Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2374 how long have you been dead

On Carnival Island, all assets belong to the Earl of Carnival.

This time, he held a carnival, and all the people who came to the island were great people.

So all the hotels on the island are open for free, you only need to register your name, you can even make up a name, and no one will verify it.

Moreover, once the room is registered, it will be bound to you, unless you leave the island, otherwise, even if you live, it will always be empty.

"I'm going to open a room." Xia Xia didn't beat around the bush at all, and said directly when he walked to the front desk.

The lady at the front desk glanced at Xia Xia and Su Beibei and said, "Please wait a moment."

Su Beibei blushed and felt a little uncomfortable.

Soon, the lady at the front desk asked, "Can I ask for your name and other information?"

"My name is Xia, the summer of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the number one day in the world." Xia Xia replied lazily: "She is Su Beibei, and she is my future wife, don't ask any other information, you are not qualified to know. "

The lady at the front desk smiled awkwardly: "Then do you have an invitation letter?"

"No." Summer pouted.

"I'm sorry, if there is no invitation..." The front desk lady was about to refuse Xia Xia when a command came from her earphone, her face changed instantly, and she said with a smile, "Okay, I'll arrange a room for you immediately."

Xia Tian said casually: "Hurry up, I'm going to live now."

"Okay." After some operations, the lady at the front desk handed a golden room card to Xia Xia: "This is the room card for the ninth floor presidential suite, please take it and have a good time at Carnival Island! "

Xia Tian took the room card and didn't say anything more. He turned around and walked towards the elevator with Su Beibei in his arms.

"Hey, have you been here before?" Su Beibei looked at Xia Xia suspiciously.

"I haven't been here." Xia Tian shook his head.

Su Beibei wrinkled her nose: "I don't think so. I've come here to play with some beautiful woman."

"Baby girl, are you jealous?" Xia Xia smiled, showing a rather playful expression: "You really like me, why do you always pretend not to care?"

"Ghosts eat your vinegar." Su Beibei pouted and said with an unhappy face, "Don't feel good about yourself, even if I like ghosts, I won't like you, don't be delusional, I don't want to jump into the fire pit. "

Xia Xia retorted solemnly: "Baby girl, you are not honest enough. If you like it, you will like it. Otherwise, why would you be there every time I go."

"I was teleported to the broken ship randomly, the ghost knows you are also on the ship!" Su Beibei replied unhappily.

"This is fate!" Xia Xia emphasized with a smile, "Because you miss me so much, you teleported to me. It's destined."

"Cut." Su Beibei rolled his eyes at Xia Xia and said angrily, "It can only be said that your self-feeling is too good."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Bei girl, why don't we make a bet?"

"No." Su Beibei categorically refused.

"Hee hee, you're scared." Xia Xia saw through Su Beibei's mind and smiled.

Su Beibei blushed pretty, but said unhappily, "You bastard is used to stalking, so I won't use myself as a bargaining chip to give you a pervert a chance."


Then, Su Beibei suddenly remembered that she had been alone with Xia Xia, as if she was giving him a chance.

No, I definitely won't be fooled by this pervert.

My cousin is fooled because she is stupid, she is too simple, I am used to seeing all the tricks of this pervert, how could I still be tricked, I absolutely will not...

Just as Su Beibei was cheering herself on in her heart, Xia Xia suddenly approached her face and asked with a smile, "Girl Bei, what are you thinking?"

"Ah!" Su Beibei quickly took two steps back and looked at Xia Xia vigilantly: "What are you doing so close?"

"Don't do anything." Xia Tian raised his finger and pointed: "The floor is here, and I will be concerned if you can't go out in a daze."

Su Beibei looked up and saw that the elevator had reached the ninth floor.

"When it's here, then go out." Su Beibei glared at Xia Xia: "I think you just want to take advantage of me."

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you until you agree." Xia Xia said solemnly, but his hands naturally wrapped around Su Beibei's waist.

Su Beibei doesn't think it's wrong either, because she usually hugs her waist when she sees beautiful women in summer, and she's used to it.

There is a suite on the top floor, a very luxurious sea view room.

Regardless of the furnishings in the house or the configuration of the furniture, they are all top-notch in the industry, and there are even many rare antiques on the market.

"What's the origin of this Carnival Earl?" Although Su Beibei has no research on antique appreciation, he is still in a high position. He often participates in some high-end conferences. If he has seen the world, he will see a painting on the wall when he looks up. He couldn't help but say: "This painting seems to be the one that sold for a sky-high price of 1.3 billion last year. I heard that it was bought by a hidden rich man. I didn't expect it to be here."

Xia Xia is not interested in any kind of calligraphy, painting and antiques. He just smiled and said to Su Beibei: "There is also a swimming pool outside. Bei girl, you should go to the swimsuit show. You were interrupted while on the boat."

"What swimsuit show, you think too much." Su Beibei also saw the swimming pool on the top floor, took off his coat and went into the water, "It's so comfortable, it's really here.

The scenery is really pleasant, and it feels better than anything in the Maldives. "

At this moment, a bell rang from outside the door.

Xia Tian opened the door and found a young and beautiful woman standing outside: "Who are you?"

This woman is quite predictable. Even if she is only wearing work clothes, she still can't hide her graceful figure, with a sweet smile on her face: "I am the exclusive waiter of the presidential suite, and I am here to provide services for the two of you."

"No need." Summer waved his hand.

The pretty waitress kept her smile unchanged, and said respectfully, "Then I'll leave. You can call me if you need anything. There is a pager in the room, and the number 1 button is me."

"For the sake of your good looks, I'll remind you." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "If you want to kill me, just kill me, it's useless to pretend to be a waiter."

The pretty waitress smiled awkwardly: "I don't know what you are talking about, sir."

"Stupid is stupid." Xia Tian curled his lips: "If you really don't know what I'm talking about, you won't say this. Since you want to be a killer, you need to strengthen your basic skills. Your heartbeat betrays you. ."

The waitress's expression changed slightly, and a cold light flashed on the bottom of her palm, but it was a sharp knife, which pierced Xia Tian's chest.


pocket knife

It pierced into the heart without any block, and I could even feel the slight sound of piercing my heart.

"I got it?"

The waitress had a look of surprise on her face.

However, the next second her surprise turned into a fright, because the knife stabbed her own chest.

"Don't pull this needle out, you can still live for three minutes." Xia Xia gave the woman a needle and said lightly, "Go back and tell the people behind you that if you want to kill me, either send someone more beautiful, or Send someone more powerful, like you, you can only give it for nothing."

The waitress was pale, clutching her chest, and jumped out of the window at the end of the corridor.

"What's wrong?" Su Beibei heard the movement, put on a bathrobe, and walked over slowly.

Xia Xia smiled casually: "It's nothing, there is a waitress who seduced me, but it's not as beautiful as you, so it can't catch my eyes at all."

"You're talking nonsense again." Knowing that Xia Xia was talking nonsense, Su Beibei was still a little happy, and said to him, "Aren't you going to play in the pool?"

"You put on your swimsuit, and I'll go down." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"You can't fall in love." Su Beibei glanced at him, took off the bathrobe, and wore a one-piece swimsuit inside, and then entered the pool again.

Xia Tian's eyes lit up: "Hey, your swimsuit looks good."

"It's uncomfortable to go into the water in your underwear. I saw a swimsuit in the room just now, so I put it on." Su Beibei gave Xia Xia a look of disgust, and said sternly, "It has nothing to do with you."

Xia Xia disapproved of Su Beibei's words. As long as she could be seen wearing a swimsuit, it didn't matter what the reason was.

"I feel like someone is looking at this." Su Beibei said slowly.

"It's normal." Xia Tian raised his eyes casually and shot a few silver needles out: "However, Bei girl, only I can see your swimsuit."

After two or three seconds, a miserable humming sounded from several nearby hotels and buildings.

"Virtue." Su Beibei snorted coldly, not seeming to appreciate it.

After a while, the doorbell rang again.

"Who is it?" Su Beibei asked.

Xia Tian looked casual: "Don't bother."

Only the doorbell is still ringing.

"Forget it, I'll open the door." Su Beibei got out of the water, put on a bathrobe, walked slowly to the door, and opened the door.

Outside the door, stood two strangers, a man and a woman.

"Who are you?" Su Beibei asked.

The man and the woman looked at each other abruptly, and then said, "We belong to the Shadow Corps. We came here to report after seeing the mark left by the leader."

"Come in." Su Beibei was not surprised, since he was a member of the Shadow Corps, he was his own.

Summer is still soaking in the pool with slightly closed eyes.

The woman stepped forward slowly and said respectfully, "Erica, member of the No. 9 member of the third group of the shadow group, has seen Head Xia."

The man also said: "Sucre, the seventh member of the sixth group of the Shadow Group, has seen Head Xia!"

"How long have you been dead?" Xia Xia asked lazily.

This question was quite strange, not only the man and the woman, but even Su Beibei was stunned for a moment.

Usually they don't ask, how long have you been here.

What is dead for how long?

Are these two dead people?

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