Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2355 You don't need cultivation to hit you

"Fuck it, it's quite powerful."

Xia Xia still had a nonchalant expression on his face. He didn't feel afraid because of it. Instead, he became more and more disdainful. "Come out and fight with me if you have one. This kind of scare move is ineffective for me."

"Unexpectedly, in a land abandoned by immortals, there are arrogant ants like you!" The voice laughed in anger, and said coldly: "Then I will use one ten thousandth of the mana to play with you ants! "

After all, I saw a billowing fire suddenly gushing out from the black stone platform, wrapping Nimo Luo in it.

Then there was a stream of fire, splashing everywhere, and the entire altar suddenly became a sea of ​​fire.

"It's in danger, everyone go down quickly." Yi Xiaoyin's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she had a premonition that something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward to take Xia Xia away.

Xia Xia put his arms around him and reminded: "Wife Yiyi, don't be afraid, there is no danger, if you jump, you may die."

"That's right." Granny Gu nodded, "It's really dangerous on the stage, but you'll die when you get off the altar. If you don't believe me, look back."

Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu really turned their heads and glanced under the stage, only to see dead grass and trees within a radius of 100 meters of the altar, and even the soil cracked into pieces.


Nimora, who was bathed in the raging fire, suddenly opened his eyes and laughed wildly up to the sky: "It's really God helping me, this body is exactly the nature of fire. The old man originally intended to recuperate in this world, just to take spiritual energy. Since you woke up If you kill the old man, then destroy this world, sacrifice trillions of creatures, and restore the demon body of the old man in one fell swoop."

"Old man, don't blow the cowhide too much." Xia Xia glanced lazily at Nimoro: "Let's pick a cemetery first, after all, prices are rising very fast now, don't die without a place to be buried."

Nimo Luo's body has recovered to its peak at this time, and his body is still entangled with anger, and he shouted disdainfully: "Young child with yellow mouth, you are really arrogant and ignorant, but you are only in the Jindan stage, and you dare to make nonsense in front of this old man."

"You don't need any cultivation." Xia Xia said with a smile: "I hope you are really good and can play with me for a while."

"Hmph, it's too much!" As soon as Nimoro raised his hand, a few sparks flew towards the summer.

Summer casually waved his hand and swept to those Mars.

"Pong, Peng, Peng-"

Those sparks exploded immediately, bursting out raging flames, and a powerful shock wave rushed Yi Xiaoyin to the point of being a little unsteady.

If Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu didn't have the protection of Granny Gu, it is estimated that they would have been roasted into juice.

"This fire is too powerful." Liang Miaozhu said in horror: "It doesn't look like fire on earth."

Granny Gu said indifferently: "It wasn't fire on Earth at first, but I don't know which world it came from. This kind of flame is so powerful that it is estimated that diamonds can be burned in an instant, and nuclear bombs can be burned through immediately."

"Isn't that summer dead?" Liang Miaozhu said lightly.

"Don't worry, he won't die." Allen smiled and said disapprovingly: "Sometimes, the most terrifying force in the world is always people."

Liang Miaozhu was at a loss, not knowing what Allen meant: "Aren't people the most vulnerable?"

"The hymn of human beings is the hymn of courage. The epic of defeating the strong by the weak has been going on for a long time." Allen said firmly: "No matter which world this person is from, no matter what he wants to do, he dares to follow human beings. Calling the board, then there is only a dead end

one. "

Hu Huayu gave Alan a strange look: "Mr. Ai, I didn't expect you to watch anime too."

"Haha, when you are bored, pass the time." Allen smiled awkwardly, "Don't be distracted, watch the next battle carefully, trust me, you will definitely gain something."

On the other hand, Nimoon did frown.

Because the sparks he ejected didn't burn Summer, and he didn't even light Summer's clothes.

"It's interesting." Xia Xia waved his hand, and casually dispelled the fire that was entangled outside his body: "Old man, I am a spirit body of ice and fire, and these things of yours are useless to me."

"Ice and Fire Spirit Body? It's a waste constitution, and it's worth taking out." Nimo Luo frowned and said coldly: "This old man is a body of fire, and I don't know how much higher than you on the Most Holy Spirit Root Ranking. Thousands of grades."

Xia Xia shook his head with some contempt: "Spiritual root physique is something that needs to be divided. A genius like me, with an ice and fire spiritual body, can torture you to death. And your garbage, even if you have a spiritual root physique Well, it's just for the beating!"


Nimo Ang sneered at Xia Xia's words, his figure flashed suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Xia Xia: "Then let you know what the gap is!"


At this time, a stream of fire ignited from the place where Nimoro stood before, and after running through Xia Xia's body, it returned to Nimoro's palm.

"Old man, are you dazzled?"

Xia Xia appeared in another place unharmed and sneered with a smile.

"Um, nebulous steps?"

There was a look of surprise on Nimoro's face: "How can you walk in a misty way? Could it be that the misty fairy gate has already conquered this realm?"

"You also know Misty Immortal, it seems that you came from Xianyun Continent." Xia Xia became a little serious: "It seems that you must be killed, lest you go to Xianyun Continent and cause trouble to my wives. ."

"Since you are related to the Misty Immortal Sect

Department, then today will definitely die. Flames ignited in Nimo Luo's eyes, and he said angrily: "Ten thousand years ago, the old man was conspired by the righteous immortals of the Misty Immortal Sect, and he fell to this point. Now that this old man is going to return to the arena, he must cut the weeds out of you people! "

As soon as Xia Tian raised his hand, he said with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, just have a good fight if you want to fight!"

"It's just that I blocked the old man's random two blows, and I'm proud of it?"

Nimo Luo glanced at Xia Xia coldly, raised his hand extremely casually, and said to Xia Xia, "This old man will teach you what it means to be tall!"

The voice did not fall.

A surging stream of fire burst out of thin air, like a landslide and tsunami, towards the summer.

Xia Tian showed a slightly solemn expression at this time, not worried about himself, but worried about Yi Xiaoyin.

"Wife Yiyi, hold me tight, don't let go!"

Xia Xia flashed to Yi Xiaoyin's side, wrapped her arms around her slender waist and disappeared.

The fire flow, wherever it passed, immediately melted a huge pothole.

The overflowing heat also burned the entire altar into a pool of running water.

This is too scary!

Liang Miaozhu was so shocked that he was sweating coldly, and was instantly steamed into thread vapor.

"Don't move, come in my Gu armor." The mother-in-law Gu also became solemn, and raised her hand to call out

A huge beetle, let others hide in it and avoid this fire.

This man is indeed a strong man!

There is no doubt about this, even in summer, it can't help but get serious.

A little careless, it is estimated that it will be burned to the ground and evaporated.

"The old man was only one step away from Jinxian!" Nimoruo's expression was still gloomy, and he said solemnly: "Although he was later demoted to Xianyun Continent, he was still a supreme one. If it wasn't for the plot, he would have returned long ago. When I arrived at the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. After being dormant for thousands of years, I returned to the Immortal Cultivation Alliance again in order to return to the peak. How could you be stopped by these mere ants! You are now surrendering to this old man for me to drive away. If you want to block the car with your arm, then the creatures in this realm will disappear together."

Xia Xia hugged Yi Xiaoyin, showing her figure: "Stop pretending, what are you talking about. You really have the ability to do it long ago, and you are still talking nonsense here?"

"Not bad." Yi Xiaoyin followed suit: "The more you talk, the more you show that you are actually more guilty."

"Hahaha." Nimoruo laughed wildly, pointed at Xia Xia and said: "It's ridiculous, if I hadn't felt that your ice and fire spirit body might be useful in the future, you have died countless times, and you still dare to be here. barking."

Xia Xia replied lazily: "I can't possibly die, but you guys are going to die soon."

Nimo Luo sneered: "The old man wants to see, how can you not die!"

After saying that, he raised his palm and released Insensitive Dao Mars.

like a downpour,

In an instant, the entire Moon Fang Yuan was on fire.

The people, insects, birds and beasts here are extremely frightened, and they feel that the end has come.

"It's not over, isn't it!" Xia Xia was a little upset, and put down Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, wait a moment, I'll deal with this idiot first."

"You...be careful." Yi Xiaoyin knew that she couldn't stop Xia Xia, so she had to ask.

Xia Xia kissed Yi Xiaoyin on the face, then flashed back directly to the altar, and said to Nimolo: "Don't shoot indiscriminately, you are so powerful, do you dare to take a punch from me?"

"What qualifications do you have to fight with this old man?" Nimoro raised his hand to face Xia Xia with a look of disdain, and several sparks splashed out again.

"Let you stop shooting indiscriminately, are you deaf?"

Xia Xia clenched his fists and slammed it suddenly.


This punch slammed into the void, so powerful that even the air exploded.

The few points of Mars also exploded in an instant.

It's just that the fire flow that was blown out was blasted back by the fist force.

"Haha, it's a bit capable." Nimoro always had a contemptuous smile on his face, "Unfortunately, that's all."

Before he finished speaking, he pointed at Xia Tian.

A ray of fire immediately penetrated Xia Xia's eyebrows.


Xia Xia seemed to be stunned for a moment, but he didn't dodge it. When he wanted to dodge, it was already too late.


Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyin was so shocked that her heart skipped a beat, her anger instantly burst out, "What did you do to him!"

"It's nothing." Nimo Luo sneered and said: "This is the old man's Flame Demon Void Finger. If you hit this finger, your body will be swallowed by the void until it turns into ashes, and there is no possibility of recovery."

"You die for me!"

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't hold it any longer, she flashed to Nimoro's front, and kicked the opponent's heart with a kick!

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