Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2373 In fact, I know how to play

This scene made everyone on the boat stunned.

Under the white light, almost everyone could not move.

"What kind of trick is this?" Su Beibei was fine, but felt a little miraculous, "To be able to summon the moon, the special effect money is not too low."

Xu Jiaona frowned tightly and muttered to herself, "After the aura recovers, there will be more and more people like this, but they can affect the astronomical phenomena, which is indeed a bit exaggerated."

"It's just that you both have problems with your eyes." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Take a closer look."

"What do you think of such a big white light?" Su Beibei shook his head: "I don't want to be stabbed into a blind man."

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Don't worry, these lights have no effect on you, they are just used to scare people."

"Really? Hey, it's really..." Su Beibei believed Xia's words, and her eyes immediately went straight to the white light. At first, she felt a little tingling. Just when she subconsciously wanted to close her eyes, her vision was suddenly bright. Can ignore those white lights and see higher and farther places.

Xu Jiaona wanted to try it when she heard the words, but was reminded casually by Xia Xia: "Forget it, you are not a cultivator, don't be stabbed blind, and ask Qingqing girl to speak ill of me."

"Uh..." Xu Jiaona was speechless.

"There is someone on it! The moon is actually fake!" After a few seconds, Su Beibei could see clearly what the so-called white moon was.

About a thousand meters above the sky, there is a peculiar aircraft suspended, and the white moon is a huge lamp hanging from the aircraft.

"This moon is fake, but this light does have some tricks." Xia Xia replied lazily: "However, it's just a little trick."

Su Beibei asked with some puzzlement: "What is this woman trying to do with this? Shine us with light, and then attack?"

"No, she just wants to run away." Xia Xia pouted, "I just want to divert our attention by doing so many tricks."

"Then let her escape like this?" Xu Jiaona said unwillingly.

Xia Xia looked casual, and said lightly, "I didn't let her go, even if she came with a rocket, she wouldn't be able to escape."


In the blazing light, the woman in the white suit had entered the aircraft.

"Team leader, is the mission completed?" The blond man who was flying the aircraft asked with a smile.

"What nonsense, get out of here quickly." The woman in the white suit glared at him: "That kid is too perverted, and I can't solve it yet. Find a chance to kill him next time."

The blond man didn't think it was a big deal, and said indifferently, "It's okay, it's just a small goal. Besides, there is no deadline for this task, we have time."

"I just didn't expect this kid to be so difficult to deal with." The woman in the white suit said inexplicably: "Such a powerful person should have appeared long ago, why doesn't even the Killer Alliance have his detailed information? ?"

The blond man remembered one thing: "Team leader, the Killer Alliance was invaded by the goblin, the god of hackers, a few years ago. At that time, many data were cleared. Could this person be in the data that was cleared at that time? "

"It shouldn't be possible." The woman in the white suit couldn't help frowning, and said hesitantly, "If this is the case, then there should be no such person at all, but this summer is very high-profile, although the Killer Alliance has not

information, but there are many people who know him, which is really strange. "

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it." The blond man didn't take it to heart, "The most important thing for us at the moment is to win this competition, it's better to climb to the top of the killer rankings and become the world's number one. "

The woman in the white suit is not keen on this: "That ranking list is actually unreliable. It is similar to the rich list. The real top killers don't bother to be on that list at all."

"Whether it's reliable or not, the current boss believes in that list." The blond man said with some emotion: "Employers also assign tasks according to that list. Since we want to eat this bowl of rice, we must be listening to knife music. (dollar) words."

The woman in the white suit didn't have much opinion on this, and asked casually, "How many killers have arrived at Carnival Island now?"

"There are probably more than 200 killers who are registered with the Killer Alliance, and they belong to more than 20 organizations." The blond man immediately talked about it, "However, there are only ten who can really threaten us. No. Among them, the most important ones are the veteran [Shadow Corps], [Myriad Snakes]... and the most popular [Seven Saints] recently."

"Where did the [Seven Saints] come from?" the woman in the white suit asked in a puzzled way, "I've never heard of it before, but it has only appeared in the past two years, and has completed several consecutive [[Seven Saints]]. Shadow Corps] sss-level tasks that are not accepted."

The blond man smiled and said, "There is a gossip that this [Seven Saints] is actually related to the [Temple of Longevity], and they should have introduced it."

"[The Temple of Longevity]?" The woman in the white suit was a little surprised: "Isn't that a cult organization, and it's ridiculous to say what kind of longevity is required."

"Changsheng is not bullshit." At this time, a lazy voice sounded in the cabin: "However, this [Temple of Longevity] is a bit of a bullshit."

The woman in the white suit was about to say something when she suddenly felt that something was wrong. When she turned her head, she saw Xia Xia and Su Beibei: "How did you guys get up here?"

"How you got up, we'll get up here."

Su Beibei said casually: "I have to say, your aircraft is not bad. It's a little small, but it's more comfortable than the first class of the plane."

The blond man was also taken aback, and almost drove the aircraft into the sea. After stabilizing, he immediately drew his gun: "Who are you!"

"Don't take this toy at me." Xia Xia smashed the gun into a scrap of iron.

"wtf!" The blond man had a ghostly look on his face, "Are you a Hercules? This is a specially made pistol with diamonds on it..."

Xia Tian glared at him: "Shut up and drive your plane well."

"This is not a plane, this is my latest modification..." The blond man became angry when Xia Xia described the aircraft as an airplane, but unfortunately he closed his mouth immediately after Xia Xia glared at it.

Xia Xia said to the woman in the white suit indifferently, "I have some questions to ask you."

"I refuse to answer any questions." The woman in the white suit said coldly, "Don't think you can do whatever you want when you catch up. Kill or cut as you please, but don't expect to know anything from me."

"Okay." Xia Xia didn't say a word, just mentioned the woman in the white suit and threw her from the aircraft.

"My God." The blond man was so frightened that he turned his head and looked at Xia Tian from time to time: "Are you a devil? This place is more than a thousand meters away from the sea.

If you go down, you will surely die. "

Xia Xia said lazily: "If you talk nonsense again, I will throw you down too."

"Okay, I won't say it." The blond man pursed his lips.

"Where are you going?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's not flying... oh, go to Carnival Island," the blond man replied.

Xia Xia said casually: "That's fine, drive to the island safely, I don't have to kill you."

"Okay, no problem." The blond man nodded again and again: "Don't worry, although I am also a killer, my main occupation is actually a pilot, what kind of plane, fighter jet, aircraft..."

Su Beibei was a little annoyed: "Shut up!"

"it is good."

Soon, the blond man carried Xia and Su Beibei to the sky above Carnival Island.

The so-called Carnival Island is not actually an island, but an archipelago chain with more than 20 large and small islands.

Of course, the biggest of them is Carnival Island, where the owner of the chain of islands, the Earl of Carnival lives.

Carnival Island On this island, it refuses to be approached by all means of transportation.

If anyone violated it, the island would be bombarded directly with artillery shells.

The only way to get to this island is to walk across the other islands.

Carnival Island is connected to the surrounding small islands by bridges.

However, these bridges are usually suspended, and they only come down around 6:00 p.m. every day, and only for half an hour.

These restrictions are completely useless for Xia Xia and Su Beibei. They can jump directly from the aircraft, land on the island, and then directly kill the carnival count.

Just, it's not necessary.

Xia Xia didn't come to kill this earl, but the [Seven Saints] provoked him and wanted to destroy the [Shadow Corps]. He came to solve these bird killers, and by the way, stabilize the shadow team's position in the killer world.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to meet up with the members of the [Shadow Corps] who arrived on the island to learn about the current situation in the group.

The aircraft stopped on one of the rather chic islands.

"You two, Carnival Island is here, can I go?" The blond man raised his hands and asked in horror.

Xia Xia said casually: "It's none of your business, go away."

The blond man opened the hatch and quickly escaped without a trace.

"Don't kill him to avoid future troubles?" Su Beibei asked.

"It's just a waste, what's the future trouble." Xia Xia looked disapproving.

Su Beibei asked blankly, "What are we going to do next?"

Seeing that Xia Xia didn't answer, he couldn't help but ask again: "By the way, why are you here on this island?"

"Participate in some killer competition." Xia Xia took Su Beibei out of the aircraft and started walking on the island. "However, first, you must find the connection point of the [Shadow Corps], and then meet the team members."

Su Beibei thought it a bit interesting: "Holding a killer competition on the island, and inviting so many rich people over, what kind of earl is quite good at playing."

"Baby girl, I actually know how to play, do you want to try it?" Xia Xia said with a smile.

"Go away." Su Beibei rolled her eyes at Xia Tian: "I don't think about good things anymore."

"Thinking is a good thing." Xia Xia replied solemnly, and then dragged Su Beibei into a holiday hotel on the island.

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