laughing and behaving like a person."

Zhao Yaoyao looked up at Ye Mengying: "What's the matter?"

Ye Mengying said slowly: "Changmengzhou's Mubu Bingqing sent a secret report to Qingying, saying that there were traces of the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect in the state, and we are here to deal with this matter."

"Oh." Zhao Yaoyao nodded, "Then what should we do?"

Ye Mengying smiled lightly, and then said: "Before this came, I already had some rough ideas."

Zhao Yaoyao also laughed: "Sister Mengying is indeed a well-known entrepreneur in Jianghai. She has an idea so soon, tell me about it."

"Actually it's not complicated." Ye Mengying showed a confident look on her face, "If you want to find out these people in a short time, there is a way, and that is to scare the snakes."

"En." Zhao Yaoyao frowned and thought for a while, "Who is the grass and who is the snake?"

Ye Mengying: "..."

"Haha, of course I know, I'm teasing you." Zhao Yaoyao laughed awkwardly: "Okay, I don't know."

"You don't need to know." Ye Mengying said slowly: "In a while, we will go directly to the prefecture's yamen, and then we will set up a battle. Zhang Bang tells the whole city our purpose of coming here, and then let the shadow guards arrest and inspect, those people. It will definitely be unstoppable.”

Zhao Yaoyao yawned, "Good plan, good plan.

The strategy, Sister Ye deserves to be Brother Pig who was alive and resurrected from the deaf... Ah, why are you beating me again? Sister Yuji finally left, why did you start bullying me again! "

Ye Mengying smiled and said, "Your sister told me before she left. If you don't obey me, you can hit me hard."

"Don't fight. I rely on my head to eat." Zhao Yaoyao said unhappily.

Ye Mengbao laughed: "Didn't you eat with your hands?"

"Uh, a meaning." Zhao Yaoyao added: "It is my genius brain and my god-like hands."

Ye Mengying hit her with a smile and said, "Here, you can't use any of your skills, so save your time."

"Ah, so annoying." Zhao Yaoyao rolled on Ye Mengying's lap!

"You, don't move!" Ye Mengying had a strange look on her face and pushed Zhao Yaoyao away: "If you want to roll, go to the side and roll enough."

Zhao Yaoyao stopped rolling, sat up and stared at Ye Mengying: "Humph!"

At this time, the driver's voice sounded from outside the carriage: "Two fairies, the state government yamen has arrived, and this old slave will go and spread the word."

"No need, we'll go over by ourselves." Ye Mengying gave Zhao Yaoyao a wink.

Zhao Yaoyao immediately sorted out her clothes and made a small one.

Fairy pose.

Outside, a rather clear and clean voice suddenly sounded: "The two concubines are above, Mubu Bingqing of Changmengzhou Prefecture led the officials in the house to welcome the late, please forgive me."

"Are you Bu Bingqing?" Ye Mengying lifted the curtain of the car and found a tall and handsome young official standing outside.

Taking a closer look, I found that she was a woman, but she looked like a star, and she was more vigorous and heroic than ordinary men.

"Yes, this minister is Bu Bingqing." When Bu Bingqing looked up to see Ye Mengying, she couldn't help but be shocked.

This woman is so beautiful, like a fairy in the sky, but the emperor is also a woman today, and I don't know that this situation is Ji Chao's luck or misfortune.

"Okay, then you should know the purpose of our coming to Changmengzhou." Ye Mengying led Zhao Yaoyao out of the carriage and asked softly.

Bu Bingqing nodded and said very seriously: "Recently, the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect have become more and more rampant, and they have even killed many officials. According to legend, an altar was secretly opened to recruit people as members. Get rid of it as soon as possible, I'm afraid of endless troubles."

Ye Mengying listened very seriously, and then said: "Okay, you can bring me all the information about the Wanhuo Sect. Then we will discuss the countermeasures."

"Okay, then let the minister lead the two concubines to the arranged palace." Bu Bingqing's attitude was still very respectful.

"The palace and other things will be exempted, and you can just choose a few guest rooms in the back office." Ye Mengying waved her hand, not wanting to spend a lot of time, "My sister and I share a room, and these shadow guards who came with us will also arrange it. ."

"The minister takes orders." Bu Bingqing immediately ordered to go down. Someone in the prefectural government went to receive those shadow guards, and she took Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao towards the queen government.

The Hou Ya is very large and is where the state shepherd and some senior officials live.

The winding path leads to the secluded, the corridors and pavilions are all available.

Bu Bingqing pointed to a different courtyard and said softly, "It's quite quiet here, no one is disturbed, and it's just right for the two concubines to live in."

"Okay, let's go here." Ye Mengying is not a person to enjoy.

Bu Bingqing said tentatively: "The minister asked you to arrange a dinner party. There are many famous scribes in the city, and they also want to wash the dust for the two concubines."

"Just take the wind and wash the dust." Ye Mengying refused directly, and then said: "You can prepare some home-cooked dishes, and then call someone who knows the inside story of Wanhuo Sect and have a light meal together."

"Okay, then go down and retreat first." Bu Bingqing bowed slightly and slowly retreated.

When Zhao Yaoyao saw the person leave, she said unhappily, "Why is this female official more philistine than the male, it's very uncomfortable to look at."

"Officer, that's how it is." Ye Mengying laughed and said to Zhao Yaoyao, "If you wear this skin, then there is no distinction between males and females. They are all animals driven by power. Only Yingjie who is truly not afraid of power, Only then can this beast be controlled, otherwise anyone who comes will be tamed."

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me either." Zhao Yaoyao pouted, turned around and entered the garden, intending to see the house where she lived.

Ye Mengying smiled and watched Zhao Yaoyao walk in. She suddenly felt something was wrong and immediately called out, "Yaoyao, be careful!"

In an instant, the entire garden lit up with tens of thousands of shimmers, all of which were invisible to the naked eye and thin lines, crisscrossed.

Everything in the garden was cut into pieces all over the ground!

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