Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2348 A bunch of failed waste

Direct access: [End Benshen Station] www.xinwanben.com

In front, is Changmengchuan.

A big river with wide waves, the wind blowing the waning moon like a sail.

"Yaoyao, close your eyes!" Ye Mengying only glanced at her, and suddenly became alert, she stepped forward and covered Zhao Yaoyao's eyes.

It was a pity that it was already a little late, Zhao Yaoyao suddenly fell to the ground and let out a faint snoring sound.

"Not good." Ye Mengying also felt a little dizzy, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

After a while, the two figures slowly walked into the Moon Appreciation Pavilion.

It was Bu Bingqing, and the leader of the Heart Demon Banner.

"Hahaha, what a goddess Tianni, the experience in the arena is as tender as the chicks who just came out of the pavilion!"

The Bannerlord of Heart Demon looked at Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao who were lying on the ground with disdain, "I really think that the Bannerlord is so vulnerable, it's ridiculously naive."

"That's natural. The Lord of Heart is the flag leader of the Six Flags of the Holy Sect, and can be called the fifth messenger out of the four messengers." Bu Bingqing bowed her body and said flatteringly.

"You're not bad." The head of the Heart Demon Banner took all the flattery directly, looked back at Bu Bingqing and said, "As long as you continue to perform well, and after you have won Ji Chao and the righteous path of cultivation, then I can seal you. A throne will make you prosperous and rich from generation to generation."

But Bu Bingqing shook her head and refused, and said very seriously: "My subordinates only want to follow the banner owner, even if it is just a concubine of the banner owner, who has been with the banner owner for thousands of years, it is better than any hereditary and irreplaceable throne. A thousand times better."

"Hahaha, you really are something that can be made." The owner of the heart demon flag was immediately delighted, pointing at Bu Bingqing: "For the avenue of longevity, prosperity and wealth are indeed not worth mentioning. Here is a soul-fixing pill, you If you take it first, it will at least extend your lifespan for a hundred years."

Bu Bingqing took the black medicinal pill with a sincere face, and was overjoyed immediately, and knelt on the ground: "Thank you for the reward for setting the flag, my subordinates will serve the flag master and the holy religion with absolute loyalty until death."

"Let's get up first." The Heart Demon Banner Lord waved his hand,

"My lord, how do you deal with these two?" Bu Bingqing glanced at Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao on the ground, and said worriedly, "After all, they are the concubine of the heavenly concubine who was entrusted by Empress Ji, if they leave for a long time and don't return, I'm afraid that it will attract Queen Ji and the high-level officials of Xianxianmen, and I'm afraid that it will be detrimental to the revival of the Holy Religion."

"You don't have to worry." The Heart Demon Banner Master pretended to be calm and said, "These two women have their own magical uses, and the Banner Master will do it in person to wash their souls and change their hearts, and then they will be saints. Teach the most loyal soul slave and become an important flag for our counterattack against the Misty Immortal Gate and the Ji Dynasty."

Bu Bingqing's eyes flashed with unconcealed jealousy: "Heart Lord, I just think these two sluts are not worthy of being washed by the Holy Religion, so it's better to shred them to pieces and treat them as food for the spider beasts of the heart web. already."

"Hehe, you don't have to be jealous." The Heart Demon Banner Master showed a proud look, raised his leg and lifted Bing Qing's chin: "This Banner Master loves you the little goblin the most, and baptizing them is also for the great cause of the Holy Religion. "

"The Lord of the Heart is indeed the light of the Holy Religion." Bu Bingqing immediately showed a moved expression, "My subordinate is willing to die for you."

"Okay, you can continue to control those shadow guards." The Heart Demon Banner owner raised his hand and shot two strands of spider silk, wrapping Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao on the ground into two zongzi, "This banner is mainly for these two women. Soul washed."

Bu Bingqing immediately

Retired, the Heart Demon Banner Master also took two people who were completely entangled by spider webs and disappeared instantly.

Not long after the two left, two figures appeared in the room, it was Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao.

"Sister Mengying, you are still alert." Zhao Yaoyao said with a sigh, "There really is something wrong with that Bu Bingqing. If we hadn't made preparations, we would have really let her be deceived."

Ye Mengying said lightly: "It's not being alert, it's just taking precautions. The most important thing is that it went too smoothly. We just got here, encountered a trap, and just happened to lead out the owner of the demon flag, and caught it so easily. …”

"Then, this Lord Bu still led us to this attic step by step, obviously it was calculated." Zhao Yaoyao continued Ye Mengying's words.

"That's right." Ye Mengying nodded, "We will naturally relax our vigilance when the owner of the Heart Demon Banner is arrested. She took the opportunity to make some modest demands, and we are not very good at rejecting it. We just didn't expect that a state shepherd would be arrested long ago. Wan Huo has been brainwashed, it's really scary."

"I guess it has something to do with the ability of the Heart Demon Banner Master." Zhao Yaoyao frowned, "There is indeed a large amount of soul consciousness in his spider webs, and if one is not handled properly, it is easy for thousands of people, Straight to the walking dead."

Ye Mengbao looked at Zhao Yaoyao with beautiful eyes and said, "It's up to you, the legendary god of hackers. Didn't you say that on the Internet, no one can beat you?"

"Of course." Zhao Yaoyao replied with a smile, "That Demon Banner Lord really underestimated me, thinking that if he arranged a play, he could deceive me. If it is changed, then he will only suffer the consequences."

"Actually, that's fine." Ye Mengying smiled lightly, "It would have taken some effort to find their nest, but now it seems to save trouble."

Zhao Yaoyao pouted, "Sister Mengying, how come you are like my sister, an old trickster and slippery."


Ye Mengying was so angry that she raised her hand and patted Zhao Yaoyao: "Can you speak?"

"Okay, you guys are really smart and have no plans." Zhao

Yaoyao flattened her mouth and changed her mouth immediately.

"Don't be poor." Ye Mengying took Zhao Yaoyao's hand, burned a talisman, and immediately disappeared from the Moon Appreciation Pavilion.

A few seconds later, the shimmering light floated in the attic, and tens of thousands of invisible filaments were woven into the night little by little, leaving no trace.


The lake is wrinkled by the wind and water, and the blue waves are rippling.

Looking around, there is no shadow of the island at all.

On the contrary, there was a small boat that slowly drove over. A boatman wearing a bamboo hat held a long pole and held it close, and stopped about ten meters away from the shore.

"Let's get on the boat, I'll talk to the island if I have something to do." Allen jumped onto the boat first. It was light and stable, and the boat didn't sway at all.

Xia Tian probed his arms around Yi Xiaoyin, and in a flash, he also arrived on the boat.

Liang Miaozhu muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's really not a gentleman, can you just hug me?"

"I'll carry you over there." Hu Huayu glanced at his cousin speechlessly and said with concern.

"Go away, I don't want you to hold me." Liang Miaozhu glared at Hu Huayu with disgust, and after a gentle vertical motion, he also got on the boat.

Hu Huayu touched his nose, feeling

I seem to be a little redundant.

When he got on the boat too, the boatman swung his pole to the shore, and the boat quickly swung out.

"Where is the island, why can't I see it?" Liang Miaozhu stood on the bow of the boat, covering his forehead with his hands, and looked forward for a long time. Except for the steam, he didn't see any island in the center of the lake.

"You can't see it." Xia Xia said lazily, "Just stay honest."

Liang Miaozhu said unconvinced, "Don't say you saw it."

"Of course I saw it." Xia Tian pouted, with a casual expression: "Isn't it right in front."

"You lied to the ghost!" Liang Miaozhu looked at it for a while, but still found nothing: "You are just bragging, I don't think there is any island in the heart of the lake, this boat must be taking us elsewhere."

Hu Huayu was sitting very quietly in the corner of the boat, looking at the scenery of the blue waves and light boats, especially the green mountains and bamboos on both sides of the strait, which were really beautiful.

"Mr. Allen, do you know Wancaogu?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help asking.

Allen was lying on the side of the boat warehouse, drinking wine, and when he heard Yi Xiaoyin's words, he replied casually, "Did those people tell you?"

Yi Xiaoyin nodded: "Those people said that the magic doctors who came in before were all staying in Wancaogu, what do they mean?"

"It's hard to say." Allen took a sip of wine and explained to Yi Xiaoyin, "Have you ever watched "The Xia Xing Xing"?"

Yi Xiaoyin was taken aback: "Is there any connection between the two?"

"You can make a comparison." Allen laughed, raised his finger and pointed in a certain direction: "The Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses is to the doctor, just as the island of knights is to the knights of the rivers and lakes. In the Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses, there are countless exotic flowers and plants. They are all extinct in the outside world, and there are even those that have not been recorded in ancient books. There is also a library in the valley, and the doctors inside are also not found outside. You say, will you not be fascinated?"

"Understood." Yi Xiaoyin felt the same way. Some time ago, she spent a lot of money to buy ancient medical books. At that time, she was addicted to it and couldn't help herself: "That is indeed a holy place for doctors."

Xia Xia shook his head and said sarcastically, "It's not a holy place, it's a cemetery."

"Why do you talk like that." Liang Miaozhu disagreed with Xia Xia's words: "What's wrong with doctors who want to improve, learn more advanced medical skills, and have more medicinal herbs?"

"I didn't say it's wrong." Xia Xia replied casually: "I just said it's useless. Their medical skills are just like that. No matter how much time they spend on research, they won't make much progress. If you have time, go out to treat diseases and save people. That will make progress.”

Liang Miaozhu wrinkled his nose: "There is no problem in curing diseases and saving people, and it is not wrong to improve medical skills."

"It's useless to build a car behind closed doors." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "These people are just a bunch of failed trash, don't make any excuses."

Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the air: "Who are you calling trash!"

"Whoever responds is trash." Xia Tian responded casually.

"It's so unreasonable!" The voice in the air became more and more furious: "Huangkou child, who even despised the senior medical practitioners, is simply not worthy of being a doctor. If it is not severely punished, he will be the black sheep of the medical world in the future. Die!"

Suddenly, the surface of the lake surged, and for no reason, a shocking wave was set off.

A small boat turned over when it was said to be overturned.

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