Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2345 I am God on the Internet

, the master of protecting flowers in the city! "If you want to trick me, there's no way!"

Zhao Yaoyao has long been different from what it used to be, this little trap couldn't help her, she jumped out of the garden in an instant.

"Are you alright?" Ye Mengying stepped forward to hug Zhao Yaoyao and asked with concern.

"Of course it's fine." Zhao Yaoyao waved her hands with a relaxed expression: "That's it, I can't even touch the edges of my clothes."

At this time, Bu Bingqing heard the sound and hurried over, and when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but turn pale in shock: "The minister is guilty, but he was taken advantage of by the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect and set up such traps. Fortunately, the two heavenly concubines Mother, please stay safe and sound, or you will die."

"Okay, don't talk about this kind of nonsense." Ye Mengying said lightly: "This is also a bit interesting. The person who set up this trap seems to know that we will come, and he expects that we will live here, Lord Bu, You are indeed guilty, but how do you deal with this now?"

Bu Bingqing was dripping with cold sweat, and she said with fear: "The minister will send you to investigate, the craftsmen who have completely arranged this garden, and all the yamen in the mansion who are involved in this matter will definitely give the two concubines a satisfaction. answer."

"You can send someone to do these things." Ye Mengying didn't embarrass her, she just asked: "When you look at these things, you know that the Wanhuo Sect did it. It seems that this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. Yet?"

"Yes." Bu Bingqing said with a bitter look on his face, and said with a sigh: "Those rays of light as fine as dust in the garden are the inner magic net woven by a supreme magic weapon in the Ten Thousand Fire Cult. The entire Changmengzhou, underground and on the ground, is almost filled with this kind of thing."

"The Heart Demon Web?" Zhao Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, "What is the Heart Demon Web?"

Seeing that Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao had not heard of this, Bu Bingqing immediately explained: "The Heart Demon Net is a kind of net woven by the Demon Banner Masters of the Ten Thousand Fire Sect recently with a magic piano. If any object is touched by him, it will capture part of the consciousness of the soul and involuntarily drive it for him. The owner of the Heart Demon Banner also relies on such a magic weapon to monitor almost the entire Changmeng Prefecture, and also makes it impossible for the work of eradicating the remnants of the cult. Expand."


Zhao Yaoyao raised her head and suddenly thought of a question: "Then why don't you guys turn around and use this inner demon net to find their old gangster?"

"This is impossible, right?" Bu Bingqing shook his head, "I actually tried it before, and sent several cultivators of the Jindan stage to attach their spiritual consciousness to the Internet, but they were all manipulated and committed suicide. ."

"That's because you didn't find the right person or method." Zhao Yaoyao thought for a while, and said confidently, "Let me handle this matter."

Ye Mengying asked worriedly: "Are you sure you have a way? Don't be in danger, don't worry too much about it."

"Sister Mengying, don't worry." Zhao Yaoyao said proudly, "As long as there is a net, then I am a god. On the net, no one is my opponent."

"This network, the one you told me about, is not the same thing." Ye Mengying looked at Zhao Yaoyao speechlessly and persuaded, "Let's just follow the original plan."

Zhao Yaoyao shook her head and said to Ye Mengying with a serious face: "Sister Mengying, although you are very good in business, you don't know much about network information security. If the back door left by the other party is closed, then we have no privacy at all, and what we say and do is under the control of others.”

"Are you sure that the hacker's trick is useful on this kind of internet?" Ye Mengying was still a little unconvinced.

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Zhao Yaoyao was full of confidence, after all, she had been with Zhao Yuji for a long time and learned a lot of ways to cope, then she rushed to Bingqing and said, "Do you have anything to link these hearts to? The magic web?"

Bu Bingqing was stunned for a while, then patted his head: "Really, when the traces of Wanhuo Sect were first discovered, the guards once seized a counterfeit magic qin shuttle in their temporary suppression cave, I will let me Bring it up."

Not long after, Bu Bingqing hurried back with twelve wrestlers.

The twelve wrestlers carried a huge machine in unison, which indeed looked a bit like a weaving shuttle, but the styles were somewhat different. The pedals and thirteen switches similar to keys were used to press the shuttle.

"Isn't this a computer from another world." Zhao Yaoyao looked up and down the so-called magic piano shuttle and said with a smile, "That's it, I'll familiarize myself with the operation of this machine first."

Ye Mengying reminded again: "Forget it, for safety's sake, don't take risks."

"Sister Mengbao, don't worry, this is a trivial matter for me." Zhao Yaoyao curled her lips and said with disdain: "The person who can beat me on the Internet has not yet been born. Besides, With you protecting the Dharma, what can I do?"

Since Zhao Yaoyao insisted so much, Ye Mengying couldn't persuade her any more, but she chased everyone out except Bu Bingqing and did not allow them to approach.

"Huh?" Zhao Yaoyao sat on the edge of the magic piano shuttle and touched the switch as if touching the health plate, "I haven't touched the health plate for several months, I miss this feeling so much, you better not let me down, Otherwise I'll set you on fire."

Zhao Yaoyao used her divine sense, felt this machine, and soon had some eyebrows. She went to a certain piece of spiritual jade in the middle of the magic piano shuttle, and entered the wisps of spiritual energy.

The shimmer-like thin lines that filled the garden immediately stuck to the magic piano shuttle, and countless lights invisible to the naked eye shuttled through these thin lines.

"These are neurons, right? It's kind of interesting." Zhao Yaoyao found that a ray of her spiritual consciousness was also stuck in it, and she immediately sensed countless people, images, and voices.

The breath came in, and he couldn't stop it.

Zhao Yaoyao was self-taught without a teacher, and the operation of those thirteen switches was as fast as lightning.

The details of the whole garden also changed rapidly with the frequency of her tapping on the seat, like weaving cloth, or connecting to the Internet.

Soon, Zhao Yaoyao cleaned up the messy details in the whole garden, and condensed into white lines the thickness of three fingers, visible to the naked eye.

The three white lines extend in three different directions.

"Could it be that this points out where the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect's remnants are located?" Bu Bingqing was stunned: "I will send the government guards to follow these lines."

Ye Mengying was also a little surprised, not only because she felt that there was such a machine in Xianyun Continent, but also that Zhao Yaoyao was really powerful.

"No." Ye Mengying immediately stopped Bu Bingqing, and then called the captain of the big inner shadow guard, and told them to investigate. If they found it, they would come back and report the news. The plan to scare the snake was cancelled.

The Shadow Guard led the way.

At this moment, tens of thousands of white shimmers suddenly flew in the air, like the stars under the night sky, flickering and filling the whole garden.

"Hey, you're still not convinced?" Zhao Yaoyao became more and more excited, and the keyboard went up even faster: "Dare to play this kind of trick in front of the God of Hackers, it's just asking for abuse!"

Within three seconds, the tens of thousands of thin lines were clearly drawn by Zhao Yaoyao, and they were classified into the three thick white lines.


Ye Mengying suddenly felt that something was wrong and immediately stood in front of Zhao Yaoyao.

Sure enough, ten seconds later, dozens of black shadows jumped into the garden from different directions, and attacked Zhao Yaoyao with swords in hand.

"Sister Mengying, I'll leave these miscellaneous soldiers to you." Zhao Yaoyao was not afraid at all, and said to Ye Mengying with a smile, "I think I caught the idiot hiding behind the scenes, so I'll bring him here now. "

Zhao Yaoyao took the initiative to attack this time, pouring more spiritual energy into the magic piano shuttle, scattered into these thin lines, and traced the origin of those faint consciousness.

"The evildoer, dare to trespass the government office, it's really crazy, is it because my sword is not good!"

Bu Bingqing also blushed with anger, and immediately reached out to his waist, took out a soft sword, and fought with those shadows.

I have to say that although this woman is a bit stereotyped as an official, her swordsmanship is quite good.

Ye Mengying didn't need a sword, she directly used her stalking steps and ordinary palm techniques, and three or two solved most of the problems.

"I caught that idiot!" Zhao Yaoyao shouted excitedly at this time, and twisted the three white threads into a single strand. The countless consciousnesses also converged and turned into a colorful beam.

This beam of light, in Zhao Yaoyao's hand, instantly turned into a whip that could smack the gods.


A scream suddenly sounded nearby.

Zhao Yaoyao said with a smile, "Since people are on the side, what else is there to hide? Come out and decide who wins or loses."

"Who is it that can break the magic net of my heart!"

Sure enough, a man in a green robe suddenly jumped into the air, holding a strange qin in his hand, which was very different from the magic qin shuttle in Zhao Yaoyao's hand.

"What kind of heart demon flag owner are you?" Zhao Yaoyao left the magic piano shuttle, looked up at the person who came, and then shook her head: "You are old and ugly, and your foundation is very poor. , that is, a rookie-level hacker. It is estimated that the piano shuttle in your hand is relatively powerful, otherwise you would have died long ago and I don’t know how many times.”

"Presumptuous! This banner owner will let you die!"

The owner of the Heart Demon Banner was furious, and suddenly clasped his five fingers on the strings of the violin. With just one play, tens of thousands of shimmering lights fell like a rain of arrows.


Zhao Yaoyao held the colorful light beam in her hand tightly, but just waved it casually, only to see the heart demon flag owner hugging her head and screaming.

"If you want to monitor the whole city with this kind of inner demon net, either you can control the consciousness of tens of millions of people in the city, or your consciousness becomes millions of copies." Zhao Yaoyao smiled and looked at the demon banner owner: "No matter what kind of thing, it will make your soul become very weak. Now your aunt and I have gathered all these thin lines together, then your soul is in my hands. Do you think you still have resistance? ability?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The head of the Heart Demon Banner obviously didn't believe Zhao Yaoyao's words: "My Heart Demon Web is invincible in the world, no one can control it except me, you must have other means."

"What kind of heart magic net?" Zhao Yaoyao looked disdainful, "It's just an ordinary firewall, I took three minutes to crack it, auntie, and in turn locked your soul. So, I don't have any other means. , it's you who are too good! No magic weapon or magic can match science."

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