Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2353 Ye Mengying's thoughts

Long Dream River.


Zhao Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, and asked Ye Mengying, "Sister Mengying, did you hear anything?"

"heard it."

Ye Mengying frowned tightly, they had been trapped here for a while.

During this period, they tried countless methods, but they couldn't shake the altar by half.

Fortunately, they are immortal cultivators now, and they can already inediate. Even if they don't eat or drink, there will be no problem.

It's just that it feels a little uncomfortable to be stuck here, and it may delay things.

"What ten thousand years, what cleaning?"

Zhao Yaoyao frowned and pointed to the black stone platform on the altar, "The sound seems to be coming from under this platform."

"This sound is a little weird."

Ye Mengying was cautious by nature, thinking back to the voice just now: "It's very light and far away, it doesn't even seem like it came from this world."

"Didn't it come from this world?" Zhao Yaoyao was a little stunned and said subconsciously, "Could it have come from Earth."

Ye Mengying also thought of this possibility: "It is possible, but it may not be the earth, but there must be another world under this altar."

"Like a teleportation formation?" Zhao Yaoyao asked.

"It's not just the teleportation array." Ye Mengying showed a solemn expression, "I'm afraid this is a trump card of the Wanhuo Sect, using 10,000 years to resurrect the ancestors of the wild fire, and at the same time cultivating believers in other different worlds, waiting for the right time, Then use this altar to gather all these people to the Immortal Cloud Continent and counterattack in one fell swoop."

"That would be terrifying!" Zhao Yaoyao imagined that scene, "No firewall can stop the endless attacks."

Ye Mengying nodded and said to Zhao Yaoyao, "We must find a way to get out, return to Immortal Island, and tell everyone about it."

"Yes." Zhao Yaoyao also felt that this matter was very urgent, but she still said worriedly, "It's just that if we can't break this altar, we won't be able to get out."

At this time, the black stone platform on the altar suddenly emitted wisps of black smoke, and then solidified into the appearance of the Lord of the Heart Demon Banner.

"Don't think about going out, you can't get out." The Bannerlord of Heart Demon said with a wicked smile: "This Bannerlord is alive again. I said earlier, I can't kill him."

Zhao Yaoyao rushed forward in anger, and with a punch, the body of the Heart Demon Banner Master was shattered.

After another period of time, the Bannerlord of Heart Demon appeared again: "Tsk tsk tsk, we've been together for a long time, and my temper is so violent..."

I don't know how many times this is the first time, the figure of the Heart Demon Banner Lord is solid again, and his face is full of mocking smiles: "Two fairies, can you still hold on?"

"Killing you 10,000 times will not be a problem." Ye Mengying said coldly.

Zhao Yaoyao was also simmering with fire: "Yes, I've tried my hardest to tear down this broken altar, lest you evil demons do more harm."

"No matter how many times you kill me, it's useless." The Heart Demon Banner Master knew that he was not Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao's opponent, so he simply didn't resist. tell you, under the altar

It hides the Lord of my Holy Religion, the Lord of Wildfire. Of course, you call him the ancestor of wildfire. "

"I said that I couldn't find it anywhere. It turns out that the old thief was hiding." Ye Mengying said coldly, "Since you know where he is hiding, the day when he completely perishes is not far away."

"Wrong, very wrong." The Heart Demon Banner owner smiled proudly: "On the contrary, since the ancestor is awake, it means that he has recovered to the period of tribulation, and the time for resurrection is coming soon."

Ye Mengying looked at this demon flag owner with a look of disdain: "Stop dreaming, even if your ancestors wake up, it will not help the world. The current Xianyun Continent is no longer the previous Xianyun Continent."

The head of the Heart Demon Banner clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You are right, the Xianyun Continent is indeed not the Xianyun Continent of the past. Those who used to be arrogant and righteous immortals are all dead! You are the only ones left. The immortal cultivator of the table is a good time for Heaven to take it and my holy religion to prosper."

"I'm afraid you made the wrong wishful thinking." Zhao Yaoyao said coldly, "Although all the masters of righteous cultivation in the past have died, the people on our Immortal Island have higher cultivation levels than those before. We are magicians. It's relatively unfamiliar, but Sister Ji and Sister Yue are different, as soon as they make a move, they can kill you at any time."

"Haha." The Heart Demon Banner Lord laughed disdainfully: "It's really a naive idea. The ancestor has been cultivating for ten thousand years, and although the realm has not broken through the tribulation period, how can the power be comparable to those of you embroidered pillows."

Zhao Yaoyao said unhappily, "Sister Mengying, this person is so annoying, kill him."

"How many times have you killed, is it useful?" The Heart Demon Banner Lord just sneered after hearing this, "I remember you said something just now, little girl, that the villain died too much? Hehe, the Banner Lord will tell you now, The reason why I talk to you so much is just to consume more of your spiritual energy.

You don't know much about magic spells, but the foundation in your body is actually not bad. The altar is in need of your spiritual energy, and when it sucks you dry, you will be completely useless. At that time, the banner owner will not tell you a single word of nonsense. "

"Then shut up for me now!" Ye Mengying waved her hand and cut out a sword energy, slashing the Heart Demon Banner Lord into an afterimage again, and it dissipated quickly.

However, the owner of the Heart Demon Banner is still a small problem. This altar and the things hidden under it are the huge test.

Zhao Yaoyao was a little pessimistic: "Now we are stuck here

I can't get out, what can I do? "

"Can't give up!" Ye Mengying's beautiful eyes were full of determination, and she said lightly: "There are only three things that can trap people, one is the formation, the second is the prohibition, and the third is the rules. The power to manipulate the rules. , must be an immortal cultivator above the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Stage, so this is excluded."

"If it's an array, then there must be materials for setting up the array nearby, nothing more than spirit stones, spirit talismans, and map boxes... These things are arranged according to certain rules, we just need to find the law of operation, and then push back, It can be cracked. But I have seen it nearby, and I have not seen any formation materials, so this is temporarily ruled out."

"In terms of prohibition, it is a little different. The prohibition is usually set by people with high cultivation levels, specifically to block the entry of low-level realms. We are already in the early stages of transcending tribulation, unless the person who set up the formation has already reached the Great Perfection state, otherwise it is impossible

trap us. "

Zhao Yaoyao thought about it for a while, and said immediately, "The Demon Banner Lord just said that their ancestor was the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Period."

"The ancestor of the wild fire was indeed a great consummation ten thousand years ago, but later he was killed by dozens of righteous immortals, and even his soul was scattered. Even if he hid and cultivated for ten thousand years, he has now returned to its peak."

Ye Mengying's mind was spinning like electricity, and she kept scrutinizing the difference between these information, trying to figure out what this altar was: "But this altar also has a time of 10,000 years, so it is very likely that the ancestors of wildfire built it before it died. Okay. But, how can he guarantee that this altar will not be destroyed for ten thousand years? Even if the prefecture-level altar is in other worlds, how can he guarantee that the prefecture-level altar will not be destroyed in other worlds?"

"Unless..." Ye Mengying thought of a possibility.

Zhao Yaoyao couldn't help but ask, "Unless what?"

"Unless the prefecture-level altar is arranged in a place where there is not enough spiritual energy." Ye Mengying's beautiful eyes gradually lit up, "And the other world closest to the Immortal Cloud Continent is probably..."

Zhao Yaoyao's eyes widened, "Is it really on Earth?"

Ye Mengying said lightly: "Just inform Yu Ji and Yu Mei, and let them check it out."

"But how do we spread the news?" Zhao Yaoyao was a little at a loss.

"Actually, it's not impossible." Ye Mengying's expression was firm, obviously she had an idea: "However, you may need to take some risks, Yaoyao, what do you think?"

"Of course I will." Zhao Yaoyao jumped up angrily, "What are you afraid of if you are in danger? As long as you don't die, you can recover at any time. Even if you die, you can just ask your husband to save him."

Ye Mengying smiled and said, "Death shouldn't happen."

"Sister Mengying, tell me what you want me to do." Zhao Yaoyao had a serious expression on her face, "Older sister used to tell me that the bigger picture is the most important thing. I didn't understand it before, but now I just practice it."

"Don't worry, it's just a risk, I'm not willing to let you risk your life to do anything." Ye Mengying patted Zhao Yaoyao's head, and whispered in her ear, "Although we can't spread the news, but the owner of the Heart Demon Banner. Certainly, as long as we can control him, we will be able to get the news out."

"How to control it?" Zhao Yaoyao couldn't think of a good way: "He is not afraid of death, he will be resurrected after a while, and threats are useless. I am not a husband, just stab someone else and make them obedient."

Ye Mengying suddenly asked, "Do you remember those silk threads?"

"Remember." Zhao Yaoyao said, "That Inner Demon Banner Lord relies on those Inner Demon Nets to control other people's thoughts."

"This time we did the opposite." Ye Mengying continued to explain: "You don't know how to form, but you have one skill that even your husband can't match. That is hacking technology, you have used it before, you should Familiar with the operation rules of the Inner Demon Web."

Zhao Yaoyao immediately understood: "Sister Mengying, do you mean to use the Heart Demon Net to control the Heart Demon Banner Lord and let him deliver the news for us?"

At this time, the figure of the Heart Demon Banner Lord appeared again, with a mocking smile on his face:

"Stop dreaming. You can't control me."

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