Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2388 This answer is wrong

Chapter 2388 This answer is wrong

"You are not a vampire, you are immortal."

Su Beibei said curiously.

"I'm just immortal, not dead." Earl Carnival said with a little dissatisfaction, "I don't even count as immortality, because I have to suck blood from time to time to keep myself young, and there is also a person who can't travel during the day. Debuff."

"Is the immortality medicine you said really exists?" Gao Zhi was interested, staring at Count Carnival without blinking.

Earl Carnival sneered and asked: "Of course it exists, otherwise, how did the archangel in the Temple of Longevity survive until now?"

With an unnatural look on Gao Zhi's face, he immediately changed the subject: "Heavenly Palace is a behemoth, are you sure you only need one of the world's top killers to kill the Heavenly Palace Palace Master?"

"I have my own way." Earl Carnival glanced at Gao Zhi and Xia Xia, "The question now is, are you two willing to listen to my command and do this vote. If you do it, you won't be able to enjoy the glory and wealth, and you will not be able to enjoy it. You can live forever. If you don't do it, it must be one word - death."

Gao Zhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"I'm not interested." Xia Xia's return was quite straightforward, after all, nothing was attractive to him about prosperity, wealth and immortality: "I'm here to kill that Carnival Earl, you can just call him out and die. "

Earl Carnival sneered, pointed at Xia Xia and said, "It seems that you don't plan to cooperate. If so, then you have no value in living."

"You don't have the value of living." Xia Xia couldn't help sighing: "Being a stand-in, you feel a sense of accomplishment. You are not even a vampire, let alone immortality, your life is actually a few days away. ."

"Fart!" The Carnival Earl was immediately furious, and with a wave of his cloak, it was a dense number of blood bats, rushing towards the summer: "Death to this earl!"

Xia Xia shook his head contemptuously, raised his hand gently and swept the bats into a pile of broken afterimages.

"Huh? Let's see how much you can block!" Count Carnival froze for a moment, then waved his cloak, wanting to release more bats.

Su Beibei kicked Count Carnival away with one foot, and then stepped on the cloak's solution: "I can also see that you are not a vampire, but a magician."


With a crisp sound, the cloak worn by Earl Carnival was torn in an instant, revealing the layers of pipes inside, which were filled with red blood.

The blood is sprayed out through the pipe, and it will turn into a blood bat, but the survival time is limited, and it can only be used to scare people.

"Wait for me!" After Earl Carnival lost his cloak, his expression changed, and he immediately turned around and fled into the castle.

Gao Zhi was already trembling with anger at this time, and stepped on the carnival count on the ground: "I was deceived by this clown, it's a shame, do you think you can escape?"

"Don't, don't kill it." At this time, Earl Carnival confessed and said quickly: "Although I'm just a stand-in, what I said just now is what Lord Earl asked me to tell you. If you have shown up, I will convey anything you say, and if you kill me, you will lose the channel to communicate with the Count."

"Death to me!" Gao Zhi was so embarrassed that he couldn't listen to any explanation at all, and slashed the impostor's throat with a sword.

Su Beibei felt that it was a pity to kill like this: "Just kill like this?"

"Kill and kill, what's the matter?" Gao Zhi looked at Su Beibei unhappily: "Do you have an opinion?"

"It's a bit of an opinion, and I even suspect that I'm killing people." Su Beibei said lightly: "Are you the one who is behind the Queen Mother?"

Xia Xia smiled and said to Su Beibei: "Bei girl, you have learned to answer quickly, but this answer is wrong."

"Then what should we do now?" Su Beibei glanced at the dead fake, and said strangely, "What the hell does the carnival earl want to do?"

"This is actually a good guess." Gao Zhi said slowly at this time: "This impostor has already said that the broken earl has not shown up for more than 100 years, and he is just a tool to spread the word... Look at these messy monsters on the island, in fact, the promise is ready to come out."

"Shut your head up and speak human words." Su Beibei couldn't help but glared at the man. It's okay to talk like this in Xia Tian so often, and you're here to play this trick.

Gao Zhi was speechless for a while, he really didn't know, he just wanted to pretend.

"That Carnival Earl is estimated to have had a physical problem more than a hundred years ago." Xia Xia spoke slowly at this time and said with a smile: "So he kept lying to him and experimented on him. However, his medical skills are definitely not good. It took nearly a hundred years to create these monsters. Now it is estimated that it is almost reaching its limit, so this is the reason for this kind of delusional operation. "

"I really lost my mind." Su Beibei couldn't figure it out: "I have a problem with my body, so I should seek a doctor. What kind of killer should I look for if my brain is sick?"

"That means that his physical condition cannot be solved by a doctor." Gao Zhi expressed his guess at this time, "The only thing that can save him is Tiangong's elixir of immortality, but this kind of treasure, Tiangong Palace Master Will definitely take it with me."

Su Beibei shook his head, still incomprehensible: "This carnival count is really sick."

"He's sick, but it's ridiculous that he wants to use us as tools." Gao Zhi's face became colder, and he said to Xia Tian, ​​"Aren't you angry, why don't you grab his real body together?

come out. "

Xia Xia asked with a smile, "What about after you find it out?"

"Of course I want enough benefits." Gao Zhi said indignantly: "I have spent so much time and energy, and so many people have died. If I can't make up for the loss, there is no shame in going back."

"Do you have the face to go back, I don't know." Xia Xia yawned lazily: "But it's very likely that you didn't have the life to go back."

Gao Zhi looked at Xia Xia defensively: "What do you mean?"

"Don't forget, the reason why I came to this bad place is the provocation from your seven saints." Xia Xia replied casually: "If I don't kill you idiots, how can I explain to the wife of the senior sister and the wife of the killer."

"If you want to kill, kill, I just want to compete with you." Gao Zhi didn't hesitate, and said directly: "But now is not the time, so let's finish this dog carnival count."

Su Beibei couldn't help thinking of something, and said, "Since Earl Carnival hasn't shown up for nearly a hundred years, how can he guarantee that this fake will do exactly what he says?"

"Unless..." Gao Zhi looked around with his eyes: "There is his eyeliner in every corner of the castle."

Xia Xia said lightly: "It is also possible that the Earl of Carnival is this castle."

"Huh?" Gao Zhi froze, his eyes full of astonishment.

At this time, the entire castle suddenly moved.

It was neither the kind of vibration when the earthquake came, nor the kind of shaking pushed by the mechanism, but a kind of twisting like a living creature.

A castle, as if alive, moved.

At night, the castle turned into an indescribable monster.

Gao Zhi jumped up in fright, feeling as if he was about to be swallowed by a monster, and immediately stood up, trying to escape this broken place.

As a result, as soon as he took off in the air, two walls flew up, directly blocking his way, and shooting him into a bottomless pit.

"Girl Bei, don't move." Xia Xia put his arms around Su Beibei, "see what the hell it wants to do."

Xia Xia is definitely not afraid, but thinks that the castle is a bit interesting, and I just want to meet the carnival earl and see what tricks he can play. Who makes this island so boring.

This change happened not only in the castle, but also in a dozen nearby islands.

In the end, everyone on the island, as well as creatures, were engulfed by a huge pothole.

After a while, the carnival island was silent. Except for the bright lights, there was no anger at all, as if no one had ever existed.


Xia Tian held Su Beibei in his arms and sat on the sofa with a ruthless expression on his face, letting the floor move around in the castle, and finally stopped in a room surrounded by mirrors.

"Hey, are you here too?" Su Beibei looked up and saw a few acquaintances in the room.

"It looks like you guys had a good time." Isabella glanced at Su Beibei and Xia Tian, ​​"I've been working hard all the time."

Xia Xia smiled: "Killer wife, you can't lie to me, you have been playing obviously."

"What place is this?" Xu Jiaona touched her head and said in a panic, "Could it be that we were eaten by those monsters?"

"You think too much." Su Beibei said lightly: "This should be the secret room under the island, the ghost of that carnival earl."

Isabella nodded: "Almost. There have always been rumors that some people are doing human experiments on Carnival Island, but he is alone overseas, and he has frequent contacts with rich people. Basically, no one wants to interfere in such insignificant things. ."

"Who said that, we Tianjiao have long wanted to investigate." Xu Jiaona said dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, then do you know that Tianjiao was established with donations from this Carnival Earl." Isabella said with a smile.

Xu Jiaona couldn't accept it at all: "Impossible."

"It's normal if you don't accept it." Isabella waved her hand with a smile, and didn't continue to hit her, "However, since we're here, it's estimated that we'll be able to see the deity of Earl Carnival soon."

Xu Jiaona said with some distress, "I haven't found my cousin yet."

"Then go ahead and look for it." Isabella reminded: "It should be near here, but you have to be careful, who knows what moths are in the ground."

At this time, a blinding light suddenly lit up in the room, and then a rather vicissitudes of life sounded:

"Guests, how are you, welcome to my underground paradise. Because of some accidents, the game directly enters the final stage..."

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