Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2362 I can help you

Yue Qingya chuckled lightly, approached Yi Xiaoyin's ear, and whispered a word.

Yi Xiaoyin's face changed, and more doubts appeared in her eyes, but she didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, on the side of Xianyun Continent, we will continue to clean up the remnants of the Wanhuo Sect." Yue Qingya said with a smile: "On the side of the earth, you will continue to supervise Xia Xia. If you have anything, you can find Xiaomei and Yu. Ji and the two discuss."

"I'll try my best." Yi Xiaoyin didn't think she could restrain Xia Xia, "However, what should I do here? That Gu god mother-in-law is still lurking in the depths of the earth, will it pose any threat to us?"

Yue Qingya said lightly: "If there is a threat, it should have been there long ago. We should continue to explore. If it is inevitable to disturb her, then let it be."

Soon, Yue Qingya brought Ye Mengying and Zhao Yaoyao back to Xianyun Continent.

Before leaving, she said to Xia Xia, "You know what my expectations are, so don't let it go."

Summer nodded: "I know."

"It's okay, don't come to us, you can't find it."

Ye Yumei also reminded Xia Tian, ​​and immediately brought her mother-in-law Gu, joined Zhao Yuji outside, and left the Southern Border together. As for whether she returned to the Little Immortal Realm, it is unknown.

"Wife Yiyi, let's go too." Xia Xianchong smiled at Yi Xiaoyin and flew out of the space with her arms around her.

After they returned to Yue Fangyuan, they saw that the dark hole quickly recovered, and then disappeared.

Don't think about it, it must be Yue Qingya who used the Realm Break Gu to cut off the channel connecting the two realms.

"Sister Fairy doesn't need to do this at all." Xia Xia said with a little emotion: "My self-control has always been strong, and if I don't mess around, I will definitely not mess around."

Yi Xiaoyin glanced at Xia Tian with disgust, but said nothing.

"Wife Yiyi, what kind of eyes are you looking at? You don't seem to believe what I said." Xia Xia asked in dissatisfaction when she noticed the change in Yi Xiaoyin's expression.

Yi Xiaoyin said lightly, "You just have to know it yourself."

"Of course I know." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "But it's boring. In fact, as long as everyone works hard together, the realm will recover faster."

Yi Xiaoyin replied: "What is needed now is not to restore your strength, but to break through the eighth needle."

"Wife Yiyi, have you joined them too?" Xia Xia turned to look at Yi Xiaoyin, "It actually started urging me too."

"Because you owe it." Yi Xiaoyin replied casually.

At this time, three figures came from afar.

"Xia Xia, Miss Yi, you are all right." Allen stared at the two for a while, and then asked Xia Xia, "Where is she?"

Xia Xia replied lazily: "You said that old woman, don't worry, she didn't kill her and was taken away by the long-legged girl."

"Long-legged girl?" Allen frowned slightly, "Who's here and where did you take it?"

"Ye Yumei took her away." Yi Xiaoyin explained aside.

Allen was stunned for a moment, and then heaved a long sigh: "Alright. She finally doesn't have to be imprisoned in this extremely narrow place."

"Second Master, don't you worry that she will be imprisoned elsewhere." Xia Xia replied casually.

"Your people, I'm still at ease." Allen smiled and then said, "It's just that I want to see her, that's okay."

"There's nothing wrong with this." Xia Xia didn't even think about it, and said directly: "The long-legged girl should take her to Xiaoxianjie. If you want to go, just go there yourself."

Allen rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I'm not an immortal cultivator, so what should I do?"

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Go to the imperial capital and find Ying Xiaoyue or Xiao Yanyan, and I will let them be responsible for sending the people from Frost Moon Island to Xiaoxianjie."

"Okay, I'll go now." Allen walked away without saying a word.

"What else do you two have to do?" Xia Xia only looked at Hu Huayu and Liang Miaozhu at this time.

Hu Huayu said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just that Yue Fangyuan collapsed in this way.

"Such a broken place, when it collapses, it collapses." Xia Xia said with a casual expression, "What's there to feel about."

Liang Miaozhu was slightly depressed, looked at Xia Xia and said, "Are you and Sister Yi leaving?"

Xia Xia replied: "Of course, there is no point in staying here."

"Can't you stay for a few more days?" Liang Miaozhu subconsciously asked, "My dad will come over in a few days, do you want to see him?"

"What does it have to do with me if your dad is coming here?" Xia Tian pouted, "Could it be that your dad is ill and needs my treatment?"

Liang Miaozhu suddenly got angry: "Your father is sick!"

"I'm not sick, then I see a fart." Xia Xia waved his hand, not wanting to say more, and said to Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, let's go."

Yi Xiaoyin said to Hu Huayu, "Say goodbye to Mrs. Hu for me, and we won't bother anymore."

"Okay." Hu Huayu replied with a smile: "If I have a chance, I will definitely go to Jiang Hai and you, and I will welcome you more."

"It's better not to come." Xia Xia shook his head, "A man, what's there to entertain."

Liang Miaozhu asked at the right time, "Then I will go to Jianghai, will you invite me?"

Xia Tian glanced at Liang Miaozhu and said lightly:

"Don't come here, too lazy to entertain."

"You!" Liang Miaozhu was furious: "You are really a ruthless bastard. No matter how we say it, we are friends of life and death, but there is no Kangsheng share in this friendship."

Xia Tian shook his head directly, "Don't talk nonsense, we haven't dealt with each other, so naturally there is no love."

"You! Dirty!" Liang Miaozhu's face flushed with anger: "I won't go to you either. I really think you are such a handsome guy. Who cares to go to you to play! If I want to go to Sister Yi, too."

"Don't come to Yiyi's wife either, she wants to accompany me, so she doesn't have time to accompany you." Xia Xia said a little unhappily.

Liang Miaozhu didn't care about this, he stepped forward and hugged Yi Xiaoyin's arm: "Sister Yi, I'll go to Jianghai to play with you, okay?"

"Okay." Yi Xiaoyin didn't refuse, on the contrary, she was a little happy. It happened that Ah Jiu had been busy recently, and she lacked someone to accompany her.

"Not good." Xia Xia said to Yi Xiaoyin: "Wife Yiyi, this little girl will cause trouble, so don't take her with her."

Yi Xiaoyin smiled and asked: "In this world, is there anyone who can cause more trouble than you?"

"I never cause trouble." Xia Xia said solemnly: "It's all those idiots who come to trouble me, and I always convince people with reason."

"Then give my dad a call, and now you can go to Jianghai to play." Liang Miaozhu said excitedly.

Yi Xiaoyin and Liang Miaozhu left Yue Fangyuan without taking Xia Xia with her.

"Summer, or

Let's find a place to have a drink? "Hu Huayu made a suggestion with a smile.

"A ghost is drinking with a man." Xia Xia glared at Hu Huayu and was about to go after Yi Xiaoyin when the phone suddenly rang.

When I picked it up, I found that it was actually a phone call from a good baby.

It's a little strange in the summer. The good baby has always only sent him text messages, and until now he has not heard the other party's voice.

"Hey, why did you call me?" Xia Xia answered the phone.

At this time, Hu Huayu left directly.

"Who are you!"

"You actually betrayed the captain!"

"It's useless to kill me, you won't succeed!"

"The energy of the head is beyond your imagination!"


As a result, the voice that rang on the phone was obviously not the baby's voice, but the voice of some strangers.

"What's the mess?" Xia Xia said unhappily after listening to the confusion: "My dear, what are you doing?"

At this time, a strange man's voice sounded on the phone, quite low.

"I'm not a good baby, I'm your commander." The man sneered a few times and said threateningly: "Give you three days to find me, otherwise, your shadow group will be destroyed by me. !"

After that, the phone hung up.

"Where's the idiot?" Xia Xia looked at the phone and dialed the number to go back. It turned out to be an empty number, so he had to scold: "My dear, what the hell are you doing?"

The good baby replied with a text message at this time; "It was a recording just now, and a killer organization called [Seven Saints] posted it on the dark web."

"What do these idiots want to do?" Xia Xia asked a little unhappily.

The good baby replied: "They want to be the number one killer in the world, and the Shadow Corps is the biggest obstacle to them reaching the top. They are hunting the single members of the Shadow Corps recently, the purpose is to attract the leader of the Shadow Corps, Compete with them."

"It's really sick of the brain." Xia Xia felt a little bored, "The Shadow Corps can't even kill this idiot."

The good baby replied: "These people are not weak, and they seem to have supernatural abilities. They have already guessed the disappearance of Avril and Isabella, so they shot at this time. If you don't stop it, It's very likely that the Shadow Corps will really decline here."

"That won't work." Xia Xia said slowly: "The shadow group is their hard work, and I won't let it happen. Just send the addresses of these idiots, and I'll kill them now."

"I can't find their location for the time being." Good baby quickly replied: "However, in two days, there will be an offline World Killer Preliminary Tournament, and they should be there."

"The killer still has a game?" Xia Xia shook his head and said with a sense of feeling: "What a bunch of boring people, where is this broken game?"

The good baby immediately sent a positioning to Xia Xia, and there was an attachment.

Xia Xia took a look and found that the place of the competition was an island in the Pacific Ocean. The attachment was some information about the competition and the invitation letter.

"Okay, I'll go take a look tomorrow." Xia Tian felt that it shouldn't take much time to solve these idiots.

Saying that, Xia Xia suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "Dear baby, have you encountered anything recently? You can tell me about it. For the sake of your being the goblin wife's apprentice, I can help you. yours."

The good baby replied with three words: "I'm fine."

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