Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2354 A ten thousand year king eight

Immortal Cloud Continent, Immortal Island.

"I see."

Ji Qingying showed a stunned expression, and said coldly: "No wonder the trace of the ancestor of the wild fire could not be found, but he was hiding in the altar."

"I'm not sure it's the ancestor of the wild fire." Yue Qingya was more stable, and her beautiful eyes looked at the Heart Demon Banner Lord kneeling in front of them: "What else do you want to say?"

The Heart Demon Banner Lord showed a very terrified expression. Even though these two women were unbelievably beautiful, he only felt a chill to the bone.

About half an hour ago, Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao joined forces to directly counter the Heart Demon Banner Master through the Heart Demon Net, and asked him to rush to the Immortal Island in Lanjing to report the news.

"Mengying and Yaoyao are quite imaginative. It is indeed more troublesome for them to kill you, but if you control you, you don't have to work so hard." Ji Qingying raised her hand, and gave the Heart Demon Web to the Heart Demon Banner Master. He stirred up, since this is the strongest talent of the Heart Demon Banner Lord, it has now become his biggest weakness.

The Heart Demon Banner Master was trembling, not daring to make any complaints.

Yue Qingya said lightly: "This person should be sent to the cold prison first, and it will not be too late to deal with this matter after this matter is resolved."

"Also." Ji Qingying raised her finger and shot out dozens of cold beams, binding the spirit of the Heart Demon Banner Lord firmly, then drew the empty space as a prison, and threw him directly into it.

The prison shape in mid-air, after swallowing the Heart Demon Banner Lord, disappeared suddenly.

"What are you going to do now?" Ji Qingying looked at Yue Qingying, waiting for the other party's decision.

"I'll go to Changmengzhou." Yue Qingying did not hesitate, and immediately made a decision: "You inform Xiaomei and Yuji on the other side of the earth, and let them find out if there is a prefecture-level altar there."

Ji Qingying pondered and said: "With their ability, it is estimated that they can be found in less than an hour. At that time, should they break the altar directly, or go to their husband and let him do it?"

"My husband will definitely not miss such a big event." Yue Qingya smiled lightly, "Some people are born to be protagonists. Whenever there is a big event, he will actively or passively get involved in it and change the situation. Therefore, most of the husbands are there. Where, that so-called prefecture-level altar is there."

Hearing this answer, Ji Qingying showed a slightly astonished look on her face, and then she laughed: "Your confidence in him is really unbelievable, and it is no wonder that he has always regarded you as the white moonlight in his heart."

"Are you jealous?" Yue Qingya smiled and looked at Ji Qingying, "I also have strong confidence in you."

"Forget it." Ji Qingying waved her hand and showed an impatient look: "You better go to Changmengzhou quickly and save Mengying and Yaoyao. I guess that girl Yaoyao is about to be suffocated."

Yue Qingya nodded and reminded: "As soon as I leave, those ghosts and ghosts hidden in Lanjing will definitely be ready to move, you must be careful."

"Those bastards, as long as they dare to move, I will uproot them." Ji Qingying looked disdainful: "Is there anything to be careful about, I originally brought them to Lanjing on purpose, everything was within my expectations."

"That's good," Yue Qingya's figure was like smoke and mist, and disappeared in a hurry.



little fairyland,

Heaven and earth.

Zhao Yuji gave Su Beibei cruel training in the residence of the Emperor of Heaven.

Su Beibei has some regrets

As Zhao Yuji, she was not a good president. She insisted on becoming stronger, but she was abused to the point of death.

However, when she thought that she might compete a little with Xia Xia in the future, she felt a little more balanced.

"Come here."

Ye Yumei suddenly appeared in this isolated space and called to Zhao Yuji lightly.

"You keep practicing, I'll go out."

Zhao Yuji nodded, confessed to Su Beibei, and then left with Ye Yu's son-in-law.

"Hmph, what a bullshit!"

Su Beibei's pretty face showed a slightly dissatisfied look, "It must be strange that you are still behind my back when something happens."

On the other side, Zhao Yuji followed Ye Yumei to a secret room.

"What happened?" Zhao Yuji asked Ye Yu's son-in-law with a solemn look on his face.

Ye Yumei then pointed out a divine sense and gave it to Zhao Yuji.


After Zhao Yuji read this piece of divine knowledge, her slender eyebrows also frowned: "Is this true?"

"They discovered it when they were killing the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect's revival."

Ye Yu's son-in-law explained in a slow voice: "However, after a little extrapolation, I know that this is probably true. Back then, the ancestors of the wild fire were besieged and killed, and their spirits were scattered, but no one could find where they disappeared, so that Because we can't cut the weeds and eradicate the roots."

"Is it just that the Earth-level altar is really on Earth?" Zhao Yuji hesitated.

"This is uncertain at the moment." Ye Yumei thought about it carefully, "According to common sense, it should be impossible. Because the ancestors of wild fires want to be resurrected, they must have sufficient spiritual energy to support them. The spiritual energy of the earth is so thin that the prefecture-level altar is located in Here, although no one will bother, it will also prolong his recovery time, unless..."

Zhao Yuji thought of the things they had investigated during this period of time, and immediately said, "Unless there is a place on earth, there is actually a wealth of spiritual energy hidden in it, enough to be used by the altar of the earth level for thousands of years."

"However, the person who lives in the center of the secret realm is definitely not the ancestor of the wild fire." Ye Yu's son-in-law shook his head, "Strictly speaking, the ancestor of the wild fire is not in any world, but uses this altar to

In the long river of time and space, a time gap was built for him to hide and heal. "

Zhao Yuji agreed with this statement, so she said: "What is the relationship between the person who came to Earth 10,000 years ago and the ancestor of wild fire, are they a group?"

"Not necessarily." Ye Yu's son-in-law shook his head and denied this judgment: "That person came to Earth earlier, and for some reason, he set up three secret realms and then slept in them. The ancestors of wild fire should have come to the earth later. When I arrived on Earth, I discovered the existence of this person, but I didn’t dare to disturb it, but secretly set up a prefecture-level altar to secretly absorb this person’s power for my own use.”

"That said, it actually explains a problem." A trace of anger flashed in Zhao Yuji's beautiful eyes, "Why is the spiritual energy overflowing from the surface still so thin even though there are three great secret realms. I think it was robbed by that earth-level altar. ."

Ye Yu's son-in-law laughed: "After saying so much, it's all our guesses."

Zhao Yuji said coldly: "Then go find this prefecture-level altar, and by the way, teach the ancestors of wild fire an unforgettable lesson."

"Actually, there is no need to look for it. I have already guessed where the prefecture-level altar is." Ye Yumei said to Zhao Yuji with a clear expression on her face.

Zhao Yuji asked, "Where?"

"It's in the Southern Border!" Ye Yumei said confidently, "To be exact, it's in Yue Fangyuan."

"Yue Fangyuan?" Zhao Yuji was stunned for a moment: "There should be the passage to the secret realm of Goulian Tiangong."

Immediately, he suddenly realized: "Yeah, just because there is a gap in the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace, it is more convenient to absorb the spiritual energy in the secret realm, and it is not easy to be discovered by others."

"Not bad." Ye Yumei said lightly, "Actually, I would like to thank my husband. He should be in Yue Fangyuan now, so let's rush over and help him."

"It's not too late, let's go now." Zhao Yuji nodded.


Southern Border, Moon Fangyuan.

"10,000 years? Still cleaning?"

Hearing this voice, Xia Xia couldn't help laughing: "Is there a big bastard hidden under this altar?"

"What's wrong?" Although Yi Xiaoyin didn't hear that voice, but when she heard Xia Xia's words, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

"Wife Yiyi, it's okay."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "It's under this altar, there seems to be a ten thousand year king. He doesn't seem to want me to cure this person."

"Presumptuous!" The voice still entered Xia Xia's mind from under the altar through the silver needle: "To be disrespectful to the old man, you want to die!"

"Don't breastfeed, it's really nasty." Xia Xia spat, pulled out the silver needle abruptly, and directly turned the sound transmission into an external broadcast: "I hate old rascals like you the most."

When the mother-in-law Gu heard this voice, her complexion suddenly changed: "This voice is very familiar, it sounded in my mind hundreds of years ago, and she kept urging me to open the secret... At that time I thought it was my inner demon. ."

Speaking of the key point, the mother-in-law Gu suddenly stopped for a while, hiding a certain word.

"This is not a demon, this is the big bastard." Xia Xia said with a smile: "Wife Yiyi, we smashed this broken altar and caught this bastard. How about making soup?"

Yi Xiaoyin was dumbfounded and said to Xia Tian, ​​"This person is actually hiding under the altar, and his cultivation is definitely not weak. You'd better be careful."

"What's there to be careful about." Xia Xia curled his lips in disdain: "I said earlier, only trash and idiots like to hide. This bastard said he has been hiding for 10,000 years, then he is trash and idiots. My ancestors, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

"Summer, don't be impulsive first!" The mother-in-law Gu had a very solemn expression, not knowing what to think: "I originally wanted you to break the altar, and then secretly cut off the passage connecting the secret realm of the Tiangong. It is the owner of this voice who is guarding against it. Since he's awake now, it's better not to provoke him, we're probably not his opponents."

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "I can solve this kind of waste alone. You all step aside, I'll smash this broken altar now."

"The old man is the ancestor of the wildfire who swept across the seventy-two realms of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance ten thousand years ago!"

The voice below also cursed angrily: "Wait for these ants, who dare to be disrespectful to the old man, it seems that thousands of years have passed, and these realms have forgotten the horror of the old man, then let you know what Tianwei is! "

The next second, the entire altar shook.


The whole surface should be moving,

And it's not like an earthquake,

It was as if the whole earth was shaking with fear!

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