Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2402 You are the one who gets in the way

"Master, what you said about the sect's great hatred..."

At this time, Yun Xiaodong's eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation, and he asked a little hesitantly, "Wouldn't it be referring to the Divine Doctor Group and Xia Xia?"

"Of course not!" The female teacher shook her head, stood up slowly, and Chong Yun Xiaodong said, "Why do you think so, our Xuan Dan Sect was founded more than 600 years ago, and it was at its peak for a while, but it was only about a year ago. More than a hundred years ago, he was murdered by a traitor, and then gradually reduced to the current situation."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Yun Xiaodong, and said sincerely: "More than a hundred years ago, I am afraid that Xia Xian's grandfather was not born yet, so how could he have enmity with our Xuan Dan Sect?"

Hearing this, Yun Xiaodong felt a little at ease, slowly took over the black box, and said respectfully, "Master, don't worry, I will cherish the medicinal pills. If I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely take revenge on the sect. of."

"Very good." The female teacher showed a gratified smile on her face, touched the top of Yun Xiaodong's head, and said with some feeling: "I have been looking for suitable candidates in the school for the past few years as a teacher. The bones are also okay, but the mind is mixed, and it is not in the practice at all. Only you, you have the obsession, tenacity, and persistence in cultivating immortals... The future is absolutely limitless."

"Thank you, Master, I will work hard." Yun Xiaodong actually lacked enough care since childhood. Although Yun Qing was very kind to her, Yun Qing was a well-known lawyer after all, and he didn't have much time to take care of her personally, so he was kind and close to some people. The elders, she is always unsuspecting.

The female teacher nodded with a smile, but still solemnly instructed: "Don't rush to eat the pills in the box, wait for the full moon night, then take them under the clear moonlight, and then meditate for luck. , it's sure to get twice the result with half the effort."

"The night of the full moon?" Yun Xiaodong thought about it for a while, and then said, "Tomorrow seems to be the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar of this month. Master, did I ask you to eat it tomorrow?"

The female teacher smiled without saying a word.

"Okay." Yun Xiaodong solemnly agreed, and then said, "Master, I'm sorry, I still have classes in the afternoon, so I might have to leave first."

"Okay, let's go." The female teacher smiled and waved her hand, "You don't have to use it tomorrow. When you finish taking the pills and see the effect, it's not too late to come and find Master."

Yun Xiaodong replied obediently again: "Well."

Soon, Yun Xiaodong went to change clothes, and then said goodbye to the senior sisters outside one by one, and then slowly left the basement.

After confirming that Yun Xiaodong was far away, the four female college students entered the basement together and sat cross-legged in front of the female teacher.

"How is it, sir?" One of the female college students with ponytails couldn't help but ask, "Is it done?"

The female teacher didn't answer directly, but raised her hand to signal them to be quiet, and then vigilantly sensed the surroundings, and found nothing unusual, only then said: "The layout is basically appropriate, as long as Yun Xiaodong takes the pills tomorrow, we will Just follow the plan.”

"That's great, it's not a waste of us to stay in this broken school for so long." The other three women looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not done yet, don't get carried away." The female teacher poured cold water at this time: "Although Xia Xia, Yi Xiaoyin, Su Beibei and others have not been seen recently, Lan Yi people are not easy to deal with. people, not to mention there are people from the Tiandao Group hanging over us, until the last moment,

It must not be taken lightly. "

"Respect, don't worry, we have always been very cautious." The female college student with a ponytail suddenly remembered something and hesitated.

The female teacher immediately saw the difference and asked, "Diao Lan, what's the matter with you? Did you notice anything unusual?"

"Yes, I found it a bit." The ponytail female college student hesitated for a while, but decided to say it: "My sister just sent me a message, saying that Lan Yiren brought a mysterious man to their company just now. Not long after, Liu Han It was taken away. You said that man, could it be summer?"

"Huh?" The female teacher frowned immediately when she heard this, and asked quickly, "Then their company is still open?"

"It's business as usual, nothing has changed," replied the ponytail female college student.

The female teacher asked again, "Did your sister hear anything?"

"No." The ponytail female college student shook her head, "My sister said that the sound insulation in their office is very good, and I couldn't hear anything, and Lan Yiren was guarding the door, so I didn't dare to let her get too close, for fear of being discovered. ."

"Very good, you did the right thing, as long as it is not exposed, there will be opportunities to get better information in the future." The female teacher praised the ponytail, and then said: "As for the man, it is probably the smoke bomb created by the Lanyi people. Who is Xia Xia, who is extremely narrow-minded, and he will report it when he is jealous. How could he allow that company to continue to be allowed to run like this."

The ponytail female college student was still a little uneasy, and said lightly: "I heard that summer is very sexy, why don't I go test it?"

"Forget it, there's no need to take this risk." The female teacher waved her hand, in fact, she wanted to say that you are not in the mainstream at all, how could Xia Xia like it, but in order not to undermine the confidence of your own people, she had to say: "You guys They are all elites in the organization, how can they take risks for such a trivial matter. Regarding that mysterious man, I will arrange another person to test it, and your top priority is to keep an eye on Yun Xiaodong, and of course that Shi Chun and Liu Han."

"Yes." The four women agreed in unison.

Soon, the five people also left the basement one by one.

After a while, on the beam in the basement, Xia Xia's lazy tone sounded: "Little Yiyi wife, that's all.

A little shrimp? "

"Yes, just a few of them for the time being." Lan Yiren replied indifferently: "Of course, there must be other people behind them, and the Tiandao team is investigating."

"Just these idiots, I don't need to take action at all." Xia Xia said, feeling a little bored: "What about the pure girl, doesn't she know?"

Lan Yiren's expression was a little ambiguous, and she said lightly: "This is not clear. Her playfulness is sometimes more powerful than yours. Even if she finds out the true colors of this group of people, she will not say it, but pretend to be deceived. , and then play these people to death step by step."

"Let's go, then go to the pure girl." Xia Xia yawned lazily, "Just these idiots, what's the fun."


Jianghai University.

Shi Chun was bored during this time, so he came here to be a teacher.

Shi Chun had no idea about being a teacher, he just wanted to find something to do.

As for why she didn't join the genius doctor group, Shi Chun was a little rejected. She had long been scheduled to be the future concubine in the summer.

The man sacrificed his body and worked hard to make money for him.

"I can't let that pervert brother-in-law take all the advantages." Shi Chun secretly vowed that she would not go to work in the Divine Doctor Group if she was killed. She would do what she wanted to do, although she had not yet decided what to do.

Just when Shi Chun was in a daze, a call sounded in the distance: "Chun Chun, look here!"

When Shi Chun heard the voice, he looked up subconsciously, and then pouted: "Hey, another idiot."

In the distance, someone set up a flower array.

Thousands of bouquets of roses were placed all the way from the entrance of the teaching school to the nearby lawn, forming a big heart pattern.

This scene, of course, also attracted nearby students and teachers to flock to watch.

"Someone else came to attack our stone school flower?"

"What school flower, they are teachers."

"Even if she is the principal, she is also the school flower. She is so beautiful."

"That's right, it's the same as Qiao Xiaoqiao back then."

"Which one is blind, about to hit a stone wall."

"The seventh of this month, Teacher Shi is really charming."


At this time, a tall and handsome man, wearing a formal suit, slowly walked to the middle of the rose heart.

He was holding a bouquet in his hand, and in the middle of the bouquet was a huge diamond ring, and he called out affectionately: "Shi Chun, I love you, you are willing to be my girlfriend..."

"I don't want to."

Before Shi Chun could speak, a lazy voice interrupted him directly: "It's too late to get out now, or I'll beat you up."

"Who are you?" The tall and handsome guy looked around, and found that a plain-looking peer suddenly appeared beside him, and suddenly became furious: "Don't make trouble, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

It was summer, of course, he slowly picked up a bunch of roses, tore off the stamens, and chewed them in his mouth: "This flower tastes too bad, it shows that you are not sincere at all, give it up, don't ask for it yourself. It's boring, a pure girl won't even look at you."

"Haha, you're really funny." The tall and handsome guy looked at Xia Xia with some curiosity, "I'm pursuing Shi Chun, what's your business? What right do you have to say this?"

Xia Xia replied lazily: "It's none of your business if I am qualified. In short, get out of here before I get angry."

"You're so inexplicable!" The tall and handsome guy was a little annoyed, and waved to his companion on the side: "Get him away from me, don't delay my important affairs."

At this time, his companions just woke up like a dream, and together they stepped forward and surrounded Xia Xia, trying to drag him away, but unfortunately, seven or eight people couldn't drag Xia Xia at all.

"What are you doing!" The tall and handsome guy looked at this scene and felt a little funny, "If you can't drag it away, then carry it away, don't get in the way here."

"It's you who is in the eye!" Xia Xia made a light effort, and shook the seven or eight people away, and then walked slowly to the tall and handsome guy, "Do you think you are very hopeful?"

"Of course." The tall handsome guy said proudly: "I and Shi Chun are college classmates, and we have been friends for four years, not to mention that she has eaten and drank with me, so she is clearly interested in me. My pursuit of her is just to comply with her own wishes, this is a matter of course, what kind of thing are you, also worthy to stop our natural love?"

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