Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2389 then send him to the west

Chapter 2389 then send him to the west

"This voice will kill you soon."

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Just what game do you want to play, isn't it good to leave some time to explain your last words?"

The vicissitudes of life was still chattering about something, Xia Xian was a little annoyed, and punched the wall directly: "Okay, shut up and show me what it is."

This punch is powerful.

The wall was cracked inch by inch, and it fell to the ground.

Strange red vines in the wall were exposed, like blood vessels.

After those vines were shattered, thick blood actually spattered.

"Ah—" A scream came from deep in the ground.

"Very good, it looks like you're hiding underneath." Xia Xia grinned, and then another punch hit the ground heavily.

The ground collapsed and everyone fell.

However, it didn't fall very deep, about ten meters to the end.

The ground exudes a strange smell, and the ground is full of vines that are intertwined. The strange thing is that the end of each vine is connected to a head that is almost a skeleton.

Su Beibei frowned: "It's disgusting here."

"It seems that this is the true face of the so-called Earl of Vampires." Isabella resisted the nausea and clapped her hands, only to see blazing lights all around, but it was the members of the Shadow Corps who turned on the searchlights they carried with them. : "Everyone be careful, these vines are definitely not simple, if there is any change, they will be directly burned with fire."

Fortunately, those vines were only twisting slowly, and there was no major change.

"Well, it's over." Isabella's eyes fell not far away, the giant tree that was dozens of meters high.

There are countless corpses piled up on the giant tree, only the one head that grows in the center and the highest part, still maintains the luster and color of a living person, obviously this strange tree itself is no different.

"You mortals dare to disobey this earl's orders, and even trespass into forbidden areas, all of you will die!" The head suddenly became very excited, and his voice was quite vicissitudes, "If that's the case, then give me nourishment. ."

Isabella shone the lamp in her hand and asked playfully, "Are you the Earl of Carnival?"

"This is not a place for you to come, get out." The vicissitudes of life seemed not used to being surrounded by people, and immediately shouted angrily: "Go back to the island, and then play the game set for you by the earl. , the winner will be rewarded..."

"The loser, is it like these people, become your nourishment?" Isabella pointed to the corpse wrapped around the giant tree, "No wonder many people go missing on Carnival Island every year, it turned out to be caught Here, become a tool to supply your blood."

Su Beibei also understood, and said coldly, "The so-called game is only a superficial explanation for the missing persons. It's just that so many people are missing and no one has come to investigate, which is strange."

"It may not be that no one has come to investigate." Isabella understood some of the key points. "It's the wealth that moves people's hearts. What this Carnival Earl wants is not money, but a steady stream of people, so as long as the money is handed over, Naturally, someone will cover up for him, or even help the tyrant."

Su Beibei looked around and felt her scalp numb: "How many people did this kill? It's a hell on earth."

"Help, help!"

At this time, a faint cry for help suddenly came from the giant tree.

"Shut up!" Earl Carnival's expression changed, and he immediately scolded: "You have become part of this Earl's body. Let's go to immortality together. What's wrong, why ask for help!"

Isabella's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw the difference, and said to Xia Tian: "Husband, you may need to take action. Behind those skeletons, there should be people alive."

"No problem." Xia Tian nodded, "I'm disgusted looking at this idiot."

"Don't mess around!" The Carnival Earl was a little angry, and solemnly warned: "The entire Carnival Island and this Earl are one, if you mess up, then everyone will drown in the ocean! "

Isabella directly cut off the nearby blood vines with one knife, and said coldly: "Hehe, don't come here, you are not one at all, as long as you are stripped away, these islands can also recover their freedom, except you, no one will die."

"Presumptuous!" Earl Carnival was really in a hurry at this moment, and immediately drove the blood vines of everyone underground to attack Xia Xia and others.

"Be quiet for me!" Xia Tian got a little impatient and punched him out.


A heavy punch slammed into the root of the giant tree.

Countless heads were shaken and splattered, and the blood vines that were flying everywhere involuntarily made a miserable tremor.

"Do not!"

The Earl of Carnival is powerless at this moment, and can only roar loudly: "Stop, we can make a deal, as long as you let me go, this Earl can give you all the wealth accumulated over the centuries."

"Kill you, nothing on this island is not ours." Isabella said mockingly: "You don't need your consent at all."

Earl Carnival said hysterically: "Why do you do such a thing, isn't it good to cooperate with Earl to achieve a win-win situation?"

"No one is interested in discussing cooperation with a monster." Su Beibei said coldly: "Monsters like you should be eliminated as soon as possible, lest more innocent people die at your hands."


innocent? When Earl Carnival heard this, he couldn't help sneering: "How can there be innocent people who come to Carnival Island, either full of greed and desperadoes trying to get rich overnight, or they treat human life like a mustard and take human life for fun. The perverted rich man... and you killer brokers who profit from it... It's ridiculous what you said to this count of being innocent. They become the parts and nourishment of this Earl. As long as I live forever, they will also enjoy longevity! "

"It's a fart." Su Beibei retorted coldly: "These people may be greedy, they may be perverted, and they may not deserve sympathy... But their lives are not taken away by you! You want to be a god, and you want to live forever. , then you have done it yourself, why use other people's lives as a stepping stone?"

Earl Carnival completely dismissed Su Beibei's words: "If you live forever, of course you have to pay a price. It's normal for some people to die."

"Baby girl, why are you talking to an idiot?" Xia Xia pouted and said lazily, "Idiots can't understand human words, so just send him to the West."

Earl Carnival coldly retorted: "After talking for a long time, don't you also ignore other people's lives, what qualifications do you have to say about me!"

"Just say you, you don't need qualifications." Xia Xia looked at Count Carnival with a smile: "Yes, now I will ignore your life, do you have any opinion?"

The Carnival Earl was speechless for a moment.

"Don't talk nonsense with him." At this time, Isabella had rescued the living person trapped in the giant tree, and said to Xia Xia casually: "Just kill it."

Not long ago, Isabella walked up to the giant tree just now, and after cleaning up a few vines and corpses blocking the way, she immediately cut a gap with the members of the Shadow Corps.

Through that gap, she saw at least dozens of young girls trapped in it.

These girls were all entangled by fine vines, and even some fine vines were forced into their blood vessels, absorbing their blood.

"Quick, save us." One of the girls was Xu Jiaona's cousin, Xu Xiaojun.

She rarely stayed awake, and from time to time encouraged some of her companions who had given up, but fortunately, she finally came to the rescuer.

"Everyone come out one by one, don't worry, don't be nervous!" Isabella jumped into the gap, immediately burned the vines with fire, and rescued the girls one by one.

The people of the shadow group also joined the rescue, and soon these girls were rescued.

However, Isabella saw that there were other people under these girls. If she wanted to save it, she had to cut down the giant tree first, that is to say, she had to kill the person who controlled the strange tree first. Earl of Carnival.

"Okay, then send him to the West." Xia Tian nodded.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Earl Carnival felt a huge threat, and immediately fell into a frenzy. The entire giant tree shook violently, and the huge body slammed down at Xia Xia and others.

It's a pity that this move is invalid for summer.

"If you want to die, you will die obediently. You have to do these useless resistances." Xia Xia shook his head and punched him abruptly.


With a loud bang, I saw that the giant tree was blasted out a huge hole in an instant.

Earl Carnival let out a shrill scream and roared unwillingly: "If this is the case, then everyone will die together!"

Suddenly, I saw that the giant tree shrank sharply, and then I saw fine cracks cracked around it, and the sea water immediately seeped in.

"Do you think this will be useful?" Xia Tian curled his lips, took out the Dinghaishen needle, and used the outer needle of the needle, "Make it for me!"

In the direction of the needle tip, spiritual energy spews.

One after another invisible air walls, centered on summer, slowly pushed out.

In just a few seconds, those cracks were blocked.

"This, how is this possible!" Earl Carnival's eyes were about to pop out: "How can people compete with heaven and earth, do you master the power of the law? This is even more impossible!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Xia Xia didn't bother to talk nonsense any more, so she stepped forward and grabbed Earl Carnival's throat in the air, "Go to hell."

Earl Carnival felt the approach of death, and still struggled: "Actually, I know a great secret. As long as you save my life, I can sue... ah!"

"Tell you, I'm not interested in hearing any secrets." Xia Xia directly squeezed the head of the Carnival Earl.

The next second, the giant tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a pool of blood.

And those who were controlled by the giant tree also got rid of the control and gained new life.

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