Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2397 Say hello in the past


Deep in the ocean.

The place where the endless lacquer was dark was suddenly startled by layers of undercurrents.

It seems that some ancient huge creature is slowly awakening, and a surging and indescribable strange breath also instantly permeates the sea.

The Dragon Palace base on the bottom of the sea also trembled violently, and it felt a little shaky.

Not long after, an incomparably huge body appeared in the sky above the Dragon Palace base. Those eyes alone were almost as big as the entire base.

There was an overwhelming sense of oppression in the twinkling eyes.

The figure just snorted twice, almost blowing the entire base up.

The other researchers in the base, as well as the guards, panicked and decided to evacuate.

Kong Shuixiang took this opportunity to save many people locked in the experimental cabin.

In the command room, Xia Xia looked very interested, just wanting to see what this so-called dragon looks like. Is it fun?

Although Isabella and Su Beibei were not very interested, there was no fear on their faces. This made the Dragon King feel a little bit of a loss, so he forced himself to say: "Hehe, scared! I might as well tell you that this black-scaled dragon is a behemoth that you can never imagine, with a body length of 200 meters. , all over

They are all covered with black scales and are equipped with sharp steel claws. Whether it is an aircraft carrier or a submarine, it can be easily torn apart, as simple as cutting a steak with a knife and fork. "

"Listen, how do you feel?" Isabella asked Su Beibei with a smile.

Su Beibei replied calmly: "I just want to eat steak, I don't feel anything else." "You really don't shed tears without seeing the coffin, don't die if you don't die, don't die if you don't die, don't throw eagles if you don't see rabbits..." The Dragon King was a little bit In a hurry, he raised the remote control in his hand and shouted: "As long as I press this button lightly, you will be torn to shreds by the dragon,

Buried in the sea and become food in the belly of deep-sea fish. "

Xia Xia said with a smile: "Then press it quickly, I can't wait." "Sure enough, I'm crazy, so I'll give you a little taste first." The Dragon King first pressed a certain button on his clothes. A button, and soon put on a special diving suit that can survive in the deep sea, and then pressed the hand

in the remote control.

The huge figure standing outside the Dragon Palace base suddenly opened his mouth and roared.


The sound was extremely sharp, like a sharp sword, and it shook the entire Dragon Palace to pieces in an instant.

Most of the guarded scientific researchers in the base have been transferred to the escaped submarines, and they have also brought more important advanced experimental subjects.

As for the ordinary experimental objects that are still locked in the experimental cabin, they don't care. Anyway, there are people and animals everywhere. As long as the data is preserved, the ordinary experimental objects can be found at that time.

The Dragon King obviously had the same idea. Since Xia Xia had found this place, the base would definitely not be able to be preserved. It would be better to abandon the car and protect the coach and evacuate first.

Of course, if you can kill Xia Xia on the spot, it will be a great achievement, and the big guys behind the scenes will definitely be very happy.

Just not waiting for the Dragon King to secretly rejoice for a while, Xia Xia suddenly appeared directly in front of the so-called black-scaled dragon, and said in a lazy tone: "You have bad breath, do you know?"

After he finished speaking, he punched out.

This punch, which looks unremarkable, doesn't seem to have much power. "Hahaha!" When the Dragon King saw this, he was about to vomit with laughter, and pointed at Xia Xia and scolded: "In the deep sea, against a dragon that is hundreds of meters high, to actually punch such a childish fist, I'm really laughing to death. Do you think Shenlong will be beaten by you?

Knocked down by such a fist, don't think too much... eh? "


At this time, a muffled sound suddenly spread.

I saw the dragon, which was several hundred meters high, suddenly had a huge fist mark depression on its chin.

Then the huge body twisted involuntarily,

Then, with the rolling undercurrent, it was thrown hundreds of meters away. "This, how is this possible!" The Dragon King's eyes were almost out of his sockets, completely unable to accept the situation in front of him, "That is a dragon, using the largest whale and shark in the deep sea, with the most advanced machinery, more than two hundred

It took years for a dragon to be created, but it would be knocked away by a human fist! "

Xia Xia shook his fist and said casually: "Whether he is a dragon or a fairy, if he gets punched, he will definitely be knocked out. What's so strange."

"It seems that your assessment is still a bit low." The Dragon King re-examined Xia Xia and said coldly: "What kind of structure are you, a small body can have such a huge power, if you can help me Use it, that would be great."

"Then you think too much." Xia Tian curled his lips, "I can only send an idiot like you to the West." The Dragon King said unwillingly: "Xia Tian, ​​what do you want, money? Beauty? Fame and fortune. ? Or something else, as long as you cooperate with me, these things will be at your fingertips, and even the whole world will be ours at that time,

Why do you have to be right with us? "

"You? What other idiots are there?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically, "Speak up, and I'll kill them together."

"Xia Xia, you are indeed very powerful, and this kind of power has almost broken through a kind of boundary." The Lord Dragon King shook his head and said regretfully: "However, some existences are beyond the boundaries,

You will never get there. "

Xia Xia was a little impatient: "There is so much nonsense, if you want to say it, say it, if you don't say it, you will die. Don't waste my time."

"I haven't lost yet." The Dragon King suddenly pressed all the buttons on the remote control at the same time: "This time it was a disaster, but even if I die, I will be reborn soon. I hope you have the same. kind of luck."

Xia Xia replied: "We don't need luck because we won't die."

"Then let's wait and see!" The figure of the Dragon King shattered and exploded into a ball of light, which shocked the dragon.

After seeing the light, the black-scaled dragon with a length of several hundred meters suddenly fell into extreme mania, and his body twisted violently uncontrollably, stirring the deep sea into turbidity, and the undercurrent gradually accumulated into a frenzy.

"Hey, I let you run away before, this time I want to decide the outcome with you." Xia Xia suddenly appeared in front of the so-called black-scale dragon, and said a little unhappily.

This black-scale dragon is the huge black shadow that came to Carnival Island before. It was repelled in the summer, and then followed it to the deep sea.

However, after chasing it in the sea for a while, Summer actually lost it.

This black-scaled dragon seems to have some special passage in the deep sea, but it disappeared under the eyes of Xia Xia several times.

I have never encountered such a situation before in the summer, and I am quite upset, so I have been searching for traces of this monster on the bottom of the sea.

Now that I have the opportunity, I don't want to let it escape in the summer, and we must decide the outcome.


The black-scale Shenlong's eyes were red, staring at Xia Xia fiercely, roaring suddenly and rushing towards him.

"It's good." Xia Xia squeezed his fist, without the slightest fear, and then gave a normal punch.


The fist hit the sea, and layers of waves burst out from the air.

However, the black-scale dragon was not a fool, and he twisted his body to avoid the reach of Xia Xia's fist style.

Soon, the black-scale Shenlong arrived in front of Xia Xia, and it didn't have any moves. It just hit it with its head, bit it with its teeth, and bombarded it with its tail.

One person and one dragon, in the deep sea, had a great time fighting.

Seeing this, Isabella felt that she would definitely not want to do anything else until she had played enough in the summer, so she said to Su Beibei: "Forget it, we don't care about them, let's find that Kong Shuixiang."

"Okay." Su Beibei watched for a while, but lost interest, turned and followed behind Isabella.

After a while, Isabella and Su Beibei found Kong Shuixiang. She was chasing the submarine that escaped from the base, but her speed was too slow to catch up.

"Those people abandoned some animal experiments and threw them all into the sea." Kong Shuixiang explained the previous situation, and then said: "There are still many people who have been taken away by them, and they must be rescued."

"Okay, we'll take you to chase and keep them from escaping." Isabella put her arms around Kong Shuixiang's fish waist and said with a smile, "Hold me tight, don't let go."

Before Kong Shuixiang came back to her senses, in the blink of an eye, she realized that Isabella had brought her to several kilometers away.

"This..." Kong Shuixiang was taken aback, how could this person be faster at the bottom of the sea than her transformed mermaid?

Isabella uses the improved stalking, which can be used in the air, underground, or in the sea.

Su Beibei naturally knows it now, but the speed is slower than Isabella, but she has a good attitude and is not in a hurry.

Soon, the three caught up with the submarine.

"You go over and say hello." Isabella said to Su Beibei with a smile.

Su Beibei had a speechless expression on his face, but he rushed forward obediently, lifted his long legs, and kicked the steel behemoth fiercely.


The submarine suffered a full blow from the Jindan period immortal cultivator, and immediately collapsed into a giant hole.

Everyone in the cabin panicked, not knowing what was going on.

"What the hell happened!" The submarine's supreme commander, who is also the chief scientist of Ryugu's scientific research team, roared, clutching his white hair.

"We seem to have been attacked." A submarine operator replied with some horror.

The white-haired scientist asked again: "What model is the other party, submarine? Battleship? Or something else, used torpedoes on us or..."

"All, no." The staff member's face was pale, and his eyes were full of unbelievable astonishment. "The other party, well, seems to have dispatched a... foot?"

"One foot? What do you mean, Scud? But isn't that a missile on land?" The white-haired scientist looked blank, not knowing what the staff member was talking about.

The staff member raised his hand and pointed to the surveillance screen: "Look, it's this foot!"

"Huh?" The white-haired scientist raised his head.

Suddenly, a long leg slammed heavily on the observation window of the command room.

"Crack!" The entire submarine command room split open in an instant, seawater poured in immediately, and everyone was swept out, as if they were dragged into the deep sea by an invisible hand.

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