Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2382 is not impossible to save

Night falls.

The Carnival Islands, which had been lively for a day, suddenly became quiet.

Although it is still brightly lit, it is as bright as day. However, the gunshots and screams that were one after another were all gone.

Like a violent beast, it suddenly fell into a deep sleep,

Also like a harbinger of a bigger storm to come.

In the Castle of Joy, the Earl of Carnival stood on the balcony with a red wine house, overlooking other small islands in the distance.

"Lord Count, your son should have fallen into Xia Xia's hands." A thin figure stood in the shadows and said softly, "Aren't you worried about his safety at all?"

Earl Carnival said without the slightest emotion: "I am an immortal person. For me, something like a son can be regenerated at any time, and a better one can be cultivated at any time."

"Augustus isn't good enough?" the thin figure asked with a smile.

"No, he's not good at all." Earl Carnival shook his head, "He's just a test item I use to pass the time, I already have a perfect plan in my heart, if it works, then my next heir will be the master of the earth."

The thin figure couldn't help asking: "Then why don't you be the master of the earth yourself?"

"Haha." Earl Carnival turned to look at the thin figure, shook his head and said, "I don't have such great ambitions. I will only be an earl and spend the rest of my life on such a few small islands."

"You are immortal, where will the rest of your life come from?" The thin figure said doubtfully.

The Earl of Carnival took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "If I can't travel freely during the day, then I will live the rest of my life, a long rest of my life."

"So I think we should speed up the control of summer. He has a way to let you travel normally during the day." The thin figure encouraged him.

"You guys are very interesting." Count Carnival suddenly laughed, "Obviously I really want Xia's help, or ability, but you have been going against him, if you were Xia's friends, you would have already achieved your wish. Bar."

The thin figure sneered and said: "Lord Count, you are wrong, we have offered goodwill, but unfortunately it was ruthlessly trampled on by Xia Xia, and he also killed many of us, this hatred will never be resolved. Gotta go."

"Really?" The Count of Carnival asked back: "If Xia Xia solved the problem for you now and gave you immortality, would you still hate him?"

The thin figure fell into silence for a moment, and then said: "This is impossible."

"It's just that there is something wrong with your methods." Earl Carnival shook his head and said contemptuously, "It took me some time to understand Xia Xia. He is actually a gentle and kind good boy."

"Gentle, kind?" The thin figure felt that he heard a big joke: "You actually use these two words to describe summer?"

The Earl of Carnival didn't feel that he had said anything wrong, on the contrary, he said with great certainty: "Yes, and he is also a very reasonable person, and I like to be reasonable the most."

"Lord Count, I can only say that your judgment on Xia Xia is completely wrong." The thin figure immediately expressed his own understanding of Xia Xia: "Xia Xia is the most unreasonable person in this world. Impulsive, irritable, arrogant, extremely self-righteous..."

"Hey, you've been

These so-called hatreds have blinded their eyes and clouded their judgments. ” Earl of Carnival shook his head slightly disappointed: “Go, leave Carnival Island as soon as possible, otherwise, you will definitely die. "

The thin figure said lightly: "Either he died or I died, I have already prepared for this."

The Earl of Carnival drank the wine in the glass: "Not bad, it's night time, it's time for some more interesting stories."

"What does the count mean?" The thin figure hesitated.

"I cherish this kind of good night." Count Carnival smiled and pointed to several small islands in the distance: "Here, the view is the best."

The thin figure nodded: "I'll make arrangements now."


in the villa.

A little girl lay quietly on the stage, with green blood surging under her skin.

"Who is this little girl?"

Su Beibei looked at Xia Xia with a look of surprise, "How can the body turn into such a ghost?"

"You ask him."

Summer casually pointed to thunderstorms.

"Miss Su, don't you remember me?" Lei Yu said with some embarrassment: "I am Lei Yu from the Lei family, and we have met several times before."

"You are Thunderstorm?" Su Beibei's beautiful eyes became more and more amazed, and she looked up and down at Thunderstorm, "How did you become like this?"

Lei Yu now looks like a homeless man on the street, and it really doesn't match the military family of the Lei family at all.

"It's hard to say a word." Lei Yu shook his head, and then rushed to Xia Xia: "Xia Xia, no, Xia Shenyi, how is my daughter... How is it? Is there any help?"

"It's a little strange." Xia Xia had already pierced Lei Yu's daughter twice with a silver needle, but the results were not very optimistic.

Lei Yu asked eagerly: "Is there no help?"

Xia Xia dissatisfied glanced at him: "Did I say she was not saved?"

"Then please save her." Lei Yu kowtowed to Xia Xia: "I can give you anything you want."

"Do you think I would be interested in your stuff?" Xia Xia asked casually.


Yu was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing what to say, so he could only kowtow.

Su Beibei asked with some doubts: "How did your daughter get infected?"

"About ten years ago, my brother suddenly disappeared, and the family also suffered several blows, and his position in Jianghai plummeted."

Lei Yu slowly talked about some of his experiences, "Fortunately, the Lei family still has some background, the family will not fall apart directly, but they have to find their own way. I have a classmate in college who said that there is a way to go by sea, so he Then I became a company. In the first few years, I did make a lot of money…”

Xia Xia said impatiently: "We don't have time to listen to your nonsense, let's get to the point."

"Yes, yes." Lei Yu finally met Jiang Hai's old past, and he felt a little emotional for a while, and he couldn't help but talk too much, and then he said, "About two years ago, that friend of mine was going to quit the company. They said they wanted to introduce me to a better partner and said they would meet in Hawaii. But that friend threw me and my wife and daughter on this carnival island."

"It's still nonsense." Xia Xia glared at Lei Yu in dissatisfaction: "There is another nonsense, believe it or not, I will kick you to death."

"Ah, no more." The thunderstorm has passed

After simplifying his own experience, he still didn't get to the main topic for a long time. After a few seconds of pause, he continued: "It's these small islands. At night, some monsters will appear, some with red hair and some with green hair. There are hairy and white-haired ones. If you are injured by these monsters, you will be affected. Half a year ago, my wife was injured by the red-haired monster, and she turned into a red-haired monster. Lei Lei was also injured by a red-haired monster. The mutated green-haired child injured his arm, and then slowly mutated."

"Where are those monsters, take me there." Xia Xia said casually.

Lei Yu shook his head again and again: "You can't go, those monsters are too ferocious, and they appear in groups at night. I always find a dark place to hide and come out until dawn."

Xia Xia kicked the thunderstorm unhappily: "Let you lead the way, you will lead, where is so much nonsense."

"Actually, you don't need to lead the way. After a while, those monsters will be dispatched." The thunderstorm rolled a few meters away, crawled back and said, "Also, as long as there is light and sound, they will immediately rush over together."

Su Beibei frowned: "Since there are monsters on this island, why are there always rich people coming over?"

"Of course those rich people think they can't be hurt by monsters." Xia Xia said casually: "Those idiots always feel that they are the masters of destiny. The more you say there are monsters on this island, the more interested they may be. Woolen cloth."

Lei Yu nodded and confirmed Xia Xia's guess: "Actually, half of the monsters on this island are mutants of the rich. That carnival earl has been betting on human life. If he wins, he can get his blessing, and it has changed since then. Become a noble vampire, immortal. If you lose, you will have to hand over all your wealth and become that monster."

"It's really perverted." Su Beibei sneered at this: "How could such a thing happen."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "This kind of thing happens often, and that idiot has no bottom line."

"That Carnival Earl is really damn good." Su Beibei said to Xia Xia, "You must kill him, don't let him continue to harm people."

Xia Tian nodded: "It's not difficult to kill him."

"The trouble is that if you kill the Earl of Carnival, then the monsters on the island will be unstoppable." Lei Yu said worriedly: "At that time, it will definitely be smuggled to the mainland by people with intentions. The whole world would be… unimaginable.”

Su Beibei also hesitated in her beautiful eyes. After all, those monsters used to be human, and they may still be treated. They can't be killed indiscriminately because they may endanger others. The style of a certain lighthouse country.

"Can you cure her?" Su Beibei pointed to the little girl on the stage.

Xia Xia knew what Su Beibei was thinking, and said lightly, "Of course, there is no disease in the world that I can't cure."

"What about the monsters on the island that have been infected for many years?" Su Beibei asked again.

Xia Tian curled his lips: "There's no need to save those idiots."

"It's human life anyway." Su Beibei looked at Xia Xia and said, "It's not my Virgin's Heart, but I think I have to give it a try no matter what."

"It's not impossible." Xia Tian thought about it and said directly: "However, I need more samples."

With that said, he turned his head and said to Thunderstorm, "Catch more of those monsters. Whether you can save your daughter or not depends on your own performance."

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