Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2386 I played the rest when I was young

Chapter 2386 I played the rest when I was young

"What did you call me?"

The boy with glasses looked at Xia Xia coldly, "Call again if you have something."

"There's something wrong with your ears." Xia Xian yawned lazily, raised his finger and pointed at Gao Zhi opposite: "It's him who called you dwarf, not me, although you are indeed a dwarf."

The boy with glasses glanced at Gao Zhi, then turned to stare at Xia Tian: "He is so handsome, he must not be so unqualified, it must be called by you."

"Does it have anything to do with quality?" Su Beibei said speechlessly, "It's rare to judge people by their appearance."

The boy with glasses stared at Su Beibei coldly, showing a look of incomparable anger and hatred, and shouted, "Shut up, you have no right to speak here!"

"You don't need qualifications to speak. I can say what I want to say." Su Beibei sarcastically said in a cold voice, "As an unqualified person like you, you still have the qualifications to accuse others of being unqualified."

"I said you are not qualified, you are not qualified." The boy with glasses touched the frame, a sinister look flashed in his eyes, and he said proudly: "People who dare to talk to me like this usually don't live for ten minutes. "

Su Beibei didn't believe this, and retorted coldly, "Who can you scare with your ability?"

"Hmph, you've already been hit with my five wonderful poisonous gas." The boy with glasses smiled and looked at Su Beibei with sympathy: "After a few seconds, your facial features will gradually wilt, and you will be blind first. Then the mouth and teeth rot, and slowly the ears became deaf, and the hair fell out... Then the internal organs will slowly rot away, and finally become a pile of rotten meat."

This is quite an understatement, and many people in the living room showed expressions of horror.

The killers in the world do have their own skills.

But most craftsmen rely on either cold weapons or hot weapons.

The only person who kills people purely by poison gas is this boy with five poisons.

And this gang also opened a killer company, specially used to promote his murderous gas.

In the industry, most killers and brokers hate him, but they don't dare to offend him easily.

The most important reason is that this guy's poisonous gas is really hard to guard against.

"Don't you think you're a little too domineering?" Gao Zhi couldn't help but complain to Su Beibei: "This beauty didn't provoke you, did she use such vicious methods against her?"

The boy with glasses looked unhappy: "Why, are you distressed?"

"What do I feel bad for, it's not my woman." Gao Zhi was a little unhappy at the eyes of the boy with glasses, "Also, you'd better stop looking at me with such eyes, or don't blame me for digging out your eyeballs. ."

"Hehe, my eyes are here, you can try it." The boy with glasses slanted his body slightly, and put his hands on Gao Zhi's legs naturally: "Even if you want to dig my heart, I promise Don't hide."

Gao Zhi glared back angrily: "Go away, it's so disgusting."

"Hahaha." The boy with glasses was reprimanded, not only did not get angry, but smiled proudly: "I know you all look down on me and curse me to death in your heart, but you can't help me, and your life is in control In my...my eyes, why can't I see!"

The boy with glasses was pretending to be forced, and suddenly felt a little pain in his eyes, and then his vision became blurred. Soon, his mouth was rotten, his teeth fell off, and his ears were rotten and pus...

"Isn't this the symptom he just said?" someone exclaimed.

"Yes, he said to that beautiful woman."

"How did it happen to him?"

"I don't know wow, could it be that his poison gas is out of control."

"Then shall we withdraw?"


Several people in the living room felt a little bad, and they were looking at each other, planning to leave the place of right and wrong temporarily.

"Who is it that dares to use poison on me in reverse?" The boy with glasses suddenly came back to his senses, took a few pills for himself, and finally returned to normal, glaring at everyone present: "I haven't figured out who it is. Before, anyone who dared to leave would have to die."

Su Beibei glanced at Xia Xia. She knew very well that apart from him, no one else could do such a thing silently.

"It seems that your poisonous gas is not very good." Gao Zhi also laughed, not without ridicule: "It's ridiculous to be used on yourself by others in turn."

"Is it you?" The boy with glasses didn't get angry with Gao Zhi, but looked at Su Beibei viciously: "It seems that I was careless. You have some skills, but you bastard... poof!"

Before he finished speaking, he flew up, hit the wall like a cannonball, and fell to the ground again.

"It's you!" The boy with glasses finally found out at this time, staring at Xia Xia coldly: "You dare to do something to me, it seems that you are impatient."

"It's you who's impatient." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "It's none of my business what you want to do. Who told you, an idiot, to trouble Bei girl, then don't do it. Blame me for being rude."

The boy with glasses stood up slowly, a faint breath appeared from his body, and his eyes were sinister: "It seems that you haven't experienced the power of the five wonderful poisons, so you dare to talk nonsense here, then I will give you an unforgettable one for the rest of your life. The lesson, let you go to the underworld, you will not forget this breath."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Xia Xia waved his hand casually: "You five wonderful poisonous gas, it has been mine for more than 20 years.

Play the leftovers before, save it. "

"What a shame!" The boy with glasses was so angry that his lungs exploded, "You look like you're only in your twenties, so you dare to brag about this kind of bullshit. Who do you think you are, the Poison King?"

Xia Xia replied casually, "The Poison King died at the hands of my master thirty years ago."

"It's still blowing here!" The boy with glasses raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and released a billowing poisonous mist at Xia Tian: "Go to hell."

The billowing poisonous mist instantly filled the entire reception room.

The others were polite and fled immediately, even if they didn't eat this dinner, there was no need to lose their lives.

After a while, there were only Xia Xia, Su Beibei, the handsome Gao Zhi, and the boy with glasses who were still casting poison gas in the room.

"Have you finished your fart?" Xia Tian yawned lazily, "Suck it all back when you're done. Don't pollute the air and block the environmental protection cause."

The boy with glasses saw that his poisonous gas was useless, and he was immediately a little surprised: "Who the hell are you to be immune to my poisonous gas?"

"I said it earlier, your poisonous gas is what I played with when I was a child." Xia Xia looked at the boy with glasses with disdain, "You are such an idiot, what kind of baby do you think of. That's the case, you yourself Breathe it back in and enjoy it slowly."

"You... ah!" The boy with glasses wanted to say something else, but suddenly his mouth and nose were out of his control, and he immediately pumped up all his strength to suck back all the poison gas that was just released.

It's just that the poison gas he released just now was actually hidden in the poison sac lined in his clothes, and did not stain his own skin.

Now I inhale it back, but I actually used my nose and mouth, and inhaled directly into my lungs.

The boy with glasses himself is known as the Five Poison Boys, but he himself is not an invincible physique.

After only a few seconds of inhalation, his face instantly turned white, then quickly turned green, and finally rotted into a pool of stinky water stains.

"What a powerful poison gas." Gao Zhi held his breath just now, only now did he dare to speak.

Xia Xia replied casually: "This poison gas is only for pediatrics, what's so bad about it."

"I heard that your medical skills are good, but now it seems that you are not only good." Gao Zhi looked at Xia Xia with some surprise.

"Xia Xia is the best doctor in the world." Su Beibei explained for Xia Xia at this time: "This poisonous gas is indeed a pediatrician for him. If you have any incurable diseases, you can seek him for treatment, of course, provided that you have very rich."

Xia Xia laughed, looked at Su Beibei and said, "Girl Bei, when did you learn to promote me?"

"It's just a mouthful." Su Beibei replied casually.

"Well, just right, I have a little back pain recently, can it be cured?" At this time, Gao Zhi patted his waist and looked up at Xia Xia: "It's easy to talk about medical fees, I'm not short of money."

Xia Tian glanced at him, and said casually, "You are ruined, there is no cure, wait for death."

Gao Zhi was speechless for a moment, looked at Xia Xia for a while, and said, "Are you telling the truth?"

"I'm never joking." Xia Xia replied with a serious face: "Especially when seeing a doctor."

"There's no reason for that. If one waist is useless, just wait for death." Gao Zhi still didn't believe it, and subconsciously retorted: "What's more, I just have a backache, and it's not a big problem."

Xia Tian said lightly: "Believe it or not, since you think you are better at healing than me, the world's number one genius doctor, then stick to your own ideas, don't change easily, and prepare for the funeral at the same time."

Gao Zhi was speechless again: "..."

At this time, someone walked slowly from the hall to the reception room, and said with a big laugh, "Hahaha, let everyone wait for a long time... um, why are you three?"

"Who are you?" Xia Tian glanced at the person who came.

The visitor was tall, handsome, and had enviable blond hair. He looked like a beautiful man of standard and European aristocracy.

The beautiful man said lightly: "I am the Earl of Carnival, the owner of dozens of nearby islands, the organizer of this carnival, and the owner of this dinner party."

"Count Carnival, what did you want to do when you called us here?" Gao Zhi couldn't help but ask: "Is there some ulterior conspiracy?"

"Hey, don't open your mouth is a conspiracy, an attempt." Earl Carnival smiled, and then asked: "I seem to have invited about ten guests this time, why are there only three left? Who can follow me? Can you explain it?"

"To be exact, there are four left." Gao Zhi tapped the pool of blood not far away with his toes: "There is another one there, but it has become liquid."

"What do you mean?" Earl Carnival raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, "You killed all my guests?"

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