Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2349 The way he solves the problem


In the misty water vapor, a small island gradually emerged.

Xia Tian hugged Yi Xiaoyin and slowly landed on the island.

However, Liang Miaozhu was still hanging on his waist, and this time she was quick-witted.

After a while, Allen and Hu Huayu also landed safely.

The small boat sank to the bottom of the lake, and the boatman disappeared.

A few, the old man with a childish face, hurried from not far away, angrily staring at Xia Xia and the others.

"Who was it just now, who made such nonsense and dared to be disrespectful to our medical god!" One of the old men who was as tall as a lion asked.

When Hu Huayu saw the old man, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and asked, "Old man, are you Gao Hongming, the genius doctor of the South of the Heavens sixty years ago?"

"That's right, the old man is the genius doctor Gao Hongming?" The old man raised his eyebrows and looked at Hu Huayu proudly: "Who are you, it's rare for you to recognize this old man."

"Junior Hu Huayu, I have seen Mr. Gao." Hu Huayu still maintains basic etiquette towards medical seniors: "My grandmother is Hu Xiaocui, I don't know if the seniors recognize them."

The old man Gao immediately showed an unhappy look: "Oh, you are the grandson of that wild girl."

After he finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Hu Huayu and looked at Xia Tian and Yi Xiaoyin: "Who are you two, just now you said that the people in the Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses are trash, right?"

"Yes, I said that." Xia Xia looked casual. "What a bastard!" Old Man Gao glared angrily and stared at Xia Xia viciously: "You stinky boy who has only studied medicine for a few years, you are farting here! Which of the doctors in the Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses has not studied medicine for decades. Everyone, don't talk about you

, even if the doctors outside are piled up, they are not worthy to lift our shoes! "

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly: "Senior, although Xia Xia's words are indeed a bit reckless and offensive, your words are a bit inappropriate."

"What's wrong!" Xing Xingming raised his nostrils to look at the person, staring at Yi Xiaoyin coldly: "Where did you come from, how many years did you study medicine, save a few people, and prescribe a few prescriptions? ...also worthy of talking to the old man!"

Xia Xia said unhappily: "You old waste, don't talk about it. Whether it's saving people or medical skills, your whole family can't compare to Yiyi's wife, let alone me." "Young man, your tone is crazy." Old Man Gao sneered at Xia Xia's words, "This old man has practiced medicine since he was a child, and he is now one hundred and twenty years old. The medical books I have read and the medicinal herbs I know will never catch up with you in eight lifetimes.

You are not worthy to enter the medical practitioners who practise the way of medicine and study with an open mind. "What a thousand weeds, a bunch of waste settlements, we are not interested in entering. Xia Tian curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Old man, if you don't need a beating, just say it straight. I never care about the old, the weak, the sick or the disabled.

It's time to hit. "

Old Man Gao was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "People who study medicine actually beat and kill at every turn. You are insulting the word medical ethics."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "The way of medicine is not your archway, so what if I insult it, it's none of your business."

"Presumptuous!" Old Man Gao exploded directly, pointing at Xia Xia and saying, "It's almost like there is no father to teach you, this old man will teach you a lesson for your seniors and parents today!"

I have to say, this old man is still a little heavy.

How good the medical skills are, I can't see it yet, but the kung fu is not low.

The lion-like body moves like a mountain, rushing towards the summer.

"Be careful in the summer." Seeing this, Hu Huayu couldn't help reminding him, "Elder Gao is not only a genius doctor in Tiannan, but also the hall master of the Lion Hall, and his martial arts are not low!"

It's just that it seems a little late to say this, Gao Hongming has already rushed to Xia Xia like a tank.

Comparing the body, I feel that the next second will be crushed in summer.

"This is my apprentice. If you want to teach him a lesson, you have to see if you are worthy!"

Xia Xia hadn't shot yet, and Allen was directly upset. He blocked in front of Xia Xia for a moment, and raised his hand to block Old Man Gao.

"It's you!"

When Old Man Gao saw Alan, he was stunned for a moment, and then said displeasedly: "Boy, don't climb on the high branch of Gu God, you can run wild in Yue Fangyuan." "First of all, I didn't Gu God Gaozhi, we just love each other." Alan retorted in a slow manner: "Secondly, I have never been reckless, but you people really think that you are the masters of the Valley of Ten Thousand Herbs, what do you have?

Qualified to prevent others from entering? "

"The Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses is a treasure trove of medical knowledge, and naturally it must be maintained by my doctors!" Old Man Gao was not polite at all, and said coldly, "Otherwise, sooner or later, it will be scourged by irrelevant people." "Yes, you stopped it. The scourge of others." Allen sneered twice, and said sarcastically: "But you seem to have a lot of scourges yourself. Treat the medicinal herbs and medical books in the Valley of Myriad Herbs as your private property, and don't allow others to touch them. This is difficult.

Dao is to cure diseases and save people, to promote the so-called medical Dao? "

"Of course!" The old man Gao looked upright and awe-inspiring: "This kind of treasure that is beneficial to medical Taoism has been passed down through the ages. In order to protect this place from the ravages of villains, my doctors are naturally responsible."

Allen was about to laugh miserably. He pointed at the old man: "You are greedy, and you are arrogant. You are not allowed to handle it. You are really short-sighted. It's no wonder that you have practiced for nearly a hundred years.

"Let's take a break and enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Herbs!" Old Man Gao's expression was not half-hearted.

A little change, and even greeted several other old men, blocking their way in the summer. "What kind of broken valley is this, whoever likes to enter will enter." Xia Xia said with a look of disdain: "However, you had a bad attitude towards me and Yiyi's wife just now. I can't bear this. You kneel down and kowtow three times. If I say I'm wrong a hundred times, I can stop beating

you. "

Old Gao's avatar heard the big joke, and laughed wildly: "The little doll now has no ability, but his tone is getting bigger and bigger, and the one named Zhang Mingtuo was like this, but the result is not sullen. Ran."

"Have you met my master?" Xia Tian asked in surprise.

"It turns out that the thief is your master, so that's no wonder!" Old Man Gao changed color suddenly, poking at Xia Tian: "If that's the case, then don't leave and keep your life, it's just a sacrifice to those who died in vain at Zhang Mingtuo's hands. comrades."

Xia Xia turned to Allen and asked, "How much hatred did the master have in this broken place back then?"

"There are a lot of hatreds, but a lot of blame." Allen said with a smile: "Since you are his good apprentice, you can help him settle it."

Xia Xia asked casually, "What kind of hatred does the master have with this old man?"

"I don't know about this." Ellen shook his head, "I didn't figure it out back then, and it's even more unclear now. However, let's solve the problem as soon as possible. We have to go to the central altar on the island, where she is. waiting for us."

"If that's the case, then it's not a waste of time." Xia Xia couldn't help but glance at Old Man Gao, "Old Man, I'll give you three seconds, kneel down and kowtow to apologize, I won't beat you today."

Old Man Gao said in a cold voice, "Boy, you will definitely die today. You guys are going to see Lord Gu God, and then make the idea of ​​Wancaogu, this old man will never let you succeed."

Saying that, Old Man Gao came to Xia Xia with two big strides, his palm flickered slightly, and patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

"Just this clock needle method, it's useless to stand and let you pierce." Xia Tian curled his lips, "So, you should get out of the way."


Xia Tian lifted his leg and kicked Old Man Gao flying.

Several other old men stared blankly, what happened just now.

"What did you do to Mr. Gao?"

"What about Old Man Gao?"

"Where did such a tall man go?"


"I want to know, so let's go with you." Xia Xia was like kicking a ball.

Liang Miaozhu was speechless for a long time, then looked at Yi Xiaoyin: "Sister Yi, is this his... way to solve the problem?"

"Just get used to it." Yi Xiaoyin looked indifferent.

Allen was obviously used to it, and said lightly, "Through the Valley of Ten Thousand Grasses, the innermost is the central altar."

Xia Xia returned to Yi Xiaoyin, and put his arms around his waist naturally: "Wife Yiyi, let's go."

"Xiamen, I might ask you to do me a favor." Allen hesitated for a while, but said to Xia Tian, ​​"I hope you won't refuse at that time."

Xia Xia asked casually, "What are you busy with?"

Allen said seriously: "It's about Gu God. If you really want to conflict with her, I hope you will show mercy."

"Then if I don't do it, she will die herself?" Xia Xia asked casually: "Or does she just want to die."

Allen said: "Then I hope you can save her."

"Second master, are you sure you want me to save you?" Xia Xia asked again.

Allen asked: "Then can you save it?"

Xia Tian pouted, but did not answer.

"Did you hear that?" Allen looked at Xia Xia fixedly: "The second master saved you. You don't have much conflict with her. What's wrong with saving her?"

Yi Xiaoyin asked at this time, "Mr. Allen, you seem to expect her to die?"

"It's not a prediction, it's just intuition." Alan is a murderer who kills countless people, and he has a natural sensitivity to death: "In Yue Fangyuan, there are only two people who can kill her, one is herself, and the other is just It can only be summer."

At this time, a strange bird chirping suddenly sounded in the air.

Then, the thousands of flowers moved, and the plants and trees shrank their roots.

A wide passage extends from the depths of Wancao Valley to the front of the others in the summer.

"This is her welcoming us." Seeing the road opened up in an instant, Allen explained to Xia Xia and the others.

"Let's go then." Yi Xiaoyin said slowly. Before setting foot on that road, Allen finally did not forget to confirm to Xia Tian: "You make a statement, can you do it?"

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