Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2370 You are almost as stupid

"What a big breath!"

Wu Zhengye stood up again, pointed at the girl in the green skirt and said, "You'd better think about it before you talk. This is my ship, and I can drive you off at any time."

"Very good." The green skirt girl's eyes lit up with murderous intent, "From now on, this boat is taught by our flower gods, whoever has any objection, immediately throw it into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"What kind of thing are you, giving orders here." Wu Zhengye was also angry, pointing at the girl in the green skirt and said: "This is the boat of our Wu family, what kind of flower gods, I have never heard of it, and now I ask you to give it to this young master. Get out... ah!"

Before the words were finished, Wu Zhengye flew out.

The girl in the green dress immediately rushed to the two black-robed old men behind her and said, "Fix him for me, and then immediately search the entire boat to find the young lady!"

"Hey, I don't think you should bother." Su Beibei looked quite relaxed and said with a smile: "Where did your lady go, I don't know, but at least I'm sure she's definitely not on the boat anymore."

"What do you mean by that?" The green-skirted girl's face suddenly turned cold and she said, "If someone picks up her, then stop the boat immediately and turn around to chase."

Su Beibei said speechlessly: "how can we say that we have been together all day and night, why have we become so unfamiliar?"

"You..." The girl in the green skirt was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help looking at Su Beibei a few times, and suddenly realized: "It's you!"

Su Beibei laughed and said proudly, "Yes, it's me."

"Who are you! Where did you hide my young lady!" The girl in the green skirt widened her eyes, and kept reminiscing about the past two days in her mind: "Bad, it must be yesterday morning, when I was not in the room, Swap with Miss!"

"I just think about it now, you are really stupid." Su Beibei shook her head and sighed.

Xia Tian nodded: "It's really stupid, almost as stupid as you."

"What are you talking about! Are you looking for a fight?" Su Beibei was so angry that she wanted to punch Xia Xia. No matter when she was in college in Jianghai or when she was the president of the Divine Doctor Group, who would not praise her for her intelligence, even the media She is also often praised on the front page as a model of the coexistence of beauty and wisdom among entrepreneurs.

"Then she's dumber than you, okay." Xia Xia smiled. Now when he was bored, he didn't want to offend Su Beibei like that.

Su Beibei was not so easy to coax, so he said to Xia Tian, ​​"You just can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth, so you think you can make me happy with such nonsense? If you really want to praise me, you won't call me the smartest person in the world. ?"

"That won't work." Xia Xia shook his head solemnly, "We should seek things from facts and pay attention to principles. I'm the smartest person in the world, you can only be regarded as the second smartest person in the world... er, no, elder sister immortal is smarter than you. , Bingbing's wife is also smarter than you, not to mention Xiao Qiao, the beautiful wife is your cousin, she must be better than you..."

Xia Xia wanted to praise Su Beibei well, but after counting, it seemed that there were no more places in the top ten.

"You!" Su Beibei was angry and scolded: "At this time, you are talking about principles, you are really stupid!"

"A pair of dog men and women, the first elder and the second elder, kill them all for me!" The girl in the green skirt saw that Xia Xia and Su Beibei ignored her, and even flirted with her in front of her, her lungs were going to explode. , immediately issued the order to kill.

The two black-robed elders, like ghosts, appeared in front of Xia Xia and Su Beibei in an instant.

Immediately, two cold lights flashed,

At a very fast speed, he slashed towards the necks of Xia Xia and Su Beibei.

"At this level, do you still want to kill?" Although Su Beibei's ability is not high among the girls in Xia, he would not be hurt by this move, so he avoided this move lightly.

Not to mention Xia Xia, he didn't move, and the slash that rushed towards him disappeared without a trace.

"There are some skills, no wonder you dare to go against our Flower God Sect." The green skirt girl snorted coldly, and said to the two black-robed old men: "You don't need to keep your hands, anyway, Miss is gone, everyone in this boat must die, It will take away the hatred in my heart."

The two black-robed old men received the order, and as expected, they no longer concealed it, exuding a strange green aura.

These breaths soon filled the entire hall, like smoke.

The rich people in the hall felt that something was wrong and wanted to escape, but within two or three seconds, they fell to the ground one by one, unconscious.

"This is a god-defying fog, which can directly deprive all life." The girl in the green skirt smiled and looked at Xia Xia and Su Beibei mockingly, "Although the two of you have some skills, compared with the methods of our Flower God Sect , it's still worthless... poof!"

"Go away, you spicy rabbit head!" Su Beibei jumped up in anger when she saw this, and kicked the girl in the green skirt directly in the face.

The girl in the green skirt flew out, her mouth full of teeth shattered, and her entire face collapsed.

"It's useless, I don't feel pain." However, the girl in the green skirt quickly got up and spat a mouthful of green blood, "This injury will soon recover, you are just wasting your efforts. "

Su Beibei turned to look at Xia Xia: "I think she is very upset. Is there a way to make her worse than me?"

"Yes." Xia Tian smiled, "Isn't she no pain, I can give her pain and double it by the way."

"Okay, just do that." Su Beibei nodded: "Come on, I can't wait to hear her screams and begging for mercy!"

"A self-righteous human, what do you think I am? Human?" The girl in the green skirt sneered and suddenly transformed into a tree about one meter five in height.

The body is the soul of a century-old tree, transformed into a human form, just to facilitate walking in the world, your methods of dealing with human beings cannot be effective for me. "

Xia Xia looked at her with a smile: "Don't talk so early, I'll give you a shot first, so you can taste what pain is like."

"First elder, second elder, why are you still standing there, kill him for me." The girl in the green dress was quite afraid of summer, and immediately shouted at the two black-robed old men.

When the two black-robed old men heard the sound, they immediately moved, like two black ghosts, floating in front of Xia Xia.

"Don't bother me, get out of the way." Xia Tian frowned slightly, then slapped him slowly and went out.

The slightly taller black-robed old man suddenly slashed out a cold glow and greeted Xia Tian's slap.

However, as soon as Hanmang touched Summer's slap, it was shot and flew out, turning into a thick green juice that splashed all over the wall in the distance.

Seeing the situation, the short old man fluttered, and immediately wanted to step forward to help, but was blocked by Su Beibei.

"Don't be merciless, make a quick decision!" The girl in the green skirt shouted with some dissatisfaction: "Deal with these people early, and we must hurry up to find the young lady!"

The bodies of the two black-robed old men suddenly burst out with dazzling green lights.

Su Beibei raised her hand subconsciously

To block, but Xia Xia hugged her waist, and instantly moved elsewhere.

"What is that green light?" Su Beibei felt a tingling sensation in his eyes, but it was quickly eliminated by a warm current from Xia Tian's palm.

Xia Xia said casually: "Whatever it is, it makes people uncomfortable to look at it, I will solve them."

After speaking, Xia Xia flashed to the front of the two old men in an instant.

"You like to shine, don't you, then let you guys post enough."

Xia Xia grabbed the beards of the two old men with a displeased face, and suddenly closed, bumping the two of them together.


The girl in the green skirt suddenly changed color, and hurried forward to stop it.

Unfortunately it's too late.

After the two old men joined together, the billowing green light began to flash uncontrollably.

Each green flash is hundreds of meters long,

It directly penetrated the cruise ship and swept on the sea level. Wherever it passed, the swimming fish in the sea were taken away.

Many of the rich people in the hall couldn't stand it anymore. Not only were they dead, but their faces were so pale that they seemed to have been soaked in water for a few days.

"This thing is too evil!" Su Beibei carefully avoided the flashing green lights, and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Can you make it stop flashing?"

"Simple." Xia Tian still had a casual expression.

"Simple ass, you've made a big disaster, don't you know!" The girl in the green skirt was terrified, "The first elder and the second elder are both guardians of the Flower God Sect, and there is a ray of [extreme destiny divine light] in their bodies, When they are separated, they can control each other. If they are together, it will be a disaster that will destroy the world."

"Don't talk about it." Xia Tian curled his lips, "With me here, there can be no disaster, not to mention that it's just broken."

The girl in the green dress sneered: "You don't understand the terrifying light of the extreme destiny. Unless it absorbs all the lives within a radius of hundreds of miles, it is absolutely impossible to stop."

"It's the same as the real thing." Xia Tian looked disdainful, and suddenly clasped the group of green awns, and tried hard: "Give it to me!"

"You are looking for your own way of death, but it's a pity that this girl is going to die with you humans." The green skirt girl sighed, showing an unwilling look, "This is the first time to accompany the young lady on a mission, and it will end up like this, It's really not good to be a teacher."

The group of green awns trembled violently in Xia Xia's palm, sending out a shrill scream.

Su Beibei directly covered her ears.

The girl in the green dress also shrank into a ball in shock, screaming because she could actually feel the pain.


Summer is unmoved, and still uses it to pinch it.

The green light immediately dissipated, like a mist when the wind blows, quickly dissipating.

The green atmosphere in the hall also disappeared.

"Who are you... who are you!" Seeing this, the girl in the green skirt couldn't help but stare at Xia Xia, her eyes full of incredible horror.

Xia Xia patted his clothes lazily, and replied with a smile: "I am Summer, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one heaven in the world, the number one genius doctor in the world, and the number one expert in the world. How about it, is it like thunder?"

"You are Xia Tian?" The girl in the green skirt had actually heard of Xia Xia's name. "Then I am not wronged. It's just that you offended the Flower God Cult, and you are destined to die in the future."

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