Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2387 Of course it is the elixir of immortality

Chapter 2387 Of course it is the elixir of immortality

"That idiot was poisoned by his own poisonous gas." Xia Xia replied casually: "The others were scared away and have nothing to do with us."

Earl Carnival sighed and said with a little regret: "I originally planned to gather a group of rookies in the killer world, and then think about the future and discuss some larger business, but now it seems to be impossible."

"If you have any business, just give it to us [Seven Saints]." Gao Zhi took the lead and said proudly: "There is no killer organization in the world that can surpass us."

"In front of the shadow group, you are not enough to watch." Xia Xia retorted lazily, "The so-called seven saints, it seems that you are the only one left."

Gao Zhi shook his head and said with a smile: "Those who died are just some reserve members. The Seven Saints will always be seven, neither more nor less."

"It means that there will never be a shortage of refills." Su Beibei teased with a smile.

Xia Tian also laughed: "Baby girl, what you said is really sharp."

"I only cooperate with the strongest." Earl Carnival laughed, showing an unfathomable expression: "The two of you who have the most recent limelight are indeed the two of you."

"The Shadow Troupe is a thing of the past." Gao Zhi emphasized proudly: "Even if he goes out in person in the summer and wins two big votes, he will not be able to restore the general trend."

Xia Xia was too lazy to think about those who didn't, and said directly: "Don't talk so much nonsense, whoever wins in the end is the strongest."

"That's enough." Gao Zhi agreed with the statement at this time: "Anyway, there is still some time, we might as well wait and see if it is your shadow group or our Seven Saints who will win in the end."

Earl Carnival also found it interesting, and smiled lightly: "That's okay, it's still early, you can wait."

"There's no need to wait." Xia Xia felt a little bored, "I'll just kill the two of you."

"Huh?" With a look of astonishment on his face, Earl Carnival looked at Xia Xia strangely: "Mr. Xia, what do you mean by that?"

"Do you think your acting skills are good?" Xia Xia said with contempt: "I might as well tell you that no one in the world can deceive my eyes."

Earl Carnival raised his eyebrows slightly: "I don't know what you're talking about. I have to reiterate, this is my castle. If you want to be safe, you'd better follow my rules."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I always only follow my own rules, what are you?"

"It seems that you don't plan to leave Carnival Island alive?" Count Carnival's eyes filled with murderous intent, the whole room seemed to be chilled, and even a few mirrors shattered instantly, turning into a piece of ice. .

"That's all?" Xia Xia became more and more contemptuous: "Then don't be ashamed, just let the righteous master come out."

Gao Zhi couldn't help but ask when he heard the meaning of Xia Xia's words: "What do you mean, this person is not the Earl of Carnival?"

"Do you think he is?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"Huh?" At this time, Gao Zhi seriously looked at the carnival earl in front of him, "It seems that something is not right."

Earl Carnival felt that he had been greatly insulted, and said coldly: "You dare to question this earl, you are really bold, if you don't teach you a lesson, you really think this earl is weak."

"Then hurry up." Xia Xia smiled, "Just let me see what tricks you have."

"Country Field Blood Bat Carnival!"

The Count of Carnival was really angry, and his entire popularity was deformed.

The body suddenly grew more than ten meters high, and the clothes instantly turned into a huge cloak, almost covering the entire castle like a dark night.

Immediately, countless fine whistles sounded.

"Blood bat?" Gao Zhi's face showed a dignified expression.

Sure enough, under the bloody fog-like night, countless bats flew towards them in a black way.

"Bei Xiaotou, be careful, don't get stained with these things." Xia Xia reminded Su Beibei casually.

Su Beibei's eyes narrowed, and she asked solemnly, "Are these bats very powerful?"

"It's not bad, it will break when you hit it." Xia Xia shook his head casually, "But it's very smelly, and it's not easy to clean. If you get it, it probably takes me three days and three nights to wash it for you. Although I am very happy, I am afraid you will be impatient."

Su Beibei was speechless for a moment.

However, Xia Tian's words really made her be careful.

She is indeed a person who loves cleanliness. Although she may not necessarily reach the level of cleanliness, it is better not to be stained.

"Come on!" Su Beibei stared at the bats flying over.

"Girl Bei, don't get involved. Stand behind me." Although Xia Xian teased Su Beibei just now, it's really coming, and he doesn't want these messy things to touch her.

Su Beibei was not hypocritical, and stood directly behind Xia Xia, but still remained very vigilant.

"It's really playing the piano!" Gao Zhi's face changed, he suddenly took out a sword from his arms, raised his hand and picked dozens of sword flowers to meet the bats.

Xia Tian didn't do anything special, just took out a silver needle and tapped it in the direction where the bats flew.

An invisible barrier that directly removes all those bats


"How do you feel?" Earl Carnival's smile fell from the air, "This is just an appetizer, I just want to tell you that in this castle, on these islands, I am the only ruler, and no one can against me."

Xia Tian didn't feel anything at all, and yawned: "That's it, is there anything more exciting?"

"If you don't stop, don't blame me for being rude." Gao Zhi was a little impatient, the sword in his hand was stained with foul-smelling blood, and said to Earl Carnival: "Believe it or not, I cut off your dog's head with one sword. !"

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, this earl will not do anything to you." Earl Carnival laughed wildly: "And there are still several businesses to be entrusted to you to ensure that you can earn unimaginable money."

Gao Zhi suddenly threw the sword in his hand on the ground: "It's not shabby to make money."


It was a single shot in the summer, killing all those bats and blowing them into a pool of black blood.

However, these black blood, like spirituality, gathered together again and slowly flowed into the gap under the floor.

"It would have been better if it had been this way." Earl Carnival suppressed many illusions, sat back on the main seat again, and said with a smile: "Actually, I'm doing this killer competition to find a killer king who can replace him. I'm going to kill someone. Now, I've seen the skills of the two, and it's really hard to tell the difference, so I simply let you both do it together, and whoever succeeds will give the money."

Gao Zhi said indifferently, "Let's talk about how much."

"This is an astronomical figure." Earl Carnival grinned, and said proudly: "It's enough for you to buy a hundred such islands overseas, and the whole family, young and old, can spend eight lifetimes, and there is one unimaginable item. Ultimate benefit."

"You can afford this kind of price?" Gao Zhi was a little unconvinced.

Earl Carnival smiled and said lightly, "Of course I can't afford it, but I have this way."

"Lord Count, who are you going to kill?" Gao Zhi asked cautiously.

Earl Carnival didn't give a shit, and said directly, "Have you heard of [Tiangong]?"

Hearing the name in the summer, he was a little interested, but did not interrupt, waiting for the earl to continue.

Su Beibei has also heard of this organization, after all, he has already dealt with people from this organization.

"Heavenly Palace?" Gao Zhi's pupils shrank, showing a look of fear: "You don't want to kill the Lord of Heavenly Palace, right?"

"Yes, I just want to kill her." Earl Carnival smiled, "It can be said that as long as the palace master of Tiangong dies, I have a way to get more than 60% of the wealth in Tiangong, and then I can talk to you guys. Three to seven."

Gao Zhi frowned: "Why only 70%?"

"Seventy percent is mine." Earl Carnival snorted coldly, "You are thirty percent, but it's enough for you to enjoy in eight lifetimes."

Gao Zhi sneered: "You really have a good calculus. The Palace Master of Tiangong is absolutely extraordinary. If you want to kill her, you will have to pay a very heavy price. You only want to give us 30%. You are really stingy. I am not afraid Are we sneaking a whistleblower?"

"This earl has already said it." Earl Carnival is indeed not worried about this problem at all: "Carnival Island, that is the domain of this earl. Without my permission, it is impossible for anyone to leave safely."

"Are you threatening us?" Gao Zhi slowly stood up and said to Xia Tian, ​​"Do you think he can agree to this condition?"

Xia Tian yawned lazily: "A fool would agree."

"You heard it." Gao Zhi looked at Earl Carnival coldly, and said disdainfully: "You broken islands may be able to trap others, but it is absolutely impossible to trap me, because I am the Seven Saints, and even more so. [The Temple of Longevity]."

The Earl of Carnival laughed, summoned a glass of red wine, and handed it to Gao Zhi: "Don't worry, why are you so angry. After all, are you really not interested?"

"Be tempted?" Gao Zhi said coldly, "In the Heavenly Palace, the Four Heavenly Kings alone seem to be enough for us to drink a pot."

"Then don't worry, the so-called Four Heavenly Kings, there is only one left who can really fight." Earl Carnival said lightly: "And for some unknown reason, the body of the Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace is also at its weakest. , now is the perfect time to kill her."

Xia Xia didn't worry at all, because those heavenly kings seemed to be killed by him.

"As long as the Tiangong Palace Master dies." Earl Carnival said lightly: "At that time, the only remaining Heavenly King will not be afraid. How much wealth can be distributed depends on how much we can move."

"Wait, what do you mean by extra surprise?"

"Of course it's the elixir of immortality."

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