Flower Master in the City

Chapter 2403 What do people call him?

Chapter 2403 What do people call him?

Shi Chun sat quietly in the office, looking at the situation outside.

Of course, she knew that tall, handsome guy named Xu Hongzhi. He was the eldest young master of the Xu family in Wanggang, and he was indeed her classmate at Wanggang University.

Strictly speaking, compared to other rich second-generations, this Xu Dashao is still quite clean. He didn't have much love history during his college days, and he didn't show much interest in Shi Chun at that time.

It was right after graduation that this young master Xu suddenly developed a great interest in Shi Chun and kept stalking him.

Shi Chun couldn't stay in Wanggang anymore, so he came to Jianghai University as a lecturer.

As a result, this guy actually followed him, and he was still doing things every three days. Shi Chun was already a little annoying. He was thinking about letting him retreat in the past two days.

Well, just leave this to Summer to handle.

No matter what this Young Master Xu thinks, it is estimated that he will soon dispel all thoughts and go back to be his second-generation rich in peace.

Sure enough, Xia Tian ran out of patience soon, and threw the rich second generation into the trash like he was throwing garbage.

"Chun girl, you have eaten and drank with that kind of idiot?" Xia Xia threw the rich second generation, and then walked into the office carelessly, Chong Shichun said dissatisfiedly.

Shi Chun looked back from the window and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, you still deal with these things in such a simple and rude manner."

"Do you need any special measures for this kind of idiot?" Xia Xia asked casually.

"This Young Master Xu is not a simple character." Shi Chun laughed, holding his face in his hands, "He didn't give up easily, he will definitely appear again later, you didn't help me solve the trouble completely. ."

Xia Tian glanced at Shi Chun: "What do you mean, you want me to kill that idiot?"

Shi Chun yawned: "He didn't commit any capital crime. Don't just kill him. It's just a little annoying. He came from Wanggang to Jianghai, and he has perseverance."

"Pure girl, did you deliberately want to lead him to Jianghai?" Xia Xia said casually.

Shi Chun showed a look of surprise, and then laughed: "Brother-in-law, you really know everything, can you see it?"

"There's nothing to see." Xia Tian curled his lips, "There are at least hundreds of ways you can make him dare not think about it, but you don't do anything, it's not just a hint to him. Well."

"Hey, it's really boring." Shi Chun clapped his hands a little boringly, and stood up slowly: "I wanted to add some fun to you, brother-in-law, but I saw through it so quickly."

Xia Xia didn't have much reaction to Shi Chun's words, and instead asked: "You should talk about it first, what's going on with Liu Han and Yun Xiaodong's company?"

"You said [Pure Connotation], that company is very good." Shi Chun didn't think there was any problem, he said with a smile: "The momentum has been very strong, I never thought that the short video industry would be so profitable. Brother-in-law , don't you know, we've only been online for less than a month, and several VCs are already investing in us."

Xia Tian curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "You seem to be very proud of this?"

"Of course I'm proud." Shi Chun waved his hand to Xia Xia and comforted him casually: "Oh, brother-in-law, I know what you want to say, but what do you think, the people who attack you and the Hei Shenyi Group will never be eliminated. Money, why don't we earn it ourselves?"

Summer is noncommittal to Shi Chun's words.

"Brother-in-law, do you care if someone scolds you?" Shi Chun laughed and joked: "That's a bit disappointing to me, in my eyes, brother-in-law, you are a hero, how could you care that it doesn't hurt? Not itchy wind."

Xia Xia really doesn't care about being scolded by others, and his concern is not this: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Ah, do you have it? No." Shi Chun rolled his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. He took out his mobile phone and said, "Brother-in-law, it's easy for you to come here. I'll call and call Liu Han and Xiaodong. , how about having a meal together?"

"Also. Gather the three of you together and ask for a clear answer." Xia Xia nodded.


On the other side, in the supreme box of a high-end restaurant in Jianghai.

Xu Dashao, who was thrown into the trash can by the summer, was really angry, and immediately asked people to find the so-called Jianghai local snake. He must teach that boy a deep and unforgettable lesson, otherwise the bad anger in his heart will not be able to disappear. remove.

When has Xu Hongzhi been treated like this, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he slaps the table: "Where is the person I asked you to find, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Following the bodyguard behind Xu Hongzhi, he bowed slightly and explained, "Eldest young master, the person is already on the way, and he said he will be there soon."

"Yeah, I have to wait for him!" Xu Hongzhi's forehead was full of blue veins, and he scolded: "These Jianghai people are all arrogant things. That Shi Chun is obviously watching my joke. The person who is called "Heavenly Come" is even more vulgar. If I don't make them pay the price this time, how can I have the face to look back at Hong Kong."

At this time, the door of the box was slowly pushed open.

I saw a few strong men with shaved heads and savage faces walked in.

Xu Hongzhi was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

"You are Master Xu from Wanggang?" Fortunately, behind these burly men, the young man who followed was a bit of a servant, with a smile on his face: "My surname is Wang, I am in

Near Jianghai University, there are still some thin noodles. I heard that you are looking for me to make peace? "

"My surname is Xu, and the person who is looking for you is me." Xu Hongzhi looked at the young servant and calmed down a little, and then said, "I am not looking for you, but to teach two people a lesson. You can pay whatever you want."

"The price will be paid by me?" The young man chuckled, showing a meaningful expression: "It seems that Young Master Xu is a cross-country man. I don't know what the family does?"

Xu Hongzhi became a little impatient: "Does this have anything to do with you? I'll pay for it, and you'll do things. It's that simple."

"Okay, let's just." The young man laughed again, "Master Xu, tell me, who do you want to teach a lesson, and to what extent?"

Xu Hongzhi hesitated for a moment, and finally said it through gritted teeth: "One man and one woman, women, you just need to scare them, I'm still useful. Men, as long as you don't kill them, you can do whatever you want."

"This requirement is not too high." The young man raised his head and raised two fingers: "This number."

"Two million?" Xu Hongzhi just glanced at it, and then said indifferently: "It's settled, I can give you a deposit of one million now."

"Uh..." The young man was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect the other party to shoot so boldly. He had to hate himself for not holding up his fingers just now. At this time, it was inappropriate to increase the price to 20 million.

Xu Hongzhi waved to the bodyguard behind him.

I saw that the bodyguard turned around and went to the corner to grab two black leather boxes and put them on the table: "This is one million in cash, within two hours, I want to see one of that kid's hands, is there any problem? "

"This is an overweight." The young man touched the black leather box and felt that this was indeed the style of the underground world at Wanggang, and he knew it: "Yes, yes, but this is Jianghai, and it is inconvenient for me to do it. , you have to lend it to someone who uses it."

"What do you mean!" Xu Hongzhi's face changed, and he shouted: "My own people do it, so what do I need you to do!"

The young man smiled and knocked on the table: "Master Xu, don't be so excited, let me explain first."

Xu Hongzhi sneered: "Hmph, what are you trying to say!"

"As I said earlier, this is Jianghai City, which is different from your Wanggang." The young man servile said with a sigh: "The underground forces here have been swept away long ago, and now the Chumen family is the dominant one. The rules are also set by them. Among them, there is a rule, that is, you eat in the river and sea, and you can't use swords and soldiers rashly."

Xu Hongzhi's family was washed ashore from underground forces, how could he believe such nonsense: "There is such a thing, why don't I believe it?"

"Believe it or not, that's your business." The young man also said with suffering, and said frankly: "If you want the other party's hand, then I can't let my people do it, because in that case, my The corpses would appear floating in the river."

Xu Hongzhi frowned tightly: "Since this is the case, then I can just find someone from Truman."

"Then I advise you to leave." The young man shook his head, "That's a place that is more official than the official one. If you go there, it is estimated that even three generations of your ancestors will be found out if they have done dirty work. Even if you don't die, you have to peel off the skin."

"This..." Xu Hongzhi's three views were about to be refreshed, "Is this still an underground force?"

"We are like this in Jianghai." The young man sighed, and then said to Xu Hongzhi: "If you just want to teach people a lesson, we have a way to relieve your anger without using swords and soldiers, and you don't have to violate the rules here."

Xu Hongzhi thought about it for a while, and then said, "It's okay, then I have to add a condition."

"Speak." The young man nodded: "As long as it's not too much, Wang Xie agrees."

"I want you to bring that kid in front of me." Xu Hongzhi remembered being humiliated by Xia Xia before, and suddenly became angry: "I want to teach him a lesson myself."

The young servant Wen showed a knowing smile: "It seems that the boy offended Xu Dashao very hard. Okay, you can tell me the name, or have a photo."

"The woman's name is Shi Chun, she is a lecturer at Jianghai University, you just need to send someone to scare her." Xu Hongzhi didn't want to do anything to Shi Chun, but when he remembered that the woman saw her being humiliated, but didn't stop her, she still felt resentment. , and then said: "The other man should be Shi Chun's suitor. I heard others call him what a god."

The bodyguard behind him reminded: "It's called Xia Xia."

"Yes, it's called summer."


With a loud noise, the young Servant suddenly lifted the heavy money box and smashed it on the head of Xu Dashao without warning.

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