Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2396 You must be going to die

Chapter 2396 You must be going to die


The door of the most central office of the Dragon Palace Laboratory was kicked open.

Several sea patrol yaksas and guards in armor all flew in and rolled to the ground.

"Who is the boss here?" Isabella and Su Beibei rushed in neatly, glanced at the people in the room, and asked lightly.

Kong Shuixiang took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to her, and sneaked into other parts of the base in order to rescue other people who were caught as experiments.

In the huge laboratory, there were not many people at this time, and the previous Dragon King was nowhere to be seen, but the blond secretary was still there.

"It's really two ignorant mice." The blonde female secretary said coldly, "You are not qualified to see Lord Dragon King."

"Looking at you, you don't look like the boss. At most, you're a secretary." Isabella glanced at the blond female secretary, then waved her hand: "Then you should step back, there's nothing to do with you here."

Su Beibei said lightly; "It may also be the concubine of the boss here, so he speaks so aggressively."

"You two really have no education at all." The blonde female secretary crossed her arms and looked coldly at Isabella and Su Beibei who came in, with contempt in her eyes: "Open the door with kindness and kindness. Please, you ended up breaking in so recklessly."

"Nurture, that's for people to show." Su Beibei didn't want to do this, and retorted coldly: "Beasts like you who use people as experiments are not worthy to talk about education."

Isabella smiled and nodded: "Well said."

"It's really shameless!" The blonde female secretary's pupils shrank slightly, and she didn't bother to say anything polite, "I originally wanted to invite you to be our guests in the Dragon Palace, but unfortunately you don't know how to praise, so let you become prisoners. "

"After talking so much, it's not to fight." Su Beibei curled his lips: "It's okay if it's so early."

Isabella laughed and said to Su Beibei: "Babe, you don't know, the less human things are, the more they like to pretend and act like people."

"You brought this on your own." The blonde female secretary was about to explode when she heard the cynicism of the two. "The guards, are they all dead? Come in quickly and arrest them!"

"Stop screaming." Su Beibei chuckled lightly: "The guards outside have been settled by us. If you scream, no one will come in."

"Hmph, you are too self-righteous!" The blond female secretary was obviously provoked by Isabella's words, and immediately shouted: "Qianlinwei, dispatch, take these two women to me!"

With her loud shout, she saw seven or eight round holes suddenly appear in the ground, and then seven or eight round cabins rose up.

Standing in these round cabins is a man of the size of a horse. At first glance, you can tell that they must have been modified, because their muscles are really not as strong as humans, and their skins are covered with fine scales.

"It's a bit like the big man with black scales before." Su Beibei looked at the transformed people who came out of the round cabin, "It's just that there are more scales on his body, and he looks terrified."

Isabella reminded: "It should be a higher-level experiment, you should be careful."

"Haha, that's natural." The blond female mysterious god snorted coldly: "That's just a hundred scale guards patrolling the sea, this is a thousand scale guards, the power they have is a hundred times that of ordinary humans, you guys Not an opponent at all."

"One hundred times?" Isabella froze for a moment, with an unexpected look on her face.

The blond female secretary showed a proud look on her face: "How about it, be afraid!"

"It's not." The expression on Isabella's face immediately turned into contempt. "There's nothing to be afraid of when it's only a hundred times more, it's no different from trash."

"You!" The blond female secretary was so angry that her lungs would explode, she shouted at the seven or eight Qianlin guards: "Beat these two bitches for me, just don't kill them."

Those big men covered in scales immediately rushed out of the round cabin, and their probes grabbed Isabella and Su Beibei.

"Go away!"

Su Beibei looked unhappy, raised his leg and swept away, directly kicking the so-called Qianlin Guards several meters away and slammed heavily on the wall.

"This, how is this possible!" The blonde female secretary's eyes widened, her eyeballs almost falling out, "That's Qianlinwei, not only was injected with super serum, but also the genes of sharks, whales and other marine creatures, why? Maybe it will be knocked down by the two of you women?"

Isabella didn't give any face, and in three or two strokes, the remaining Qianlin Guards were abolished.

"Is there anything more powerful? It's just this combat power, it's not fun." Isabella jumped to the blonde female secretary with a relaxed face, "Your laboratory has existed for many years, there should be trump cards or something, Let it out for me to see."

The blonde female secretary felt that her majesty was being provoked, and stared at Isabella coldly: "Don't be too complacent, before you anger me and the Dragon King behind me, it's best to remain humble, otherwise you guys should be humble. I'll regret it... uh!"


Before she could finish speaking, she was slapped by Su Beibei on the face.

The slap was so heavy that half of the blond secretary's face was swollen, and she lost two teeth.

"Speak human words, otherwise you will regret it too late." Su Beibei greeted the other party's resentful eyes and warned lightly.

Isabella said with a smile: "It's all this, and I'm still fighting for your dragon king.

Cover, it's totally unnecessary, do you see him taking care of your life or death? "

"Don't try to quarrel, I don't do this." The blonde female secretary said with gloomy eyes, "It is the honor of my life to be able to die for Lord Dragon King. Since I can't stop you, then I will die with you. !"

As she said that, she saw two large bags suddenly bulge out of the blonde female secretary's chest, and at the same time a dazzling light lit up.


With a loud bang, before Isabella and Su Beibei could react, the entire office was instantly embraced by this beam of light, and the next second, it exploded and turned into dust.


The entire Ryugu base quickly abandoned this office, allowing the debris to fall into the deeper waters, becoming a relic that may never be discovered.

At this time, in another command room of the Dragon Palace, the middle-aged man known as the Dragon King drank red wine with a little pity, shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity."

I just don't know if it's a pity that he lost an obedient blonde female secretary, or it's a pity that he lost two big beauties to become his top experiments.

However, some people didn't like his sigh, so they asked directly: "What's the pity?"

"Huh? You...are not dead?" The Dragon King was startled, turned his head and saw the two women who had died in the deep sea with the office.

Isabella said with a smile: "How could an explosion of that magnitude hurt us?"

"It still has a big impact on me." Su Beibei casually tied the loose hair in a knot and said unhappily.

The Dragon King finally felt that something was wrong, and asked directly: "Who are you? Which organization are you from? Which chaebol?"

"Why, inquiring about this, do you want to take the upper-level route and buy our boss?" Isabella felt a little funny.

Su Beibei thought about Xia Tian's virtue, so he said, "I guess it can't be bought."

"Everything is easy to discuss." Although the Dragon King was a little surprised, he didn't panic, and immediately put forward conditions: "Speak directly, what you want, as long as it is not too much, I can agree, wealth, fame and fortune... or not what?"

Isabella said curiously: "Your tone is really not small, are you really afraid that we lions will open their mouths and raise a price that you can't pay?"

"Money, I have it." The Dragon King said with disdain and arrogance: "How much money do you want, even if you say it, it is guaranteed that you will not spend it in your 18 lifetimes."

Su Beibei also felt that this person was too angry, so he said coldly, "Then I'm a little curious, how much money do you have?"

"I will have as much as you want." The Dragon King didn't mean to be outrageous at all, and said directly: "I can transfer one trillion US dollars to each of you's account now as a gift, how about it, is it sincere enough? "

"It's one trillion dollars?" Su Beibei was also a little surprised, "Who do you think you are, the bank of the Lighthouse Country is opened by your family?"

Isabella thought about things a step further, and then said: "Money, we want it. But what we want more is to cooperate with the forces behind you."

"I don't have any power behind me." The Dragon King turned his eyes and said lightly: "What I have brought out is the wealth that I have accumulated over the past two hundred years. I just want to make friends with the two, that's all."

"For more than two hundred years, it seems that you are immortal too." Su Beibei pouted.

"How about it, as long as you accept the money, everything is easy to talk about." The Dragon King continued with a smile and said, "We didn't have any grudges at all, so why don't we turn our battles into jade and silk?"

At this time, a lazy voice sounded in the command room: "It's not very good, you idiot is definitely going to die!"

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my command room!" The Dragon King looked at Xia Tian who suddenly appeared, "Wait, you are... Xia Tian? You are here! Could it be that..."

Xia Xia looked up at the Dragon King, and felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he was not too impressed. After all, he had beaten too many idiots, and he had no time or interest to remember.

"Okay, okay. Since it's you, it's easy to handle." The Dragon King immediately took out a remote control from his arms and said, "Today is your day of death, let you see and see, my two hundred years of hard work, come out, black. Scale Divine Dragon!"

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