Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2346 two moons


Soon, Ye Mengying and Bu Bingqing also solved those dark shadows.

Zhao Yaoyao also used the Inner Demon Net to entangle the Inner Demon Banner Master. Every time he struggled, those nets would get tighter and tighter, which seemed to be a cocoon.

"Don't waste your time." Zhao Yaoyao shook her head with some sympathy: "These nets are all your own consciousness and soul. Unless you give up and become a mindless walking dead, you won't be able to break free."

The owner of Heart Demon Banner tried several times and found that his soul was getting weaker and weaker. He knew that what the other party said was true, but he was unwilling to say: "Who are you, why do you need to meddle in your business?"

"Who's minding your own business?" Zhao Yaoyao replied with a smile, "We're here for you idiots. Besides, when we arrived, you set a trap here. If it wasn't for your auntie, I would be dead now. already."

The Heart Demon Banner owner raised his eyes and stared at Zhao Yaoyao: "So you are from the Xianxianmen, or are you from the Ji Dynasty?"

"It can be said that they are all." Ye Mengying replied indifferently: "However, the Wanhuo Sect should not be the only one in Changmengzhou, right?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?" Although the Heart Demon Banner Lord was restrained, he was very unconvinced by his expression, "My Myriad Fire Sect is revived on the Immortal Cloud Continent, which is the unstoppable trend of Heaven. You so-called cultivators of the right path, delusional thinking of being a chariot, is simply beyond your own power!"

After listening to Zhao Yaoyao, she curled her lips and said, "You said the opposite. Your broken sect has been destroyed for 10,000 years, and the ancestors have probably turned to ashes early, so don't have any illusions, An Xin. Live with your heart, isn't it fragrant?"

"Presumptuous!" The Heart Demon Banner owner was furious and scolded Zhao Yaoyao, "What do you know, you bitch! Ji Chao is immoral and destroys the Holy Religion; he is immoral and delusional to dominate, it is all the brilliance of the firefly, Only my holy religion can shine for thousands of years!"

Zhao Yaoyao replied with only two words: "Brain."

"These people are not very smart, let alone brainwashed." Ye Mengying was no stranger to such people, and said lightly: "It is useless to reason with them, in order to avoid harming the world, it is better to directly destroy humanely. Suitable."

The owner of the Heart Demon Banner is also stubborn, with a stalk in his neck: "If you want to kill, kill, how can this banner owner be a person who is greedy for life and fears death."

Bu Bingqing said hesitantly: "The two heavenly concubines, in the opinion of the following ministers, we should escort him to Lanjing and hand over to Her Majesty the Queen."

"It's too troublesome to escort them back." Zhao Yaoyao thought for a while, and said impatiently, "It's a waste of food to feed them along the way, and I feel embarrassed for the ordinary people who were killed by them. value."

"Actually, Lord Bu's suggestion is right." Ye Mengying agreed with this suggestion after thinking about it, and explained to Zhao Yaoyao, "As Bingbing often said, executing wicked people in private is very pleasant, but the leak is only temporary. Angry. We need to punish these people clearly and show everyone in the world what the fate of the demons is, and at the same time comfort those who were killed by them and their families."

"Yeah, that's right." Zhao Yaoyao nodded, "Sister Bingbing is a police officer, so she's right."

Ye Mengbao glanced at Zhao Yaoyao amusingly: "Bingbing is not here, what's the use of flattering her."

"It's not flattering, but agreeing with her reasoning." Zhao Yaoyao said with a smile, "If my husband was here, I think all these idiots would be better off dead than alive."

Ye Mengying also remembered Xia Xia's handling of others, and said with a sigh: "That's right, his style of behavior is simple and rude, and he has no interest in reasoning or teaching. I don't know if he has cultivated well on the other side of the earth. , or continue to be so lazy, while chasing girls, while casually raising the eight needles against the sky?"

"Well, I feel like he's either picking up girls, or on his way to pick up girls." Zhao Yaoyao frowned, "Even if elder sister and elder sister Ye go, it's probably useless, he is such a lecherous person."

Bu Bingqing couldn't understand what Zhao Yaoyao and Ye Mengying were talking about, she just asked her subordinates to fetch special ropes to tie up the remnants of the Ten Thousand Fire Sect.

"Back to the two concubines, all the evils and evils have been bound properly." Bu Bingqing stepped forward to report: "Whether to inform Lanjing Department of Punishment to send someone to receive it, or temporarily take it to the prison and wait for His Majesty's will."

"Don't be so troublesome, we can just escort these people back." Ye Mengying said lightly.

Bu Bingqing showed a surprised expression: "The two empresses, you are leaving now? Since you are in Changmengzhou, why not play for a few days before leaving?"

"These remnants of the Wanhuo Sect have already been caught, so we naturally have no need to stay." Ye Mengying always values ​​efficiency in her work, and is not interested in traveling the mountains and waters, "The Shadow Guard temporarily leaves half of the staff to help you clear the Wanhuo Sect. The ordinary church members. We will go back to Lanjing now, you don't need to send it."

Bu Bingqing wanted to say more, but she caught Ye Mengying's gaze and swallowed again.

"Isn't it, let's go now?" Zhao Yaoyao was a little unhappy: "My ass is still hot, Sister Mengying, at least let's go tomorrow."

"That's very true." Bu Bingqing nodded hurriedly: "It would be rude to let His Majesty know that the minister has not even served a hot meal."

Ye Mengying laughed: "Okay, then stay for two days and put these people in jail first."

"Follow your orders!" Bu Bingqing was overjoyed, and immediately ordered people to take all the evildoers of the Wanhuo Sect down.

"There is no way to live in the garden here. Why don't you two empresses move to Jiang Tianxuan with me." Bu Bingqing suggested at this time: "It is located on the side of Changmeng River, and the scenery is pleasant, especially the moon.

The scenery is unparalleled. And Xuanzhong's cuisine is also unmatched in the world. "

Zhao Yaoyao clapped her hands, "Okay, let's go there."

After a while, Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao sat in a carriage and moved to a nine-storey restaurant called Jiang Tianxuan by the Changmeng River.

On the ninth floor, Moon View Pavilion.

"It's not bad here." Zhao Yaoyao was very satisfied with this environment.

Ye Mengying looked at the decorations in the Moon Appreciation Pavilion, which was dominated by moon white, with bamboo green embellished everywhere. It was indeed quite artistic.

Zhao Qingqing was lying on the edge of the windowsill, and suddenly shouted strangely:

"Sister Mengying, look, why are there two moons in the sky?"


Xia Xia first looked at a crescent moon from a distance, and then looked up to see a full moon.

"Are these two moons?"

Liang Miaozhu also saw this scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

"One is the moon, the other is the lake." Yi Xiaoyin glanced at it and said lightly.

Hu Huayu also explained: "It's a moon phase lake, and the water level will change according to the moon phase, but it doesn't seem to have a specific pattern."

"Where did that old woman go?" Xia Xia didn't care about the moon, let alone the lake, and glanced around, but didn't see the Gu god mother-in-law who brought them to Yue Fangyuan.

Yi Xiaoyin laughed: "You still called her Ershi Niang just now, but it's changed so quickly?"

"It's polite to be called Ershiniang." Xia Xia pouted, "But now that she has run away and left us here, why are you still being polite to her?"

Hu Huayu didn't dare to be disrespectful to Mother-in-law Gu, but he couldn't understand why.

"Maybe there's something wrong with Mother-in-law Gu." Liang Miaozhu explained casually, but she was a little powerless, and she didn't even think she believed it.

About half a minute ago, Granny Gu directly used an afterimage to bring them to Yue Fangyuan.

After the shadows disappeared, their figures appeared on the roof of a bamboo building in Yue Fangyuan.

The mother-in-law Gu disappeared without a trace.

This bamboo building is about eight or nine stories high.

Originally, it was not a big deal for them to jump directly.

However, they soon discovered an anomaly.

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly and reminded, "Do you feel something is wrong?"

"What's the difference... Huh?" Liang Miaozhu looked blank, and then a suffocating feeling pressed on her chest, making her breathing a little difficult.

"No." Hu Huayu suddenly widened his eyes and opened his mouth to almost spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort. After forcibly holding back, he also spit out two dead Gu worms from his mouth.

Xia Xia looked at the lake in the distance with a serious expression: "The problem lies in that lake, I'll go take a look."

"Don't!" Yi Xiaoyin immediately grabbed Xia Xia: "Don't be impulsive. Let's just wait and see."

Xia Tian gave Yi Xiaoyin an aura of ice and fire, which relieved the inexplicable pressure. As for Liang Miaozhu and Hu Huayu, they only got two needles to make them feel a little better.

"We don't seem to be able to get out!" Hu Huayu wanted to jump out of the bamboo building and look outside, but found that there were invisible walls blocking it on all sides.

Liang Miaozhu also tried it immediately, and got the same result: "It's really like this, what the hell does Granny Gu want to do, is it to suffocate us here?"

"It shouldn't be." Yi Xiaoyin shook her head and said seriously: "She should want us to study this lake or that moon."

Liang Miaozhu looked dazed and asked inexplicably, "What is there to study, even if you really want to study it, from such a distance, what can you study?"

"Here, it should be a safe distance to observe the lake." Yi Xiaoyin had some guesses: "Here we can all feel the sense of coercion emanating from the lake. If we get closer, maybe our lives will be in danger."

"But without giving any hints, what are we studying?" Liang Miaozhu still expressed incomprehension.

Hu Huayu couldn't figure it out either, so he asked Xia Tian, ​​"Xia Xia, have you found anything?"

"Nothing to find." Xia Xia yawned lazily: "I'm not interested in finding out, just wait another two minutes, and if the old woman doesn't show up again, I'll demolish this dilapidated building."

Hu Huayu asked, "Are you sure you can dismantle it?"

"What can't be dismantled." Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"This building should be isolated by something, or a barrier." Hu Huayu explained, "Miaozhu and I can't break this isolation."

Xia Xia was outspoken, and said without the slightest euphemism: "That's because you are too rubbish."

"Who are you calling trash!" Liang Miaozhu was really unhappy.

Yi Xiaoyin's eyes narrowed and she reminded, "There seems to be movement down there?"

Everyone walked to the balcony and looked down. Sure enough, they saw a group of people surrounding the bamboo building, and they kept stacking firewood. The last old man held a torch and walked slowly to the firewood.

Liang Miaozhu widened his eyes and exclaimed:

"Is this going to burn us?"

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