Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2350 What's wrong with this

At the bottom of Changmeng River, there is actually a passage.

Ye Mengying held her breath, followed behind the Heart Demon Banner Lord, and sneaked into the channel at the bottom of the river.

After walking for a while, I guessed that it should be in the middle of the river, and suddenly the walls were wide, and a tall altar appeared.

The entire altar is like a triangular cone, with a total of seven layers.

At the corner of each floor, there was a kneeling monster, with his hands together and held high on the top.

There is a black stone platform at the very top, just enough to place two people side by side.

After the Heart Demon Banner Lord went up to the high platform, he put the comatose "Ye Mengying" and "Zhao Yaoyao" on the black stone platform with a satisfied look in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the beauty of the country." The Heart Demon Banner Master shook his head in admiration, "If it wasn't for the Holy Religion's ten-thousand-year plan, this Banner Master actually wanted to take you as concubines first, and we'll talk about it after we've had enough."

Zhao Yaoyao, who was not far away, felt disgusted, and sent a voice transmission to Ye Mengying: "Sister Mengying, this person is so disgusting, just kill him."

"Don't worry, he's all here. Let's see what he's up to first." Ye Mengying didn't care about this offense. Anyway, this person is bound to die, so there's no need to hold a grudge against the dying person's words.

The Heart Demon Banner Lord on the high platform took out two strange stones from his arms and threw them into the palms of the two monster stone statues.

The stone actually ignited at the tentacles, and there was a colorful fire.

"Since the holy fire is burning, this flag owner will wash your souls." The heart demon flag owner made a seal in his hand, and suddenly a thin light appeared on his body, and countless fine silk threads spit out from his palm, wrapping the entire altar in it.

The seven-story high triangular platform also lights up layer by layer.

Above the head, is the river of Changmeng River, and it is also turbulent in an instant.

The moon in mid-air dropped a rainbow light and went straight to the bottom of the water.

The moonlight shone on the black stone platform, and the two fake bodies instantly dissipated.

However, the Heart Demon Banner Master did not show any surprise, but instead laughed.

Ye Mengying frowned tightly, and suddenly her heart froze, she shouted at Zhao Yaoyao, "Withdraw!"

Unfortunately it's too late.

When she opened her eyes again, Ye Mengying suddenly found that she couldn't move.

Zhao Yaoyao did the same, with a flustered look on her face.

The Heart Demon Banner Lord floated down in front of the two of them, and said with a wicked smile: "You can't escape, do you really think that the Banner Lord will be deceived by your little tricks?"

"You don't need to look for compensation, you were deceived by us." Although Ye Mengying was surprised, she was not flustered, and was thinking of a way to escape, "It should be this altar that really caught us."

"Haha." The Heart Demon Banner Lord laughed and said indifferently, "That's right. But that doesn't matter, you all fell into my hands after all."

Zhao Yaoyao was furious and shouted, "If you have the ability, let me go, my aunt will cut your body into ten thousand pieces."

"Let go, that's impossible." The Heart Demon Banner Lord laughed, "This Banner Lord will also wash your souls, so that you will become my most loyal servants, open up territory for me, and revive the Holy Spirit. teach."

"You better stop being delusional." Zhao Yaoyao couldn't help but scolded: "With your level, you can't make much waves at all."

The owner of the Heart Demon Banner was not angry, on the contrary, he agreed: "It can be said that although after ten thousand years of recuperation, the power of the Holy Cult is still very weak. That's why you need to serve the Holy Cult."

"Bah!" Zhao Yaoyao scolded directly: "You think beautiful, for you

This broken teaching effect, go to your Spring and Autumn Dream. "

"Hahahaha, the more you don't want to, the happier the banner owner is." The Heart Demon Banner owner sneered, "Whether it's a chaste maiden or a so-called fairy concubine, none of them can escape the baptism of the banner owner. Soul. That state Mubu Bingqing from Changmengzhou was not Sanzhen Jiulie before, and now it is not a plaything for the owner of this banner."

"I advise you to stop." Ye Mengying said lightly: "You people are too low in cultivation, and you are not the opponents of the Misty Immortal Sect, let alone Ji Chao. It is better to abandon the darkness and cast the light, and take all the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect. If you tell me where you are hiding, maybe you can save your own life."

The Bannerlord of Heart Demon chuckled, pointing at Ye Mengying and said, "This Bannerlord knows that the two of you are of high realm, but you haven't learned the corresponding magical powers, just like a baby who has magical weapons but can't use them. As long as you are subdued, then the Holy Cult will be my only one, and Xianyun Continent will also be my world."

"You're thinking about eating shit." Zhao Yaoyao curled her lips: "As soon as you arrive in Lanjing, you will probably be chopped to pieces by Sister Ji or Sister Yue."

The head of the Heart Demon Banner slowly shook his head: "If you are subdued, then you don't need to go to Lanjing, just send the two of you back, and divide the Xianxianmen and Ji Chao from the inside, and then Lanjing will be born. In the chaos, our holy religion can take the opportunity to rise."

"It's well said, but have you ever heard a sentence?" Ye Mengying smiled lightly: "It's called the villain who died of too much talk?"

The Heart Demon Banner Lord was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"That's what it means!" Ye Mengying suddenly broke free from the restraint, flew a kick, and directly kicked the owner of the Heart Demon Banner.


With a loud bang, the Heart Demon Banner Lord directly collapsed a small piece of the wall, and a faint water stain seeped in.

"If it were elsewhere, you could almost kill me with just one kick." The Heart Demon Banner suddenly scattered into countless black threads, which were quickly woven back, looking safe and sound: "But here is the Sancai Gathering Moon Altar. , as long as the altar is not broken, I can be reborn infinitely."

Zhao Yao

Yao also regained her freedom, and immediately kicked the black stone platform with one foot: "Then just tear down this broken altar."


Zhao Yaoyao screamed in surprise and found that the stone platform was not moving at all.

"Hahaha, you really have too little experience in the arena, and you don't know much about the Holy Religion." Seeing this, the owner of the Heart Demon Banner laughed, and his face gradually showed a proud look: "This altar cannot be removed. , indestructible, don't waste your efforts."

Zhao Yaoyao did not believe such nonsense: "There is no building in the world that cannot be demolished or destroyed."

"Then try again." The Heart Demon Banner Lord said with contempt.

"Three Talents Gathering at the Moon Altar?" Ye Mengying only remembered the information Ji Qingying and Yue Qingya gave them, which recorded the Three Talents Gathering Moon Altar.

This kind of moon gathering altar itself is ordinary, and it is the altar used by Wanhuo Sect to worship the moon god and the fire god.

However, the three talents are somewhat particular.

Generally speaking, the three are the heaven, earth and human beings.

But in Wanhuo Cult, it represents three levels of the same altar, and they must be built in three different worlds.

When the ancestor of wild fire learned that he was going to be expelled from the world where the Immortal Cultivation Alliance was located, he deliberately scattered his disciples and grandchildren into several groups and went to different star regions.

In order to save the fire and prevent the Wanhuo Sect from being completely wiped out, the ancestor of the wild fire also divided all his power into one.

Part of it is in the altar here.

Therefore, these altars have the power of a first-line law. As long as the altars of heaven are not damaged, the altars of the earth cannot be destroyed; if the altars of the earth are not damaged, the altars of people cannot be destroyed.

Unless someone can break this law, this altar cannot be destroyed at all and exists forever. And if cultivators want to break the law, they can only do it after transcending tribulation and becoming immortal.

Among them, the altar of heaven was built on a certain planet in the Nine Realms of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, but it was destroyed more than 10,000 years ago.

No one knows where the earth altar is located, and the altars on Xianyun Continent are all human altars.

Therefore, if the earth altar is not destroyed, the human altar will last forever.

The human altar will last forever, so Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao really have no way to get out of this barrier.

Everything is dead.

Ye Mengying pondered in her heart, should she use the instant talisman to call all the sisters over and gather the power of all of them to overcome the calamity, and would she be able to break this rule.

Otherwise, the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect would not be cleaned up at all.

"Haha, as long as the altar is there, we are dead, and after hundreds of years, thousands of years, we can still be resurrected." The Heart Demon Banner Lord laughed wildly, "Will you still be there? Xianyun Continent is destined to be a holy place. In the world of teaching, you have to give up struggling."

"Even if I can't break this altar, at least I'll kill you first." Zhao Yaoyao was so angry, she flashed behind the Heart Demon Banner Lord, and pulled out countless thin threads from the back of his head, and snapped it off. : "It's so noisy and annoying."

Heart Demon Banner's eyes dimmed, but he didn't feel depressed: "It's useless, if I can't break the altar, then I won't die. There are tens of millions of living souls in Changmengzhou, and I can soon nourish another me. At that time, the banner owner can still wander around, but you will be trapped here."

After speaking, the figure immediately dissipated.

The two of them fought wildly at this broken altar for a long time, but they were still useless.

Zhao Yaoyao asked, "Sister Mengying, can't we really get out?"

"Don't be afraid." Ye Mengying took out a jade slip from her bosom, read the information, and found that there was indeed a record of the Three Talents Gathering Moon Altar, but there was only one way to crack it.

They can't do it this way.

The most terrifying thing is that in the area covered by this altar, there is no way to spread the talisman paper or anything, and there is no way to contact Ji Qingyingyue Qingya and the others.

"Isn't it, do you really want to be trapped here?" Zhao Yaoyao is a very smart person, seeing Ye Mengying's face, she guessed a few points, and sat on the black stone platform a little depressed: "We won't die here, right? I don't want it."

Ye Mengying had no choice but to sit down and think about how to break the game.

"It would be great if my husband was here." Zhao Yaoyao said with emotion, "He will definitely not be trapped by this kind of crap, and he will smash this broken altar with a single punch."

Ye Mengying is still studying the information about the altar.

"Husband, whether you can hear it now or not, you must save my sister Mengying and me." Zhao Yaoyao knew that it was useless, so she subconsciously asked Xia Xia for help, "Come and save us, can you hear me? !"


Moon Fangyuan.

"I heard." Xia Xia waved his hand impatiently and said to Allen, "Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It will definitely be saved."

Alan finally smiled contentedly: "You remember what you said."

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