Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2381 The Legendary Gift Package

Chapter 2381 The Legendary Gift Package

"Actually, there is another person in our alliance, whose whereabouts are currently unknown."

Zhan Musi said to Xia Xia with some worry: "He is the most hostile to you, but for some reason, he hasn't appeared since the last meeting."

"What is the origin of that person?" Isabella couldn't help asking.

"The origin is not clear." James lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the blond man who was trampled under his feet by Xia Xia: "We were all brought here by Mr. Augustus, he should know."

Xia Xia kicked the blond man to the side, and he didn't bother to tie him up. Anyway, he couldn't make much waves.

The blond man said lightly, "I don't know either, he was the one arranged by my father."

"This is strange." Isabella was a little puzzled: "You do so many things, in fact, you want to replace your father, and he still arranges people for you?"

"My father can't guess with common sense." The blond man couldn't help but sighed, "He wanted to die for a long time, but he also wanted to live forever. Over the past three hundred years, he has been creating opponents for himself, He even personally cultivated the [Tianjiao] organization to hunt him down, but in the end no one could beat him. This time the world's number one killer contest is actually just looking for someone who can kill him."

"If you want to die, it's not that complicated." Xia Xia said lazily: "Just let him come to me directly, I promise to let him die thoroughly."

The blond man looked at Xia Xia with a complicated expression: "Over the years, he has paid attention to you, and he has indirectly sent many people to test you."

"Which idiots?" Xia Tian asked casually.

"An organization called Destroyer God." The blond man said immediately: "My father sponsored this organization and obtained a lot of information about you from them. The remnants of this organization should also be in the castle."

Xia Xia was a bit impressed with this organization, but before and after entering the Secret Realm of Returning Ruins, the broken organization was almost wiped out, and the remaining remnants of the party had long since disappeared. Unexpectedly, they were hiding here.

"Exactly, this time we will pull the weeds and roots together." Xia Tian said unhappily: "This dog skin plaster is really annoying."

Isabella replied: "Don't worry, we will never let them escape this time. Our people are everywhere around Carnival Island."

"Hehe, do you know how big Carnival Island is?" The blond man said with some disdain: "Don't talk about you, even if a legion comes, it may not be able to conquer the castle. So, you need me, and I will take you from the front or the secret. Enter the castle, otherwise you will only startle the snakes."

"Then fight the grass and startle the snake." Xia Xia showed a nonchalant expression, not at all worried about the question the blond man said: "He can be a tortoise, he can take the initiative to fight with me, in short, he is dead. already."

The blond man didn't know what to say for a while, this was the first time he had seen someone like Xia Xia.

But Isabella knew what summer meant, so she said with a smile: "Husband, if you want to go meet that carnival earl for a while, then go directly, and leave the rest to us."

"Girl Bei, do you want to visit that castle?" Xia Xia turned to look at Su Beibei.

Su Beibei said lightly, "I don't want to, I'm going to go by myself."

"Okay, then I'll make a quick decision and kill that idiot directly." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "After solving the matter here, let's go back to Jianghai early, it's really meaningless here."

Having said that, Xia Xia left directly. He decided to go directly to the villa and kill the carnival earl. He really didn't care about other things.

On each island, there are intervals, linked by bridges.

At this time, it was still early before the end of the game, and the bridge to the main island of the castle had not been put down.

However, this is completely pediatric for summer.


Just when Xia Xia wanted to jump directly to the castle, a cannonball flew from somewhere, and it slammed directly.


"I'm number one now!"

On the edge of the bridge, a person emerged from the grass, and laughed loudly: "Sure enough, you can win if you stay here. As expected of me, I hid here for a long time, and I finally met a gift of points... Hey, what about people?"

"Are you looking for me?" Xia Xia suddenly appeared behind this person.

"You, how are you all right?" The man turned around and saw Xia Xia, stunned: "I clearly hit you."

Xia Tian nodded: "Yes, it was hit."

"Then how do you..." This person couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all.

"It's just a cannonball, it hits when it hits, what's the big deal." Xia Xia said lightly, "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

The man immediately knelt down to Xia Xia: "I was wrong, please let me die. I participated in this competition just to make money and go back to treat my daughter."

"Do you think I would believe this kind of bullshit?" Xia Tian curled his lips.

"It's true." The man kowtowed and begged for mercy while telling his own story: "Actually, I came from a wealthy family before, but I was tricked here by the Earl of Carnival. After that, I went bankrupt and caused my daughter to be deceived by the Earl of Carnival. turned into a monster."

Hearing this, Xia Xia felt a little interesting: "Your daughter has become a vampire?"

"How do you know?" The man's eyes showed uncertainty

Look: "Could it be that you are the one sent by the Earl of Carnival to arrest me?"

Xia Tian curled his lips: "Do you think that idiot is worthy?"

"I-I remembered, you are summer!"

This man stared at Xia Xia's face for a long time, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and immediately exclaimed: "Xia Xia, it's me, do you remember, we met before, I am the thunderstorm of the Lei family. Ah, we met twelve years ago, when I was a college student, and my brother Lei Jun had a fight with you."

"No impression." Xia Tian was too lazy to spend time recalling some insignificant characters.

"Xia Xia, I am a small person, with eyes but no eyeballs, I have offended you, I admit it." Lei Yu hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but said to Xia Xia: "But my daughter is innocent, I can save my head and save it. I will give you all the points from her, but if you have the chance, can you bring her back to Jiang Hailei's house, can you?"

"I'm not interested in your head and points." Xia Xia said lazily: "But where is your daughter, let me see."

Lei Yu immediately stood up and trotted to lead the way to Xia Tian: "Just ahead."

Just when the thunderstorm came to a hillside on the island, I saw two people guarding there with guns from a distance.

"Who are you guys, where is my daughter?" Lei Yu stared at the two men, his eyes wide open.

One of the foreign youths grinned: "You said that the eight-year-old girl is also a point. What do you think happened to her?"

"You bastards, I'm fighting with you!" Lei Yu was furious, he picked up the bazooka in his hand and aimed at these people: "Death to me!"

"Bang, bang!"

Just before he could pull the trigger, he was shot twice.

"I heard that you seem to be a killer too, but it's really too weak." The foreign youth recognized Lei Yu's identity, "On his own, nicknamed [Lei Gong], he ranks 171st in the world killer rankings, and actually has 21 points. , what a surprise."

Lei Yu covered the injured part and said to the man, "Where's my daughter?"

"Your daughter's body is a little strange, and it has some research value. She will not die for the time being." The foreign youth smiled. When we accumulated enough points, we went to the castle, and then handed it over to the Count of Carnival. It should be exchanged for more good things. thing.

Thunderstorm roared: "You are not human at all!"

"Nonsense, who do you think is a human on this island?" The foreign youth said with contempt: "You can accumulate 21 points, and you must have killed a lot of people. You can't accept it when it's your turn. It's ridiculous."

"Where is his daughter?" Xia Xia didn't care about Lei Yu's life or death, but he still wanted to save the innocent little girl, not to mention that he had never seen an infected vampire.

It was only at this time that the foreign youth discovered Xia Xia, and he subconsciously scanned it with the instrument, but the glasses showed a red question mark.

"FXXK, you have won the grand prize, this is the legendary gift package!" The foreign youth got excited, and hurriedly shouted at his companions: "Everyone, come here, there is a big gift package for points, kill him, we will make it big. rich."

In a short time, several red dots aimed at the key points of summer.

"Boy, it's an honor for you to be planted in our [Qunsha] hands." Seeing that Xia Xia didn't dare to move, the foreign youth immediately ran forward excitedly and looked at Xia Xia up and down: "It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's actually The surprise gift package that the Count of Carnival said."

Xia Xia was impatient and said directly: "I have no interest in killing you for the time being. As long as I hand over his daughter, I can spare you."

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, this is what you Chinese people say about bragging." The foreign youth said in an extremely exaggerated tone: "You're really a cow! It's a pity that you are the one who is going to die!"

The foreign youth snorted coldly, and his companion made a gun gesture.


A shot went off.

The foreign youth's brain burst instantly and fell to the ground with a bang.


"What's the situation, who fired the shot!"

The foreign youth's companion was immediately shocked and angry.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Unfortunately, the gunshots sounded again soon, and all these people were killed.

Xia Xia glanced around, and with a sudden movement, he disappeared directly. When he reappeared, there was a skinny little girl about eight years old in his arms.

"Ah, Lei Lei!" Lei Yu stood up and rushed to Xia Xia to check her daughter's condition.

"It's not dead yet." Xia Xia glanced at it and found that the little girl was actually fine except for the two bottomless cavities in her neck: "However, she has indeed turned into a monster."

Lei Yu knelt down at Xia Xia at this time: "Xia Xia, I know you are a genius doctor, save my daughter."

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