Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2361 I really treat myself as a dish


Xia Xia punched Granny Gu and the golden Gu worm away.

Those visible and invisible barriers disappeared instantly.

"Really treat yourself as a dish, right?" Xia Xia stared at Granny Gu with a displeased face, "If it wasn't for the second master's face, I'd kill you now with one punch."

Granny Gu got up from the ground and looked at Xia Xia in astonishment: "How did you get out of the Broken Realm?"

"You don't need to come out, because I wasn't trapped in the first place." Xia Xia said lightly: "I really think, what kind of broken worm can trap me?"

"Breaking the realm Gu, there is a trace of the power of the law. If you are trapped, even if you have the cultivation level of the transcendence period, it will be difficult to escape." The mother-in-law Gu slowly got up and put away the golden, seemingly dizzy one. Gu worm: "You don't have the power to break the law, so there is only one answer. You already expected me to do this?"

"You're not stupid." Yue Qingya smiled lightly, "But you're not smart either, because there is more than one answer."

Granny Gu asked inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't make any sense." Yue Qingya didn't bother to say anything more. When she raised her hand, dozens of beams of light flew out from her palm, tying Granny Gu, "It's better to control you first."

He stretched out his hand again, and took the golden Gu worm into his hand again.

"It's indeed a world-breaking Gu." Yue Qingya looked at it, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that it's not a source Gu, but a descendant Gu that has multiplied for several generations. No wonder its power is so weak."

"Origin Gu has long since disappeared." Granny Gu sighed, "Otherwise, I would be able to expel the spirit of the ancestor of the wild fire from the earth, why should I spend so much time, find so many people, and spend so much money? So much ingenuity."

Xia Xia stepped forward to hug Yue Qingya and said lightly, "Sister Fairy, don't talk nonsense with this woman, just send her out. I promised the second master to keep her alive."

"What do you want to do?" Ye Yumei was instantly aware of Xia's thoughts: "She's an outsider here. Send her out so that you can do whatever you want, right?"

Xia Xia shook his head solemnly: "Long-legged girl, you are trying to control the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. How could I be such a person. I just miss you so much."

"Stop doing this, I don't know what you have in your head, I don't know?" Ye Yumei gave Xia Tian a direct glance and warned, "It's not over yet, don't keep thinking about those messy things."

"That's normal communication between husband and wife, how can it be a mess." Xia Xia retorted.

Ye Yumei glared at him with disgust: "I'm too lazy to care about you."

"Can you tell us about your master?" Yue Qingya's expression was indifferent, and her tone remained at least polite: "I'm quite interested in her."

Granny Gu didn't cooperate very much: "She doesn't like to be disturbed, so you'd better not know anything about her."

"If you don't know her at all, how can you avoid disturbing her?" Yue Qingya asked rhetorically with a smile.

Granny Gu said indifferently: "As long as you stop exploring the three great secret realms and stop provoking the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, nothing will happen."

"That's impossible." Ye Yumei directly interrupted Granny Gu's words: "Our principle in dealing with others is not to be a tortoise. It is better to strengthen ourselves instead of begging for a powerful enemy and not paying attention to ourselves. , hit the enemy directly

Looking for teeth all over the place. "

"Being able to say this can only mean that you are still too naive." Granny Gu shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Back then, my master also had such thoughts, but in the end it was endless pain. And remorse. The Immortal Cultivation Alliance existed millions of years ago, and you can't imagine what kind of existence is at the top. Even the immortal cultivators at the bottom of the alliance are at least golden immortals, who can crush you guys in the tribulation period. "

"If what you said is true, then we should unite and speed up our cultivation." Ye Yumei became even more excited, pointing at Granny Gu and said, "Instead of finding a place to hide and shrinking your head. turtle."

Granny Gu said coldly, "That's called seclusion, not hiding. If you dare to insult my master again, I will pull you all back together!"

"I'm not insulting her, I'm just stating a fact." Ye Yumei's tone changed and she shouted, "I don't even have the courage to challenge authority. What kind of immortals are you still cultivating? Just be an ordinary mortal. A hundred years of life has passed in a hurry, how comfortable it is."

Granny Gu snorted coldly, then fell silent.

"What are you going to do with her?" Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help asking.

Yue Qingya replied: "Since Xia Xia promised his second master to keep her alive, then of course she has to be released."

"However, if we leave it like this, it is estimated that she will hinder us later." Ye Yumei said suspiciously.

"Then we can only find a place to lock her up." Ye Mengying made a suggestion.

Zhao Yaoyao frowned, "A normal prison doesn't seem to be able to hold her."

"Then lock her up in the outer world of Xiaoxianjie." Ye Yumei thought of a place.

Xia Xia stared: "Long-legged girl, how do you know about Xiaoxianjie, that woman is indeed you pretending to be!"

"So what? Now is not the time to talk about it." Ye Yumei gave Xia Xia a dissatisfied look, "It's a big deal, I'll accompany you for one more day as compensation, okay."

Xia Xia nodded with a smile, and said with satisfaction: "Long-legged girl, you are still sensible."

"In your eyes, willing to accompany you...is it sensible?" Yi Xiaoyin had a speechless expression on her face.

"Yes." Xia Xia's expression was taken for granted, "So, Mrs. Yiyi, you were the least sensible before, but recently you are very sensible."

"I understand your size." Ye Yumei slapped Xia Tian with her hand, "It's really sick to make so many excuses and say so many crooked things."

Xia Xia did not agree with this statement, and explained seriously: "This is different, lust is one thing, sensible is another. If I have a crush on a woman who is not my wife, then I am lecherous, but you are all me. Wife, then I like you, it's not lecherous. You should..."

"you shut up!"

At this time, several women shouted at Xia Xia in unison.

"I can shut up, but the truth still needs to be made clear." Xia Xia continued to talk about his fallacies: "I have always been very sensible, but sometimes you are not very sensible, such as long-legged girl you..."

Ye Yumei blocked Xia Tian's mouth.

Now, it's really quiet.


After an unknown amount of time, Yi Xiaoyin asked, "What should we do next? Shall we move to Xianyun Continent together?"

"That definitely won't work." Moon

Qingya shook her head, "You can see that, his self-control in this area has always been very poor, and it can even be said that he is not self-controlled at all. When he arrives in the Xianyun Continent, he will definitely return to the kind of sleeping with a big blanket and no self-control. A motivated life."

Yi Xiaoyin agreed very much, because now only she and Yue Qingya are left here, and everyone else was taken away by Xia Xia to explain what "sensible" is.

As for the mother-in-law Gu, she has been sent back to Yue Fangyuan, and she is temporarily taken care of by Zhao Yuji, who has not entered the space here.

Yi Xiaoyin said worriedly: "But with this space, it will be easier to travel to and from Xianyun Continent and the earth in summer. Will he stay on earth honestly?"

"You are wrong." Yue Qingya laughed: "He has absolutely no chance to come to Xianyun Continent, because we have the final say."

"Huh?" Yi Xiaoyin was confused.

Yue Qingya took out the World Breaking Gu and said with a smile, "Because of this."

"Isn't he not controlled by the laws of this Gu worm?" Yi Xiaoyin asked suspiciously.

Yue Qingya shook her head: "It's not that Xia Xia is not under the control of the law, but that he took precautions long before the law was formed. Zhang Mingtuo once said something repeatedly when he taught Xia Xia his medical skills."

"What?" Yi Xiaoyin asked.

"Zhang Mingtuo said that the rivers and lakes are sinister, and people's hearts are unpredictable." Yue Qingya said lightly with her bright eyes like the moon: "If you want to be invincible, you can only treat everyone else as an enemy first. Push it and do it, that is For any strangers you meet, put a needle first as a precaution."

Yi Xiaoyin looked shocked: "That's too much of a burden on oneself. Every time a doctor takes a needle, he will consume his own spiritual energy."

"Yes." Yue Qingya nodded: "Zhang Mingtuo can only perform one ten thousandth of the execution, but he is undefeated in the medical world of the north and the south. Even if there are thousands of people who want to kill him, he is still alive and well so far. Yes. And in the summer, he can execute to a tenth, which is one of the reasons why he is unbeaten."

Yi Xiaoyin also understood something: "No wonder he consumes so much."

"The eight needles against the sky are infinitely mysterious, and he actually has too little right now." Yue Qingya's beautiful eyes were full of anticipation, "Understanding the eighth needle is not the end, but a new starting point."

Said, suddenly turned to look at Yi Xiaoyin: "So your responsibility is extremely heavy."

"Me?" Yi Xiaoyin didn't know what to say for a while, "I'm afraid you expect too much from me. In fact, I've accepted the reality and talked to him... but it didn't make much difference."

"You're thinking wrong." Yue Qingya laughed and touched Yi Xiaoyin's face, "Eight needles against the sky, what really works, is it spiritual energy, is it an ice and fire spirit body, is it acupuncture? "

Yi Xiaoyin asked, "What is that?"

"It's summer." Yue Qingya's voice suddenly became distant: "It's him, it's his heart. Immortal cultivators say that they walk against the sky, but in fact they are still borrowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The only people who can truly defy the sky are people. ."

Yi Xiaoyin fell into deep thought after listening to this kind of mysterious words.

"The immortal gods regard people as ants, but the ones who can trample them into the mud are precisely the ants they despise." Yue Qingya continued: "Ordinary immortal cultivators, who seize the heavens and the earth, invade the mysteries of the sun and the moon, are not contrary. Heaven does, precisely to become a member of the Immortals, and then be governed by their rules."

Yi Xiaoyin couldn't help but ask:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

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