Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2351 smashed this altar

"Second master, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, and what nonsense are you playing with me?"

Xia Tian glanced at Allen and said slightly dissatisfied.

Allen replied with a smile: "It's not a dumb riddle, and I'm not sure what will happen, but as long as you don't do it and I'm here, no one else can hurt her at all."

"Then you are so sure that I will trouble her?" Xia Xia asked with a smile.

"Not sure." Alan's face showed an indifferent expression, "That's why you need to promise me first."

Yi Xiaoyin also felt that Allen must have known something, but since he didn't want to take the initiative to mention it, and Xia Tian didn't care, then she naturally didn't need to ask too much.

"Is the person in front of you the goddess Gu?" Liang Miaozhu suddenly pointed to the front and asked in a low voice, "Why does it look a little different."

Everyone looked up and saw a young woman standing about 500 meters ahead, looking at them with a smile.

"Yes, that's her," Ellen replied.

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "You're younger."

Xia Xia glanced at Granny Gu from a distance, and then said to Alan: "Second Master, I know why you want me to save her."

"It's good to know, you don't need to say it." Allen waved his hand and ran over first, "Didn't you mean to wait at the altar, why did you come here?"

"When a distinguished guest arrives, of course I want to greet you." Granny Gu now looks like she is only about twenty-five or six years old, and her whole body seems to be in a young state, with a faint smile on her face.

After leaving, Liang Miaozhu couldn't help but whispered again: "Why doesn't he look like he was the same person before? Either he doesn't look like a person, or he doesn't feel like a person."

"Miss Yi said, she is younger." Hu Huayu explained.

"No, it's not just young." Liang Miaozhu shook his head: "I can see this, but I feel like my personality has changed."

Hu Huayu said with a smile, "You haven't gotten along with Granny Gu, do you know what her original character is?"

"It's different anyway." Liang Miaozhu insisted on her own idea, turned her head to Xia Xia and asked, "Tell me, is she different?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Is she the same, what does it have to do with me, and what does it have to do with you?"

"You!" Liang Miaozhu's mouth crooked with anger.

"I'm really sorry just now, something happened to my body, so I have to put you on the bamboo tower temporarily." Seeing Xia Xia, Yi Xiaoyin and others approaching, Granny Gu immediately apologized sincerely, "In order to prevent any accident from happening. , I'll let Alan pick you up."

Xia Xia said lightly: "I was in a very bad mood and wanted to beat you up, but who made you my second wife, forget it this time."

"It's okay, let's see the patient first." Yi Xiaoyin didn't care about this kind of neglect, she just urged: "We came in to treat people."

Granny Gu nodded and walked slowly ahead to lead the way: "The patient is on the altar, you come with me, don't move around, or it may trigger some organs and worry about your life."

After walking for a while, the vision suddenly opened up.

There is indeed a huge hexagonal altar in front, about 30 meters high, with six steps leading to the top.

The altar looked old, covered with vines and moss,

Some of the stairs are still a little broken, and it looks like they have been chopped by a sword or something.

The group slowly climbed the stairs under the leadership of Granny Gu.

"Huh?" Yi Xiaoyin felt her heart tremble, and said softly, "The oppression of that lake should come from here."

"This altar is not just the exposed part of the surface." Allen said at the right time: "Going down, it should go straight to the bottom of the lake, or even deeper. However, this is just my guess. I don't know how deep the lake is. I dived before. After going down, only 500 meters can't hold the pressure anymore."

Liang Miaozhu's eyes widened: "This is already a bit perverted. How can ordinary people dive so deep without oxygen."

"Ordinary people can't get in here at all." Hu Huayu smiled bitterly, "Even I can't stand this pressure, let alone sneak into the Moon Phase Lake."

"It's normal to not be able to dive." Xia Xia said casually: "This lake may lead to another world, so the pressure is so strong."

Allen looked surprised: "You know?"

"I don't know." Xia Tian curled his lips: "I said so casually, but it should be inseparable."

Allen rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Is the patient on the altar the one from Tianzhu?" Yi Xiaoyin walked in front, almost side by side with Granny Gu, and couldn't help but ask.

Granny Gu's eyes were as deep as water, and she said lightly, "Did Hu Xiaocui tell you?"

"Yes." Yi Xiaoyin nodded, and talked about the old lady Hu's popular science, of course, concealed the grievances and grievances between the Gu clan, the Gu god mother-in-law, and the Gu insects.

"She said it pretty well." The mother-in-law Gu was still indifferent, but her tone was much calmer and lighter: "However, she doesn't know much about some things. There are actually no Gu worms in that person's body, and it is also the same as that. Gu clan has nothing to do, and he is not from Tianzhu, not even a human."

When Yi Xiaoyin heard this, she was stunned and asked, "Then who is he, and how could he..."

"No hurry." Granny Gu raised her hand to stop Yi Xiaoyin

"Go up and have a look first, and then talk about it after reading it."

Xia Xia Chong Yi Xiaoyin comforted: "Wife Yiyi, in fact, there are some things that you don't need to know so clearly. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. We are here to see people, cure them, and then leave."

Yi Xiaoyin frowned slightly: "It would be nice if things were that simple."

"With me here, it's very simple, not simple or simple." Xia Tian said solemnly, holding Yi Xiaoyin's waist.

After a while, several people had reached the top of the hexagonal altar.

It was just the situation on the stage that made them all a little astonished, and even Liang Miaozhu couldn't stand it and went to the corner to vomit.

"You're young, and you're pregnant without doing anything?" Xia Xia teased with a smile.

Liang Miaozhu vomited and was pissed off by Xia Xia again: "You are pregnant."

"This... vomit!" Hu Huayu endured it for a while, but couldn't take it anymore, and ran to Liang Miaozhu's side and vomited.

In fact, there is nothing too disgusting on the stage.

There is only a black stone platform on which a person sits, his body is as thin as firewood, but his head is very shiny.

The reason why his body is so thin is not complicated, and the answer is in front of everyone.

Countless insects, ants, snakes and scorpions are in and out of his body,

Even the excrement of these poisons was piled up on the stone platform, almost drowning this person.

There was an indescribable smell on the entire stage. Since it was disgusting, it was pungent, and it was faintly... a little on the brain.

"Is he a patient?" Yi Xiaoyin had already washed her marrow and cut her bones, and she couldn't stand the smell, so she turned to look at Granny Gu.

There were only three people present who were indifferent to this aura, naturally Xia Xia, Granny Gu, and Allen.

Xia Xiahao said that the ice and fire aura was used to treat all kinds of abnormal things, and this smell had no effect on him at all.

The mother-in-law Gu didn't say anything. Maybe she raised these things, and she was not a person in essence.

The only strange thing is Alan. Could it be that he has been here before and has long been used to it.

It's just that everyone's attention is on that person, and no one notices Alan.

"Can you cure this person?" Granny Gu looked at Xia Xia and Yi Xiaoyin seriously: "He is still useful to me, and I have to ask him about some things."

Yi Xiaoyin observed this man with a solemn expression. Just looking at the head, this man was quite healthy and had no problems.

But below the neck, it was full of snakes and worms. Maybe all the internal organs were eaten clean, and an ordinary person would have died earlier, but this person is obviously still alive, not dead.

"What do you think?" Yi Xiaoyin was not sure, so she looked at Xia Xia: "Is he still saved?"

Xia Tian smiled proudly: "Wife Yiyi, you shouldn't say such things to me. Don't you know who I am and what skills I have?"

"What ability do you have?" Liang Miaozhu asked back at the right time: "I think you have no ability, so you will brag. Although this person is not dead, he will not survive. The body has been integrated with these Gu worms. If the Gu worms are removed , that person will surely die. If you don't get rid of it, maybe they can coexist for a while."

"I am the summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the best day in the world." Xia Tian ignored Liang Miaozhu and said his mantra naturally: "My medical skills are the best in the world, and there is no disease in the world that I can't cure. , and there is no one I can't save."

Liang Miaozhu wrinkled his nose and sneered: "Cut!"

Yi Xiaoyin didn't have the idea of ​​trying it out by herself this time, so she gave up and said to Xia Xia, "Let's start right away, don't waste your time."

"I can cure it, but there is a condition." Xia Xia turned to look at Granny Gu and said lazily.

Granny Gu stared at Xia Xia: "You say."

"If this person is cured, I have to kill him." Xia Xia said casually, and then added: "Also, you have to marry my second master to be a concubine."

Allen glared: "Hey, what are you talking about there! I didn't ask you to say this."

"You seem to have two conditions." Granny Gu replied indifferently.

"Killing this waste is not a condition, because he is not worthy." Xia Xia explained casually: "The latter is the condition."

Granny Gu looked at Xia Xia with doubts: "Are you sure you want me to marry Alan? You should see that I am not human, and I am hundreds of years old..."

"That's not important." Xia Xia waved his hand indifferently, "Just say whether you agree or not."

Allen hurriedly approached Xia Xia: "Stinky boy, what are you trying to do with this?"

"Of course it's to help you get a wife." Xia Xia said solemnly: "Wife, don't think about it, it must be the mother of Avril's wife."

"Weier's mother and I have long since divorced, and we haven't seen each other for decades." Allen looked at Xia Xia speechlessly: "You still take care of your master's personal affairs?"

Xia Xia didn't mean to joke: "She must promise that I will help her only if she is my real second wife, otherwise, why? Is she worthy?"

"You really are." Allen suddenly laughed and said to Granny Gu, "You don't need to mind, he's just talking for a while."

"I agreed." Granny Gu really didn't mind, she nodded and said, "However, I also have an additional condition, I hope you can agree."


Asked: "Are you making the request as the second teacher, or as your mother-in-law Gu?"

"Since the promise is your condition, then it's naturally your second wife." Granny Gu said lightly.

"Okay, you can mention it." Xia Tian yawned casually, "As long as it's not too much, I'll definitely do it for you."

Granny Gu said with a smile: "It's not too much, I just hope that after this person is cured, I can smash this altar by the way."

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