Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2352 life and death human flesh and bones

"no problem."

Summer nodded.

"Don't you think about it?" Granny Gu looked at Xia Xia with some surprise: "This altar is not that easy to smash, otherwise, I will do it myself."

Xia Tian looked disapprovingly: "You can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it either. It's just a broken altar, and I smashed it casually."

"Don't worry, just treat him first." Granny Gu smiled lightly, "However, be careful, this person seems to have merged with this altar, and touching him will cause the entire altar to counterattack. Most of the magical doctors who came in were killed by the shock of the power of the altar."

Xia Tian replied casually: "That's because they are too wasteful."

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Yi Xiaoyin reminded softly.

Xia Xia has always despised everyone strategically, tactically attached importance to powerful opponents, and then pinpointed weaknesses to kill with one hit.

This person on the black stone platform, except for the head, was occupied by poisonous ants, snakes and insects, and even accumulated a lot of poisonous scales. It is indeed difficult to see what the disease is.

"Clean up these messes first." Yi Xiaoyin suggested.

Granny Gu was on the side and kindly reminded: "I said before, he has coexisted with these things now. If he is rashly removed, he will die directly."

"With me here, he can't die if he wants to." Xia Xia said indifferently.

Immediately, he turned to look at Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu: "You two clean up these things."

"Why are you looking for me and Brother Yu?" Liang Miaozhu said with some resistance: "You can't figure it out yourself?"

"I don't need to waste my energy on such trivial matters." Xia Xia yawned lazily: "Masters must have shot at critical moments, so they look more handsome."

Hu Huayu said hesitantly: "Miaozhu and I haven't fully recognized these poisonous insects, snakes and ants, and we don't know their toxicity. If we clean them up directly, will this gentleman..."

"You can just do it directly." Xia Xia urged: "As for whether this person dies or how badly he died, you don't care."

Yi Xiaoyin sighed and said, "I'll do it."

"Wife Yiyi, don't move." Xia Xia stopped Yi Xiaoyin: "This thing looks so disgusting, I won't allow you to touch it."

Yi Xiaoyin didn't know whether to be moved or to say that Xia Xia was too domineering.

Anyway, Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu were quite speechless, especially Liang Miaozhu glared at Xia Xia viciously, almost wanting to kill him with his eyes.

"Stop fussing, do it quickly." Xia Xia said casually: "The longer you delay, the more things you have to clean up."

"Yes." Hu Huayu didn't hesitate any longer, and suddenly took out a few packets of powder from his arms and spread it around the black stone platform evenly in a circle, but left a small gap in one direction.

Although Liang Miaozhu was a little reluctant, he did the same thing and sprinkled another circle outside Hu Huayu's circle.

"Fire, Gu move."

Hu Huayu rubbed his fingers slightly, and a little spark popped out, landing on the pile of powder.


The powder immediately burned.

There was also a strange and complex aroma in the air.

"Lost Gu fragrance?" Allen was also well-informed, and immediately called out the name of the fragrance.

Yi Xiaoyin added at this time: "It's not just incense sticks, but also bone burning incense, broken spider heart, blue magic fat... at least 72 kinds of incense,

They are all used to cultivate the aroma of the Gu King. "


Hu Huayu's expression was solemn, and as soon as he raised his hand, he saw a black shadow flying out from the bottom of his sleeve.

"Yan Zong, purple armor and yellow teeth, you are only one step away from the king of Gu." Granny Gu glanced at it, and said with admiration, "Hu Xiaocui cares about the training of her grandchildren, unlike hers. A son, it's all rubbish."

Over there, Liang Miaozhu also used the Gu worm that he had raised since he was a child, but it was an emperor moth with fine scales.

Granny Gu's eyes lit up slightly, and she said with a smile, "Hundred-scale silkworms are not bad, their qualifications are better, and their future is promising."

"Are you here to be a judge?" Xia Xia glanced at Granny Gu in annoyance, "This is not the audition scene of "The King of Gu, Please Take Your Place", do you still want to give them an s card?"

Allen looked at Xia Xia strangely: "I didn't expect you to watch variety shows, it's rare."

"I'm not interested in watching that kind of shitty show." Xia Xia waved his hand with a disdainful expression on his face and said, "It's Zhao Jiu'er who likes to watch it. Every time I talk to Qingqing girl, she deliberately speaks in a foreign voice. Watching that shit show in the middle."

Mother-in-law Gu had never heard of any programs or programs, but she still heard Xia Xia's teasing, so she said with a smile, "They are indeed very qualified. As long as Hu Xiaocui is willing, I can accept them as true disciples."

"That's probably impossible." Allen laughed, and said with a bit of a joke: "Being accepted as a true disciple by you is equivalent to being a candidate for the next Gu God, and he can only stay in Yue Fangyuan for the rest of his life. Still in my youth, I can only be trapped here, it's too cruel."

"When I became a Gu God, no one said cruelty." Granny Gu said with some sense.

"You were still in the Qing Dynasty at that time." Allen said lightly: "In feudal society, it is quite common to do such inhuman things. If I were there at the time, I would definitely kill those who forced you.

slaughtered. "

Granny Gu didn't say anything, just smiled and glanced at Allen.

On the black stone platform, those poisonous insects, snakes and ants have been scorched by this fragrance, and they flowed rapidly in fear.

Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu's Gu insects also exuded coercion, forcing those insects and ants to leave the Tianzhu person.

After a while, those poisonous insects, snakes and ants couldn't take it anymore and began to fight back.

Layers of unknown insects flew up suddenly, and flew towards Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu in a black way.

These little things actually know the truth of catching the thief first.

It is a pity that they are only low-intelligence creatures after all. As soon as they left the black stone platform, they were instantly swallowed by the two circles of flames outside and burned to ashes.

As for those vicious snakes, they were nailed to the spot by Yi Xiaoyin's silver needle.

Gradually, the figure of the Tianzhu was slowly revealed, the rotten body, only the broken skin and the bones that were pierced by worms were left.

"Is such a person really still alive?" Liang Miaozhu couldn't bear to see it. "The internal organs seem to be withered, how can I save it?"

Hu Huayu suddenly shouted, "Miaozhu, don't be distracted!"


The poisonous dirt below the man's knees suddenly burst into flames, and countless tiny droplets splashed out.

Liang Miaozhu subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the emperor moth he manipulated was splashed instantly, and several scales were burned out.

"Ah!" she cried out in pain.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyin immediately gave her an injection to relieve her pain, while rescuing the injured emperor moth.

Hu Huayu was already prepared to take his

The flame worm took it back, but it intensified the flame and burned all the poisonous scale as soon as possible.

"All right."

After a few more minutes, Hu Huayu finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

On the black stone platform, apart from a charred remnant, there was only the Tianzhu people who didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"Xia Xia, what about you?" Hu Huayu said to Xia Xia panting heavily.

Seeing that Xia Xia was still indifferent, Granny Gu couldn't help but reminded again: "This man is called Nimora, he seems to be an evil cultivator, his mind and nature seem to be integrated with the altar, you better be careful, the others retreat behind me Come."

Except for Xia Xia, the others immediately retreated behind Granny Gu.

"It doesn't matter what kind of cultivator he is, what does it have to do with me." Xia Xia was not interested in paying attention to these issues, and suddenly flashed a silver needle between his fingers.

As soon as the needle tip touched three inches in front of the eyebrow, it encountered an obstacle.

Like an invisible barrier, blocking the progress of the silver needle.

"Comparing your strength with me, do you have this strength?"

Xia Xia pouted his lips in disdain, and continued to stab him regardless.

"call out!"

On the altar, a strange gust of wind was blowing from somewhere.

Liang Miaozhu and Hu Huayu were inattentive and were almost blown away.

"This is just the beginning." Granny Gu said indifferently: "There are still many ways to do it. As long as someone treats Nimora, this altar will use all kinds of tricks to obstruct it. But to break this altar, we must first Rescue Nimoro. Those genius doctors in the past could only do one of them, and I hope that summer can break both of them at the same time."

In summer, in the strong wind, he didn't move at all, and the silver needle had already touched the center of Nimo Luo's forehead, and it was sinking inward little by little.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the black stone platform moved back several meters in an instant, avoiding the silver needle in the summer.

"Still playing this game with me?" Xia Xia suddenly became interested, and flashed to Nimoro's side again, "You have me soon?"

The black stone platform flashed again, and summer soon followed.

One person, one stone platform, even on the top of the sacrifice soul, played the trick of you chasing me.

"Be quiet for me!" Xia Xia was a little annoyed, and suddenly stepped on the edge of the black stone platform, "Move again, and I'll kick you down!"

The black stone platform seemed to be shivering and did not move any more.

The silver needle slowly pierced into Nimo Luo's eyebrows.

Then, Nimoro's body recovered at a very fast speed.

The broken bones healed directly in just one second.

Then there are the meridians, the flesh and blood...

Lastly is the skin.

until it returned to its original state.

Life and death, flesh and bones.

Indeed, in an instant, this can no longer be regarded as a medical technique, it can be regarded as an immortal technique.

However, this is only the most basic operation in the eight needles against the sky.

Liang Miaozhu was stunned when she saw it. Before, she had always suspected that Xia Xia didn't understand medical skills, but now she was so shocked that she couldn't recover for a long time.


After Xia Xia restored that Nimo Luo to its original state, he suddenly discovered that this person had not regained consciousness.

So decided to take another shot.

It's just his needle, when he stabs it again.

A loud voice entered his mind through the silver needle:

"Who dares to disturb this ten thousand year retreat without authorization?"

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