Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2371 You are too unmotivated

"Flower God, what is it?"

Xia Tian pouted, with a casual expression on his face: "I haven't heard of it, and where is the pheasant organization that came out?"

"Haha." The girl in the green skirt couldn't help laughing when she heard Xia Xia's words, "You don't even know about the Flower God Cult, it's a miracle that you can survive until now."

"There are a lot of idiots who have told me this, but they're all dead." Xia Xia also laughed, and his tone was full of sarcasm, "When you say something like this, your broken organization will be yours. The countdown to doom has come."

The girl in the green skirt was instantly irritated by Xia Xia's words, and sneered: "I know you are very powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you are only human. But our Flower God Cult is a protoss, and naturally it is higher than you humans, and we The sect leader is one of the oldest existing gods on earth, living for more than 3,000 years..."

"What are you talking about, the Protoss?" Su Beibei was amused by the words of the green skirt girl, and pointed to the two black-robed old men who had withered into tree trunks: "That's it?"

The girl in the green skirt opened her mouth to refute, but the facts in front of her left her speechless: "Hmph, anyway, you will know the power of the Flower God Cult at that time. Don't think that you can really kill us, we are all Flower God Clan, Ancestral Court has stored a piece of soul root, as long as the soul root does not die, like this kind of body, it will be able to condense another one after more than ten years."

"It will take more than ten years to condense, so that's not a big deal." Su Beibei said disdainfully: "This is another hero after 18 years, and there is no essential difference."

The girl in the green skirt snorted coldly: "Let's compare your concept of reincarnation with the rebirth of our Flower God Race. You are fake, but we are real."

"What's fake and real, it sounds like a real thing, but in fact it's just a mouse with its head and tail showing its tail." Xia Xia's eyes were full of disapproval, "If it was so powerful, you would have led the earth long ago. Now, why are humans still in charge?"

The girl in the green skirt replied a little embarrassedly: "That's just the thinness of the aura on the surface, and our Protoss doesn't bother to compete with people for food and land."

"It's nothing more than robbing someone, but losing, and then escaping to the ground to survive." Xia Xia said mercilessly.

"You are simply unreasonable!" The green skirt girl was speechless and had to pretend to be tough: "You kill me, anyway, after 18 years, I will be reborn, I am afraid that you will all be buried by then. already."

Xia Xia suddenly thought of an idea: "You don't want to be a human being, I just want you to be a human being, and you have to feel all the pain of being human. Don't be reborn after 18 years, and now I will let you be born again! "

"What do you want to do?" At this moment, the girl in the green skirt revealed an unconcealed look of shock.

In the summer, a silver needle was shown, and it slowly pierced the Tianling cover of the girl in the green skirt.


The girl in the green skirt screamed and wanted to resist, but then it was useless.

After a few seconds, the girl in the green dress turned into a delicate, timid and weak girl.

"It's so uncomfortable?" The girl in the green skirt frowned tightly, feeling that something was wrong all over her body, she couldn't help looking at Xia Xia with her eyebrows raised: "What the hell did you do to me?"

Xia Tian replied with a smile: "It's nothing, I just turned you into a human being."

"Human, is it such a fragile life?" The girl in the green skirt was surprised, "No, no, you are not so weak."

"Of course we are not weak." Su Beibei said lightly, "because he is a pervert and I am a normal person, but now you have become a

Sister Lin. "

The girl in the green dress was dazed, her hands tightly covering her chest: "Sister Lin? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Xia Tian curled his lips: "You should have a good understanding of what a person is."

He turned to Su Beibei and said, "Bei girl, there's nothing interesting here, let's go play somewhere else."

After that, Xia Xia turned around and walked out of the hall with Su Beibei in his arms.

"Hey, stop and explain to me, what did you do to me?"

The girl in the green skirt felt that her body was light and heavy, so she was uncomfortable, and there seemed to be countless illnesses in her body, torturing her to the point of going crazy.

After Xia Xia killed the two black-robed old men, he returned the vitality in the light to everyone in the hall.

Not long after he left, these rich people who attended the meeting gradually woke up.

Wu Zhengye also got up from the ground and saw the two old men lying on the ground, the girls in green skirts who already looked delicate.

"You, what do you want to do?" The green skirt girl felt that the eyes of these people were very wrong, and her face showed a look of anger and anger: "If you dare to be disrespectful to me, the Flower God Cult will definitely kill your whole family!"

"What's the matter, you still dare to threaten us now."

"Just now, Doctor Xia said that she seems to have become a normal person?"

"Since this is the case, then we will have revenge, and we will have revenge!"

"She and the two old men almost poisoned us all just now!"

"Kill her directly!"

"Throw it into the sea to feed the sharks!"

"That's too cheap for her, I can't wait to cut her with a thousand cuts..."


"Wait! Don't do it yet, I have something to say."

At this time, Wu Zhengye actually stood up and stopped those wealthy people who were killing, "Mr. Xia hasn't said what to do with her, we can't mess around, in case we get angry

Mr. Xia, that's not good. "

The rich people were still a little outraged, but when they heard Wu Zhengye's words, they really calmed down.

They had just seen Xia Xia's ability, and they all survived because of Xia Xia, so naturally they did not dare to go against Xia Xia's intentions.

Wu Zhengye acted in the name of Xia Xia, and it was not easy for them to take revenge on the girl in the green skirt.

"If everyone trusts you, then you might as well hand her over to me." Wu Zhengye also liked this feeling of fox and tiger power, and then said: "When I ask Mr. Xia for instructions, I promise not to disappoint everyone."

Speaking of which, even if they didn't give Wu Zhengye face, they had to consider Xia Xia's attitude, so they had to temporarily swallow their anger.

"Okay, then she will leave it to Wu Gongzi." One of the rich people said to Wu Zhengye on behalf of everyone: "By the way, let me tell you a message for Mr. Xia, we admire him very much, and we hope that when he arrives at Carnival Island, he will be able to admire his face and talk to him. Let's have dinner together."

Wu Zhengye nodded: "I will definitely bring the words to you."

Those rich people glared at the girl in the green skirt hatefully, and then left one after another.

"Everyone, walk slowly. It was my mistake this time that caused everyone to suffer this disaster. Wu will definitely compensate everyone."

Wu Zhengye sent these people away one by one, then with a smile on his face, he fixedly looked at the girl in the green skirt.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you." Wu Zhengye's eyes were full of light, but a smile appeared on his face: "I won't do anything to you, don't worry. However, I still want to ask ,What's your name"

The girl in the green dress suddenly found that she had the emotion of fear, which was unprecedented in the past.

For the impossible, she is a flower god, how can she be afraid of an ordinary person?

What made her feel a little more hopeless was that in addition to her fear, she had a trace of gratitude for the man in front of her!

this is too scary!

"You don't pretend to be a good person!" The green skirt girl said coldly: "I know what you're thinking, it's nothing more than wanting to use my identity to contact the Flower God Sect and tell you that this is completely wishful thinking."

Wu Zhengye didn't speak, just lifted her up gently and took her out of the hall.

After a while, Su Beibei and Xia Xia appeared in the hall again.

"Why do I feel that this kid is not a good person?" Su Beibei frowned and said suspiciously.

Xia Xia didn't care about this, and said lightly: "He is not a good person in the first place, so he doesn't need to feel it."

"Since this is the case, then you still arrange it like this, do you have any special intentions?" Su Beibei turned to look at Xia Xia with a puzzled look in her beautiful eyes.

Xia Tian looked blank: "What have I arranged?"

Su Beibei was stunned for a while, and said, "Isn't it your plan that you didn't kill that woman and let your subordinates approach her deliberately?"

"I never had any plans." Xia Tian yawned lazily, "That idiot is not my subordinate either."

Su Beibei asked again: "Then what happened just now..."

"How do I know." Xia Xian shook his head and said to Su Beibei, "You didn't want to stay and have a look. We were already swimming in the top-floor swimming pool."

All right.

Su Beibei felt that he really overestimated Xia Xia. He thought he had made some arrangements, but it turned out not to be at all.

Summer is enough to play, just leave it alone.

I'm not interested in what flower gods, what gods, and why they took the young lady to Carnival Island...

Since I'm not interested, of course I won't make any arrangements.

"I thought you made some progress, but it seems that I think too much." Su Beibei squeezed his eyebrows and said with a headache.

Xia Xia said disapprovingly: "You just think too much and need to relax, so let me ask someone to get you a, no, a few swimsuits, let's go to the swimming pool on the top floor and relax!"

"Are you trying to make me relax?" Su Beibei rolled his eyes at Xia Xia, not too lazy to expose him.

After half an hour, the top floor pool.

There are only Xia Xia and Su Beibei here.

At this time, in the pool, Su Beibei was wearing a rather sexy swimsuit, swimming freely in the water like a mermaid.

"Well, girl Bei, you're still a little bit surprised, and you lack that sense of surprise?" Xia Tian didn't go into the water, so he squatted on the edge of the pool and said while drooling, "Why don't I give you a needle, then it will make your figure even better?" Perfect, how's it going?"

Su Beibei swam to the side, jumped out of the water, shook her hair, and gave Xia Tian a white look: "Come on, I'm very satisfied with my current figure, and I don't want to become more perfect."

"Girl Bei, you are too unmotivated." Xia Xia was speechless and said regretfully, "I think the Phoenixes beside Xiao Qiao always begged me every day to let me make their bodies better, you see. They'll be better off later."

"It doesn't seem like that, right?" Su Beibei stared at Xia Xia: "You think I don't know, it's you who made fun of them and made them look ugly."

At this time, a strange voice sounded in the distance, teasingly said:

"I also think that this lady's figure is already perfect and doesn't need to be changed."

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